Senior Golden Sneakers~~~ for February 2010~~~ Welcome



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Gayla is going cruising, Sandi is going cruising, Sandy is NOT going cruising and I am so jealous!! Sandi, you will be cruising for a month? Where are you going? We need details.:laugh:

    Did so great at bingo last night, won $600 on pull tabs, it was very exciting. :bigsmile: No, Jeffrey you can not have a loan, you won your own money. :laugh: Remember to not let anything the moms say hurt you or Day, they love you both and sometimes can't express it the right way. :heart:

    MARIE, MARIE where are you? Ali ali ocean come out and play!!! We miss you and I am starting to worry, please check in with us. :happy:

    Barbie, I hope Jake's thumb is better as well as that nasty cold he had. :flowerforyou: I keep telling my husband I should take Daisy to the dog park but we haven't been in so long I am nervous how she will act with the other dogs. And do I take her to the puppy side since she is only 9 months old or the big dog size since she is a BIG dog? Decisions decisions.

    I have my meeting today and tonight we are going to Olive Garden to celebrate my granddaughter's 15 birthday. :heart: She is my pride and joy and I can hardly believe she will be taking drivers ed next week. Where do the years go??

    I have given up all sweets for lent so that should help with my sugar intake. :drinker:

    I am going to try and get downstairs to do a 30 minute workout before my meeting so will check in later tonight.

  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all,
    About the cruise.... We are taking the South America cruise starting in Buenos Aries going south to the "end of the world", that makes me a little nervous, around the horn, up to Lima Peru and then to Santiago and on to the Panama Canal with stops in Columbia and Costa Rica, ending in Miami. There are 15 ports! Yes it is a 32 day cruise! We have never done a cruise like this but we have friends who are going and it was hard to pass it up as it !was only $3k per person , less than $100 per day and is a balcony room and we have milage for air. It is on NCL and it is my least favorite cruise line. It will be okay but I would rather have gone on Princess but it would have been a lot more...actually I don't know how much it would have been! Just didn't want you to think we were out here in Arizona rolling in money, the only thing we are rolling in is sunshine! LOL

    Jeffery, you are such an inspiration! I even think that I will go do my walking tape, I am so inspired!

    I get to go see my little "Peanut" in a couple of weeks.
    Peanut is very little and was born with 3 legs, he is a dog! LOL. One day last summer we were meeting up with my sister and the dogs were in the truck. They were all barking and wanting my attention...I was focused on Peanut. "Oh Peanut I love you I said, I would take you home in a minute,that is, if you didn't piddle" Peanut looked at me and promptly nipped at my nose! I have never said that to him again!LOL!

    Am really trying to focus on my eating and exercising. Need to get healthier. It just doesn't seem like there are enough hours in the day. Can't even imagine what it would be like if my 3 kids lived in town!

    Is Marie all right?
    Talk at you later!
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi all,
    About the cruise.... We are taking the South America cruise starting in Buenos Aries going south to the "end of the world", that makes me a little nervous, around the horn, up to Lima Peru and then to Santiago and on to the Panama Canal with stops in Columbia and Costa Rica, ending in Miami. There are 15 ports! Yes it is a 32 day cruise! We have never done a cruise like this but we have friends who are going and it was hard to pass it up as it !was only $3k per person , less than $100 per day and is a balcony room and we have milage for air. It is on NCL and it is my least favorite cruise line. It will be okay but I would rather have gone on Princess but it would have been a lot more...actually I don't know how much it would have been! Just didn't want you to think we were out here in Arizona rolling in money, the only thing we are rolling in is sunshine! LOL

    Jeffery, you are such an inspiration! I even think that I will go do my walking tape, I am so inspired!

    I get to go see my little "Peanut" in a couple of weeks.
    Peanut is very little and was born with 3 legs, he is a dog! LOL. One day last summer we were meeting up with my sister and the dogs were in the truck. They were all barking and wanting my attention...I was focused on Peanut. "Oh Peanut I love you I said, I would take you home in a minute,that is, if you didn't piddle" Peanut looked at me and promptly nipped at my nose! I have never said that to him again!LOL!

    Am really trying to focus on my eating and exercising. Need to get healthier. It just doesn't seem like there are enough hours in the day. Can't even imagine what it would be like if my 3 kids lived in town!

    Is Marie all right?
    Talk at you later!
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Sorry about the double posts, guess I just wanted to get your attention! LOL!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sandi, I am doing fine. these gals and Jeffrey keeps me going. What a wonderful group of people.

    Hey your cruise sound fantastic. Have a wonderful time. A Whole Month??????????

    So glad to hear from you. It is warming up here some and then they say will get cold again. I am ready for spring. but t hey sais next week we have a chance of more snow.

    Take care and keep in touch.

  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Barbie, I'm bowling at Nationals. This will be my 26th year. Every year it's in a different state. You don't have to be good, just show up. If I bowl good I may get a check - if not it's a vacation and I'm getting to see the USA. Every third year it's in Reno though. Next year it's in Syracuse, NY. Judy
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    Barbie, I'm bowling at Nationals. This will be my 26th year. Every year it's in a different state. You don't have to be good, just show up. If I bowl good I may get a check - if not it's a vacation and I'm getting to see the USA. Every third year it's in Reno though. Next year it's in Syracuse, NY. Judy

    This sounds fabulous.......since I've been watching the Olympics, I'm in a mindset of enjoying the idea of big seem to have figured that has your weight loss factored into your bowling
    did it change your style, your scores, the clothes you wear, did your fingers get smaller and you needed a different ball? What fun to be able to travel to do something you enjoy a lot.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sandi, your cruise sounds fantastic especially the part about the Panama Canal

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Jeffrey I don't know much more about exercise except "if you're moving you're losing" and "the best exercise is the one you'll do" so based on that, your workouts sound doubt, there are people on other threads who have a lot of knowledge about what's the best and what's a complete workout.....I say "get off the couch and don't sit down until you're exhausted":laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, you'll have warm weather long before the rest of us.

    Jake is ready to go for a walk in the sunshine, so we're headed out now.
    :love: :love: :love: hugs Barbie
  • jeffrey71
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Hey Judy! Good Luck! Have fun!

    Well at least it is a sunny day here for a change! We are supposed to get another winter storm Sunday into Monday. Either heavy snow or Ice. I guess it is one of those "heads you win, tails I lose"! LOL We are still going to see the Mom's tomorrow. I have dentist appointment over lunch today. Getting 5 teeth worked on. Ouch! And ouch on the wallet!

    The workout last night was very good. I ran 3.2 Miles (5k) in 25 min 25 sec. That was a "personal best" for me at this point. I am shooting to be under 24 minutes eventually. I then did my strenth training for legs and back which went very well. I finished with about 350 crunches. So it was a good workout. The knee is actually feeling ok this week. Not quite 100% but ok. That is a huge improvement over the last 4 months or so. It gave me a little trouble at the 2 mile mark but I was able to run through the pain and it eased up in a about the next half mile. (Zen training Elli!)

    I hope you all have a great Friday! I will try to check back a little later!

    Marie where you at today???

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy Friday everyone! We have a cold snowy day today. Last night I went into town (usually a 30 minute drive) to get shower/wedding gifts for my future dil's sister (yes - we have LOTS Of wedding stuff going on around here) and while i was shopping the weather got crazy and it took me almost an HOUR to get home! Sheesh!!!!!!!! black ice under snow.......not so good! Oh well - spring will be here before we know it!

    Jeffrey - i don't know how you have the discipline to do 2 hours of yoga on your own. It's all i can do to make myself stay in the hot room for 90 minutes surrounded by other people!!!!!!!!!! You ROCK! I hope the tri bike works out great for you!

    Hi Marie - is your snow all gone?

