Senior Golden Sneakers~~~ for February 2010~~~ Welcome



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: we don't have snow here but hearing about the snow in Illinois, Indiana, and Texas reminded me that there's snow in Cleveland where Jake's mom lives.......she is losing her battle with cancer :brokenheart: :sad: and her sons and daughters in law are having a tough time getting over to visit her as much as they want to

    :flowerforyou: Jake is battling a bad cold and is being very smart and staying in bed and drinking lots of water and tea and eating modest amounts of healthy food.

    :flowerforyou: I burn about 400-500 calories a day from exercise so that, along with the 1400 calories MFP suggests, seems to be plenty for keeping me going with a few treats......I've gotten very comfortable with finding something other than food for recreation and one day at a time, it's working for me.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, that dizziness sounds terrible and frustrating......I hope the doctor can find a solution for love your yoga so much and you must be eager to get back to it.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, you are so right about the people who think there's something wrong because you lost so much weight

    :flowerforyou: Brandy and Sasha keep going through the temporary fence at the dog park and running around and chasing birds in the part of the park where they've put new topsoil with the hope of growing new grass in the spring so I spend half my time calling them back and trying to keep them from sneaking back...they are truly deserving of the name "naughties" right now....they could join Daisy and Bradley, the Yorkshire "terror" is dealing with Bertie's tormentors.:laugh: :laugh:

    :drinker: I'm looking forward to watching the Olympics tonight and this weekend....what about you?
    :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. I haven't forgotten you but there always seems to be something happening. We spent the day at the hospital with Neil for his Pre-Assessment appointment at the hospital. He saw the Dr.'s, nurse, lab, x-ray, ECG people and is now ready to go for his surgery March 9. That is such a tiring day!! Then I had to watch the Opening Ceremonies (had to, I say) and every commercial I dozed off. Neil kept waking me up until he fell asleep. I don't think I missed much and I really enjoyed it. They are playing the highlights now so I get to see what I missed. I thought KD Lang was amazing. It is so sad that the young Luge athlete lost his life. While you know it is dangerous you still don't expect a death.

    There have been some screw ups with our ship reservation which kept me on the phone a good part of last evening. I do believe that I have it straightened out. It was a miscommunication about the upgrade and the transfer papers. I will never know who was at fault but I was a little stressed.

    Marie, I bet you are enjoying the snow.

    Elli, I need to get your 'tipping' exercises from you so I can get rid of my dizzyness. It really is much better than it was but persists nevertheless.

    Take care everyone. One of these days I will do personals but even though I haven't do know that I think of you all.

    Keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    oh Marie - thank goodness you're all right! Just stay put!!!!!!!!!! My Dad (92) lives in NY and he's all snowed in also. I just hope you (or he) don't lose power.......:noway:

    I forgot to tell you guys - the yoga championship is today - someone from our Ft. Collins studio is competing. If you want to check it out at all it's at They competitors are truely amazing athletes!


    Ok, now I am SURE I am up too late...just read your post as "yogurtcup".com :noway: the first time!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:



    Marie and all who are experiencing being snowbound--stay safe, and keep thinking :flowerforyou: "Spring will come":flowerforyou: --eventually!!!:grumble:

    Barbie--hope Jake is feeling better soon. He sounded a little hoarse when I spoke to him on Thursday, but I didn't realize he was getting sick. I think I have the maintenance thing down pretty good--only problem is I am not supposed to be finished losing!!!!:grumble: :ohwell:
  • viliberty
    Reading about all the snow some of you are experiencing makes me feel so "blessed." We had so much snow last year it was a real trial. There were no more places for the snow plows to push it. Our driveway was always plowed shut. Shovelling was hard on my husband (76), and we got our car stuck a few times. But ....... this year....nothing! No snow at all.

    Everybody out there in the show be safe. God Bless!
  • viliberty
    Before I tell you this funny story, let me say I am not fasting nor advocating fasting (although my Dr. said I could if I watched my blood glucose). I just think this says something:

    A woman went to a fasting clinic, talked to the doctor, got all the instructions and so on. When she left the office she called her husband and said, "I can hardly wait to get home and not eat."

    Well, most days of dieting are exciting in a way. If I keep my attitude right, I really enjoy the planning and food tracking. It is so much easier here on MyFitnessPal. So much of the work is done for me. I never could keep at it for long when I had to look up all the nutrition counts in my books. And how to record it!! I tried notebooks, charts, and spreadsheets to keep track. I would get so tired of it and all the time it took, and I would quit eventually. But now I just enter the food...and there I have it. All done!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: viliberty, thanks for the great story....I have been reading a great book called "Miracle Detox Secrets" which includes some liquid fasts

    :flowerforyou: That reminds me of the story of the man who decided that he would train his horse to get along with less food so each day he gave the horse a little less food.....this worked well for awhile but when he got the horse down to one oat a day, the horse mother told that story often and every time I was doing any sort of dieting and eating smaller portions or declining food in her presence, she would raise one finger to me to remind me of the story of one oat......I didn't realize until much later how much my mother was a dream much she pretended to support my weight loss efforts while subtly sabotaging my efforts.

