Senior Golden Sneakers~~~ for February 2010~~~ Welcome



  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie - hang in there - take care of yourself and the family around you. Write us when you can but i know i speak for the whole group when i say we are collectively thinking of you and sending you love ahd healing thoughts.

    Sandy! Dance competition!!!!!!! woo hoooooooo! Keep us posted! please post the website where we can check it all out again!

    Barbiecat! lol - your life is just as interesting as anyones! That's why you don't have time to write!

    I didn't have a perfect week, but definitely better. At least i'm starting to be AWARE again and back to hot yoga. Missed last night 'cause of all the engagement excitement but that was OK! I'm going tonight!

    Happy Friday everyone.
  • viliberty
    Well........At last!!! When I started, I lost 5 pounds quickly, then nothing for weeks. This morning I was finally down one pound. This may not sound like much, but after the same number on that scale for so long, this is huge for me. Maybe I've tipped off that plateau. God bless all of you. Irene
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    We arrived safe and sound, but once here things went downhill. I left my laptop on the floor when I checked in, luckily the manager found it and brought it to my room. Then I lost my credit card in the restaurant where we had lunch. Had to cancel it. Maybe I just got up too early.:laugh: Bryanna is in class now and her competition is tomorrow night, unfortunately it will not be on web cam after all. :sad:

    The weather here is awful and they are expecting more snow Sunday when we are flying home. I would rather be stuck at the airport than driving so I will not complain.

    Marie, Elli said it for all of us, you hang tough. :heart:

    Vliberty, congratulations on the pound lost, it does seem like it takes forever, but the slower it comes off the better. :flowerforyou:

    Just wanted to say hi....and will check in either later or tomorrow.

  • jeffrey71
    Sandy it is a mess here!

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy! Glad you're there safely - sorry about your credit card. Glad you caught it though and got it cancelled right away! Best of luck to Bryana! Hope you have a great time and hope your flight isn't held up! It sounds like you guys are having some BAD weather!

    Viliberty - congrats on the pound! Is sure is good when it starts moving again isn't it????

    I did hot yoga again tonight - plan on going again on Sunday.

    OK! just wanted to pop in. Hope you're all having a good Friday night.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey my son will be driving back to St. Louis Sunday. Will it all be gone by then?. We had a beautiful day here.They will be taking 44 to St. Louis.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :flowerforyou: we went out for Chinese food this evening......a friend came to town and we had a great time together---I overdid on sodium but the meal was fabulous:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: the weather was beautiful so there were a dozen dogs at the dog park----Brandy and Sasha ignored them and played with each other as usual.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, you've had some bumps on your trip but your attitude sounds fabulous---it's not so much what happens as how we react to it----you're a great example:bigsmile: :bigsmile: enjoy the rest of your trip--I know Byana will dance well

    :flowerforyou: Marie, hang in there, you have the super attitude that will serve you well---I know you enjoyed seeing family members even if the circumstances weren't the best

    :flowerforyou: Viliberty, congrats on discarding another pound----it takes so much focus to get past the plateau----you did great at never giving up

    :flowerforyou: Line dance was great today.....I took my neighbor with me for her first class and she did great....she's the one whose husband died in November and then she broke her ankle when her dogs ran into her.....I was so glad that she had healed well enough to dance.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: we go to Seattle tomorrow
    3 hours in the car, two ferry rides, and a long afternoon meeting....finding time to exercise will be a challenge......the dog grooming girls will spend the day at our house looking after the dogs and grooming them.

    gotta get to bed early.......:heart::heart: :heart: hugs to all:heart::heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi folks! Everyone sounds busy as always. I hope you all have a great weekend even with snow storms! We are having some nice weather although very foggy tonight. It was about 20F today and it seems that some people are thinking spring. I was on the University Campus today and saw several young guys in shorts. We are a hardy lot in Saskatchewan!! I was most def. not in shorts! Hmm, maybe I should put on my new bathing suit and gather some rays! That would be NOT. I did work today. It was very enjoyable to go back and see everyone. I got to see my babies at the hospital. It was also nice to know that I would be back in a week but not before!! Ain't this retired life grand!

    Thinking about you, Marie. :heart:

    Take care. Gayla :heart: :smile: :heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Today is a new day, got up bright and early to take Bryanna downstairs to meet her team then decided to check out the health club where I worked out an hour.:love: Checking in to see how everyone is and then taking a nap. :yawn: Competition is tonight so I have plenty of time to catch up on rest while Bryanna is taking classes. :tongue:

    Elli congratulations on your two pound loss, way to go girl!!!

    The weather here seems ok today, hopefully it will be fine tomorrow night when we fly home. :happy:

    Gayla, I think they do that in Minnesota also, wear shorts once it reaches 30 degrees. :laugh: I'm with you, I don't wear shorts if it is 130, capri's are as short as I will go, unless I am at a pool. :noway:

    Barbie, have a safe trip, I am presuming it is a business trip and not pleasure. At least you two love birds are together. :heart:

    Jeffrey, hope it stopped snowing there and you are able to run outside.:smile:

    Marie, glad all went well with you and thank you for your concern on facebook. No use getting too upset over the credit card, I was able to cancel it before anyone had a chance to use it. whew...

    I am looking forward to a great day today with no hassles, life is what you make it. :bigsmile:

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi everyone - hope your weekends are going well!

