So at what weight do women actually respond to a guy?



  • bananapancakebella
    Seriously the wrong girls. It is simply rude to ignore a person like that. Expect girls to treat you like a human being, even if they say no to a date. Also there is no weight when girls start paying attention. Weight shouldn't matter that much. At what weight do you start paying attention to women? I hope you don't have an answer to that.
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    Yep you are walking up to the wrong girls. And ,I also agree with the confindence thing. Confident men are sexy!
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    i think its great that you are going to chat to girls - for most men its a numbers game.

    be yourself, be funny, be confident (as others have said).

    i've only ever had ONE guy who was overweight come and chat to me. he was the waiter at a restaurant i went to and asked for my number. and you know what, i gave it to him. nothing sparked but we are still good friends :)

    keep on trying mr!
  • Ninjarider85
    man i agree with the ladies on here, ur going up to the wrong girls, i was 250lbs last month and still had girls flirting with me, now im down to 228 and i do seem to get noticed even more but im very confident in myself, theres plenty of women out there, just gotta know which ones are worth talking to and which ones are stuck up snobs that only want someone has a six pack and money
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    well ima t 185 so its obviously below 185

    lol :)
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Really is pathetic that you get treated SO differently. My biggest thing that I noticed was waitresses/customer service being MUCH nice to me.

    Men do this too. I get doors opened for me constantly now. It's sad to think about.

    After the disclaimer that I'm married and therefore don't count, personality is EVERYTHING. And I know some guys that I think are smoking hot at 6'1" and around 235-270ish.
  • treineck
    treineck Posts: 103 Member
    well ima t 185 so its obviously below 185
    and you must be walking up to the wrong girls also
  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    my answer got lost in the ether. . .
    I would totally talk to you if you were funny or quirky or had a shaved head. But, knowing how tall you are might help to understand what 245 looks like. I can't really tell how much a guy weighs.
    Maybe your question should be: How confident do I have to be before a woman will spend more than 30 seconds talking to me.
  • lydia_the_tattooed_lady
    I have never judged a guy by weight. I've gone for all sizes, heights, races, hair color, eye's really just a personality thing for me.
  • Goddessmaker1
    Goddessmaker1 Posts: 114 Member
    It's mad funny but not funny to see a guy go through this. I think about this all the time because the type of guys that come at me think I must be a easy fat **** or will hold them down or something money wise..I'm much to fly to even entertain but it still pisses me off.
  • aStrongerSteph
    aStrongerSteph Posts: 161 Member
    Totally agree with the poster who said "you're walking up to the wrong women". Creeps everywhere but, the good ones will like you for who you are and weight won't play into it :)
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    So when I was 290 the last girl I approached before starting my weight loss back up literally turned around on walked away without acknowledging me. At 245 I guess things have improved in the sense they'll talk to me for 30 seconds until they come up with an excuse to get away but still. So guys who have lost weight or to all the women out there, when does it actually get better? I mean do I need to be a fitness model or something because that's probably a bit out of reach.

    I think your first mistake is trying to understand the female mind. :smile:

    Just do your thing. You'll meet the right person for you. Until then, there's lots of free porn on the internet.
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    well ima t 185 so its obviously below 185

    try taking pictures of yourself in the bathroom w/ your pants off. chics love that *kitten*
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    You're walking up to the wrong girls.

    This. And the confidence part as well. My boyfriend is 260 at 6' tall.
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    You could always lower your standards ;) I'd pick a funny guy over a fit guy any day. Have patience :)
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    You're walking up to the wrong girls.

    ^^^ Yup. My first crush was on a guy who was about 300lbs, but I'm a rarity. You just have to push through the shallow wenches who think a guy has to have 15% bf and find a person who will appreciate you. It's easier said than done, I know!
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Consider it a close call that you were lucky to get away from. If they are rude enough to walk away without even acknowledging you why would you want to go out with them?
    Its not really a cut and dry question as everyone has different preferences as i'm sure you do to.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    When you hit your current goal weight and become at least partially satisfied with your body, you will realize that it DOES NOT matter. At all. Actually, I think once you hit the fitness model look and then hurts. Girls are turned off. They think you are an elitist jerk.

    A nice body helps on the internet. In real makes almost no difference. Trust me on this one.

    I hit my original goal physique a long time ago. I expected a change. Some magical difference. There was nothing.
  • tugboating
    Obviously its been said over and over, but confidence is key.

    Not having confidence shows in your posture, eye contact, hand shake, tone of voice, choice of words and pretty much through any form of communication you can think of.

    Without it, you're lost. Just have to keep telling yourself that you are the best that you can be in all that you do and anyone who can't see that, is NOT WORTH YOUR TIME!

    Good luck man!
  • Ta2dchic20
    Ta2dchic20 Posts: 376 Member
    Personally, I've always like a man who looks like a man. A little bit of fluff just makes him feel better to me when I'm in his arms. My last bf was 5'10, 260. Now that we've broken up, he's down to 180 and I think he looks terrible.