Senior Golden Sneakers~~~ for February 2010~~~ Welcome



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning, Jeffrey sorry about your team. but I am glad for the Saints. They have has so much sorrow. Their stadium hold a lot of stories. Sad ones and happy ones.
    Things are getting back to nomal here. They still have the Military Service yet on Tuesday. but I am not going to try to make it there. I don't think I could do all that walking..It is on the other side of Dallas. Close to where Alice lives

    Elli how did the bread turn out? I bet it was good. Nothing smells any better thand bread baking.Now I just make Flax bread.

    Bruce and his family got back to home in time for the game. Their snow is surpose to hit tonight there.

    Sandy I see on facebook you will not fly American no more. What happen? Whats is nect for Bryanna? Such talent.
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good morning everyone!

    Gayla and Marie - thank you for help with the whole sourdough thing. I made the starter and left it out for 5 days like the recipe said. The bread was good - it just wasn't "sour" enough for me. So i'm leaving the starter out on the counter again for a few days - see if that helps...........i've never done sourdough before so it's an adventure. I LOVE baking bread and hadn't done it in years but decided i want to in the new kitchen!

    Sandy - I was wondering as well, what happened with American Airlines? You're home safe at least! As far as i'm concerned i'd NEVER get on an airplane again if i absolutely didn't HAVE to. I'd much rather drive anywhere!

    Jeffrey - I hope you're not getting as much bad weather as was predicted! Sorry about your Colts - but i have to agree that i'm happy for NO! Also, I have family in Baton Rouge who are pretty excited right now!

    I'm still having dizzy troubles - i hope it doesn't last too long. It feels SO good to be back to yoga and last time i had this i had to quit for 2 weeks. I'm planning on going tomorrow night - i'll just have to see how i feel. I don't mind the falling down so much (i manage to catch myself) - it's the nausea and headache that makes it bad!

    Gayla - You're such a night owl huh? Man - i'm usually in bed by 9:30! I have a hard time staying up late at night. I'm always worried if i go to a play or something i'm going to fall asleep! lol. :embarassed: I'm such a bad sleeper at night though - maybe i should TRY to stay up later!

    OK - i better get to work! Hope it's the beginning of a really good week for us all!

  • jeffrey71
    Good Late Morning Everyone!

    They have reduced our snow prediction to 12" but still with the wind and they put out a Winter Storm Warning. It will be a mess! But hey! Spring is one day closer!

    Not much else to report on right now. All is pretty quiet. I think that the job will be ending soon. So I have been on the "replacement". LOL

    Gayla you can find something to do 24/7 on a cruise. I know I have! LOL Don;t worry about sleep! LOL

    Elli I could do a lot of material on the dizziness and nausa. When was that date? ROFLMAO Seriously take it easy and don't over do things. Falling is not a good program. If you don't shake it soon. Go to the doc!

    Marie I am glad thinks are calming down for you.

    Have a great day!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Yes, we are home safe and sound and although I said I would never fly American again it was much better than driving. Bryanna and I were disappointed with the American Terminal in Kansas City since were hoping to have a nice dinner before boarding and it was very depressing terminal. The plane was the smallest plane with one seat on one side and two seats on the other. There wasn't any room for any carry on luggage so we had to let them put her bag with her costumes in the cargo area which we never do since they are so valuable. There were only about 8 of us on the flight and for some unknown reason we had to wait over a half hour to get our luggage. Because we were tired we got frustrated so that is why I said I would never fly American again. :mad: I will send them an email to complain about the luggage situation, if I have to pay for my luggage I expect good service. :blushing:

    Jeffrey, I did want the Colts to win since they have never been to Super Bowl, but as it turns out I won $500 on the pools I was in, so although you might not be happy I sure am. :laugh: We too are expecting all that snow so I am grateful we weren't traveling when it hits. Plan on just staying home for the next couple of days and catching up on rest. :yawn:

    Marie,the most important thing is that you got to see your brother in the hospital and at the wake. I am sure everyone knows how hard it would be for you to walk and they all understand.:heart: Bryanna's next competition is in our area and the end of March we go to Detroit. Her team is amazing and she is such a pleasure to watch dance. :love:

    Gayla, I am like you, I am not a morning person and stay up until about 1:00 am. I sleep until around 8 or 9 and then waste my morning on the computer, it is a good thing I am retired. :laugh: When I went on the cruise I was not up at the crack of dawn because as Jeffrey said I found plenty to do at night. When we docked I managed to crawl out of bed to do some excursions so you will be fine. Just enjoy it and try and relax as much as possible. :heart:

    Elli, I am the opposite of you, I would rather fly anywhere than drive. Most of the time if the drive is over three hours I will try to fly, especially in the winter. I hate to have to worry about the weather and would prefer to be delayed at the airport than driving through snow. :ohwell: When I do make bread which isn't often since I try not to eat bread I use a bread maker so I am not the one to ask about baking or cooking. :laugh:

    Hope everyone else is well and had a great weekend, I did not gain any weight over the weekend so life is good!!! :love:

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: We flew Alaska Airlines on our trip and it was wonderful....I can't wait to go again (I have a trip planned for March).....I think the smaller planes are the problem because Jake was not as thrilled by his flight when he had to go on a smaller plane......I think it's always a good idea to speak up when you're unhappy about will they know if no on tells them.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: we recorded the game and started watching it at about 5PM so when anyone called, the first thing we said was "if you know anything about the game, don't tell us" was a very exciting game......I thought there were too many commercials for beer and unhealthy food and certainly too many commercials with men in their underwear......I usually enjoy the ads as much as the game, but this time I was disappointed.

    :flowerforyou: we're going to Tacoma for the day with some friends who tend to be negative so between being in the car too much and the possibility of less than wonderful conversation, I'm not looking forward to it.....we'll probably eat at least one meal in a restaurant and have no time for exercise......fortunately it's only one day and I've already walked the dogs and spent some time on the exercise bike....the weather is pretty nice and we'll be driving over two fabulous bridges and along the water so the scenery promises to be spectacular

    :heart: hugs Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All!!

    It has been a few days since I was on here. I have been "lurking" (for any newbies--that means, reading but not posting.)

    I am not a huge football fan, but I did keep up with the Saints this year, and I was SOO pleased at the outcome. :drinker: :drinker: Sorry Jeffrey :flowerforyou: I don't know what I would have done if the game had put them against Minnesota, 'cuz I like Brett Favre too, but New Orleans deserves to have some pleasant memories after all the adversity that region has faced since the aftermath of that uninvited guest "Katrina."

    I can't begin to respond to all the posts, but I have to make a couple of comments. (If you already read me on the 50+ Women's Thread, you can skip the parts between ********************** as it is a "rerun.":bigsmile:

    I agree with Barbiecat--way too many unhealthy food ads during the game, but the one with the little kid setting mom's new boyfriend straight about keeping his hands of mom and the Doritos WAS cute!! I missed the one with Letterman, Leno and Oprah, but saw it on the news today--funny--and most unexpected.

    As for the ads with guys in their underwear--well, I would rather see GUYS :blushing: in their underwear than a bunch of gals!! Just my thought!!

    I do have a new food treat to mention. I recently tried the Fiber One muffins from the freezer case-- the banana nut and chocolate chip and the blueberry flavor. Great flavors--about 170 calories per muffin--and a great source of fiber. Four muffins for about $2.50 are individually wrapped, so great for taking along to work or where ever.

    So, what have I been up to? Well, after surviving another week at work, I prepared for Super Bowl Sunday. My neighbor and I headed up the Columbia Gorge with his pug, and my three little piggies, and a car full of food (though not quite as much food ARRIVED at our destination as I had planned--more about that below ) Chloe, his black lab, was on a "play date" with his daughter, so she was not part of the "travelling herd."

    Since my friend/hostess had been very busy with her doggie raising business and other family obligations, about a week ago I told her, if she would contribute some $$$ I would plan and buy all our food. I got some inspiration from a taste of samples at Trader Joe's.

    The menu became, mini tacos, soy and flax seed chips, veggie chips, edamame hummus, salsa, regular and peach mango; spicy black bean dip; reduced sodium wheat thins, a veggie tray, some stuffed mushrooms, meatballs in a sauce with some low sodium V8, a little balsamic vinaigrette dressing and some BBQ sauce, a la crock pot, and dessert was still an unknown. Saturday night after getting off work, I went out to shop and bought pretty much everything except dessert. Couldn't get hold of my friends to find out what they might like.

    My PLAN: Get home, go to bed early, get up early to attend church, pack up the car and the doggies (and my neighbor, too, of course!! )and take off by about 11:30 for the drive, which is about an hour and 15 minutes.

    What HAPPENED: Things started to derail when I got home. For some reason, even though I didn't get enough sleep on Friday night, by the time I got home, my "second wind" kicked in, and I didn't get to bed til about 1 am. That made getting up at 6 am to hit the 7:30 am service a "not happenin" event, and I wasn't even "with it" enough to make the 9 am service. By this time, we were on "Plan C"--10 am at another parish. Well, that didn't work either, so I started debating about the 11 a.m. service--which would have meant we left later than we should, so I said a little prayer of "please forgive me for my bad planning Lord" and skipped church, and hoped I wouldn't live to regret it. (I will let you be the judge of whether THAT is what caused all the trouble described below )

    So, as I am walking my doggies, I finally get in touch with my friends,and they agree that vanilla ice cream is a good start for any dessert. I came up with ginger snaps, blueberries to go along with, and a special lemon loaf that my hostess is nuts about.

    During this conversation, I also learned that the host had managed to eat on Saturday night most of the ribs that he had purchased for Sunday, AND drank all of his beer as well!! He had help. His son and son's girlfriend both had to work on Sunday, so they came over on Saturday night for a "pre-game celebration" and that took care of that food. I decided some additional food was in order, so came up with a little make it up as I go along in the store recipe:

    8 pre-made tamales (Delimex makes some that are individually wrapped in corn husks, but just need to be heated up in micro, or regular oven),;
    2 bags of Uncle Ben's brown rice in the micro pouch (fantastic rice WITHOUT added sodium --read the label, all the OTHER flavors have PLENTY of sodium)
    1 can of S & W stewed tomatoes with bell pepper and onion;
    about 1/4 - 1/2 cup of mild enchilada sauce (optional, see below**)
    1/4 -1/2 cup of salsa
    1 cup or so of Sargento reduced fat Mexican cheese

    I took the tamales and heated them in the micro for about 4 minutes per four tamales. Heated the rice pouches according to directions --90 seconds each pouch. Place rice in a casserole, add tamales, top off with more rice, add the stewed tomatoes and the enchilada sauce, and the salsa. Put in a preheated 350 degree oven for about 15 minutes. Remove and add the cheese. Put back in the oven for 5-8 minutes. You can shut off the oven about this time and it will still melt nicely.

    I didn't calculate the calories, but I already know the sodium would be higher than I would want under normal conditions, because of the sodium in the enchilada sauce and the stewed tomatoes.

    **These were REALLY good, though if I do it again, I would eliminate the enchilada sauce and replace it with V-8 juice.

    So far, sounds like a pretty good spread, right? Well the story isn't over yet!! It was a VERY fortunate thing that because of my host eating the most of the ribs I added that last dish at the last minute. Thus, all the ingredients for it were purchased on the way out of town when I got the dessert ingredients and some more beer. We had an uneventful drive east, with Mai Li, being her usual self, barking periodically to let all know that she still thought she was "in charge" of the back seat .

    Upon arrival, I started pulling things out of the cooler, and suddenly realized that everything I purchased at Trader Joe's, and some of what I got on Friday night at another store was MISSING!!! Suddenly those tamales were looking like our main course, and as it turned out, they WERE. My punishment for foregoing church was managing to FORGET the mini tacos, edamame hummus, spicy black bean dip, stuffed mushrooms, AND meatballs!! Phooey!!

    Fortunately, two of the people we thought would be there to eat were not. And, since we had "enough" beer, the guys didn't care!! What we DID have was very good, and there were leftovers, so we didn't starve, but it is a good thing I like Mexican food, because there is still plenty of it left at my house. I came home to find all the missing goodies still sitting waiting for me!!

    I am making the meatballs tonight for my dinner and I will probably freeze part of them to use later. I think I may have to plan a dinner later this week with a friend and her son to take care of the rest.

    Turns out, I will be going back up to the east next Sunday, since my neighbor and my friend reach an agreement that he is going to take one of her male French Bulldogs, who is about to "retire" from breeding. He is only 4 years old, but that breed has a genetic predisposition to sterility, and he has been having a lot of "fun" with the females, but not producing any "results" if ya know what I mean, so he gets to become my neighbor's pet, and will become a regular playmate of "the three little pigs" as well. His name is "Archie"--not the name you would expect for a Frenchie, but somehow it suits him!! I can already tell he is a character, just like his new owner.
    Elli, I am with you, would rather drive than fly anytime. Flying doesn't bother me--its taking off, landing, and dealing with all the security measures that one has to go through in the terminal--and the fact that I can't carry my tweezer and manicure scissors with me in the cabin. Amazingly, I have been driving with those things in my purse for YEARS, and haven't experienced a single breach of security!!!:noway: My aunt in Seattle is fortunate. When she goes to visit her daughter and the rest of the family, her son-in-law sends HIS private jet to Seattle to pick them up:noway: , and presto, no security searches!!! We should all be so lucky, right!!:laugh:

    Sandy, I am glad you found your credit card. As you can see from reading above, I "found" my missing items, but I can't "cancel" them., so guess I will be dong some eating instead!!!


    I am glad you got to see all your family, but wish it was for a different reason. Hang in there with your food program, and keep up the exercising. We want you to live FOREVER!!!:flowerforyou:

    I am doing an effective job of wasting my last day off, so will take off for now.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh Barb - sorry about your food mishap! Although! It DOES make a great story!:tongue: AND sounds like you did just fine with what you had! All that careful preparation.......and then to leave all that at home!:ohwell: Sounds like you'll have food for the rest of the week anyway!
    Thanks for telling us about the fiber 1 muffins! They sound GREAT! I'll check those out. Always looking for new breakfast ideas. I like the fiber 1 granola bars too.
    Oh yea - the whole flying thing bothers me. If we were supposed to be 30,000 feet up in the air God would have given us WINGS!:bigsmile: I can't stand all the security stuff - i ALWAYS have a pocket knife in my back pocket.........good thing i haven't been arrested! i HAVE had to run back out to the car to leave it threre........

    Marie - i have to agree with Barb - you keep on exercising because we really DO want you to live forever!

    I made it to the gym tonight - and didn't fall down! lol. I have an appointment on Friday to get the manuver that will fix my dizzy. By then it may be gone 'cause i'm doing the tipping exercise 3 times a day.........not working yet.:huh:

    OK! have a great night all!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    oh Barb - sorry about your food mishap! Although! It DOES make a great story!:tongue: AND sounds like you did just fine with what you had! All that careful preparation.......and then to leave all that at home!:ohwell: Sounds like you'll have food for the rest of the week anyway!
    Thanks for telling us about the fiber 1 muffins! They sound GREAT! I'll check those out. Always looking for new breakfast ideas. I like the fiber 1 granola bars too.
    Oh yea - the whole flying thing bothers me. If we were supposed to be 30,000 feet up in the air God would have given us WINGS!:bigsmile: I can't stand all the security stuff - i ALWAYS have a pocket knife in my back pocket.........good thing i haven't been arrested! i HAVE had to run back out to the car to leave it threre........

    Marie - i have to agree with Barb - you keep on exercising because we really DO want you to live forever!

    I made it to the gym tonight - and didn't fall down! lol. I have an appointment on Friday to get the manuver that will fix my dizzy. By then it may be gone 'cause i'm doing the tipping exercise 3 times a day.........not working yet.:huh:

    OK! have a great night all!


    I know you posted about what that exercise is, but everytime you mention it, I think of the kind of "tipping exercise" I was doing yesterday with a bottle of Michelob Ultra Cactus Lime. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I got LOTS of exercise yesterday!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: It helped me forget my "menu mishap.!!":blushing:

    Funny thing, though. I was actually dizzier AFTER all the "exercise." :noway: :noway: Imagine that!!!:laugh: :drinker:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    A quick hi again. The days seem to be going quickly. We had a busy day in the city and got home just in time to make dinner. Then Dave and I did our Monday night marathon TV watching. I call it our date night. He rolls his eyes. Lots of laughter which is good for the soul. Tomorrow morning we are going in to the new Walmart to see if we can find some shorts. One forgets that last years summer clothes are a little tired looking. Dave wears his until they are rags, so glad he is looking for some new ones!!
    Thinking about you all. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi All,
    Quick note to say HI... I have been hiding for the last week and a half studying for my test... test is over and I guess we find out in May or June if it was worth all the studying.
    Today was PT and at lunch I have Spin class and after work I have a 45 minute date with a Planet Fitness elliptical... I am so ready for spring... We have a 14K race this weekend and its supposed to be freezing!!!
    I will try and read all the posts when I get back on later tonight. I wish you all a wonderful day
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Barbs how many carbs in the fiber one muffinsThe carbs and fiber? I will look for them. but I really like my Chcolate chips muffin I make with flax seeds. And it has lots of fiber and good carbs.

    Good hearing from all of you. Love reading your stories.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Barb - you crack me up! Which is a good thing as long as i don't move my head around too much:laugh:
    Unfortunately MY tipping exercise doesn't involve any michelob, or corona, or anything else that's much fun:drinker: :drinker: !
    Although - it DOES seem to make me DIZZY!:noway: ARghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Still trying to work through it! lol. I REALLY want to try yoga tonight - hopefully i'll feel better by then! If not i'll go to the gym again and do more cardio.

    Beth - jeez you do a lot of working out! What test did you have? Are you getting promoted????? I know in the Army you have to have so many points and then go before a board. My son got his high security clearance:smile: now we're just waiting to see if he is accepted into the CID program. Hope so - it's really what he wants to do. I HOPE you don't have to race in freezing! You sure have been getting a ton of snow in your part of the country!

    Everyone have a good day!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :noway: :explode: :explode: HAVEN'T HAD TIME TO POST....BUT I'M SCREWING UP!!!:explode: I JUST HAD SOME CANDY AND COOKIES AND I KNOW WHY! :mad: I'm upset and I'm angry. :mad: This is how I punish myself....:angry: and I'm not going to let it go another second!!!! I already had all my calories for the day so I have 26 calories left for dinner! I've been very depressed and overwhelmed at work and I think what bothers me the most is that I feel like I'm taken for granted.:frown: “Just dump on Roberta, after all she's JUST the Office manager and the rest of us are Bookkeepers/Accountants!” She's not important! I said something to my boss about it... and she told me it was my job to be dumped on any chance they get!:cry::cry: What a slap in the face.....or at least a wake up call! I wouldn't mind if they all worked hard, but they do the minimum they have to and then dump on me.:grumble: They go in the back and have cigarette breaks....they laugh and talk....and I can't take a break because I'm under a pile of THEIR work!:grumble: They get paid twice as much, and do half as much....and I let it get me down and become resentful. They are friends of my boss.....need I say more? I've been taking an attitude that I don't care anymore and yesterday I had some kind of attach on my stomach and couldn't come to work because I get dry heaves :sick: :sick: and pains so bad that I can't even put a bra on. One person came in the office and told me not to lose anymore weight because I’m starting to look old. :ohwell: She said "Remember how beautiful your skin use to be?':frown: ...Ignorant....yes...but it must be the truth.

    I realize everyone is under pressure and for the most part I really love my job and even the people that are getting under my skin! I am going to practice what I preach!!!! This is NOT going to bother me in 100 years so I won't let it get to me anymore now!:flowerforyou: I WILL let go and let so many others are dealing with far more serious situations.....and I will live in the moment and not touch anything else that is not nutritious today.:flowerforyou:
    Sorry for the complaining.:blushing: ......sometimes when the poor self image I project on myself is magnified by someone else’s comments and actions....I just fall apart.:cry:

    I am a child of God. I am special and I will treat myself that way.

    Hope everyone is doing well, and when I get a moment I’ll try to catch up on the posts.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Birdie - i think sometimes people tell us to not lose anymore weight because they are not successful at something THEY want to do. YOU know best how you feel, how you look and how much weight you want to lose. The ONLY thing you can control is your reaction to other people's meanness, ignorance or whatever the case may be. I KNOW - it's SO hard to do when you're in the moment and NOTHING seems important - certainly not what you EAT if it's going to make you feel better! But as we ALL know - it's SO short lived - the instant gratification and then comes the "crash"! You are doing AWESOME. Just take a deep breath, and be kind to yourself! Eat something nutritious for supper - don't worry about going over - just be sensible. Tomorrow's a new day! WHEW! sorry if i went on and on and on!!!!!!!!!!! Thinking about you.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart:heart: :heart: :heart:

