Senior Golden Sneakers~~~ for February 2010~~~ Welcome



  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I see you figured out about the posting. Maybe you should write some instructions in case there is someone else out there with photogenic family members that we need to see. The good news is now that you have this mastered, you can post all kinds of great pictures of Daisy to keep all of us entertained.


    Glad you finished your taxes. I take the lazy way out, have had them prepared by someone else for the last 5 years--beats the heck out of doing it myself. I truly HATE doing them. As for your comments about CT scan. I was given the option of having one at the time of my injury. Since other evaluations at the time didn't point toward an injury that would be visible with such a scan, I declined it after discussion with the ER doctor. Every time you have a CT scan, it is the equivalent of exposing your body to the radiation from 100 X-rays!! I have already had one CT scan that I didn't need, so I wasn't eager to do it a second time.

    I talked w/my own doctor about whether anything would be gained by having one now, and she said there was no point in having one at this point. Unfortunately, concussions can cause the kinds of problems I am having. My good friend who lives in the Columbia Gorge--the one with the dog breeding business--received a concussion about 5 years ago--also the result of a fall. In her case, she laid in an icy parking lot for half an hour before being found. She has ongoing problems with short term memory loss, and regularly gets incapacitating headaches. Compared to her, I am getting off easy.

    One thing about this situation is that it is making it easier for me to use the magic word "no." I resigned from the board of my condo association about a year and a half ago, but their was a need for my replacement to take a leave, due to the health problems of his newborn son, so I agreed to rejoin the board temporarily. Under our bylaws, I could be appointed to the spot as I had previously been elected, though I was no longer serving.

    One of my neighbors has become obsessed with the new owner who moved in above her. He is a very nice guy who happens to work a non-traditional schedule, so he gets home after midnight. He has his second bedroom set up as a computer room, and sleeps in the master bedroom at the opposite end of the unit. His downstairs neighbor insists upon sleeping in the smaller second bedroom, which means she is right near the garage of his unit, and right underneath where he is using his computer. For five years, the prior owner lived above her, and other than a too loud alarm clock, which I solved with a simple phone call, there were no problems. Now she has decided he is making too much noise. She began bombarding me with emails, :huh: and I had a feeling it would not be a good thing if she talked directly to him, so I attempted to use a little diplomacy to resolve the problem.

    I thought things were fine, until my neighbor sent me an email, stating she had called 911 on him. Now she was upset that the police explained that if you can hear water running from the unit above you, that is NOT a violation of noise regulations. From other comments she made, it appears she also has an issue with him having his girlfriend stay over. (My answer to that is MYOB) Calling 911 was not enough. Then she placed some sort of note on his door with a copy of the City's noise ordinance. After doing all these things, which escalated the tension considerably for him, she sends me another email asking for more help. Before I could respond, I got a phone call from him, expressing concern about what he could do to resolve things.

    By this time, it seemed pretty clear to me that HE was not the problem. :frown: This came to a head the same day my mom had her stroke. The next day I decided-ENOUGH!! The only reason I was even involved in the situation was due to my position on the board. I called our HOA manager and told him what was going on-turns out he already knew as she has been emailing HIM as well --lucky guy!!! :laugh: :laugh: I told him I was not willing to spend anymore time trying to bring her back to the real world, and wished him luck in resolving the problem. He is a prince, so he will make things come out alright and I no longer have to deal with it. :drinker: :drinker:

    Well, I am rambling, so it is time to ramble off to bed.

    BTW, since this is the exercise thread, I have a golf joke for you.

    "Why did the golfer start his game wearing two pair of pants?"

    Answer: "In case he got a hole in one." :bigsmile:

    Har-dee-har-har!!! What can I say, after all, I have a head injury so my judgment as to whether a joke is actually funny is subject to suspicion!!:noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Hopefully this works, I am just experimenting. If it does work, that is my granddaughter Bryanna with me and my husband celebrating her 15th birthday.

    What a beautiful picture!!!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Goodmorning all! Welcome to JA!:flowerforyou:

    I have not posted because I've been under the weather since Friday and, in fact am out of work today.:frown: Planning of going back tomorrow.