    :flowerforyou: we've been watching the Olympics today......we recorded the Opening Ceremonies and afternoon skiing and skating so we can watch them at our leisure and fast forward through the McDonald's commercials:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: we have terrible wind today so going to the dog park wasn't too much fun but we went anyway....we didn't stay as long as usual but the girls had fun.

    :flowerforyou: Jake is feeling better but still staying in bed except to get up to walk the dogs...actually he's in the hide-a-bed in the living room so we can watch TV together.....I've encouraged him to rest as much as possible.

    :flowerforyou: we loved the Vancouver Olympics Opening Ceremonies so much that Jake has revived his discussion about wanting to move to Canada.

    :flowerforyou: I hope you're all staying warm and cozy.......Happy Valentines Day:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Cute story viliberty, thanks for sharing. :happy: I too, find it easier to just record my food and let MFP give me the calories. Although tonight I am not so happy with my calories since we went to my step sons and they had pizza. I did not exercise today so I went way over my calories and I get so upset with myself. My step son who is always so charming (not) asked if I was counting calories and when I said yes, he replied , too bad it isn't working. Nothing like a jerk to boost your ego. Of course he is the alcoholic who is not drinking but is now in my opinion a dry drunk. Sorry to vent or even whine, perhaps you should ask me if I need some cheese with my whine. :laugh:

    Tomorrow is another day and I have been doing so well I will just get back on track and keep moving forward.

    I don't know what I was thinking but I missed the opening ceremonies and only got a chance tonight to watch the Olympics. I am happy with the results this evening and look forward to the ice skating. :smile:

    Will check in with you tomorrow, hope you had a good Saturday.

  • viliberty
    Yes, MFP is good for counting calories. In addition to that I have other numbers to keep track of. Cholesterol, carbs, and iron to name a few. In just a few weeks on this site I have brought down my A1C number, which is very important. I've gone from around 150's morning glucose down to around 110 morning glucose. Blood pressure is down. This is huge. Also I am able to keep protein and cholesterol in check. Not much weight has come off, but my health in general is improving right along. For once I am looking forward to my next blood work-up. Plus I have all of you for encouragement and friendship. Life is good!
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day. Hope everyone has a day to remember. Judy
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    Although tonight I am not so happy with my calories since we went to my step sons and they had pizza. I did not exercise today so I went way over my calories and I get so upset with myself. My step son who is always so charming (not) asked if I was counting calories and when I said yes, he replied , too bad it isn't working. Nothing like a jerk to boost your ego. Of course he is the alcoholic who is not drinking but is now in my opinion a dry drunk. Sorry to vent or even whine, perhaps you should ask me if I need some cheese with my whine. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: your step son sounds like a perfect example of the "Dream Stealers".......It's a shame when family members are so destructive.

    :flowerforyou: We stayed up late watching the Olympics......the dogs didn't stay up late so they got me up at the usual time to be walked.......Jake is still asleep and I'm hoping extra sleep will help him fight the bad cold that has kept him down for a few days,

    :flowerforyou: My plans for the day include laundry, number and paper shuffling for the income tax, stationery bike, dog park, and watching the Olympics.

    I have been thinking that I was such a baby not going out and walking during the nasty wet winter weather and then I realized that while I don't walk alone, I walk the dogs and take them to the dog park every day, so I'm not as bad as I thought:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Happy Sunday and Happy Valentine's Day:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Thanks Barbie, yes he is a dream stealer and although it hurts I am going to just let it go because I know he is just jealous I have self control and he doesn't. :bigsmile:

    Thanks for the good wishes Judy and I hope you have a great day as well. :heart:

    I hope everyone can spend the day with the one they love, I know I will. :love:

    I plan on riding the stationary bike, again we are going to my step sons for dinner ugg, watching the Olympics especially the ice skating and probably do some DVD work on my computer. Keeping busy keeps me young. :laugh:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Howdy ya'll!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We are trying to post snow pic....not succeeding:cry:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. The Olympics are really distracting me from getting ready to go away. We are doing a run into the city tomorrow to get the last few things we need (I hope) and then ready to go in less than a week!! It has really snuck up on me. I am not sure why I think I need to clean my freezer before we go away but I plan to do that on Tuesday along with my fridge. I plan to leave with no dirty laundry to come home to except the stuff I bring with me. I need to get my hair cut and toenails polished this week. AND before you know it it will be time to go. I likely won't be in touch while I am away so I expect lots to read when I get back. I hope everyone is having fun in the snow, making snow angels perhaps.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla. You will be one busy gal this week. Hope you have a enjoyable trip. And no cold weather. We had a heck of a snow for us. Even today after the snow storm last Thursday there is patches of snow.We are certainly not used to this. Spring come on.

    Had a good valentine day. I have had 53 of valentines days with Jerry. Every one of them just as wonderful as the first one.