    Birdie, I think Elli gave you good advise. We are all proud of you. You came a long way baby!!!!!!!!!! You just go by how you feel. Not what the others think.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Birdie, you got some great words from Elli and Marie and from yourself......Trust God and don't let the ********heads get you down. To thine own self be true......treat yourself gently......and most important--stay in the moment----be mindful of the task in front of you....keep in touch with us....we love you a lot :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Don't let the turkeys get you down!!!!! Tell them I will sic Mai Li on them, so they better shape up!!!:laugh:

    I don't know what your skin looked like before or after you lost weight, but for myself, I found that my neck is a little saggy, compared to what it was when I was carrying around my double or maybe triple chin. Besides the exercises I try to do several times a week, I tried a body cream with Shea Butter and Dead Sea minerals. There is a great line of facial and body products made by a company in Israel Called Ultimate Spa. The only place I have found them is at TJ Maxx, and they tend to disappear off the shelves quickly, but they are reasonably priced and the facial cleanser is wonderful too. The body wash is so gentle, I have used it as a facial cleanser as well.

    Between these products and my drinking so much more water than I did before I started my new lifestyle, I have been through the entire winter without my legs getting itchy the way they always have in winters past.

    Hope everyone is doing good.

    Oh Marie, Here is some info from the MFP database about those muffins. This is the data for the Banana Chocolate Chip, but as I recall the blueberry is about the same:

    Calories 190 Sodium 170 mg
    Total Fat 4 g Potassium 0 mg
    Saturated 2 g Total Carbs 36 g
    Polyunsaturated 0 g Dietary Fiber 7 g
    Monounsaturated 0 g Sugars 17 g
    Trans 0 g Protein 3 g
    Cholesterol 25 mg

    So long for now.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Barb - the muffins are Fiber One and frozen right? I'm definitely going to check them out!

    Birdie - I hope you've having a peaceful day at work today and just shutting all the #$%^*s OUT! Barbie said it - we all love you and support you!:heart:

    Did anyone ever check out Katie Spotz????? She's my new hero - she's raising money for clean drinking water by ROWING across the OCEAN ALONE!!!!!!!! Oh - and she's 22 years old. Her website is:
    PLEASE check her out - she gave a satallite phone interview now that she's halfway through her 2500 mile journey!!!!!!! I LOVE this girl!!!!!!!! OK - that's my pitch!

    I'm off to have a dexa scan now!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Good Morning,

    Birdie, I agree with the others, don't worry about what others say or do, only you can control your own life. Taking care of yourself before others is a number one rule. It is awful that others are dumping on you and your boss thinks that is okay, but you know you can handle any situation and this too shall pass. :heart: Ellie is right when she said those that complain about our weight loss are those that can't succeed in what they do. People tell me all the time, why are you trying to lose weight , you will look so old if you do and then the next week they say how great I look. What's up with that?? It is called jealousy and as long as we know how we want to look and feel, that is all that matters. You pick up those boot straps and hold you head high, you have done a wonderful job and one day of cookies and candy will not break you. :noway: Hang in there and take some time for a little meditation to collect yourself when you get stressed.:heart:

    I haven't been doing well on exercise this week although I did take Daisy for a long walk in the snowstorm yesterday. She loves the snow and even though I couldn't see any sidewalks it was great exercise for both of us. I am trying to motivate myself in my Wii Shape but keep putting it off. :grumble: I haven't been recording my food either, so this has been a bad week for me. It is only Wednesday so I will just jump back on my wagon and start today. :bigsmile:

    Beth, good luck in your race and in the test that you are taking. You are one busy lady.:happy:

    Jeffrey, I think we ended up with 6-8 inches of snow, how about you? We supposedly had an earthquake in the middle of the night but I did not feel anything. :ohwell:

    Marie, your family photo on face book is great, what a great bunch of people you have in your family. :heart:

    Barbie, keep on giving us motivation and encouragement, you are our idol, along with Jeffrey and Jake.

    Barb, if Mai Li needs back up in helping Birdie I can send Daisy. :laugh:

    Rather than talk I better do the walk and get moving on my exercise.

    Have a great day everyone!!!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Thank you ladies! Your words mean more to me than you can imagine! :love: Today I exercised and am at work trying to be positive.:flowerforyou:
    Sending many hugs!!!