    Barb, I have the same experience with learning to say "no". I am trying to work 6 days a week, take care of my family, visit my MIL at the Nursing home as well as teach CCD on Monday nights. :noway: It's clear to me that I have to back off of CCD ....for now, :ohwell: Maybe someday when I'm retired, I'll have the time, but for now, I am stepping back.:ohwell:

    Sometimes we take on more than what is healthy for us, and my health seems to be taking a "hit" with trying to do everything. I'm drained and exhausted. PRIORITIZING is what's important now........ and family and work have to be my priority.:flowerforyou:

    I realize your priorities are within the "family" category, so it makes it even harder.:ohwell: God will not give you more than you can handle.....although, it seems at times..He overestimates us:laugh:
    Hang in there.:love:
    Sending hugs to all! :love: And Jeffrey, I agree with Sandy about your comment regarding the Obit!! :wink:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,269 Member
    I will try and explain how I got this photo on my post. First I went to and joined their site. Then I uploaded my picture per their instructions. After the picture was uploaded I clicked on the picture and under the picture it has image codes, such as face book etc. there is a place next to it that says more. Clicking on more brings up a new window and a tab that says link code click on that and then go to IMG for bulletin boards & forums. You then highlight to copy and paste the whole code to your post. Once you paste the code you have to make two changes. At the beginning of the code is {IMG} This has to be changed to lower case [ img ] (no spaces I had to add spaces to show you what I meant) both the bracket and the letters have to be lower case. The same at the end of the code {/IMG} has to be changed to lower case and don't forget the back slash.
    [ /img ] again to show you I had to make a space but you do not .
    I finally figured it out after 4 tries but it is important to highlight the whole code and to change to lower case for the picture to show. Good luck!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,269 Member

    Hope all of you under the weather feel better soon.

    Will be back later to post, I need to get moving.

  • Good Afternoon All!

    Sandy and Birdie- I stand corrected! No more obit jokes! (well maybe later). It is just hard for me to imagine me going 45 mph on a 5 pound piece of aluminum! I am not that aerodynamic to begin with! LOL

    Pretty quiet here today. The weekend visit with my mom was great! Just like normal. The one with Day's mom was normal. Not so great! It just is what it is! Day and I had a good weekend though, Sams Club, cleaned house, seen our friends, church, cooked a sirloin roast, as so on. Just a nice weekend.

    Looks like everyone else is doing quite well! And that makes me smile!

    Barbie how is Jakes finger doing?

    Marie where you at today?

    Gayla! Double up on the desert for me! I want to go on a cruise right now!

    Beth where you been?

    Elli whats new from your weekend?

    Barb, Judy, Viliberty, PJ, and the rest be well!

    OH! Welcome to you JA! Nice to have your here!

    Down to 6 weeks before my 1st 5k race of the season.. I gotta run more!

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Thank you for posting those very clear instructions for adding a photo to the thread. At this rate, I will soon have no excuses for not posting photos. I still have one stumbling block. I don't have an adapter so that I can load pics from the memory card on my cell phone into my pc. One thing at a time.


    I LOVE:heart: roast beef right over!!!:noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Enjoy your day off. Sounds like you needed one.

    When I hear all the balls that some of our members have in the air, as far as family and other obligations, I realize things could be a lot worse, where I am concerned, but at the same time, I am glad they are NOT, at the moment, anyway.

    I am surrounded by sleeping doggies at the moment. Apparently they wore themselves out laughing at my attempt to do a workout tape this morning. After quickly learning that my balance (or lack thereof) limits what I can do, I have decided the safest cardio exercise for me now is the Gazelle. Once I climb on it, I have something to hang on to, if needed, and since my feet stay in place, no worries about falling off of it. I am still walking the doggies, but it is too cold around here yet for any exercise walking. Very sunny, again today, but tomorrow we are do for some rain.

    Have a good day, all. If you are still "digging out" from a snow event, I am with you in spirit. Not sure if that will make you feel better when you have a shovel in your hand, but it is the best I can come up with.:flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hello everybody. I hae been out running aroud. Went to order me a new pair of diabetic shoes and a quick trip to the grocer store.
    We are to get 1 to 3 inches of snow tomorrow. So getting ready for it.

    Barbs, sure hope you get over some of your problems.

    Sandy, You are one smart chick. I used to know how but I done forgot. Good job , love the pic.

    Phoebe so nice of you dropping in. I don't think I have been to facebook today yet to see if you let me a note.

    Glaya. Is in some nice warm sunshine. I am terrible jealouse of her.

    Irene, How is the quilten going?

    Jeffrey. It is pretty chili here today and snow tomrrow. Chilli today hot tamale tomorrow. Sure would love some hommade hot tamale.

    Elli. You can keep all the snow up there. I have had all I wanted, Thankd you.

    Beth, How is your love life going?

    Birdie, I am glad you have learned to say no.

    Barbiecat,,I got my steppers counters out yesterday and as soon as it warms up I am going to start counting these steps. Gor me some new shoes and inserts order so I will be ready.

    So long for today, See you all tomorrow.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    This is last week snow. I did remember how.tomorrow is on the way .
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all, Didn't make it to post yesterday,
    Irene, Yes I would love a 6' square and I will send you one too! 6' would be wonderful All I have to do is get to 170 right? We are starting an " on the road" quilt from all the places we have visited! I am excited about you finishing your " fat quilt".
    I would like to know how to post pictures too…can you do it on the blogg?

    Barbie, 50 degrees is rather nice, that's about what it was here today and it poured! We are almost over our rainfall total for the year and the year just started!

    Barb, how scary for you ! Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest! Glad your mother is okay!

    Sandy, hope your dinner was okay….I am writing this as I go and you may have already told us about it!

    Bob, I think that PHOTO BUCKET will turn your pictures into an address for posting. Thanks for reminding me!

    JA, welcome, just jump on the train!

    Marie, I love your pictures of the snow! You guys are so funny. I was taking notes as I was reading the posts and then I clicked on the next page and bang there were pictures! Sandy, great job!

    Oh, I am a machine quilter and a beginner at that!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,139 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just a quick note
    Jake's mom died today:----he knew when he visited her in October that it would be the last time they spent together so he seemed OK with the news today
    then in the middle of the afternoon his defibrillator went off again and he ended up with five paramedics in the house, an ambulance ride, and a few hours in the emergency room
    nothing seemed to be wrong but he has an appointment with the cardiologist on Friday ( a great blessing that the cardiologist will be here this week so we don't have to make the two hour drive/ferry ride to Seattle)......I was at the dog park when this happened and the dogs were good sports about getting their play cut short so we could go home......I had high hopes for great exercise today and had added peanut butter to my morning shake so I'll probably be over my calories for the day......but at least all my eating was healthy and I drank all my water.

    when we got home from the hospital our wonderful neighbor was there feeding the dogs while talking on her cell phone
    her step daughter had been taken to the hospital and her 13 year old granddaughter was hysterical

    This was supposed to be the day where I worked on the income taxlaugh laugh laugh laugh should know better than to make plans for my day

    someone said that if you're going to laugh about this later, why not start now, so I'm laughing and I hope you are too
    hugs Barbie:heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,269 Member
    Barbie and Jake, so sorry about Jake's mother, please accept my sympathy. :brokenheart: I hope Jake is feeling better and won't let the stress get the better of him. Take care of each other and my thoughts and prayers are with you both.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Jake lots of <<<<<<hugs>>>>>> from me too. So sorry. I am glad you had that nice visit with her Take care

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandi I too do my qulting on the machine. When I do one. Its been a long time since I made one. But I juat love Quilts. We sleep under a Sunbonnet quilt that I quited in 1/4ths and sew them together. It turn out to be a 10/10 feet. Plenty big enough for our King size bed. Make me feel so good..and warm.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,139 Member
    :flowerforyou: I went to a quilt show a few years ago that had quilts that had been made from scraps and sewed by hand by women as they traveled across country in covered wagons.....things have certainly changed :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Barbie and Jake, my sympathies. I'm glad you had a good visit in October. Hope the defib was just jittery today. My goodness, when it rains, it floods, hope everyone else is ok today
    Barb, when I visited Hawaii for the first and only time.. so far.. we stayed for three weeks to babysit my cousin, it was an upstairs condo, the downstairs seasonal residents drove us crazy with complaints about noise. I guess my heavy feet caused much of their complaints, but they managed to put a damper on my trip, so I don't feel guilty LOL!! you just have to laugh at people who should have bought a house instead!
    Jeffrey, have fun on your skinny tires.. be careful. take a patch kit with you, and your cell phone in case it is you that needs patching!!
    Sandy, I printed your instructions for when I have time to upload a photo or two.
    Marie, I love your winter pictures, but I wish they were from 2009 and not this year!! LOL.. I'm with you, snow go away!!
    The three cats got their annual vet visit today, 10 year old Possum has a hip problem, we are to monitor her and see if it heals or if it will require more attention. She gets a pain med for the next few days. They are all worn out, and resting now!!
    welcome JABehler.. hope you will enjoy chatting with us.
    TIme to shut down old pc and finsih up a couple of things before hubby Jim says pack up and go time! We are leaving this evening I think, but I'm going to let him decide our route. He likes to go where there is less bad roads/ice snow etc.. Ok by me!!
    hugs to all of you, take care, have a great week
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Phoebe, you mean Christmas 2009. Not me. We would not have got out to Kathy for Christmas. with the squirells. They have been moved out to the garage Kathy and Ricky had to stay home last week storm. we did get a few snow flurries today. And maybe some more this SUnday..
    I think I will check Jerry stash of icecream and see if I can find some with 20 or less net carbs for supper. We go to the store tomorrow , I will see about Bryers splenda icecrealm I think the girsls said on Met B forum It has 20 g. of net carbs for 1./2 c. Not much huh!!!!

    Be carefull on the roads.
    See you on Facebook.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Barbie & Jake,
    My condolences on the loss of your mother:love: Even when you're expecting's still hard.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Happy Birthday Beth. Love ya:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Barbie and Jake I am grieved at your loss. My prayers have been and will be sent..

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