Senior Golden Sneakers~~~ for February 2010~~~ Welcome

CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
Hello a new Month....... Gosh ......January really flew by. Can you beleive it.
Want to welcome any new ones into our wonderful thread. We do have lots of fun. come and join us.
We are watching our weight , doing our exercise and chatting a whole lot. We have one member Barbiecat who just reach her goal a few days ago. 70 pounds. My hat off to her. Want to be just like her.She done that in a year time. Its hard to believe. She is a wonderful person. Love her and her husband, Jake, who I think has lost over 50 lbs. He cooks for her lots of the time. Young love is great. Our pride and joy. Of course we are proud of all of our members, You wouldn't fine anyone with more compassion than our group. come and join us. We have a couple of Young ones that we adopted. Our hearts is big enought for more., right gang? If I mispelled any words don't think nothing about it. I am not no typist and I think I do pretty good for a 79 year old Granny to all of these young kids. We do have fun. they mean the world to me.



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, thanks for starting the new thread and for all your kind have been a great friend to me for this last year and I hope we'll be friends for many more...:heart::bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, our new phones are Samsung Impressions from A.T.&T..........we can text, e mail, take pictures, play music, keep an address book with lots of info and pictures, set alarms for many events, access the internet, and probably do a lot of other things i don't know about yet......I have a friend whose grandson calls her "Techno-Grandma"
    that name might apply to you

    :flowerforyou: Elli, it's so nice to hear that even after burning weed, doing yoga, drinking hot yogurt, and laughing off body parts, you are still able to make use of your new kitchen and cook fabulous meals. You are such a great mom and you'll soon be a fabulous grandma.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, welcome home even if it is for only a short time.....we're always glad to hear from you.....I know it's hard to check in with us with all the stuff you have to do.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, never, never, never give up......have you thought about not using your calories for alcohol and saving them for something more nutritious? Yes, that was unsolicited advice and I know you'll feel free to ignore it.:laugh: I've had busy work times in my life, but nothing like your job

    :flowerforyou: The cats are doing well on their high protein, low carb diet but since they are cats, there's no way to tell if they are sleeping any better :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Sandi, take care of yourself....that diabetes is a big deal......I've known people who ignore healthy eating and have had dire consequences.I'm glad you've decided to take it seriously.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Barb, I often wake up in the middle of the night and reading is the best thing i know for getting back to sleep. The trick is to convince the dogs that it isn't time to get up and go outside to do "business".......The animal fun and games in bed here are between Sasha and Bernie. Since Bernie sleeps a lot all day, he frequently wakes up in the middle of the night and walks all over me then when I push him away he starts washing Sasha and kneading on her until she growls at him. Jake and Brandy usually sleep through everything......Haifa is smart enough to sleep in another room.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Beth Feb 24, 1971
    Doodlesll---March 12, 1940
    Sandy---March 10, 1942
    Barbiecat ---March 25, 1946
    Birdie---March 30, 1948
    Barbs----April 6, 1954
    Elli---May 16, 1952
    Phoebe---July 26
    Jeffrey---Sept. 25, 1953
    Jake---Oct., 10, 1945
    Marie---Nov. 7, 1930
    Gayla---Nov. 20, 1949
    Ellen Aug 29
    Mary Ann --- April 30
    Sandi ==
    viliberty --Sept 18
    Get Healthy==April 16

    Here is a list of our members and there Birthday.
    I see Beth has a Birthday this month. Happy Birthday my dear friend.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Marie, thank you for doing the birthday list update. I'm afraid that konk on the head resulted in my overlooking compiling an updated list, but it looks like you did ok getting it copied in.

    Just wanted to get a post on here so I can find the new thread faster.

    Thanks to all who commented on their solutions to insomnia at the end of the last thread. In my case, the cause is a medication I am on, and the problem started after an increase in the dose, so I am cutting back to the original to see if that improves things.

    It will be hard to tell if it makes a difference tonight because I was a lazybones this afternoon and took a nap with the piglets. When I got up, I felt much livelier, so I took the doggies for a walk, and then went to evening Mass. Ever since waking from my nap, I had been craving a steak and thinking about going to Applebee's.

    As I was leaving for church, I ran into my neighbor with whom I sometimes go out to eat, so I asked him if he was in the mood for food. Not surprisingly, he was.:laugh: (Unfortunately, his waistline is a dead giveaway that he doesn't usually avoid food!!) So after I was finished, I came back home, picked him up and we had a good dinner.

    I hadn't eaten much during the day, as I essentially had my breakfast during my attack of insomnia, and wasn't really hungry before I took my nap. I managed to stay within a 100 calories of what I should be, and since I may yet spend a little time on my Gazelle, it my all turn out ok. I did have some onion rings, but I didn't have any potatoes, instead doubling up on the broccoli, carrots and squash medley. No dessert, either.

    With him I have been trying to lead by example in regard to weight loss. He did lose some a couple of years ago, bu regained all of it, with "interest.":sad: He is diabetic and has had bypass surgery, but he still likes his food too much, and though he has a treadmill that I know he uses, I don't think he always make good food choices (Onion rings, for example, are not a great choice for EITHER of us, but it is the first deep fried anything I have had in three weeks.) Anyway, I tried quoting a little of the gospel according to MFP, and I am not sure if it sank in or not.:flowerforyou: I guess all I can do is take care of ME.:ohwell:

    Have a good week everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Hello a new Month....... Gosh ......January really flew by. Can you beleive it.
    Want to welcome any new ones into our wonderful thread. We do have lots of fun. come and join us.
    We are watching our weight , doing our exercise and chatting a whole lot. We have one member Barbiecat who just reach her goal a few days ago. 70 pounds. My hat off to her. Want to be just like her.She done that in a year time. Its hard to believe. She is a wonderful person. Love her and her husband, Jake, who I think has lost over 50 lbs. He cooks for her lots of the time. Young love is great. Our pride and joy. Of course we are proud of all of our members, You wouldn't fine anyone with more compassion than our group. come and join us. We have a couple of Young ones that we adopted. Our hearts is big enought for more., right gang? If I mispelled any words don't think nothing about it. I am not no typist and I think I do pretty good for a 79 year old Granny to all of these young kids. We do have fun. they mean the world to me.


    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Love you too Marie:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    Got a little sloppy last night again with rice cakes! :grumble: :embarassed: I'm struggling with the focus. Focus is everything! :flowerforyou: Once you lose that, the old "stinkin thinkin" comes back.:devil:
    Today will be very busy as it is the extended last day of January because of the weekend :noway: So I'm geered for craziness for one more day.:wink:
    I didn't make my goals for January.:ohwell: I just kept my weight the same.:indifferent:
    For February, my goal is to be as strict and disciplined as I was when I first started in August. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: The weight is secondary....the head is everything!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Got to go to work!
    God Bless!!
    Birdiem:wink::yawn: :drinker: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Good morning all. I see some of you have drifted in on our new month. I will Pm those that dob't post here in a few days so they can find us So Hope I have them on my friend list. if not I will find them.

    Had a wonderfrul night sleep got up and made my coffee and made my chocolate chips muffin for breakfast yum It is surpose to start warming up this week These old bones will be glad too. We watch the pro game last night. Jerry had a frozen pizza and I had roasted veggies, and some chicken.

    Birdie, Hope your work load will be lighter now.

    Barbiecat. So good having you back. Miss you real bad.

    Barbs, Look like all the b's reported in already. Hey have we got another romance going on??????????

    Sandy---You take the cake~!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Be Looking for the rest of you guys later. Hope Jeffrey had a nice visit with the MOMS and that they are doing fine. And the SIL.

    Will chat with reat of you later.
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Good Morning. I'm new to the thread, but not the site. Have been using it to track my food since April.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Toby :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Welcome Toby, Glad you drop by and check us out. Hope you will be a regular here. Please drop back in and tell us your story. We love having you. And look like with all the weight you lost already. You have plenty to talk about. How did you lose so much??

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Welcome Toby, we are always happy to have new people join us in their quest to a healthier life. :love: We have a lot of laughs as well as a lot of encouragement to each other. You are doing amazing with your weight loss, losing 83 pounds since April, I am impressed. :flowerforyou: Tell us how you are doing it and what your motivation was/is?

    Birdie, I always thought rice cakes were good for you and for dieting, am I wrong? Your stinkin thinkin is a saying from Al Anon, I love that saying. :tongue: We all have our slips of ups and downs, look at me, it is taking forever for me to lose 4 pounds because I slip more than I stay focused. I am really working on that and I am determined to meet my goal by summertime if not before. :flowerforyou:

    Yes Barbie, I am a tech grandma, I sometimes even amaze myself with what I can do on my computer. :blushing: Sounds like a great phone and I think you and Jake will have a lot of fun with it. :bigsmile:

    Marie, thank you for posting the new thread, we can always count on you to take care of us. :smooched:

    Will check in later to see how Gayla, Jeffrey and everyone else's weekend went, mine was good and I stayed focused.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning friends! old and new!

    Marie - nice start to the new thread! So well put!!!!!!! And thank you for always keeping us going!

    Birdie - if you're going to get a little sloppy at least you can't go TOO crazy with rice cakes! Be kind to yourself! It's FINE that you stayed the same in Jan.......just keep coming back. You're going to be FINE!

    Toby! omg - you're right up there with our biggest losers! RIGHT ON! congratulations!!!!!!!! and welcome!

