Senior Golden Sneakers~~~ for February 2010~~~ Welcome



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks all of you for your kind words Means so much to me.
    I just got back from the hospital. They have him knock out with morphine But he look really bad. They are trying to get Hopice line up now and will be taking him home. They lived about 10 miles from me. My youngest brothe came by and pick me up and we both went to the hospital. But I wont try to make another tripped to the hospital. Too much walking.And no easy way to get to the ER.
    Will keep you informed.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :happy: Hopefully I can post a little more now that the dreaded deadline for 1099s has past! :ohwell: Welcome to all those that have joined recently!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It’s so good to see more people posting!:heart:

    I like listening to all the ideas, and I have come to the conclusion that different things work for different people.:wink: We all have to find what works for us individually and stick with it. As Barbie said, it’s important to be open to new ideas also.

    For exercise, I like doing the treadmill everyday, and hope to get back to it tomorrow. (I have had a slight problem with my back). Exercise = food for me, so I eat my calories I exercise. I have lost 38 lbs since August doing that and it works for me….so far….:laugh: That may not work for someone else but it works for me so until it doesn’t…I’m going to stick with it!!

    Also, drinking lots of water has helped.:drinker: :drinker: I know it’s hard but I keep water by my side at all times and just make sure I drink it. Some one once said something to me that was so simple and yet profound. “Just do it” It seems simple….but it helps me cut to the chase and get things done instead of thinking about them….. and/or ….if I should or could do whatever it is that I know I should be doing!

    I track EVERYTHING….even the slips…:grumble: so I stay honest with what I’m doing. It’s just too easy for me to pick in stuff and forget I did it.:ohwell: I sliver things to death and wonder how I gain weight.:noway: Doing this has been a real eye opener as I had no idea just how many calories I was eating daily! :noway: Do you know how many calories are in trail mix??? :noway: I thought I was on a healthy kick when I was really packing it on! :angry: So if I eat it….I track it!:flowerforyou:

    Also, I take it one day at a time. I need to be patient and kind to myself….:love: I didn’t get to this weight overnight so I can’t expect to lose it overnight!! I'm on a journey, and the most important part of it is to live in the moment. I can’t change yesterday or predict tomorrow….but I can make choices in the present moment!

    I have been “over the top” busy, so I have gotten sloppy. :grumble: OK…so that gives me something to aim for today…to have a clean and healthy day with food!:flowerforyou:

    I know I’m improving because this week I picked in a dish of candy…I had a Twix bite size bar as well as a Rolo….I ate one Girl Scout cookie….and then thought…THEY JUST DON’T HAVE THE APPEAL THEY HAD A YEAR AGO! WOW!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Thank you God!! What a gift!:heart: Don’t want to blow it by continuing to eat junk food, especially sweets, because the craving WILL come back. :devil:

    Didn’t mean to go on so….but posting helps me to be vigilant!

    As the Terminator said….”I”M BACK”:laugh: :laugh:

    I won’t be so long winded in the future…just happy to finally have the time to post!:happy:

    Have a great February!!!:love:


    And again, Marie...hang in're in my prayers:heart: Keep us posted:frown:
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Marie I will keep you and yours in my prayers.
  • jeffrey71
    Good Evening All!

    Marie I am glad you went to see your brother. Enough said.

    Beth I sent you an email with another idea.

    Birdie you post as long as you want! You have the basics for weight loss very well covered. The only thing I would add to your post is to avoid stress at all cost. It is worse than any food you can injest. Well written! I enjoy your post!

    Judy nice to have you posting with us!

    Jake and Barbie I forgot to answer your question about the M&M's Joe got into. They were mine! LOL

    So Elli how did the "weed burning" go? Did you get the munchies? ROFLMAO

    Sandy where you at today?

    Vilibery where you at too? And all the rest?

    I just finished my workout(s). Pretty rugged tonight. Core training for one straight hour then a 2 mile outside run. It was cold out tonight, about 25 and my knee hurt after the first quarter mile. It got real bad by 1.25 miles then I punched through the pain and it was ok for the last half mile. My time was good 15:37. The knee is real aggravating. I have plenty of cardo capacity to run a lot more distance and maybe even a little faster but the knee is holding me back a lot. We keep a trying!

    Dinner was 525 calories 50/50 carb to protein intake. I get popcorn later!

    Have a wonderful evening!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Marie -- I just popped on and saw your note about your brother. So sad to read your news. I will pray for comfort for all of you. :heart: :heart:

    I haven't read the other posts yet but I will. Please know I am thinking about you all.
    Take care. Gayla
  • viliberty
    I just don't seem to loxe any more weight. I think I will have to cut calories. This old body has always been effecient in concerving them. Whatever it takes, I guess.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My brother passed this morning about 3: AM Glad I made it to the hospital yesterday.

    Thanks for all the kind words.

  • jeffrey71

    I am so sorry for your loss. I am thinking of you.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member

    So sorry, more prayers are coming your way. :brokenheart: ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh Marie...........i'm so sorry. SO fast and unexpected. I hope you are your family are all taking comfort in one another. Hang in there and know all your mfp pals are holding you close in our hearts. I'm so glad you got to spend that time with him. :heart: elli
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Marie, be strong! Perhaps the good Lord didn't want him to suffer, just like my BIL in December. These things are always so difficult! :cry: Sending you a million hugs!:heart::brokenheart: :heart: :brokenheart: :heart: :brokenheart: :heart: :brokenheart: :cry:
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    OK Here goes. My name is Judy. I moved to Gardner Kansas 2 years ago from the Jersey Shore. What was I thinking you ask? I gave up the Ocean for the man I love. Everyone go ahhhhh. It's an Oprah story. Pete & I met in 1968 on the dance floor in Lakehurst, NJ. He was in the Navy and I lived there. (Jersey - not the dance floor) We dated while he was stationed there and continued for about a year long distance. Distance won, he married someone else. I didn't. 25 years later he got a divorce, looked me up on the internet and I was right where he left me. We long distanced again for 10 years. I was the caregiver for my Mom until she passed in 05. He finally wised up and asked me to move to KS. I did.

    My beloved blonde Cocker Spaniel, Maxwell passed 2 years ago. Just about ready for another critter.

    Regarding my weight loss. I have a large abdominal hernia that requires surgery but they won't do it until I lose 130 lbs. In 2001 I went on a liquid diet and lost 90 lbs. No surprise - I found it again. I had lap-band surgery this past April. Some people say I took the easy road. Believe me it's just as hard. A whole new way of life.

    Just finished 30 minutes on the wii. Golfing. I love that little machine with the exception of that little witch that tells me I'm obese everytime I weigh in. She thinks I don't know.

    Hope that wasn't too long and boring.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi Judy - thank you for sharing your story with us - and what a story it is!!!!! I'm glad Pete finally got smart and asked you to move to Kansas! I was born and raised in NY, moved to Colorado when i was 18. So when you said you moved from NJ to KS - all i thought was "smart girl"!:smile: It seems like you are WELL on you way to getting your surgery done! Congratulations! I've heard lots of great things about that wii fit - one of these days i'll get one. Do they have a kickboxing program???? I used to really like that.

    Jeffrey - sounds like kind of a brutal workout yesterday - i can't imagine running, none the less running in the COLD! brrrrrrrrrrrr:noway: Take it a LITTLE easy on yourself! YES! we DID get the munchies after burning the weed(s)! We went right out for chinese food!:bigsmile: I can't believe what a RELIEF it is now that there aren't yucky brown weeds taller than me crowding each other in the garden! WHEW! I can't wait 'till Dakota comes and tills it up! I'm SO excited to have my garden back!

    Marie - how are you doing??????

    Birdie - i was thinking the same thing about Marie's brother - he didn't suffer and go through weeks of pain.......Some things are just not for us to understand i guess. Very hard though. How are YOU doing?? I know you were struggling for a bit. Just know we ALL go through those times - but you seem to pick yourself right up. So you ate a bag of rice cakes - it COULD have been a bag of potato chips!

    Take care everyone and have a good day.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey Judy what a wonderful love story I see that barbs is going have some competion on story telling. She keeps us laughting and I can see the humor in your writing too. Love it.

    Elli, I am doing just fine. My yougest brother is helping my SIL with the furneral arrangement this morning. My son is coming in tomroow hope he bring the rest of the family down. I heard from one grandaughter on facebook that she might can make it down.
    Alice had Day surgery yesterday and is back at work.They remove a stone on where her gall bladder used to be and think that is what she has been having so much pain here lately. She is on a soft diet.

    I am cooking me a casserole of diferent kinds of sliced veggies with cheese on top for my lunch. I got off plan some yesterday.So got to get back on track.

    babiecat hasn't mention our goals for this month like she used to. Come on barbiecat let us have it.

    I want to thank you all for being so kind to me.

    Love you'ya
  • jeffrey71
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    Judy welcome! Nice to read your story. Thank you for sharing. We will help keep you motivated! My wife and I used to have a blonde cocker named Crumpet. He lived about 12 years. We still have pictures of him with the family.

    Elli I have one more question. Was the date younger than you? I am needing characters for my MFP version of "Cougar Town"! LOLLOLLOL!

    Marie nice to read your post. The casseroles sound good! I had salad with 2 oz of beef for lunch along with a 1/4 cup of raisins and walnuts. I will eat more for supper. Man am I hungry!

    Gayla how long until the cruise?

    Birdie good hear from you today.

    Sandy whats new in the Windy City? I have got to get up there soon. I love that town. I am especially fond of "Lowreys".

    Barbie where you and Jake at today?

    Viliberty just keep at it! Watch your salt intake. I preach that a lot. Salt holds water in the body and is generally found in things that are not that good for you. You are doing fine just stay at it!

    Everyone else check in!

    I have a plyometric work out tonight. One hour of jumping with 1 60 second break. And if we do not get the freezing rain I am planning on running tonight and spending a little time on the spinning bike. I will be whining tomorrow. LOL

    May God Bless and Keep Us All!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from snowy Saskatchewan, -9C (16F). I had to take Neil in to see his ortho. surgeon today, nicest Dr. ever. He says if all the patients were like Neil it would be wonderful. He only sees the happy, good natured Neil. I think I should unload Neil on him when he is in one of his meltdowns. I digress, life is good. The Dr. thinks he will take some of the metal out of Neil's foot after this next surgery is done. He could do it at the same time but he will need that leg to weight bear on so we will wait a bit. He is sending us to see someone who will make a little support for Neil's big toe so that the loose nail will not be so irritating. Dave is uber cranky the past few days. Can I send him somewhere where someone will tell him he has the best wife ever and he better shape up!!! :grumble: :wink:

    Marie -- You and your family are in my thoughts at this very sad time. I hope your son and family get home. You amaze me to get right on track with your diet at the difficult time. Take care my friend. :heart: :heart:

    Jeffrey -- Thanks for making me smile today. 3 weeks until the cruise.

    I really will catch up with you all soon. Welcome Judy.

    Take care. Gayla :smile: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey 3 weeks. thats pretty close. I hope the weather will be nice for your trip. Does Neil have a swim suit.? the water will be nice for him. You get around like you don't weigh anything untill you get out.You know. How long will you all be gone? I would love to see the sites but not being on a big cruise boat.

    Jerry has his spells of being a mite bit cranky too. I guess we all do to but don't notice it as much.

    It is sunny here but into the 50's still too cool for me. Jerry thinks my blood is made out of ice water. Wait till this summer when my blood is boiling. I will havve to remember how cold I have been all winter.

    Have a good day. Marie
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Marie, My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Judy
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Marie -- you are so doggone sweet BUT wrong answer!! I wanted you to say you would come and kick him in the you know where!!
    Love ya, Gayla :laugh: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart: Marie, I am so sorry to hear about your brother and glad that you were able to see him at the end and that you have family to be with you at this difficult time.

    :flowerforyou: I have been swamped with paperwork----two pieces land on my desk for every piece I deal with and i still haven't even started on all the paper shuffling and number gathering I have to do for the income tax....especially with the business this year........given a choice between the dog park and MFP, the dogs keep winning.....I've been posting food and getting 10,000 steps a day but not spending nearly as much time on the computer.

    :flowerforyou: My goals for myself for February are about maintaining my weight and not going crazy adding calories, also doing the yoga I haven't been successful in doing and adding strength training.....I think we should all have goals about logging food every day and checking in with each other

    :flowerforyou: Judy, thank you for sharing your wonderful love is great getting to know you better. We have two dogs, Brandy and Sasha, both Standard Poodles along with two cats....the pets take up a lot of my time.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, you keep adding such interesting workouts.....I keep hearing that changing your workouts is a good thing for weight loss and building wonder you're so successful:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, keep on keeping have all the skills you need to get you through the rough patches.....just stay in the moment and all will be well

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, it looks like you'll be home to watch the Olympics on TV before you head off on your cruise......I know you and Dave and Neil must be really excited about:bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all :heart: :heart: Barbie