So at what weight do women actually respond to a guy?



  • willwillywilson
    You're walking up to the wrong girls.

    My advice is to make them laugh! "If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything" -Marilyn Monroe
    Seriously though, I'll be honest and say my boyfriend isn't model material but he makes me laugh even when I'm crying and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

    Being a millionaire athlete worked well with her also btw ;)
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member

    Just kidding so relax :)
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Be yourself! My husband has always been around that weight and it's been 22 years this month since we met. I love most things about him still! (And the things I don't have nothing to do with weight...) :smile:
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    some women are shallow, some are not.

    Really what turns women on is confidence, not arrogance (there is a fine line between the two). Be friendly, have a sense of humor, sociable.

    if you have a hot body and are a douche, you will still be lonely.
    so this.
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member

    Just kidding so relax :)

    How about this one for laughs?


  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    All the ladies in here are so damn sweet! I bet if a girl in Op's situation would have posted this,the response would have been way different
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member

    Just kidding so relax :)

    How about this one for laughs?



    its about time someone treated me the way i've always wanted to be treated! women and their stupid "feeling" :)
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    When you hit your current goal weight and become at least partially satisfied with your body, you will realize that it DOES NOT matter. At all. Actually, I think once you hit the fitness model look and then hurts. Girls are turned off. They think you are an elitist jerk.

    A nice body helps on the internet. In real makes almost no difference. Trust me on this one.

    I hit my original goal physique a long time ago. I expected a change. Some magical difference. There was nothing.

    this is very very discouraging :mad:
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    Got distracted, but I agree with the majority... be true to yourself - confidence, personality, and humor are key. As long as you approach someone and are real about it - most real ladies out their will reciprocate.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    You're walking up to the wrong girls.

    This, and it might not even be your weight.

    Things that are unattractive to women;
    obvious lack of confidence
    mumbling and stumbling through whatever you're saying to them.
    poor posture and negative body language
    not dressing for the occasion properly
    Sloppy appearance

    I have seen men and women with a fabulous body and fail in the dating scene because of these things.

    You are probably also looking in the wrong place for women, most every single person I know who is single has this problem.
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member

    Just kidding so relax :)

    How about this one for laughs?



    its about time someone treated me the way i've always wanted to be treated! women and their stupid "feeling" :)

    Well, what do you want us to say? Our genetic disposition has us organized will all of these horomones that have to be managed somehow... the easy way out is through feelings! I tend to channel mine most of the time through the gym; it's helped me tremendously, let me tell you! Lol.
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member

    Just kidding so relax :)

    How about this one for laughs?



    its about time someone treated me the way i've always wanted to be treated! women and their stupid "feeling" :)

    Well, what do you want us to say? Our genetic disposition has us organized will all of these horomones that have to be managed somehow... the easy way out is through feelings! I tend to channel mine most of the time through the gym; it's helped me tremendously, let me tell you! Lol.

    ugh...feelings :grumble:
  • willwillywilson
    You're walking up to the wrong girls.

    This, and it might not even be your weight.

    Things that are unattractive to women;
    obvious lack of confidence
    mumbling and stumbling through whatever you're saying to them.
    poor posture and negative body language
    not dressing for the occasion properly
    Sloppy appearance

    I have seen men and women with a fabulous body and fail in the dating scene because of these things.

    You are probably also looking in the wrong place for women, most every single person I know who is single has this problem.

    Some of that stuff make women sound more shallow than just saying it's weight. I thought it was supposed to be what's on the inside that counts? Jeez.
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    In all seriousness,

    I did notice i get checked out now A LOT more that i lost 30 lbs. its sad, but its true. When i was 225 i couldnt get a look anywhere. Now i get checked out all the time. Im sure confidence is a huge part of it.

    But the most important thing to consider here: I can very easily say something at any moment to turn a woman off whether im 225 or 195 or 175. I am an expert of talking myself out of dates. The down fall of being oppinionated and not desperate enough to bite my tongue.

    The key to getting women to like you as chris rock said: ask the right questions that will allow them to run their mouths. :) they will love you.
  • willwillywilson
    In all seriousness,

    I did notice i get checked out now A LOT more that i lost 30 lbs. its sad, but its true. When i was 225 i couldnt get a look anywhere. Now i get checked out all the time. Im sure confidence is a huge part of it.

    But the most important thing to consider here: I can very easily say something at any moment to turn a woman off whether im 225 or 195 or 175. I am an expert of talking myself out of dates. The down fall of being oppinionated and not desperate enough to bite my tongue.

    The key to getting women to like you as chris rock said: ask the right questions that will allow them to run their mouths. :) they will love you.

    The confidence thing to me is always funny. It's kind of a catch 22. If you're going up to women that's confidence isn't it? If they're pretty much immediately rejecting you that's them saying confidence really enough to overcome whatever nonsense thing turned them off.
  • willwillywilson
    It is cool to get some positive insight and perspective from others though. One thing I'm really noticing is a gap between what the women are saying are their experiences and what the guys are saying are their experiences.
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    In all seriousness,

    I did notice i get checked out now A LOT more that i lost 30 lbs. its sad, but its true. When i was 225 i couldnt get a look anywhere. Now i get checked out all the time. Im sure confidence is a huge part of it.

    But the most important thing to consider here: I can very easily say something at any moment to turn a woman off whether im 225 or 195 or 175. I am an expert of talking myself out of dates. The down fall of being oppinionated and not desperate enough to bite my tongue.

    The key to getting women to like you as chris rock said: ask the right questions that will allow them to run their mouths. :) they will love you.

    The confidence thing to me is always funny. It's kind of a catch 22. If you're going up to women that's confidence isn't it? If they're pretty much immediately rejecting you that's them saying confidence really enough to overcome whatever nonsense thing turned them off.
    oh no no no no!

    Just because you go up to a ho doesnt mean ur confident. (i'm being a shovenist on purpose so relax, JUST KIDDING!)

    but no going up to a woman is a GREAT first step! But that doesnt automatically make you confident or give you confidence people can pick up on.

    From my experience confidence comes when you stop being scared of rejection or whatever else you need confidence in.

    James Brown baby
  • willwillywilson
    In all seriousness,

    I did notice i get checked out now A LOT more that i lost 30 lbs. its sad, but its true. When i was 225 i couldnt get a look anywhere. Now i get checked out all the time. Im sure confidence is a huge part of it.

    But the most important thing to consider here: I can very easily say something at any moment to turn a woman off whether im 225 or 195 or 175. I am an expert of talking myself out of dates. The down fall of being oppinionated and not desperate enough to bite my tongue.

    The key to getting women to like you as chris rock said: ask the right questions that will allow them to run their mouths. :) they will love you.

    The confidence thing to me is always funny. It's kind of a catch 22. If you're going up to women that's confidence isn't it? If they're pretty much immediately rejecting you that's them saying confidence really enough to overcome whatever nonsense thing turned them off.
    oh no no no no!

    Just because you go up to a ho doesnt mean ur confident. (i'm being a shovenist on purpose so relax, JUST KIDDING!)

    but no going up to a woman is a GREAT first step! But that doesnt automatically make you confident or give you confidence people can pick up on.

    From my experience confidence comes when you stop being scared of rejection or whatever else you need confidence in.

    James Brown baby

    Still a catch 22. If you get rejected every time there's no way to not be expecting to be rejected. There has to be a reasonable expectation of success. As you said with your situation though hopefully the odds will improve 45 pounds from now where I can at least not be completely sure I'm going to get blown off every time.
  • smokedragon97
    smokedragon97 Posts: 111 Member
    In all seriousness,

    I did notice i get checked out now A LOT more that i lost 30 lbs. its sad, but its true. When i was 225 i couldnt get a look anywhere. Now i get checked out all the time. Im sure confidence is a huge part of it.

    But the most important thing to consider here: I can very easily say something at any moment to turn a woman off whether im 225 or 195 or 175. I am an expert of talking myself out of dates. The down fall of being oppinionated and not desperate enough to bite my tongue.

    The key to getting women to like you as chris rock said: ask the right questions that will allow them to run their mouths. :) they will love you.

    I can agree with this.... I've been called brutally honest before; just have to watch what you say and how you say it when you approach her. Definitely a part of those "feelings"... apparently guys have them too, lol. Otherwise this post would have never started - but majority of the guys just tend to block them off and don't say anything about it, while most ladies generally let it all out (and I mean TMI all out - totally unnecessary!). Crazy right?
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    In all seriousness,

    I did notice i get checked out now A LOT more that i lost 30 lbs. its sad, but its true. When i was 225 i couldnt get a look anywhere. Now i get checked out all the time. Im sure confidence is a huge part of it.

    But the most important thing to consider here: I can very easily say something at any moment to turn a woman off whether im 225 or 195 or 175. I am an expert of talking myself out of dates. The down fall of being oppinionated and not desperate enough to bite my tongue.

    The key to getting women to like you as chris rock said: ask the right questions that will allow them to run their mouths. :) they will love you.

    The confidence thing to me is always funny. It's kind of a catch 22. If you're going up to women that's confidence isn't it? If they're pretty much immediately rejecting you that's them saying confidence really enough to overcome whatever nonsense thing turned them off.
    oh no no no no!

    Just because you go up to a ho doesnt mean ur confident. (i'm being a shovenist on purpose so relax, JUST KIDDING!)

    but no going up to a woman is a GREAT first step! But that doesnt automatically make you confident or give you confidence people can pick up on.

    From my experience confidence comes when you stop being scared of rejection or whatever else you need confidence in.

    James Brown baby

    Still a catch 22. If you get rejected every time there's no way to not be expecting to be rejected. There has to be a reasonable expectation of success. As you said with your situation though hopefully the odds will improve 45 pounds from now where I can at least not be completely sure I'm going to get blown off every time.

    Either way though, you cant let it get to you and you cant dwell on rejection.

    Or you can do what i do. I date sluts and avoid intimacy all together!