Black Team Challenge Week 5:



  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member

    I agree with Harley completely. :noway: :grumble:

    she is just adorable! and i'm a little embarrassed to say that i have those exact same snow boots! :laugh:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Tamara. So funny to read your post. I completely agree and was thinking the same thing all evening.

    In fact I was just getting on here to say that not weighing constantly has been wonderful. I've been loving it. I feel like a weight was lifted too. So much stress comes with that scale. I have not missed it one bit. I've wondered a few times what it would say, but haven't even been tempted to look.

    I have also been thinking about not going back to my old ways (or shall I say weighs)? I have even looked at myself a few times and thought I looked pretty good, which is a rare thing for me to be able to do.

    My main focus is going to be continuing to firm and build muscle. If I lose any weight doing it, great, if not, that's ok too. I was even thinking about changing my goal to 145 instead of 140. If I get to 145 I may change it to 140 again if I feel I can get there. I'm tired of spinning my wheels and not moving anywhere. I think I would like to idle for a bit.

    We went out for dinner tonight and I ate a grilled chicken salad with ranch dressing, and I didn't stress the whole time thinking of the sodium that I was surely ingesting and the fact that it would show on the scale tomorrow. I wont' be getting on it, so quite frankly, I could care less.

    So, yes, thanks to Andrew for this. I also needed it. I think I will still weigh weekly. I may skip TOM week, of course the scale will be up, why bother to look and get discouraged over it?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    hello my friends--

    Just too much partying going on in this house-- kids have friends out the wazoo over, we're stocking up for the Super Bowl, so I decided to eat tonight-- I'm so sick of veggie juice right now I could spit.

    Think I'm gonna take tomorrow evening off, too, and then finish up my stock of juice Monday and Tuesday-- I really am thrilled over the benefits-- coincidence? I find it hard to think so--

    We'll see what happens-- Tamara and Lori-- happy to see you're less stressed-- it really is nerve-wracking after a while worrying about every little thing that you eat and drink.

    Let's all chill tomorrow-- eat sensibly, of course, but relax and enjoy some football--

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    If I haven't weighed since September, can I be an honorary Black Team Member? :glasses:
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    hello my friends--

    Just too much partying going on in this house-- kids have friends out the wazoo over, we're stocking up for the Super Bowl, so I decided to eat tonight-- I'm so sick of veggie juice right now I could spit.

    Think I'm gonna take tomorrow evening off, too, and then finish up my stock of juice Monday and Tuesday-- I really am thrilled over the benefits-- coincidence? I find it hard to think so--

    We'll see what happens-- Tamara and Lori-- happy to see you're less stressed-- it really is nerve-wracking after a while worrying about every little thing that you eat and drink.

    Let's all chill tomorrow-- eat sensibly, of course, but relax and enjoy some football--


    Agreed my dear,

    I will eat sensibly but there will be beer and plenty of it. lol

    Don't really care who wins but I have a superbowl square I would like to do well. lol
  • musicmom04
    musicmom04 Posts: 670 Member
    Beth-- love your new picture!

    thanks so much! i think this is what i'm gonna wear tomorrow for our little news segment thingy.
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening Black team,

    Well the house is pretty darn clean and we are ready for our "Shoot" tommorow. It is odd to think that we have accomplished something "Newsworthy". I just wanted to take a momment to say that I am so amazed at everything we have accomplished as a team and that you are all so wonderful. This family we have here is incredible and we have shared so much. I could thank you all for so many things but most of all I should thank you for being there. Just your presence in the lives of Bethany and I has been a gift. You are all such amazing people and the fact that you are here to support us has been a blessing. I have been the benefactor of your support and experiences, but even more so I have been allowed into your lives. I have learned about your families, I have been given a window into your hearts and minds and what I have seen through that window has been both inspiring and humbling. You are all such a amazing people and I can honestly say that you all hold a place in my heart. While none of us have ever met I can't help but feel that you understand Beth and I more than many of the people with see every day. You all are some of the best friends I have ever had and I am glad that this life changing experience has changed more than just my waistline. It has changed my view on many things and it has certainly given me a new faith in people. Knowing that you are all here with us, fighting the good fight and sharing in each step of this journey has really helped. God Bless you all my wonderful friends. Continue to push yourselves to reach new heights. I look forward to continuing to walk this road at your side.

    Cheers my friend.