    Sandy - an alcoholic i knew once told me the scariest thing for him to accept was that he could NEVER have another drink in his life. I've known many who have needed to test that theory - again and again and again..........i hope your step son truly IS done. And i'm happy for you you're in a good place. Awesome on your big win!!!!!!!!

    Judy - the bowling sounds like fun!

    Sandi - oh WOW! i can't imagine what it's like to be off work for a month none the less CRUISE! RIGHT ON!!!!!!! Sounds like such a blast! Will you get to "take us" with you?????? Someday i hope to take a month off and drive to Alaska.

    Speaking of.........Alaska that soldier/son received his acceptance into CID (Criminal Investigations Division) for which he started the application process while he was still in Iraq.........SO! they're very excited! He goes to training for 16 weeks beginning March 30. Then (since there are no spots here in CO) they are going to "request" a post in Alaska, Hawaii or Ft Lewis WA! All of which THRILL me especially since originally they were going to request Germany!!!!!!!!! So i'm a happy happy happy mom these days!!!!!!!!! Things are going so great for my 4 and that's what it's all about!!!!!!!!! NOW if i could JUST get it back together with the whole food thing!

    Love you guys - have a great day today!!!!!!

  • viliberty
    Elli.....Alaska is a great place to work. I was there for several years out on the Tundra. Great people. Lots of room. My husband was jail chaplain and prison chaplain in Bethel as well as a church pastor. I worked for the state. Now I am in Spokane and there are things about Alaska that I miss. Six of my fifteen grandchildren are Yupik Eskimo. Just the cutest things you ever saw!! Three are still there, three are near me. My other' grandchildren are caucasian, hispanic and black . Good luck to your son wherever he goes to work. Life is good. God Bless. Irene
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Viliberty! how FUN to have such diverse grandkids! and FIFTEEN of them!!!!!!!!! WOW! too cool! I'm so looking forward to the first! When i spoke to my dil this morning she said she's pretty sure they'll be requesting Hawaii. MY first choice would be Alaska, but it's not my choice!:ohwell: It's all good though - i'm thrilled they're not asking to go to Germany! Thank you for the well wishes, and i agree! life IS good!!!!!!!

    :heart: elli
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Jeffrey , I had an early doctor appt. My first one this month. It was my bone doctor and he release me this morning. Unless I have another spell. I am doing fine now. except I still have problems with my back. I guess I always will but I have learn to live with it.
    They say we may have some more snow next week. I hope it is not like the last one we had.

    Elli, You will have a nice place for a vacation. Hawaii??????? Nice.

    viliberty ,,,,, You have been around in this world. sounds nice. And all of those grandkids.What a pleasure they must be. I only have 6 grandikids, and 4 great grandkids. Love everyone of them

    Have a wonderful day all

  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    It's snowing in Kansas again. Wooptie Do.

    Barbie, Yes to all of your questions. The biggest reason I'm so excited about going is that my team is my original team from NJ. I only get to see them at Nationals. I didn't tell them I had Lapband and they have know clue I'm "thinner". Boy am I going to make an entrance.

    Went to the ortho this am. Right knee replacement scheduled for 11 May.

    My official weigh day is Friday. According to the scale I'm down 1 lb.

    Have a wonderful weekend all.
  • jeffrey71
    Good afternoon!

    Just back from the dentist. Still a little numbed up but ok. Probably going to be a little sore later on. Weight is at a new low, but I am not going to post it yet. But I am smiling!

    Viliberty that is quite a group you have there! I am very happy for you!

    Elli I have been to Hawaii. Push hard for that one! LOL

    Judy sorry about the knee. Take care of it as best you can and have a great time and trip!

    Sandy I could use a loan for the dentist! I gave my winnings to the girls. :( (For student loans)

    Marie Good for you and the bone doctor! Take it easy and don't push too hard! We are getting another winter storm here Sunday and Monday. Over 6 more inches of snow. I surrender!

    Elli that is the one workout that I would refuse to miss. It feels like I had a good massage the next day. I love it!

    Have a good evening! It may be a day or two before I get back on.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Elli.....Alaska is a great place to work. I was there for several years out on the Tundra. Great people. Lots of room.

    Irene, my husband and I went to Alaska 2 summers ago and it was beautiful! It was my "Dream Trip" finally come true! We took a 1 week cruise and then did a 1 week land tour, which included going 60 miles into the Tundra at Denali National Park! I couldn't believe how huge it was (especially being from the smallest state in the Union...RI :laugh: :laugh: ) I was awed by it's natural untouched beauty! What a place! Truly God's country!!!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Well darn - it's not going to be's going to be Ft Bliss in El Paso, TX. The crazy thing is my dil's little brother is stationed in Korea right now - he's ALSO going to Ft. Bliss and also in October!!!!!! What are the odds?????????

    It's cold and i don't want to go to the gym:yawn: i'm NEVER going to lose weight this way!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Elli how far is it to El Paso from your house? At least a day traveling........?????????
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: We record the Olympics on our DVR so we can watch them when we have time and fast forward through some of the parts that we don't want to watch. I try to ride the exercise bike or do a sort of "Walk at Home' workout while I watch with some sit down breaks in between. This is my break.....we're watching the show from Wednesday night----speed skating and snowboarding

    :drinker: Jeffrey, I'm glad there's better news about your knee and sorry to hear about all the teeth challenges and the $$$$$$$$----just take the right attitude when you go to visit the moms and you'll have another great time

    :drinker: Elli, you're like the circus act where they try to keep all the plates spinning on top of the sticks......with your kids and their spouses and snow and yoga and your new house, you have challenges and opportunities that boggle the mind....El Paso may not be a glamorous as Hawaii and Alaska but it will be a lot easier to get to :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :drinker: Irene, your diverse and numerous grandkids sound wonderful....also your interesting life in Alaska----all our grandchildren are in California

    :drinker: Marie, glad you got some news from one of your doctors.....take it easy so you'll be back on the trike when the weather gets good

    :drinker: Judy, I have a friend who had lapband and has lost a lot of weight and kept the weight off for several years.....she has a support group (not MFP) but she found out that she needed a program to keep her focused on right eating......I'm glad you found us for a support group.......Your bowling friends will be blown away when they see sure to tell us all about it when you get back.

    :drinker: Rest time is over, back on my feet for more exercise.......the more exercise I do, the more snacks I can have tonight
    :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. Just popping in to say Hi. Talk to you soon. Stay healthy and keep smiling.
    Gayla :heart: :smile: :heart:
  • isandi
    isandi Posts: 162 Member
    Hi girls,
    It sounds like you all have been busy.

    Marie, glad to see you are feeling okay and I hope the snow misses you!

    Jeffery, I get goose bumps just thinking about all the work you are having done and then my blood pressure goes sky high thinking of the cost. I am going to have all of mine pulled and get me a pair of really pretty , white, shiny teeth!LOL! Really!

    Ellie, that is so great that your family will be in El Paso!

    Barbie, we do the same thing, we have a DVR and we tape 2 while watching the third one and it makes it really nice for the Olympics. We get in a lot more T.V. watching this way...thats why I have to be able to wind up my projects by 5:00. Now being gone for 36 days with no T.V. or sewing machine will be a real test on my nervous system. I have thought about taking the machine but may settle for a scale! LOL! not really

    Irene, it sounds like you have had a very interesting life and what a wonderful family...enjoy!

    Judy, have a wonderful time at your bowling convention....has your average improved since you have lost the weight?

    BirdieM, that must have been a wonderful trip. We never made it to the land tour and I hear that is the best part of Alaska!

    It is really late now or to you on the east coast maybe time to get anxious to finish cutting out my DGD's quilt. WE should be able to start sewing on Sunday!

    Have a great weekend!