    Sandy - i stayed focused all weekend also - even with feeding my kids birthday dinner last night. This is our year to reach our goal weight right?!?!?!? I'm excited to be back on track!

    Barb - hope you slept better last night with the medication change. Sounds like you did good going out to eat! I always try and bring half my food home. After my friend and i burned weeds on saturday i took her out to lunch to this little chinese place - i ordered the seafood special and took half of it home for supper.

    Barbie - have you started adding a few calories back yet? I know when i first lost my weight at mrc 3 years ago my goal was 125 and then i went on "maintenance". It was very scary and i got down to 113 before i figured out i REALLY had to add a few calories back. NOW of course, i've gone too far the other way (again):grumble: It's some kind of balancing act!!!!!!!!

    Have a great day everyone - February's going to be GREAT!\

    :heart: elli
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Morning All:flowerforyou:


    Welcome, we will look forward to getting to know you. If you want to get some background on us, go to fitness and exercise and look up the January thread for some background reading, if you are so inclined. If you haven't already done so, you will find we are a lively group and we never shy away from a good joke:bigsmile:


    I meant to mention it a day or two ago, but better late than never. You mentioned in one of your last January posts about being really tired, and then you mentioned having a spinach salad and some yogurt for dinner. Now you are talking about rice cakes. None of these are "bad"--but it occurs to me if you are not getting enough protein, that may be contributing to your tired feelings. I know work is crazy for you right now, but I hope you have a store of high protein snacks in your office. Nibbling on them will help you maintain your energy level and keep you in control of your fitness "destiny"--Good luck!! For your sake, thank goodness tax season only comes once a year (like Christmas!!):drinker:


    I did sleep longer this time before I woke up, but waking up at 5:30a on your day off:grumble: --without an alarm clock--means we haven't quite solved the problem. I did manage 5 1/2 hours of sleep before waking up, so that is progress. It may take a few days for the change in med dosage to kick in. I think it will work, since I didn't start having insomnia til I started the higher dosage.


    You can put your cupid's bow and arrow back in the closet, or save it for Elli:laugh: My neighbor is someone I have known, platonically, for about 5 years.

    We will go weeks without talking to one another and then go out for breakfast or dinner. Knowing the story of his first marriage, I doubt that he will ever be in another committed relationship. Since he also has a predisposition against any form of religious practice, despite professing a belief in a higher power, there is no chance we would ever become a couple. Besides doggies (he has two), the other things we have in common is an appreciation for good food--especially Asian and Mexican-- and a weakness for Margaritas:heart:

    He has become acquainted with my friends in the Columbia Gorge (Pepper's "mom and dad"), so last night we planned the logistics of getting FIVE doggies (One of them a black lab!!:noway:) in my little Toyota hatchback--along with ourselves and some food--as we are going up to my friends to watch the Superbowl. I am planning to bring a big crock pot of homemade chili, among other things.

    Well, I have to get something done today. I need to visit my parents before I go to my dentist appointment this afternoon. Later, Bradley has a vet appointment. Looks like his eye problem is behind him, but we want to be sure.

    So long for now.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I just got a call and my brother who has prospate cancer just has 2 days to 2 weeks to live.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Birdie, I always thought rice cakes were good for you and for dieting, am I wrong?


    Not if you eat 40 of them:laugh: But they are a good snack. I usually have about 10 of them, but last night I grabbed the bag.....and the rest will show up Wed. on the scale!!:noway: :laugh: :ohwell:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Oh Marie,

    I just came back on the thread and saw your post about your brother. I am so sorry to hear of his prognosis. You will both be in my thoughts and prayers.:brokenheart:

  • jeffrey71
    Good Afternoon Everyone,

    Marie I am very sorry about your brother. I know that disease very well. Are you going to see him? I have all of you in my prayers.

    It was a wild weekend. 12 hours in the car. I was beat last night when we got home. Sam sang great and we had a nice dinner and visit. My mother was fine and happy. Day's mom..... "normal". We had lunch with SIL Diane on Saturday. It was a nice visit.

    I will got up on the post and catch up with you all later.

    Jo nice to have you here!

    Marie you are again in my thoughts.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Oh My God Marie, I am so sorry. Words could never comfort you at a time like this but you, your brother and your family are in my prayers. :brokenheart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I just got a call and my brother who has prospate cancer just has 2 days to 2 weeks to live.

    So, so sorry to hear that Marie! Hang in there, I'll keep you in my prayers!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh Marie - so so so so sorry.......:brokenheart: I wish i had and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. One day at a time..........
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    I just got a call and my brother who has prospate cancer just has 2 days to 2 weeks to live.

    Marie, I am so sorry to hear about your brother :brokenheart: :sad: I am sending big hugs to you ((((((((hug)))))))))

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Marie, So sorry to hear your news. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
