Senior Golden Sneakers~~~ for February 2010~~~ Welcome



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hi dear friends, Seems like everyone perking along just fine. Including this old granny. Haven't heard any news this morning. So don't know what they think the weather is going to do.

    I know what I am going to do, Roast some beets today and have a good old veggies day. Maybe a hamburger with the thin sandwhich bun. for lunch.

    Gayla, going to missed you while on your cruise. You will have to tell us all abou t it when you return.

    Hello to all the rest of you.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy weekend all! We have snow and cold today - it's ok, we need the moisture.

    Barbie - that's funny - the circus act with the plates! lol. You're right El Paso isn't so glamorous (and a little too close to Juarez....) but LOTS easier for me to get to! The other thing is i told my son he will probably get more experience working in the criminal justice system down there. And here's something crazy - my dil's little brother is now stationed in Korea - he ALSO has been assigned to Ft Bliss and ALSO in OCT!!!!!!! I think it must have been meant to be right?

    Marie - it will be about a 12 hour drive - not a big deal. I'm sure i'll get to see them more down there than if they were in AL or HI.

    Gayla - have you left for your cruise???????

    Judy - oh WOW your friends at the bowling tourny are going to FREAK when they see you! You must tell us details!!!!!

    Sandi - when are you leaving on your cruise?

    Sandy - what's up with all these cruisers???????? lol - i get to drive to Ft Leonard Wood, MO in July with my 8 month pg dil! I'm actually pretty excited - it will be fun! Trying to get the stb(soon to be) dil to go with also - of course, she will be busy with wedding planning, and will need her days off for wedding/honeymoon.

    Beth - what have you been up to?

    Jeffrey - how's the knee? i must have missed something - what's up with your teeth?????::frown: i don't like teeth:sick: they scare me - i've had WAY too much tooth stuff........

    ok - off to a bridal shower - stbdil's SISTER who is getting married NEXT month! :heart: elli
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Seems like I had busy Friday doing nothing except for last night when I went to a high school dance program for my granddaughters friends. She needed a ride there and back and since they are part of her dance team I just stayed and watched them. Then of course being teenagers they wanted to go eat after the program and also have some ice cream. Me? I ate nothing, I was very good and proud of myself. :tongue: I have lost another pound but will not record it until it stays with me a few days to be sure. :wink:

    Sandi, your cruise sounds so exciting, have a wonderful time. I am also a TV addict and record shows everyday to make sure I don't miss my favorites. :laugh: I am thinking of switching from Comcast to ATT just because Att lets you record 4 shows at one time. :laugh: My computer is in my TV room so I sit here and watch TV at the same time, crazy huh?

    Elli, I went to Kansas City with my granddaughter for dance, will be going to Detroit the end of March for the same reason, then the end of April I will be going to Minnesota to watch my grandsons while my daughter and her husband go to Arizona and in July to Las Vegas for my granddaughter's Nationals. :tongue: At least I get to travel a little but would really like to go to an all inclusive island which isn't going to happen.

    Judy, I am impressed with your bowling skills, what is your average? I too would like to be a fly on the wall when your bowling friends see you and all the weight you lost. :blushing:

    Jeffrey, I am also so sick of snow and we are expecting another few inches. It was so great yesterday like a spring day. I took Daisy to the dog park and she was in seventh heaven. :heart: I was hoping for more warm days so she can continue to go play with her friends. Sorry about all the dental work but with your new body you don't want yucky teeth to ruin your appearance. :laugh:

    Gayla, I think you are off on your cruise and we will miss you. Have a more than wonderful time. :drinker:

    Barbie, you continue to inspire me with your dedication even though you are down to your goal. As long as we have this support I can see that we can all maintain our goals and stay healthy. Thanks for continuing to share with us. :heart:

    Marie, happy you got a good report from your doctor and feel a little better. Our old bones don't always like to co operate with us and let us live pain free, but it is better than the alternative. :wink: You just keep doing what you are doing and accept each day for each day.

    Have a wonderful Saturday,

  • viliberty
    Well.....another day almost gone. They are just flying by. Today was a kick back and relax day. We went out for our usual 6am Saturday morning Liberty Tire crew breakfast at the Kalico Kitchen. Some have to go to work, but some of us can hang out and chat. The rest of the day I cooked a little (chicken and dumplings) cleaned a little (the kitchen), read a little (detective mystery), and played computer a lot. Ralph did some yard work. It is just like spring now, just a bit chilly this morning.

    I have a way to go, but when I reach 170 pounds I feel I will have earned the right to finish my "I'll never be fat again" quilt I started when I had lost a weight several years ago. When I gained the weight back, I put the quilt away unfinished, just the top is done. I made it out of the fabric from my big polyester pants. LOL. I am looking forward to finishing it.

    Have a good evening everyon. God Bless
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all,
    Gail, you are off to the land of sun and fun ....have a Margarita for us!

    Viliberty, love the idea of your quilt Right now I am shooting for 189 and 170 sounds wonderful...let's get there together!

    Sandy, you certainly are son is in Kansas City! I'll bet you ran into some snow!

    Judy, I am with you....teeth scare me too....I would just like new ones!

    Barbie, thanks for being here and inspiring us!
    Marie, did you get snowed!

    Well, I hope that all of you get through snowing pretty darn has got to be making you crazy! I was feeling like I had CABIN fever in December and I would yell....I NEED SNOW...After a week of it in Kansas I was happy!

    Have a nice Sunday!
  • viliberty
    Sandi, I'm so glad I found another quilter here. I have a lot farther to go than you to reach the 170, but I'm on my way. Can I send you a quilt block when you get there? I'll be trailing along behind.

    Any more quilters out there? I wish I knew how to post pictures, that would make this more fun. I am computer chalenged, but if anyone can give me step by step instructions maybe I can master it. Or is it even possible?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: It was about 50 degrees here this afternoon and the dogs and I spent a lot of time outside enjoying the sunshine.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: It's bedtime now. I'll try to post something tomorrow when I have more time.:heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I have been reading but not taking time to post. Just realized I hadn't posted on this thread since the 15th, so I will try to catch you up.

    I have been having problems with dizziness, a lousy short term memory, (lousy even for me), disrupted sleep patterns (falling asleep, waking in a couple of hours and not being able to fall back to sleep for 2-3 hours), a general feeling of being in a fog, great difficulty following things through to a logical conclusion, and episodes of being on my way down the road in my car and suddenly having no idea where I was going.:huh: Fortunately, I have managed to remember within a minute or so. After a few days of this, things reached a point where when I was getting ready for work on Tuesday --coming back from being off for two days--I realized that I felt totally incapable of doing my job. I didn't call in sick. Guess I called in "stupid." :laugh:

    Anyway, I called my doctor, but wasn't able to see her 'til Thursday. I managed to work on Wednesday, and also went in after my appointment on Thursday. Apparently, I am experiencing the aftereffects of my concussion--a result of the "attack of the killer shopping cart" last January. The good news is, it could be worse. I haven't been having the headaches that can commonly reoccur after such an episode. The bad news is, I may have to put up with this for up to SIX months!!!:grumble: NOT what I had in mind for the Spring and Summer. It appears my symptoms are more pronounced when I am under stress.

    While all this has been going on, in the back of my mind, I have been concerned about how would I deal with the addition of something going wrong w/my parents' health, or any other unexpected problem. Timing is everything. Thursday night I called my mother during my last break at work and she described feeling slightly nauseous, a feeling of being very warm, and then not being able to see out of one eye, and when she tried to look at something, her eyes didn't seem to be working together. All this had happened about 30 minute before I called. After a few minutes when the feeling was no longer there, she got up and started clearing the dinner dishes off the table!!!!!:noway: :huh: It never occurred to my dear 94 year old mother, or my dad that something had happened that required immediate investigation. :noway: :huh:

    As soon as I heard what had happened, I told her "SIT DOWN!! To H3LL with the dishes!! Then I locked up my desk and left work two hours before my shift was over and took her to the hospital, where my theory was confirmed. After a CT scan, X-rays, some blood work, and a physical assessment, they decided she had experienced a "TIA" (transient ischemic attack), which is also known as a mini-stroke. Fortunately, other than being a little tired the next day, she has had no residual effects.

    I called her on Friday morning, and she sounded pretty good. I, on the other hand, was a wreck!!:sick: :frown: I was so wound up after finally getting home that I didn't get to sleep til after 2 am. I woke up at 8 am, feeling like I had a hangover--all the pain and none of the benefits!!:grumble: Work was out of the question, so I missed my second day of the week. Did catch up on sleep, and actually got energetic enough to completely scrub my bathtub and shower walls--a task I haven't felt up to dealing with for quite a while--it needed the attention. I managed to get to bed before 9p, so getting up at 5 am for work was not a bad as it usually is. ( I HATE Saturdays, as I start at 6am. Yuck!!)

    Today, I feel pretty good, even after working for nine hours, but there is no guarantee that this feeling will continue. As for weight loss, well, my exercise has been sporadic, but my appetite has not, so I may have to adjust my ticker upward by about 4 lbs. if I can't get things moving in the right direction. I am still logging everything, but I don't have the mental energy to plan so that I stay under my calories, and though my intention is to get some cardio in every day, that doesn't happen as often as it should. It has been sunny here, but still staying cool, under 60 degrees (F). It actually got below freezing last night--had to dust off the de-icer and use it before I could leave this morning.

    The doggies are being good--more or less. Bradley decided he couldn't wait for me to open the new bag of doggie food that was standing in the kitchen. After ignoring it for three days, he decided to chew a big hole in it today, and "the three little piggies" had a great time munching out until I came home tonight. :grumble: Now they are passed out in various spots, and will wake up long enough to relocate to the bedroom, which is what I am about to do.

    Trying to respond to posts is about impossible right now, so I will close by saying. Keep up the good work, and if you are having adversity, don't give up. Maybe you are a little distracted, like me. I am trying to go back to basics and try and get back on the right track. I have decided that if I can't get my weight back to where it oughta be to match my ticker, I am going to adjust it on Feb 28th.

    Take care all.:flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Hey Irene I used to be a quilter. But haven't done one in a long time. Will take some pictures today and try to post them. I mostly do small quilts for I can't handle a large one any more. I used to sell them at a craft mall. Wish I had kept them all.

    Barbs. sorry to hear about your problems. And your Mom too. That must have been quite a fall you had in the parking lot.

    Take care all.

  • viliberty
    Options sounds like you are having your share of adversity. So glad you still have your parents. My Dad had been gone quite a few years when my Mom died shortly after her 90th birthday. That was over ten years ago and I still find myself wanting to tell or ask her something. My husband had a series of those mini strokes a couple of years ago two weeks after lung surgery. He takes his medication and hasn't had any problem with it since. Modern medicine and healthcare are fantastic these days. I just saw on the news this week a woman having her 110th birthday celebration. That's what I plan to do!

    It is such a beautiful day. Sunsine=happy! Maybe I will be productive today...or not.! All my life I had a lot of resposibility. But at this stage of my life not a whole lot is required. It has taken me some time to get used to it, but I like it. Maybe a little yard work is in order.

    Before long it will be nice enough to go out walking for exercise and fun every day. There is a track around a large park right accross the street from my house. No excuse for me now. I'm a little short on oxygen so I take mini breaks along the way to catch my breath, but I'm thinking that will improve with exercise and weight loss.

    Please have a good day everyone. God Bless. Irene
  • viliberty
    Options you are a quilter, too. I know what you mean about handling large quilts. I've always tied mine, and had a big home made frame I used to get it all together. The last few I no longer had a frame because I had to leave it in Alaska. So I pinned them on the floor. Can't do that anymore. I can get down there, but it isn't a pretty sight and getting back up is pretty "iffy." LOL As a result I have several tops not put together. I have done a few where you quilt each block as you go leaving the edges free. Then you sew the edges of the fronts together, then hand sew the back edges together. That works well, and you can even make it reversible by using pieced blocks on the back as well as the front. I'm thinking about having my husband make me a new frame and use it in the yard this summer. No room in the house to set it up.

    I haven't learned how to add a picture to a post. Can it be done? I may post some in my pictures instead.

    Have a good day. God Bless. Irene
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Sunday!!

    Barb, when I first started reading your post I was thinking it sounded like you were having mini strokes and when you gave your explanation that made more sense. That fall you took was really bad and blacking out made it worse. Sorry it could take six months to get over that concussion but things could have been much worse. :cry: So sorry about your mom and glad she is better now. They say we all have mini strokes that we don't even know about only when they are more severe do we show the effects. Bradley was happy you forgot to put the dog food away, glad they didn't eat enough to overturn their stomachs. :noway:
    You just take care of yourself and get well. :heart:

    Vliberty, on your home page where your profile is there is a place to upload photos. If you have pictures of your quilts saved on your computer than you can upload them to that page and we will be able to see them. If you do not have any pictures saved on your computer you will either have to scan the pictures or if you have a digital camera you can download your pictures from your camera to your computer. Let me know if you understood any of that and if not I will try to be clearer. :bigsmile:

    We are expecting another snow storm tonight possibly 6 to 12 inches. I just wish Spring would get here and we could have some dry sunny days. :smile:

    Time to do a little exercise since we are going to the step sons again for dinner and they could care less about my diet. :angry:

    Have a good one.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    hi all, just a visit to let you know I am alive!! Yesterday, I spent the whole day on taxes, and finished about 3am. I wanted to get it done so I wouldn't have it to fool with today. whew..
    Vilberty.. I think you want to post the pics on your post, and I don't think we can do that on here. We can just upload them, then tell everyone about them, and we go to your profile and view the pics. If that's not right, someone here will correct me.
    Barb, you be careful, that is pretty scary sounding, and it seems like it is a pretty serious side effect to still be bothering you now. Did they suggest any follow up ct scan? hope you are taking it easy today..believe me, I know, it is hard when you feel you must work, but you don't feel like it. Please don't worry about weight issues until you are well.. it is just more stress for you.
    Sandi, I love the photos of Daisy, she is gorgeous, like a teddy bear but a dog, you want to curl up with her.
    Gayla, are you cruisin'? LOL, have a wonderful time.

    Sorry, got a ladybug on my keyboard and hit enter by mistake!!
    Jeffrey, all I can say is.. grin and bear it!! LOL
    Barbie, give me some of your energy.. you seem to have plenty to spare!
    Granny, I love quilts, tried to make one, still have the blocks, and I know that the precision required is not for me.

    To anyone I left out, my best wishes for your health and a safe week.

    Ms. Marie, I hope you are having a wonderful Sunday. take care of yourself.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Thank you all for your kind words.

    Just got on here to read for a sec. Regarding posting of photos, you CAN post them in a thread, but in order to do it, you have to have them uploaded to a site that will host them for you. There are such things available for free, as I understand it. I don't know all the details, but each picture will have a special address that you post inside your post and the picture will then show. When I have more time, I will do a search of prior posts and find the specific instructions. They have shown up on more than one occasion since I joined MFP.

    I am going to be late for church if I don't get off here, so catch you later.

  • jeffrey71
    Hi all!

    I got a New (used) Bike! New to me! It is a pure racing bike! It weighs 5 pounds! That should be an experience going 40-45 mph down hill on 3/4" wide tires!

    Please smile when you read my obit! LOL

    More tomorrow!

  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Count me in as a new follower. I enjoy the chatting. I have a way to go.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    Count me in as a new follower. I enjoy the chatting. I have a way to go.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome
    the longest journey starts with a single step----moving a mountain starts by picking up the first pebble
    the journey is the reward
    whatever your philosophy, just posting for the first time and logging your first meal and losing your first pound are all great ways to begin this journey.....last February when I weighed 183 pounds I had no idea that my journey would lead me to where I am now...we are so glad that you have joined us.....we look forward to getting to know you.
    :heart: :drinker: :drinker: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Welcome JA, we are always happy to have new people join us in our journey.:heart: We enjoy sharing our experiences as well as some of our personal lives, just like friends.:flowerforyou:

    JEFFREY, you take that back right now, the part about your obit not the bike. :angry: Whenever, there is something we don't like to hear in our family we say that. :tongue: You are in the best shape of your life so I have no worries about your bike, just be sure to wear a helmet, :heart:

    Phoebe, so nice to hear from you, how long are you home? These taxes are causing a headache for lots of people. :noway:

    Barbie, you are motivated, focused and now you are giving great philosophy, you are a true wonder woman. :love:

    Did well on exercise today, 70 minutes for 350 calories and stayed under my calories, it was a great day. :love:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Was doing a test, but it didn't work.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member

    Hopefully this works, I am just experimenting. If it does work, that is my granddaughter Bryanna with me and my husband celebrating her 15th birthday.