    Wish us luck tommorow. lol
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    If I haven't weighed since September, can I be an honorary Black Team Member? :glasses:

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Evening Black team,

    Well the house is pretty darn clean and we are ready for our "Shoot" tommorow. It is odd to think that we have accomplished something "Newsworthy". I just wanted to take a momment to say that I am so amazed at everything we have accomplished as a team and that you are all so wonderful. This family we have here is incredible and we have shared so much. I could thank you all for so many things but most of all I should thank you for being there. Just your presence in the lives of Bethany and I has been a gift. You are all such amazing people and the fact that you are here to support us has been a blessing. I have been the benefactor of your support and experiences, but even more so I have been allowed into your lives. I have learned about your families, I have been given a window into your hearts and minds and what I have seen through that window has been both inspiring and humbling. You are all such a amazing people and I can honestly say that you all hold a place in my heart. While none of us have ever met I can't help but feel that you understand Beth and I more than many of the people with see every day. You all are some of the best friends I have ever had and I am glad that this life changing experience has changed more than just my waistline. It has changed my view on many things and it has certainly given me a new faith in people. Knowing that you are all here with us, fighting the good fight and sharing in each step of this journey has really helped. God Bless you all my wonderful friends. Continue to push yourselves to reach new heights. I look forward to continuing to walk this road at your side.

    Cheers my friend.

    Wish us luck tommorow. lol

    There you go again-- :cry: I return to this beautiful team, every lovely thing you said and then some--

    I :heart: you my friend, and your beautiful wife-- so thrilled for you for tomorrow-- can't wait to hear all about it.

    Have fun!!!!!!!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Evening Black team,

    Well the house is pretty darn clean and we are ready for our "Shoot" tommorow. It is odd to think that we have accomplished something "Newsworthy". I just wanted to take a momment to say that I am so amazed at everything we have accomplished as a team and that you are all so wonderful. This family we have here is incredible and we have shared so much. I could thank you all for so many things but most of all I should thank you for being there. Just your presence in the lives of Bethany and I has been a gift. You are all such amazing people and the fact that you are here to support us has been a blessing. I have been the benefactor of your support and experiences, but even more so I have been allowed into your lives. I have learned about your families, I have been given a window into your hearts and minds and what I have seen through that window has been both inspiring and humbling. You are all such a amazing people and I can honestly say that you all hold a place in my heart. While none of us have ever met I can't help but feel that you understand Beth and I more than many of the people with see every day. You all are some of the best friends I have ever had and I am glad that this life changing experience has changed more than just my waistline. It has changed my view on many things and it has certainly given me a new faith in people. Knowing that you are all here with us, fighting the good fight and sharing in each step of this journey has really helped. God Bless you all my wonderful friends. Continue to push yourselves to reach new heights. I look forward to continuing to walk this road at your side.

    Cheers my friend.

    Wish us luck tommorow. lol

    There you go again-- :cry: I return to this beautiful team, every lovely thing you said and then some--

    I :heart: you my friend, and your beautiful wife-- so thrilled for you for tomorrow-- can't wait to hear all about it.

    Have fun!!!!!!!!

    Yeah (sniffle sniffle) what Marla (sniffle sniffle) said!!!! I know everyone in the lovely state of Florida who is on this team :heart: 's you two!!!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Evening Black team,

    Well the house is pretty darn clean and we are ready for our "Shoot" tommorow. It is odd to think that we have accomplished something "Newsworthy". I just wanted to take a momment to say that I am so amazed at everything we have accomplished as a team and that you are all so wonderful. This family we have here is incredible and we have shared so much. I could thank you all for so many things but most of all I should thank you for being there. Just your presence in the lives of Bethany and I has been a gift. You are all such amazing people and the fact that you are here to support us has been a blessing. I have been the benefactor of your support and experiences, but even more so I have been allowed into your lives. I have learned about your families, I have been given a window into your hearts and minds and what I have seen through that window has been both inspiring and humbling. You are all such a amazing people and I can honestly say that you all hold a place in my heart. While none of us have ever met I can't help but feel that you understand Beth and I more than many of the people with see every day. You all are some of the best friends I have ever had and I am glad that this life changing experience has changed more than just my waistline. It has changed my view on many things and it has certainly given me a new faith in people. Knowing that you are all here with us, fighting the good fight and sharing in each step of this journey has really helped. God Bless you all my wonderful friends. Continue to push yourselves to reach new heights. I look forward to continuing to walk this road at your side.

    Cheers my friend.

    Wish us luck tommorow. lol

    There you go again-- :cry: I return to this beautiful team, every lovely thing you said and then some--

    I :heart: you my friend, and your beautiful wife-- so thrilled for you for tomorrow-- can't wait to hear all about it.

