Senior Golden Sneakers~~~ for February 2010~~~ Welcome



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    I am checking in late tonight but today was a busy day for me and a bad day for exercising so bad for calories. :mad: I played cards one on one with my friend Lou who will be 87 on Valentine's Day. I did win but felt a little guilty taking his money, although he would have no problem taking mine. :laugh: After that I went to the grocery store and then picked up my granddaughter for dance and once home it was time to make dinner. whew.... I roasted a chicken and according to the food chart it says a roasted chicken one serving is over 350 calories. How discouraging was that, along with my salad and rice it was a costly dinner for calories, over 800 (of course that included my two glasses of wine, one while I cook and the other with dinner). And even though I didn't have lunch today I still managed to go over my calories by 273. Now before you all lecture me on the wine, I am just letting others know that I too waste calories on wine and I am not proud of that. :noway: Tomorrow will be a better day and I will work extra hard to gain more calories.

    Judy, your story was great, love conquers all no matter how many years it takes. :heart: I agree with Marie, you are a talented writer like Barbie. I know of another person, a guy, who had the same surgery, he is doing great but like you said it is a life change. I haven't seen him for a while (he is from the place I play bingo) but I am told he gained a little of his weight back but I think it is from the beer he loves to drink. I too, have a dog, an Old English Sheepdog who will soon be 9 months old and weighs over 75 pounds. She is very wild even though she has been to obedience class, but we love her dearly. :heart:

    I talked to Marie on Face Book and she is doing well. Her family is coming to be with her and her younger brother is making all the arrangements. I think she will be fine, just will be tiring for her and emotional I am sure.

    Gayla, I'm with you, I just don't understand why men get to cranky for nothing, women never do that!!! Besides what would they do without us, we are the best wives and we deserve to be treated like princesses. :love:

    Better get to bed, getting very sleepy. :yawn:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Good morning
    :flowerforyou: Judy, I know several people who have had weight loss surgery
    only two of them found the weight loss success they were seeking and both of them did it the same way you are, by finding an eating and exercise plan to follow and a support group to be accountable to and to share the journey. I hope we can assist in being the support group that will help you reach your goal....MFP will supply the tools for creating a food and exercise plan :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I know how those busy days are, I've been having a series of them myself.....I keep working at organizing my priorities so I don't leave the Senior Golden Sneakers until last .....we have had such great weather that the dogs and I have gone to the dog park every day and that takes a big piece of the afternoon. On Tuesdays we have a two hour meeting for our business and yesterday it was my turn to do the presentation so we got there early to set up the system to show the DVD so even more of my of my day was consumed. Today I have to go to the dentist :sad: :cry: Wine isn't a temptation for me but peanut butter is:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm thinking of you and sending (((((((((hugs))))))))):heart:

    :flowerforyou: Haifa is feeling much better. This morning he sneaked out when I was walking the dogs which threw off my careful schedule of when he has breakfast and when he gets his insulin........he's sitting in my lap right now trying to get my attention and get in the way of the computer. Last night when I started working on some income tax related papers, he lay down on top of them.

    :flowerforyou: I'm glad for our nice weather, but if it's nice here, then it doesn't bode well for snow in Vancouver for the Olympics.:sad:
    ':heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Thanks again for all of your concerned. I am doing OK
    got me a nice veggies casserole cooking for my lunch. Its hard to stay on your program with all of this. But I will make it. I grab a Fiber one bar for lunch the other day at the hospital More carbs that I needed but better than some of the things I could have eaten At least I got some fiber in. I am sure we will be eating out thru this. Also we are having a family gathering out at Kathy Saturday Bruce and his family will be here till Sunday.
    Just wanted to pop in and say hello to you all.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just a quick hello, as I am at work....and it's still busy but not as "over the top" busy as it was in January.:wink:
    I got weighed this morning and to my surprise I lost another 2 lbs! :bigsmile: I was so sure I gained as I have not been able to exercise and had a couple sloppy days. So 40 down and 10 to go!:bigsmile:

    The only thing I am concerned about, is that I have had spouts of dizzyness off and on for the last week. I tried to get back on the treadmill this week and lost my balance as I did last week. :ohwell: Barb, I did look at my protein amounts and they seem to be what this web site suggests. I'm going for my yearly check up in a couple of weeks and will have him do bloodwork done to make sure that I'm not lacking any nutrients. It could be Vertigo or something.:ohwell:

    In the meantime, drinking tons of water:drinker: :drinker: and trying to stick to my 1200 calories a day!:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day everyone....even in the UK!!!:love:

    BirdieM :heart:

    Marie, glad you're doing okay! You're one strong lady:love:
  • jeffrey71
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Gayla! 3 weeks and counting! Have you checked out Cruise Critic web site? You can find your cruise there and there is a bulleting board like this one to post on. We have met a lot of friends on ship through the Cruise Critic site. I recommend it!