    Have a good week.

  • jeffrey71
    Good Morning!

    Just a quick to note to say to everyone. I am buried with work right now and it is taking up a lot time. We had a great Valentines Day.

    Sandy! We went to Blue Chip Friday night. I hit a royal flush with a max bet! 4000! Whoo Hoo! I agree with you on the step son comment. That was just flat mean! Ignor it.

    Marie glad you got to have a little snow!

    Gayla travel safe and enjoy!

    Viliberty keep it going!

    Barbie as always busy!

    Everyone else keep a goin!

    I have been reading a book on Yen and training. It is pretty good. Mind over body stuff. I got a decent outside run in yesterday. It was cold! I have to learn to block that out. Also did a good session on strength training and ab work. Calorie burn was only about 1500 but I have cardio work tonight so that will be a lot higher today. Estimate about a 3300 burn today. (assuming I get some of this work fininshed off).

    Take care more coming later!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Awww, Marie what a sweet thing to say, your husband is one lucky man. :heart:

    WAY TO GO JEFFREY!!! I have never gotten a royal flush on any game I ever played. What were you playing $1.00 slots or quarters or what? Do you think you can share the wealth with the rest of us??? :laugh:

    Gayla, have a wonderful trip and enjoy the time with your family. :glasses: . Bon Voyage!! :drinker:

    I plan on working on making some DVD's today if I can figure out what went wrong with my sound on the software I am using.

    Will get in some exercise first, these weekends are killing me. :explode:

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Good Monday morning everybody. I was kind of mia all weekend - busy weekend! Hope you all had great Valentines Days.

    Marie - WOW! that's SOMETHING 53 Valentines Days with the same man. YOU are my new hero. Really - and you two are still goin' strong. That is just AMAZING to me! It's also my wish for both my sons someday - to be able to say they have 50 plus years with their wives.

    Speaking of which!!!:heart::bigsmile: we now have a DATE! October 9 my young son will be marrying his beautiful Katie! I'm SO thrilled and excited! On Saturday night my Colo Spgs came and met us in Denver so I had all 4 of them together. NOTHING makes me happier. Between the baby bump and the engagement i couldn't stop smiling all night. My dil asked me if my face hurt!!!!!!!!!:blushing: heck YES it did!!!!!!!!

    Jeffrey - you should really check out Katie Spotz's website - she talks a lot about endurance and the whole mind/body meld thing!

    Sandy - ug, i'm sorry your stepson is such a jerk. But you're right to just let it go. We can only control our own actions. Dry drunks can be just as hard to live with as people who are active in their disease. Oh - i LOVE the pic of Daisy on FB!!!!

    Marie - omg - the SNOW! I hope it's melting now! I know you like it but it makes it hard to get around!

    Gayla - i can't believe you're cleaning the FREEZER!:laugh: I know - i do the same kinds of things before i leave for awhile. Not sure what that is except wanting to come home to peace and harmony and CLEAN! lol. Oh I'm excited for your trip! You're not going to know how to be in all that WARM!!!!!!!!!

    Viliberty - it's SO great your health is improving! Just keep doing what you're doing and i know the pounds will start to come off. I had my yearly exam and all my numbers were good as well. Still waiting to hear on the bone scan.

    Hi Barbie! I'm amazed you make it to the dog park at all in the wind - that's my worst! I don't mind the snow or cold if i bundle up - but the WIND - oh, not too crazy about the rain either!!!!!!!

    I had a great weekend - did lots of scrapbooking and yesterday just stayed home and cleaned, organized, fixed the vacuum, and read the HUGE Stephen King book i'm working on.

    Have a grea day everybody!!!!!!!!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi All

    Marie,-- belated V Day greetings. 54 years--how cool is that!!:heart::flowerforyou:

    Gayla-- if you want to do anymore freezer cleaning, come on out to my place when you are done, and I will "let" you do the refigerator as well as a "reward." :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Sandy--Sounds like we need to sick Mai Li and Bradley on your stepson. What a twit. As my neighbor says. "You can't fix stupid.":grumble: :noway:

    I am just on here for a sec, but have to share a Mai Li story before I go.:

    I took the babies to the groomer today, and Mai Li, once again, proved that she is still perfectly capable of living up to her nickname "Diva Girl." All three of them got out of the car for a little last minute business in the yard of the grooming establishment, which is at the end of a long driveway, away from the street. As we walked toward the door of the shop, Mai Li got to the door and suddenly turned tail and headed out, into the yard down the driveway and then a turn on the sidewalk and down the street--:noway: with "momma" in hot pursuit. All commands to "wait" were ignored. Despite my improved level of fitness, for a fat "old lady"of 11.5 years, my little piglet girl can still really move fast!! Fortunately, she encountered a smell interesting enough to stop for and I was able to snag her and attach a leash and lead her back to the front door!!

    Bradley and Pepper, meanwhile had walked inside and were patiently waiting for us to come back!!:heart:

    Catch you all later...

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: they do keep us young don't they?? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: