Senior Golden Sneakers~~~ for February 2010~~~ Welcome



  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Getting on late as usual. I woke up this morning with a cold. I keep telling Dave it is just allergies but he isn't buying it. I know it will be gone by Friday but I have so much to do before then. We did go in to do a little shopping while I sneezed my face off. Unfortunately Neil decided at the last minute he should come with us and of course, we forgot his wheelchair so it severly slowed us down. I think we got everything on our list but I had planned to pick up a couple pair of shorts for me and we were all too tired to stick around to do that too. I will go in tomorrow for a wee bit and hopefully finish it off. I am still hoping to clean my freezer tomorrow unless I am feeling worse. Mostly I think that if the power went off for a couple of days it would be a lot less mess if a bunch of ice didn't melt before our neighbour noticed. Our garbage day is Wed. which is why Tuesday is the day. That will leave me a day for laundry. I also like to come home to clean sheets.
    I got a call from my cousin today that her Dad passed away at 89. He hadn't been well for awhile so it wasn't unexpected. Of course she is still terribly sad. We will be away for the funeral which I am sorry about. We are such a small family that when we don't all show up it seems even smaller. They will be in my thoughts.

    Marie -- Loved the snow pictures. 53 years is a very long time. We are coming up on 39 in March.

    Sandy -- Sometimes it is best to hold our tongue and you seem to do an amazing job at that. I don't always have that skill. You are a better person for it.

    Barb -- thanks so much for the invitation but I think my freezer cleaning will be done for awhile. Perhaps Dave will feel sorry for me and give me a hand. Nice of Mai Li to encourage you to exercise!

    Elli -- As I sit here wrapped in a blanket I am dreaming of some hot days, maybe even a cold drink to go with it!! I completely understand what you mean about having the family all together. That is when I am happiest is when they are all here.

    Jeffrey -- Woohoo!! You are a lucky guy. I may need some help to pay off the cruise.:wink: : Don't work too hard.

    Take care everyone. Thanks for the good wishes. Gayla :heart: :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :sad: :sad: just checking in.....Jake sliced his thumb instead of an onion while making salad for lunch and we spent three hours at urgent care where he got three fancy stitches and a fancy bandage........I guess I'll be making salad and washing dishes for awhile:sad: and he won't be playing golf for a few weeks:sad:
  • jeffrey71
    Good Morning Everyone! Happy Fat Tuesday!

    Cold and snowy here! Still, again, repeatedly, continually, constantly, always, consistantly, forever, the same, etc! You get the idea!

    I had probably the hardest cardio workout of my life last night. I am drained. My calorie burn counter showed about 3400 in 2 hours and 15 minutes. Anyway outside of the legs, I feel great! The knee held up pretty well. I was going to run tonight but we are having the "sideways snow" so I will not venture out for that. I have strength training then I will ride the spinner bike for a while and maybe a little eliptical.

    Not too much else to report here. Pretty quiet. Getting caught up on work, somewhat.

    Barbie/Jake Sorry about the finger! Hope you heal quick!

    Gayla I wish I was going on a cruise. I think we are booking on the Carnival Dream for 9/11. Are you still checking out Cruise Critic? If your group is having a meet and greet. Go! They are a blast and you will meet a lot of nice folks. We never miss a cruise party! LOL

    Elli I will check out that web site. I like the Zen stuff. I have been into it when I was doing a lot of Martial Arts years back. It has helped me break through the mental walls. How is the dizzyness doing? Hope it has left.

    Marie I will mail you some snow! You will putting your garden out in just a few weeks! Keep that in mind!

    Everyone else have a great day!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbiecat :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: for Jake. bless his heart . Look like you will be busy taking care of him for awhile.

    Sandy, Daisy Mae is really getting big.and so adorable tpoo.

    Gayla, Hope you sniffle don't turn out bad. So Friday is the day. I wish you a very pleasant trip and it is nice and warm. It is so nice to have all of your family there on the trip with you. I so enjoy having all of mine here with me last week. My granddaughter got engaged on Valentine day.. I am so happy for them. They have been toogether have had a relationship for 4 1/2 years. He seems to be a really nice guy.

    Barbs........... you and your dogs. What a blast.

    Jeffrey........ take care of your self. Dont overdo it.

    Beth........ How are you doing? See your name quite often on facebook.

    Phoebe........Are you home yet? Our snow is just about all gone. Just a little here and there.

    Birdie..... Been missing you around here. How are you doing?

    Elli......How did your bread turn out?

    Everybody have a wonderful day...............

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning everyone!

    Barbie and Jake - so sorry about the slicing incident!!! BUMMER. Hope it heals fast.