    Marie glad you are doing well. Hang in there!

    Barbie I just finished my taxes last weekend. What a mess! I have Sam's to do yet. I will be glad when it is done.

    Birdie careful on the dizziness. I would not put off seeing a doc about that. AND 1200 calories may just be enough for you. Keep me posted!

    Sandy glad you are doing well! Keep a winnin"!

    Last nights workout was good, very tough. Started with a 2.5 mile run with a negative split (1st half slower than last half) time was solid 8 minute miles. Then did my 1 hour of plyometrics, 1400 calorie burn on the plyo. Then did the spinning for 15 minutes. All non stop. Today my knee is killing me. I think I am going to up my calories and see what that does. I may not have enough fuel for the workouts. Tonight is just 2 hours of yoga. I am looking forward to that. I should feel great in the morning.

    Everyone have a great day!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Birdie - is your dizzyness when you tip your head? Either to the side, or look up at the sky? I know i've had this thing called BPPV. It's VERY annoying but not at all serious and you fix it with an exercise. Maybe that's what your dizzy is. Let me know if you think that's what it is and i'll send you a pm with everything i know about it. Congrats on losing 40 pounds!!!!!!! That's AWESOME. And don't you just LOVE it when you think you're going to gain and you lose?!?!?!?!:bigsmile:

    Jeffrey - what exactly is pyrometrics? Wow - you do 2 hours of yoga?!?!?!? That's pretty amazing. I don't know if i could do 2 hours of hot yoga. 1 1/2 is about all i can take!:noway:

    Marie - try not to make yourself too crazy about the food right now. Do as well as you can and just get through the next few days. Hang in there - we're ALL thinking about you and sending you our love and prayers.

    Barbie - that's great that Haifa is more back to his old self! Must be such a relief for you and Jake!

    Sandy - i really like my 2 glasses of wine also......i try and limit it to once or twice a week. Sheesh - we have to have SOME vices don't we? yea yea, i know - i have the whole weed thing going on:laugh: I hope you, Gayla, Barbie, Birdie, Marie, Judy.......and anyone else i left out are all getting treated like princesses this afternoon! I know i raised my boys to treat their girls that way!!!!!!!!

    I did hot yoga again last nite - wow - i'm SO glad to be back to it! I'll go again on Friday too. I was going to walk the dogs this afternoon but it's getting kinda nasty out so i think i'll head over to the gym. It sure is hard to stick to the 1200 calories when i have a no exercise day........And today i went and had my annual (i've been putting it off since November) and i have to have a bone scan and colonoscopy - NOT looking forward to THAT. But my PA has been bugging me to do it since i was 50.......finally giving in:grumble: NOT a big fan of tests!

    Hugs to you all!:drinker: elli
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I wasn't going to post tonight as I need to get to bed early. I am going to take Neil in to work in the morning and then Dave will pick him up. that is the reverse of our usual day but my sister and I are going out tomorrow morning to do the dreaded bathing suit shopping!!! I will likely dream about large ladies in bathing suits! My husband, bless his cotton socks, said "can't you be done in time to pick Neil up at noon?" Now isn't that silly? I expect I will just be getting into a good depression at about that time. I have a feeling I know why Dave has been cranky. I think he is having hearing issues again as I am noticing the TV is getting very loud. I will ask him about it as if he is having problems again he should get it checked before we go away. It wasn't long ago that he had an ear infection and the only clue was he couldn't hear out of that ear. In fairness, that would make me cranky too. BUT. . . he still ticked me off. Wonderful wife that I am, I did make him dinner. Was I supposed to have a smile on my face???

    I wanted to check in on Marie. I am glad your family is gathering. Enjoy your memories.

    Jeffrey -- Thanks for the cruise hint. I will check it out.

    Sandy -- Thanks, friend.