    Gayla - we put shorts on around here at 50 degrees.......but definitely NOT 20! You guys ARE a hearty lot! Glad you got to check on your babies and be back in your work environment. ALSO glad you don't HAVE to go back for a week! That is WAY cool! Yes - sounds like retirement is the way to go! lol I'm pretty sure i'm on the "work 'till ya die" plan.:wink: No complains here though!

    Sandy - good for you for using the gym there at the hotel! Way to go! I hope the competition goes GREAT tonight! How fun. I was listening to the weather report this morning and it sounds like the east coast is getting hammered! Hopefully you should be all right in KC! Hopefully you will get home without too much delay! It sounds like the DC area is getting the worst of it.

    Barbie - hope your trip is going well. It is VERY cool that you and Jake get to do these work things together. AND the "naughties" will be so beautiful when you get home!!!!!! (and you KNOW i say "naughties" with love:heart: )

    I made it to yoga again this morning - the bad thing is that darn positional vertigo decided to show back up! It's made me feel crummy for the rest of the day. I had to lie down for a long time to avoid being dizzy and of course, being dizzy made me nauseaus and headachy:sick: ugh! Oh well, i'm doing the tipping exercise again - so hopefully it won't stick around for too long! I made a sourdough starter last week so i'm going to have my first adventure in baking sourdough bread tomorrow! May go to yoga again if the dizzy isn't too terrible:ohwell:

    Happy Weekend All!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Oh elli you will love sourdough started. I love it. It's has been a long time since I sarted one. Now its too late for I would eat too much. I' ll have to stick to flax seeds bread.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,005 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gayla, It was 57 in Seattle today and I was still wearing silk underwear, a wool sweater, and my winter coat (but no wool scarf and hat :laugh: )

    :flowerforyou: Elli, congrats on losing two pounds.....sorry you're not feeling well....enjoy your bread making

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, isn't is great using the health club at a hotel.:bigsmile: Good luck to Bryanna on her competition.

    :flowerforyou: We had a fabulous day
    beautiful weather, a nice walk on the ferry but little exercise otherwise.......All my eating was healthy ( I stared at some wonderful cornbread in an iron skillet and then decided that the food I brought with me would be be more nourishing and more satisfying in the long run).....I ate toooooooo much today----MFP said that if every day were like today I'd gain 5 pounds in the next five weeks.......but every day won't be like today.

    :flowerforyou: I see that you're making healthy bread choices too.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I'm's time to go to bed.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    We swept the competition and have three numbers in the show today!!! Bryanna was amazing to watch and is getting better every year.

    Haven't been outside since we got here, they have an overground covered walkway that takes you to a mall so you don't even have to wear a coat. :love: There is a final show from 3-4 today and then will head to the airport for our 7:30 flight. It will be good to get home.:heart:

    Hope everyone is doing well and has a fun Super Bowl, I will be flying while it is playing. :sad:

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    I just found my credit card in the envelope with my plane and hotel information. :laugh:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Sandy - congratulations!!!!!!! To Bryanna on the competition and for finding your credit card! Even though you cancelled it, still has to be a relief! Safe flight home!

    Thanks Barbie - it feels good to be losing the weight again! I'll get over the dizziness soon....If i feel ok i'll go to the gym or yoga this afternoon.

    Marie - I'll let you know how the sourdough turns out! When the kids were little i always made our bread - always whole wheat and i'd make 4 loaves at a time. Now i just make 2 and freeze 1 right away, and give half of the other one away so that way i don't eat too much!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning all. Well things are getting back to normal around here.Bruce and the girls left early this morning for St. Louis. I think the bad weather is surpose to hit tonight up there.So maybe they will beat it. We had a wonderful time out at Kathy's yesterday. I think their was 25 of us there, My whole family.
    Sandy I's glad your credit card show up. We went to the Deli yesterday to pick up stuff for the family gettogether and Jerry caught up with me and Had my Debit card that he found on the car on the floard board. But mine was safly in my purse. This was one I misplace Several months ago and had to cancel. Liike Elli said no good but a piece of mind.

    I can smell that bread baking Elli.


  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie - I sure hope Bruce and his family make it home before they run into bad weather.

    So here's my question about the sourdough - it's not sour enough. When i made the starter i left it out for 5 days and then put it in the fridge. So now i've left it out of the fridge again - do you think that's the right thing to do?????? Thanks for your help!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Elli I dont know its been 20 or 25 years since I done any. I would have to find a recipe to do it now. A friend at work gave me a started and I just kept it up. Marie
  • jeffrey71
    Hi Everyone!

    Well my Colts lost! We shall be back next year! We are supposed to get a bunch of snow. Accuweather shows us getting 18-24 inches with 40 mph winds starting tomorrow night! Oh well!

    I will catch up on the post later.

    I trust you are all fine!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We just got home from my son's where we watched the SuperBowl. I am not much of a football fan but did cheer for N.O., sorry Jeffrey. I just thought it would be wonderful for their city to have something good happen for them.
    I have made a promise to myself that I will start going to bed earlier so that when we are on the cruise I will be adjusted and not be lying in bed until 3 in the morning and then not ready to get up in the morning. It will be hard, especially on the days when Neil is trying but I will do it.

    Elli -- I used to have a recipe for a starter for sour dough and I will look and see if I can find it or maybe, like Marie, I just kept feeding a starter someone gave me. I, too, used to make a lot of bread and buns. It was my Friday routine, baking bread and cookies. Wow, that seems like a lifetime ago. Now I just throw it all in the breadmaker.

    Back atcha tomorrow. Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :smile: