Senior Golden Sneakers~~~ for February 2010~~~ Welcome



  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Birdie - you GO girl! We're proud of you!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    That a way Birdie!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi all! I have been busy, busy, busy. I am not sure if I have time to go to work tomorrow. :wink: I took Neil shopping for a few things he needs. Other than that nothing new here. I am at the stage of the holiday where I am asking myself "why did I want to do this". Don't get me wrong, I am excited and happy but I always do this. Usually it is when I am going to a conference or something and leaving everyone behind. I am surprised that I am having that same feeling when they are all going with me. Always, once the plane gets up in the air that feeling goes. I am a sick puppy, I know!!

    Birdie -- So glad that today is a better day and glad you have this group to vent to.

    Marie -- How are you today?

    Hope everyone else is doing great, having a snowball fight maybe or burning weed. Whatever makes you happy! Take care and keep smiling. Gayla Vivian :heart:
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Just checking in. Sounds like everyone is doing well. I've been reading all your posts but haven't had the time to post on everyone. Hope you don't throw me out. Judy
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    I just picked up Haifa from the vet and after a day of glucose testing in both his blood and urine, the vet has declared him officially in remission:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: YIPPEE !!!!!!! The CD I was listening to in the car was the one about avoiding the "Dream Stealers" especially the subtle ones in your family, your friends, your co-workers.....It looks like Birdie has a bunch of "Dream Stealers" in her office. All of you Senior Golden Sneakers are the opposite of that
    you encourage our dreams and pick us up when we falter.......thank you for all you've added to my life:heart::heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Drink dat water.

    Hello toby. good to hear from you. How did you lose all that weight?

    Gayla, It want be long now. Will it? Will you be able to take time out to post here while you are on the cruise.

    Barbiecat, We do have a great vunch.

    Elli How is the Sourdough bread coming along?

    Jeffery Been Missing you

    Barbs you are such a good story teller.

    Sandy Good luck at Bingo

    Beth, Hope the snow melt before your run

    Dee Dee Haven't seen you around here lately, Hope all is well.

    sandi, you have been mia.

    Birdie, Hope all is better now.

    Phoebe, Where are you today?

    Jake, Hope all is well with you.

    Viliberty How are you doing?

    Plesant dreams all

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi everyone - hope you all had a good day! I did fine until my pg dil said "ice cream" to me on the phone while i was on my way to the grocery store. I did FINE in the grocery store but then i couldn't make it past the tcby! SO - i ended up with frozen yoghurt for supper and went over on my calories,:sad: oh well -:happy: tomorrow's another day - right????? I was SO hungry all DAY today. Don't know what's up with THAT!

    Marie - i've left the starter out for a few more days and it's starting to smell right now, so i'll put it in the fridge to try again - prob'ly not for awhile though - i have lots of homemade bread in the freezer now.

    Barb - i found those muffins in the freezer! I'm going to try one for breakfast - i got the banana chocolate chip. Sounds like a great change for breakfast!!!!!!!!

    Barbie - AWESOME news about Haifa!!!!!!!!:happy: And yes - all our people ARE the opposite of the dream stealers!!!!! We're all the dream facilitators!!!!!!!!!!! SUCH a better way to live life! How's it going with adding some calories back?????

    Tomorrow's THursday already! Night all:yawn:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:

    Hey Elli we got snow.. So far 2 in. and more is coming. Sammy is ready to get out in it. but not me. I will just drink my coffee and look out the window. We got our grocery shopping sone yesterday..

    I am going to start eating more fish. Some kind of fish every other day. and lay off some of those chocolat chips flax muffin. I have been eatin to much of them

    Good morning all and have a wonderful day.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    I had a better day yesterday, staying in the moment. Thanks to everyone who encouraged me.:love: This thread has been a lifeline for me and your words of encouragement helped me to stay on target:smooched: I got weighed this morning and stayed the I am grateful that my emotional slump didn't cost me in lbs!

    I'll keep Mai Li and Daisy in mind for any future problems at work:laugh:

    Sending hugs to all!

    Have a great day!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Its still coming down and it is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Gonna have snow icecream for lunch if I can talk Jerry into going out and get me some snow.

    Hope the kids in the neiberhood make a snowman.
    Its beginning to stick to the roads now and coming down pretty heavy/ ha Ha Jerry may have to do some shoveling.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Oh Marie! HOW FUN!!!!!!!!! I've been wondering if you're getting snow with with huge storm!!!!!! I hope Jerry will bring you in some for your snow ice cream!!!!!!!!! Fish is good - i eat lots of it. I like salmon, halibut, orange roughy and i also use lots of that imitation crab which is actually Alaskan Pollack.

    Barb - thanks for telling us about the fiber one muffins! I had one for breakfast with an orange and it was very tasty! And a great change from cereal or a scrambled egg!!!!!!!!

    Birdie - way to keep your head and thoughts up! I'm glad your "meltdown" didn't cause you to gain!

    I'm back on plan today - still REALLY dizzy - i go for the manuver thing tomorrow. My friend/employee is getting sick so i sure hope she's able to make it IN tomorrow so i can go DO the thing! lol

    OK - have a good day everyone! I'll catch up with you all later!

    :heart: elli
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member

    Went to bingo didn't win, but did pick up my winnings from the super bowl pool. :bigsmile: I was good yesterday and worked on my Wii Shape for 45 minutes, I swear Jenny Mc Carthy is trying to kill me. :laugh: Today I was even better and did my elliptical for 30 minutes and my stationary bike for 30 minutes. After my meeting I took Daisy for a really long walk, although my pedometer only said 3404 steps for 1.28 miles but every little bit helps. :love:

    Marie, glad you like the snow and although I agree with you that it is pretty when it first falls, I am sick and tired of snow. Make sure if Jerry gets you snow for ice cream that it isn't the yellow snow. :laugh: Do you think Spring will ever get here??

    Elli, please be careful with that dizziness, my husband ended up in the hospital with vertigo so bad he was projecting vomit. (sorry for anyone who is squimish.) I at first thought he was having a massive heart attack because when he called me he was screaming he couldn't get up. It took a really long time for him to get rid of it and boy was he cranky. :grumble:

    Birdie, I knew you could do it and isn't it nice to be on track? Our meeting today was on self pity and how no whining is allowed. As I said, when people whine around me I ask if they want some cheese with their whine. :tongue: Self pity is negative thinking and a waste of time. To get through those days it is recommended to say the serenity prayer, use slogans, think of things to be grateful and take responsibilities for ourselves. There are others who situations are much worse than ours and the right choices give us hope. :love:
    Sorry if I sounded like I was on a soap box, but it was such a good meeting I wanted to share. :blushing:

    Time to make dinner, enjoy the rest of your day you wonderful bunch of people for whom I am grateful.

  • viliberty
    Got mad at everyone and everything and made a batch of large home made biscuits. Had four of them slathered in butter and jam. (At least the jam was sugar free.) That fixed me all up, and I wasn't mad anymore! I don't even feel guilty or contrite. Staying low carb for a bread lover is not fun. I guess after about so long I actually needed a fix. Now it is over and I'm not mad anymore. I still didn't go over my calories......just ate the wrong ones. But now I am at peace with the world. I can go back to 45 calorie bread tomorrow and be happy. Good night every one......Happy dreams.......God Bless!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I'm doing well with adding a few calories and keeping up with my maintain my weight I should be at 1400 calories plus exercise so there still isn't much room for "treats"

    :flowerforyou: I agree that gratitude is a good tool for the tough times.

    :flowerforyou: still no snow here:sad:

    :flowerforyou: not much time, just wanted to say hello to all of my great senior friends.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I had a better day yesterday, staying in the moment. Thanks to everyone who encouraged me.:love: This thread has been a lifeline for me and your words of encouragement helped me to stay on target:smooched: I got weighed this morning and stayed the I am grateful that my emotional slump didn't cost me in lbs!

    I'll keep Mai Li and Daisy in mind for any future problems at work:laugh:

    Sending hugs to all!

    Have a great day!


    If the prospect of Daisy and Mai Li isn't enough to scare them, I will send in my "secret weapon"--Bradley the Yorkshire "Terror." We will smear the offenders faces with bananas and he will lick them into submission!!:noway: :noway: If they are foolish enough to run out of bananas, he will bark at them until they get more or distract him by taking him for a walk. A few minutes with him should make even the biggest offender behave!!!:laugh: :laugh:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Barb - your Bradley the "Terror" post makes me laugh!:laugh: I can just picture him licking the bananas off their faces!!!!!!!! ah - gotta love our doggies!

    Marie - omg! this morning i heard Dallas has NINE (?) inches of snow??????? That's CRAZY! In my truck driving days i went through one "snowstorm" in Dallas - but it wasn't even an inch on the ground! How are you people getting around?????? I hope you're loving it and staying INSIDE! NO DRIVING!!!!!!!:noway:

    Sandy - WOW!!!!!! I thought i had it bad with the vertigo!!!! After hearing about your husband's mine isn't bad at ALL! :embarassed: I do this "tipping" exercise, and it seems like after a week it starts getting better. I can do most everything - as long as i keep my head pretty level (no pun intended Jeffrey!:laugh: ). I can't do yoga :grumble: cause there's too much moving around. It DOES make me kind of grouchy too - the nausea and headache. Anyway - i'm going to the lady who does the manuver today - if Ang makes it into work. She got sick now from her husband who's been home all week with this killer bronchitis. I told her to stay home all day 'till around 2 and then come in so i can leave for an hour or so.........

    Barbie - i'm glad you're adding a few calories back.....i think you're smart to not add too many treats though. It gets way too easy to go overboard!

    I found another new breakfast - bagel chips and a TB of almond butter and a piece of fruit - YUM!:drinker:

    Happy Friday everyone!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We made it fine thru the night. fially quit snowing arounnd Midnight. My brother Mike who
    has a silk screen shop about 3/4 mile ferom me. walk down to my house to spend the night. He lives about 30 minuet miles from here. and his truck had so much snow He figure he would be better off walking. His wife works out of their home and They lost the power early this morning. Jerry got out and shovel snow this morning. This is our grocer shopping day but I am not going. Don't want to break any of my bones.. Thank II will make a big pot of soup today.

    Just wanted to let you know we are all fine.

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    oh Marie - thank goodness you're all right! Just stay put!!!!!!!!!! My Dad (92) lives in NY and he's all snowed in also. I just hope you (or he) don't lose power.......:noway:

    I forgot to tell you guys - the yoga championship is today - someone from our Ft. Collins studio is competing. If you want to check it out at all it's at They competitors are truely amazing athletes!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Good Morning,

    Marie, as I said on the comment page, you should go outside and make snow angels...........:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Don't you dare listen to me, you stay in, stay warm and have some good soup to warm up your bones. :heart:

    Elli, I will check out the yoga championship right after I exercise. :tongue:

    Barb, Bradley, your secret weapon is so funny. I would love to see her and Daisy together, they would have us rolling on the floor. :laugh: :laugh:

    Barbie, is that all you get to add is 200 more calories? I am trying so hard and no weight is coming off, but since I am exercising I am going to say I have muscle weight. :tongue: That is my story and I am sticking to it. :laugh:

    I better get moving on that exercise before I lose my motivation. Have a great day everyone.

  • jeffrey71
    I am still breathing!

    Good afternoon friends! Lots of crappy weather. Sandy and I have been dumped on! Literally! Anyway all is about back to normal now. Amanda and Sam and Day are all fine. I think we are making another trip to see the Mom's this weekend. So that will be another no weekend for Jeff. Maybe I am being selfish but I like a little me time too!

    Birdie I work with accountants too. Nuff said! Don't let the cracks made upset you. Envy is probably the root source of them. You have done great and are almost to your goal. I went through the same thing with "friends". They would ask are you sick? do you have an eating disorder? Are you going trough depression? All kinds of crap. Finally with one person (that was particularly obnoxious) that had asked if I was anorexic I told her that, No I am not. I am just now at a medically normal weight but by comparison I am thin. My guess is that they are just picking at you to make themselves feel better. You have fought a wonderful fight and are winning! Keep it up girl!

    Marie if I known that you would have liked some snow Sandy and I could have e-mailed you some!

    Elli I hope the dizzy thing stops soon!

    Viliberty back on track is good. We all slip up everynow and then. Smile and regroup!

    Beth how is the studying coming?

    Barb nice to hear from you!

    Sandy has Chicago dug out yet? We are good to the east. Congrats again for your Grand Daughter!

    Training hard again tonight! 4 months to my first Triathlon!