    Elli -- I wanted to tell you that the colonoscopy isn't so bad. I have had several, not a picnic but tolerable. The worst part of the whole exercise is drinking that terrible stuff the day before. Once you get through that you are on the home stretch.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Off to bed with me. I hope I don't lie there looking at the ceiling. Gayla :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Good Morning Everyone,

    Went to bingo last night and do not win...........................:mad: It is fun to be with friends though so I guess I did win in that way. :happy:

    Doing some laundry, then my 4 year old granddaughter is coming for an hour until I take her to preschool, off to my meeting, stop at the store for some Valentine's Day cards, come home make dinner and then pack for our weekend in Kansas City. I am hoping to get at least 30 minutes of exercise in there somewhere, at least I hope I do. :bigsmile:

    So since I have so much to do with so little time my post is short, just to say hi and hope you are all keeping on track. Have a good day and I am sure I will check in tonight. I also am bringing my laptop to Kansas City so I will be checking in with you from there.

    Have a wonderful day!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • jeffrey71
    Good Thursday Morning Everyone!

    Another gloomy day in Indiana! Land of ..... well..... land! The workout last night was probably the smoothest yoga workout that Ihave ever had. I wasn't tight and my flexibility was very good. I feel real good today with the exception of a little continued knee pain. I barely broke a sweat last night and that did not make me happy, but the workout was good. I am backing off the knee for a bit to see if it makes any difference so far it has not. Tonight I am planning on a double core workout and maybe some bike time depending on the knee. I am going to shoot for 2750 calorie burn. That should be intense enough!

    Elli my workout calls for the 2 hours of yoga weekly. I really love it! I feel so good the next day. Kind of like a massage for the soul. I am getting fairly advanced in my technique and ability but it has been quite a challenge. Yoga is tough! I still struggle a little with Twisting half moon and Warrior 3 when Ihave to hold them for more than 3 or 4 minutes. I have very good leg strength and it really pushes them to the max. I have never done the hot yoga but I am really wanting to try it. My oldest daughter does it and loves it. Plyometrics is "jump training". It consist of one hour of constant jumping, twisting and rotational moves. Some are done on 1 leg and some on 2. It is very intense and a maximum cardio workout. My heart rate will hold at about 150 to 165 when I am really going at it. The down side of this is the impact to the lower body. You have to be very careful not land flat footed and try to stay on your toes and balls of the feet. It is really a calorie burner though. Usually I get a burn of over 1050 per hour and I have had as much as 1325 before according to my monitor. Check it out! You might like it!

    Gayla this is an order! Focus on the cruise and having fun! You hear me girl??? LOL

    Everyone else have a great day! I will check in on you all later!

  • jeffrey71
    Sandy! Sorry I missed you! Have a good trip and enjoy. Keep an eye on the weather! Sorry about the bingo. Day and are might go to Blue Chip tomorrow afternoon. They want me to come and make a donation. Take care!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeffrey, you are one busy guy. do you ever meet yourself going????
    Hope you knee don't give out on you. Now you take care.

    Sandy enjoy your trip this weekend.

    Gayla. the humor in you is coming out. this retirement is good for you. Have fun.

    Phoebe, Be careful on this road trip.

    Barbiecat you are one busy gal.

    Barbs been enjoying your doggies story

    Birdie, Your body is really in the losing mode.Good girl

    Will cach the reat of you later.

    Will be busy this afternoon just taking a break for now.

    Everybody have a wonderful day.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning everyone - good attitude Sandy - about winning 'cause you were with friends! What are you doing in Kansas City?

    Marie - sorry i missed you on fb last night - the computer was on but i was in the living room watching tv!

    Gayla - my other friends have told me the same thing about the colonoscopy - the prep for it is the worst part...........i think half of it is my whole attitude. TRYING to work on that. I just can't STAND tests when nothing seems to be wrong - BUT intellectually i understand that it's important to catch some things BEFORE they start presenting symptoms.:ohwell: I should just shut up and be GRATEFUL that we have these types of things available to us! OK! i will work on that. Glad we had this little "talk":tongue:
    I'm hoping the bathing suit try on won't be as bad as your thinking! Maybe you WILL be done by noon or at least NOT horribly depressed! One time when i was SOOO huge i had to buy a bathing suit 'cause the boys and i were travelling by car to southern CA and a BIG part of the fun was spending the night in a motel and swimming:sad: Dakota was 4, and used to seeing me in all black 'cause that was all i wore. Well! the only suit i could find had a bizillion all different colored flowers on. When i put it on i saw huge grossess. My FOUR year old took my hand and said "oh mama, you look bootiful!!!!!!!!" because of the colors and flowers i guess!!!!!!! Ah through the eyes of a child. I love that memory! And today he and i will go together and pick up a ring for his lovely fiance to be!!!!!!:love:

    Jeffrey - what's Blue Chip? OMG - i can't imagine jumping for 30 seconds! No WONDER your poor knees hurt! I'm pretty sure that would kill my knees and feet! In hot yoga we don't hold anything for 3 or 4 minutes. We do 2 sets of everything but probably for no more than a minute, and some things even less. I bet you'll be real good at it when you do try it. I agree - i LOVE yoga. My mom lived to 85 and always told me to do yoga! I think it's the BEST workout i've ever done. Going again tonight! I'm trying to go at least 3 times a week.

    Have a good day everyone! ttyl!
  • jeffrey71
    Hi Marie! Have as good a day as possible!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hi everyone, just a quick note to say that I've had a good day! Did not feel dizzy last night and when I got up, so I tried exercising on the treadmill and did 30 min.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: WooHoo!!! Taking it slow, but it just feels so good to be exercising again!!:flowerforyou:
    Have a great day!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening everyone! The bathing suit has been bought. I was going to buy two but am still thinking about the 2nd one. I do have one already so I feel like that will be enough. When my sister goes to the all-inclusives she takes about 4 suits but to be honest I don't think I am comfortable enough to spend every day in one. We did shop like maniacs though. If I was alone I would have stopped by noon but she pushed me on and I ended up buying many other things (all needed of course). I tend not to buy myself a lot so my wardrobe really needed this little boost. I am going to try to find a pair of shorts but other than that I am ready to pack! I bought Neil a couple of bathing suits that I think he will be happy with and he also could use some new shorts. I had bought myself a new winter jacket just before Christmas and the seam opened up on the side. I was in the store where I bought it and showed it to the clerk. She said that shouldn't have happened and they will replace it. I had my bill with me so I got my money back and bought a spring jacket with the money. But I do still need a winter jacket so I will check the sales. My feet are sore and I hope that means I used a lot of calories.

    Marie -- You have been drifting in to my thoughts all day. I hope the day has gone ok.

    Jeffrey -- I checked out the cruise critics and spent way to much time there last night so got to bed later than I planned. You will note I am blaming you for this. A very good site and I do thank you for telling me about it. My knees hurt reading your posts. Your tenacity amazes me.

    Elli -- What a wonderful memory you have of your son's words. Kids are so honest. The bathing suit shopping didn't do me in. Thankfully we found one at our first stop which eased the stress. My sister and I are much the same size but she has a much better attitude about it. She says she is what she is and is not going to worry about what she looks like in a bathing suit. I do think that I stressed more than it was worth and in the scheme of things it is not huge at all. How exciting to be a part of getting the engagement ring.

    Sandy -- Sorry you didn't win but you likely will next week. Enjoy your busy day!

    Take care everyone. Keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile:
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi everyone!
    It sounds like you are all busy as usual

    Marie, so sorry to hear about your brother. Prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.

    Judy, welcome to the boards. I lived in Kansas for about 10 years and I left all 3 of my kids there and moved back to San Diego. I have 2 in Wichita and 1 in kansas City! I had a hard time with no ocean !lol

    Gayle, Only 3 weeks until the big cruise....a new bathing are really getting ready...hope you have a wonderful time!

    Am making this short as I can smell my dinner cooking and we are all excited about watching QVC Tonight! LOL pretty bad LOL
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hi everyone - my mouth hurts from smiling so much today - i KNOW, it's a good thing right????? My son and his FIANCE just stopped by to show me the ring (which i had seen 'cause i went with him to pick it up) ON her finger!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't be more happy!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Just wanted to share that with all of you!

    Marie - thinking about you..........
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I love you all a lot but i don't have time to write---your lives are more interesting than mine right now.....I'll try to find time tomorrow.
    pleasant dreams :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Kansas City here we come!! My son is picking us up at 7:00AM to take us to the airport. Will talk to you later once we are checked in and organized. Have a great weekend, we will be kicking butt in the NUVO dance competition.!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Haven't much time to post for the funeral service is at noon.
    the visitation went well last night. It was a sad time but so nice to see everyone.. Cousin I have not seen since my Mon's. Of course I really enjoy Bruce my son and his family being here. They want have burial Serviixe till Next Tuesday for he had reauest to be bury in National cemetay inArlington, Teaxs . It is located on the west side Of Dallas. They had 2 lots here but that what his wife is going to do as she wish. I got to hand it too he, she really took care of Charlie the last couple of years.
    will talk later