    Jeffrey - how do you manage to eat enough when you work off over 3,000 calories?!?!?!?:noway: I'm starting to feel like Marie - don't overdue it!!!!!!! There were a couple of times when i did 3 hour work outs (and i don't think nearly as intense as you and it was probably 5 or 6 years ago) and i got goofy - couln't remember people's names. After the second time i decided i didn't need to work out like that ever again!!!!!!! I know you're in training and all, but DO take it a LITTLE easy!!!!!!!! The website i suggeste is a young girl who is doing a solo row across the Atlantic. She's amazing!
    The dizziness is better - thank you for asking. I went and had the epply manuver done and that definitely helped. The bummer has been i couldt do yoga. I'm going to give it a try tonight for the first time since the diz.

    Gayla - bummer that you caught a cold!!!!!!! Try and rest up (in between shopping, freezer cleaning and laundry, yea, i know fat chance!:huh: ) and get better before you sail away!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's supposed to be almost 40 today - i'm ready to not be cold. Of course, i can't really complain - we haven't had any new snow to speak of in awhile..........

    Have a great day everyone! move around! drink water! :drinker: :heart: elli
  • jeffrey71
    Good Morning Again!

    Elli and Marie thank you for caring. It means a lot to me. I am fine and feel great. I just have it in my head that I am going to do a triathlon and I want to do it as well as I can. I guess it is my rebellion against aging! LOL "No fool like an old fool!" LOL

    My diet is farly sophisticated. I get a lot of protein, with an influx of carbs before working out. I kind of eat continually from about noon on. with a break around 3:00. Walnuts, raisins, celery with peanut butter that kind of stuff. My main meals are usually fish or chicken with a vegetable. Low carb intake here in the evenings. I drink a lot of fluids particuarlly in the evening to replenish the supply to the old body. I don't really worry too much about how much I eat right now. When I really am going at it I try to eat about 3000 calories a day. Which is where I am at now. I have dropped a little weight but I have dropped some additional fat around the middle. I am going to cut my calories very soon to drop about another 10 pounds to get down to what I think will be a good racing weight. About 180.

    I am needing my training to have me ready to go "all out" for 2 hours straight. I will probably need to sustain a heart rate of 130 to 140 for this period. It is going to take work on my part. Unfortunately for me my knee is the controlling factor. If it is good I can do it, if not I can not. That has hurt me accept that but I am doing fine with it now. Just a fact of life.

    If anyone is seeing any gaps in my training please feel free to offer them up. There is a lot of wisdom and smarts in this group!

    Thanks for caring! I appreciate it and I will not exceed my limits. I will continue to push my limits upward as best I can!

    Your Friend

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey jefrey I am thinking garden. gonna plant me some turnips soon. I love them cut up and spray with pam olive oil garlic salt and roast them like french fries.Yum. They tell me if you boil them just a little it will take the strong flavor out , but personialy i like the taste just as they are.thats what i am having for lunch.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We have been watching the Olympics.....I ride the stationery bike and do "walk at home" walking while I watch so I'm burning 300 or so calories while watching's not the workouts Jeffrey is doing or the workouts that the athletes are doing but it keeps me active while doing a traditionally inactive activity. I found it very interesting that they posted the weights of the mogul skiers but not of the other athletes.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I'm glad to hear that you're feeling a little less dizzy.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Gayla, I hope that nasty cold goes away before your cruise

    :flowerforyou: Marie, you'll be the one in the garden long before all us northerners although I noticed that my neighbor has started working in her yard already......she went out yesterday and bought some rhododendron plants

    :flowerforyou: Barb, thanks for the great dog stories....nothing that interesting is happening here (I think I'm grateful for that)

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, how is the exercise going? Daisy sure looks cute in her latest picture

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, your workouts sound balanced to me, but I'm not an expert........I do like hearing how you get to have such great snacks because you burn so many calories.....that's a great motivation for me :bigsmile:

    Jake goes in this afternoon to get his bandage changed and get more information about how long the recovery will be:bigsmile:

    I have another busy day today, but checking in with my friends had to be near the top of the list.
    hugs:heart::heart: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Barbie -- I, too, have been watching a lot of Olympics but unfortunately have been the one lying on the couch!! I am over the sneezing part of the cold and today just had a runny nose, headache and feeling blah. I expect by tomorrow it will be over. Sorry to hear about Jake's accident. What a way to get attention!!!:wink: I hope it heals up quickly so that he will be out on the golf course soon.

    Hi to you all. I am off to bed. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Good Morning,

    Today is the first day of Lent and because I am a Catholic, I will be going for ashes today and fasting all day. :blushing: One meatless meal with two others that equal one meal. I do give up sweets for lent although if I were really trying to make a sacrifice I would give up wine. :tongue:

    Have also been watching the Olympics, especially the ice skating. We have been watching the Westminster Dog Show and Daisy loves it. :laugh: She sits and watches all the dogs and actually behaves for a little while. :laugh:

    Sad news is that my step son had a relapse and came home totally drunk last night. His poor wife is beside herself and doesn't know what to do. :cry: I tried to explain to her there is nothing she can do, but she doesn't understand and won't even consider going to Al Anon. :grumble:

    Gayla, I hope you are feeling well today and can start enjoying getting ready for your cruise. How are Neil's seizures, are they calming down a little? Is he excited for the cruise?

    Jeffrey, do you think you can share some of those calories? I am so happy if I make an extra 300 calories just to stay under calories for the day. :tongue:

    I have been doing well with exercise, Monday I did an hour and a half, yesterday nothing. :noway: It was my card day and we went for lunch with my hubby but I did have grouper so ate healthy. Today I will try and do an hour and with fasting it should be a good day. :bigsmile:

    Have a great day, tonight is my bingo night but don't wish me luck, it doesn't seem to work. :laugh:

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy - be careful exercising while fasting! I'm SO sorry about your step son - i know from experience what that feels like - for his wife. I'm sorry too, she won't go to Alanon - it would help her so much. Just to KNOW we have no control and to meet and be embraced by other people in similar situations..........My friend Ang that i work with went a couple times with me and she hated it though - she's too much of a co dependent to "let go and let God"..........

    Jeffrey - i'm sure you know what you're careful with the knee though! I know sometimes it's ok to "work through the pain" - i do that in yoga to a degree, but sometimes our pain is really giving us a message!!!!!!!! My knees aren't that great either. yoga helps. I went last night and didn't fall down and was only mildly dizzy so that was good!

    Gayla - are you better? Just keep taking it easy so you're healthy and ready for your trip!

    Marie - the turnips sound really good that way! I'm going to try them, although i won't be planting them as soon as you will be! Lol. I asked Dakota to come till the garden for me and he said he won't be able to probably 'till march.

    Barbie - that is awesome that you exercise while watching tv.........i do that at the gym - but have no equipment in my house. I hope to someday turn the new basement into some sort of workout room. For now it's the gym or yoga.

    Still working alone -everyone is out sick - boy i feel SO lucky to not be catching stuff!!!!!!!!

    Happy Day everybody!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good Morning,

    Today is the first day of Lent and because I am a Catholic, I will be going for ashes today and fasting all day. :blushing: One meatless meal with two others that equal one meal. I do give up sweets for lent although if I were really trying to make a sacrifice I would give up wine. :tongue:


    Me too!:love:

    So sorry about your step son. Sometimes the hardest thing to nothing.:cry:
    Sending up a prayer for ALL.

    Ditto on the 300 calories:laugh:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Again, I'm sooooo busy! Trying to keep up with reading the posts but very little time to reply!

    So a big HELLO and many HUGS to all.!!!!!

    I lost another lb too:blushing:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Yeah Birdie!!! Congratulations!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    My step son said he is done drinking, he said he wanted to see if he could drink socially and found out he can't. His dad told him that they are both alcoholics and can't drink at all. Will pray that they both stay in recovery. :heart: :heart:

    Got my ashes, going to have my second small meal (thinking 1/2 cheese sandwich) and then pizza for dinner at bingo. I don't think I will get exercise in after all, so I hope I am under calories. :drinker:

    Life is good, even with curves in the road.

  • jeffrey71
    Hi Everyone!

    Yea for Birdie! Go get girl! Not too much here to report except that I am SORE! LOL Did 2 more straight hours last night. Bike, run Strength, Abs. Ouch! Crappy weather again, snow and freezing rain this morning. I am excited about today. I may be getting a new triathlon bike! Whoo Hoo! (getting it from my winnings!) The guy is supposed to bring it over later on for me to look at.

    We have the "imposition of ashes" tonight so off to church I go! I probably need it! I will do my yoga when we get home.

    Marie I like raw turnips with low cal ranch as a dip.

    Jake how is the finger?

    Gayla it's not too late to take me with you!

    Everyone else have a great day!

    Elli glad the dizzyness is getting better. Stay well!

  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Sandy - Hope your Step-Son wakes up and smells the coffee.

    Jeffrey - You're amazing. I would be dead if I had your exercise schedule. I'm elated with my 30-40 minutes a day.

    Birdie - Try to slow down and take a breath.

    Elli - Please stay healthy.

    I called the Ortho and made an appt. for Friday to schedule my right knee replacement for mid May. Also trying to organize my trip to El Paso in May for the Bowling Nationals. Am making a side trip to Galveston to see my Brother and his daughter. Haven't seen them in years.

    Love to all
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Today Jake found out that his thumb got infected so now he has pain pills and antibiotics to take but his attitude is great.....he did a bunch of the things on his list today including getting a tetanus shot and getting new tires for the car. We went to a great Thai restaurant for date night (actually lunch). I had chicken curry and Jake had salmon curry
    reasonable calories but HUGE sodium

    :flowerforyou: Judy, will you be a bowler or a spectator at the bowling nationals?

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, your workouts sound like what the Olympic athletes do to stay in shape

    :flowerforyou: Elli, congratulations on all the good news for your kids:bigsmile: A lot of my exercise in the house is what I learned from Leslie Sansone's "Walk at Home"....I just do it by myself without the music and while watching ice skating or mogul skiing or curling or some CSI show.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I am continuing to send healing thoughts your way.....I so hope that you will feel your very best for your cruise so you can really enjoy the warmth and the fun and the relaxation

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I'm sorry to hear about your stepson, but alcohol is the great convincer....every bad experience will bring him closer to the point where he can surrender and say that he is powerless over will convince him in ways that loving family members could never do......just stick with your program and trust God. it's too bad that some people can't see the value of Al Anon. Good luck sticking to your Lent fasting.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, it's good to hear from you when you are so busy......congrats on losing another pound.:bigsmile:

    We're having beautiful weather but I was so busy today that there was no time to go to the dog park.......we walked the dogs extra on the hill but they had to be on wishes to all for good health :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs Barbie
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all,
    It seems like forever since I have been on the boards! I am thinking that it has been close to 2 weeks!
    I just do not know where the time goes. We have not gotten back to quilting since we finished our projects before Christmas. My DGD is graduating the last of May....but...we are leaving on the 20th of March on a cruise and will not be back until the 26th of top must be finished and taken to my sister before the 10th of March! I really really do not know where the time goes. We do watch T.V. in the evenings so whatever it is we are doing it has to be done before 5:00. Hopefully I will get it together before the 10th.

    I have really missed reading all of your posts. I am finally getting it into my head who all the people are .Sooo I will just drop a few greetings and be on my way to bed.
    Gail, have a wonderful time and enjoy the sun!
    Sandi, so sorry to hear about your step-son! It is a hard road for all involved...maybe this could be his bottom!
    Barb, I love your dog stories!
    Marie, I am with you, I love the snow too! It was 77 here today and I don't know if we are ready for the WARMweather!
    Jeffery, it is wonderful what you are doing.
    I hope those of you who don't feel good are feeling better.

    Keep up the good work you guys, you are a wonderful group!
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all,
    It seems like forever since I have been on the boards! I am thinking that it has been close to 2 weeks!
    I just do not know where the time goes. We have not gotten back to quilting since we finished our projects before Christmas. My DGD is graduating the last of May....but...we are leaving on the 20th of March on a cruise and will not be back until the 26th of top must be finished and taken to my sister before the 10th of March! I really really do not know where the time goes. We do watch T.V. in the evenings so whatever it is we are doing it has to be done before 5:00. Hopefully I will get it together before the 10th.

    I have really missed reading all of your posts. I am finally getting it into my head who all the people are .Sooo I will just drop a few greetings and be on my way to bed.
    Gail, have a wonderful time and enjoy the sun!
    Sandi, so sorry to hear about your step-son! It is a hard road for all involved...maybe this could be his bottom!
    Barb, I love your dog stories!
    Marie, I am with you, I love the snow too! It was 77 here today and I don't know if we are ready for the WARMweather!
    Jeffery, it is wonderful what you are doing.
    I hope those of you who don't feel good are feeling better.

    Keep up the good work you guys, you are a wonderful group!
  • jeffrey71
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Went to church last night and it was a very good service. After we came home I got my 2 hours of yoga in. I am still feeling it in my legs today from earlier this week. I must have really got into an area that needed the work! Today I have strength training for legs, back, and abs. Then run and bike. So it will be a long evening.

    Day and I are going to see our Mom's this Saturday and that will probably be about it. Pretty low key.

    Sandi where are you going on your cruise? Day and I love to cruise!

    Barbie I am trying to model my workouts kind of like that. If you see anything I am missing let me know. I would appreciate it! Ihave been thinking of putting up a training log on line for others to review and make suggestions.

    Judy it is really not too bad. The rough part is to keep moving the bar up for new goals. It is easy to see progress and slow down because you have met the earlier goal. I have to keep driving or I am afraid that I will revert back to my less than healthy ways!

    Not a lot going on today, just work! I will try to check back in later. Have a good one everybody!
