Married Women-Your Thoughts?



  • I'm married not dead, so yeh I look and so does my Husband. Hell we even point out hotties to each other. But thats as far as it goes.
    But I never 'rate' people. I know I'm no oil painting, as as such I would hate to be judged on looks alone. It's just shallow.

    That's kinda a neat idea-to do it together! That way it is more of a couple thing.
  • Maybe someone should start a Be Real thread, and actually be honest on looks..Ya think people would really be honest?!

    I tried to be honest and I rated some girl a 6.8 (which isnt too bad at all imo) and she PM'd me the next day telling me how she finished off a bottle of wine and stared at herself in the mirror all night crying because of what i rated her. So yea the honesty part is highly overated on those threads. No wonder people lie to eachother.

    ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Please say it ain't so.....LOL I'm sorry to laugh but honestly who cares that much? This is exactly why I don't ever comment in those "rate the person above you" threads because honestly WHO CARES what some stranger on the internet thinks about the way you look? The only thing that matters to me is how I think I look!

    I know right!! I mean it seems like a HUGE waste of time lol
  • Flutterloo
    Flutterloo Posts: 122 Member
    He wouldn't post in those. If he did, I wouldn't really care unless he was blatantly hitting on someone. Telling someone they look good is different than acting like you are interested in them.
  • I was wondering how the married women in this forum would feel about your husband posting in the "rate the person above you" threads?

    I recently noticed my husband posting in one of these and I'm not sure how I feel about it. How would you feel? Do you think it is wrong? Do you think it is more in the gray area? Or do you think there is nothing wrong with it what so ever?

    Maybe instead of a forum posting, you should take 5 min and ask him about it in person. If it makes you uncomfortable I'll bet he would stop.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    This has been an interesting read this morning, for the OP you get a "9" for the OP Hubby "8.3" (lost points for posting after discussion so your ranking is not looks alone. As a couple I give you a "10". just remember to remind the other how much you love them thru words and actions. For everyone else that posted, in no particular order, 10, 9, 9.5, 9.8, 8, 8.5,.....
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Hell, I even take the pictures of my hubby hugging the hottie 'plants' at Sturgis MC Rally. I am just amazed at how insecure so many people (especially we women) can be. sheesh.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    It would only bother me because I find that kind of thing incredibly juvenile and stupid. I don't care if he has an opinion about the physical appearance of other women though.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member

    ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Please say it ain't so.....LOL I'm sorry to laugh but honestly who cares that much? This is exactly why I don't ever comment in those "rate the person above you" threads because honestly WHO CARES what some stranger on the internet thinks about the way you look? The only thing that matters to me is how I think I look!
    Words can hurt people. Judging them for that doesn't really help. I am glad it doesn't bother you, that's seriously great.
  • Hell, I even take the pictures of my hubby hugging the hottie 'plants' at Sturgis MC Rally. I am just amazed at how insecure so many people (especially we women) can be. sheesh.

    I think it is ridicoulous to automatically assume that I am insecure. I am actually very secure in my marriage and in my relationship. Maybe alittle insecure when it comes to my weight, although isn't that the point we are all here? I am very conservative when it comes to my interactions with men. My husband loves that about me!! The whole point of this thread was to get honest feedback on whether or not I was being too senstive. What can I say? I love him and I am protective of him:)
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Sorry you thought I was insulting you I was speaking collectively to all the women who replied that it 'bothered them'. Feedback? I believe you are too sensitive. Hope that gives you the answer you were looking for.
  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    He's not dead....

    Now if he's trying to contact them and meet up, that's a whole different story.

    He might post on there just so someone would pay him a compliment. Try stroking his ego a little more and he might decide he's getting all of the attention he needs at home.
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    I was wondering how the married women in this forum would feel about your husband posting in the "rate the person above you" threads?

    I recently noticed my husband posting in one of these and I'm not sure how I feel about it. How would you feel? Do you think it is wrong? Do you think it is more in the gray area? Or do you think there is nothing wrong with it what so ever?

    10+ :-)
  • HotMummyMission
    HotMummyMission Posts: 1,723 Member
    Even though he loves u and he knows you fancy and love him isant enough to boost his confidence that's just his way f other people telling him he looks good
  • Maybe someone should start a Be Real thread, and actually be honest on looks..Ya think people would really be honest?!

    I tried to be honest and I rated some girl a 6.8 (which isnt too bad at all imo) and she PM'd me the next day telling me how she finished off a bottle of wine and stared at herself in the mirror all night crying because of what i rated her. So yea the honesty part is highly overated on those threads. No wonder people lie to eachother.

    ARE YOU SERIOUS?! Please say it ain't so.....LOL I'm sorry to laugh but honestly who cares that much? This is exactly why I don't ever comment in those "rate the person above you" threads because honestly WHO CARES what some stranger on the internet thinks about the way you look? The only thing that matters to me is how I think I look!

    ^^THIS. That is all I have to say...
  • jesse1379
    jesse1379 Posts: 239 Member
    For me, I would not be upset by it as long as he wasn't being flirtatious about it. For example, if he said something like "DA*N girl, you look good" or something like that then yeah i would be upset. But if he is just looking and posting a number then no that wouldn't upset me. My husband looks at other women (he tries to do it respectfully without me noticing but he fails every time lol) and sometimes i check out other men. We are all human, no need to get upset over it.

    Yea thats all I did once or twice maybe is give a simple and honest rating. I never flirted. I mean hell I know shes gonna dig through everything I write, so why would I shoot myself in the foot on purpose?:)
  • I mean hell I know shes gonna dig through everything I write, so why would I shoot myself in the foot on purpose?:)

    Does this not seem bizzare to anyone else?? My husband knows all my passwords and I know all his, however if I KNEW he was going through everything I did, I would be seriously unhappy. Logging on to Facebook or email every once in a while out of curiousity and/or to see what's been going on? Ok. Cool. Going through EVERYTHING he does???? That's demonstrates a huge lack of trust, IMO. That in conjunction with getting upset over a rating on a message board? No way will I be convinced that you guys don't have marital problems....
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Seems pretty harmless to me.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I can't honestly say I'd even notice. I probably wouldn't even ever look at his profile, why would I need to, I live with the guy? I know my husband wouldn't be surfing for babes on the internet so it wouldn't really cross my mind to make sure he wasn't. He has a super hot wife that puts out all of the time anyway. ;-)

    We know each other's passwords, have access to each other's phones, emails, computers whatever at any given time and neither of us have ever felt the need to check up on the other one. If we did, it'd be a huge problem because that's just not okay. We both know how to act.
  • Trudyr777
    Trudyr777 Posts: 573 Member
    I don't play those games on MFP. However, I have no issue if my husband wanted to rate someone else. We do it in real life "Hey, look at her/him" I am secure enough in my relationship with him that it doesn't matter what he thinks of other women, because he comes home to me.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    that question speaks volumes about your insecurities.

    if i got worked up every time greg looked at another womans pictures, id have a stroke.
    its harmless.

    but if it bugs you and he doesnt care, just say, "OH CHANNING TATUM!" next time youre in bed. that shold do the trick.