    Have fun!!!!!!!!

    Yeah (sniffle sniffle) what Marla (sniffle sniffle) said!!!! I know everyone in the lovely state of Florida who is on this team :heart: 's you two!!!

    OMG Good luck to you guys tomorrow. You no doubt will rock the house!:happy:

    I know I am just a member of this black team for 5 weeks but it feels like a lifetime. We come here to get away and share (or stalk) whatever we need to...and always someone is there to lend support. You are all amazing people.

    Beth and Andrew - I hope you can share your experience with us Have fun with this journey.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Donna-- every new recruiting season a few newbies come in and get hooked-- it's always fun.

    Food, glorious food-- I ate tonight-- my tummy is happy.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    It is so late. I can't believe I'm still up. I just wanted to post a quick yeah me moment. I did the treadmill and only intended to run my 10 minutes, walk 5 and then run the other 10, but I ran the first 10 and then just kept going. I did the whole 25 minutes running and felt amazing. I think I could have continued on but I didn't want to over do it and then not be able to walk tomorrow. Just had to let ya'll know.

    Andrew and Beth...Good luck on your shoot tomorrow. I hope everything goes well. How exciting!!

    G'night everybody.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    It is so late. I can't believe I'm still up. I just wanted to post a quick yeah me moment. I did the treadmill and only intended to run my 10 minutes, walk 5 and then run the other 10, but I ran the first 10 and then just kept going. I did the whole 25 minutes running and felt amazing. I think I could have continued on but I didn't want to over do it and then not be able to walk tomorrow. Just had to let ya'll know.

    Andrew and Beth...Good luck on your shoot tomorrow. I hope everything goes well. How exciting!!

    G'night everybody.

    Yeah, you, Tammy!!!!!! Way to go!!

    Okay-- update-- food glorious food-- I ate tonight, my tummy is happy-- my foot and hand are most unhappy. I had cereal. We had considered a dairy allergy since my diet changed this summer when I started eating plain yogurt a lot-- and then the psoriasis/arthritis made its lovely resurgence.

    I eat dairy tonight after 5 days with none, and boom-- my foot and hand are way sore.

    Hmmmmmm-- me thinks I'm onto something--

  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,069 Member
    Morning all,

    Good luck Andrew and Beth today, and your words were very heart felt andrew.

    Marla - hope you enjoy the football today, and it does sound like you are onto something.

    Tamara and Lori - great news on the less stress because of the scales, not sure I am there yet but maybe one day.

    Tammy - you rock with that run, go girl :happy: :happy:

    Donna - I completely agree with you about the black team, it is definately additive.

    Shuntae and Lori - they are amazing snow pictures, I hope that the weather calms down for you soon

    Morning and hello to everyone else that I have missed.

    Well I did my 30 day shred dvd yesterday, but won't be doing it today - I can hardly walk my calfs are talking to me (and its not nice), as I don't want to hurt myself I think I may have to do the dvd every other day as I won't be able to look after the children if I'm hurting like this:frown:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Beth and Andrew good luck today..

    I plan on eat sensibly I will burn about 1000 calories at work today, I wont be weighing for a couple weeks but will get back to sending my weights...My favorite manager from work is leaving after 8 years and they are having a pot luck on tuesday...I am making whole made eggrolls...

    I will be fully and completely back on the wagon wed..right now I am riding but have one foot on and one foot off....
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Andrew and Beth,

    Good luck to you today. Even though I'm a newbie your words were heartfelt.

    Blackteam, I feel the love you all have for eachother and I'm glad to be a part of it.

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Good luck today Andrew and Beth. You are the sweetest people and you deserve to have the spotlight on you. Enjoy it.

    Marala- glad your tummy is happy, don't forget to consider the wheat in that cereal equation that was mentioned somewhere else, but I hope if it's anything it's dairy, it sure would be eaiser to cut out than all wheat. I think you did great drinking vege juice for as long as you did. I would have been done after day 1.

    Tanya- great job on the Shred, your body will get used to it, just give it time. Any new exercise can be brutal at first, but your body will get stronger and adapt and before long you'll be wondering how you ever thought it was hard.

    Tammy- you go girl on the run! What an awesome feeling.

    Shuntae- hope you got yourself dug out

    Lori- I love Harley's reaction to the snow. Did you brain wash her that it was yucky? LOL She is so cute, I agree with Marla, you want to hug her!

    Tamara- :drinker: to the less stress over the scale.

    Have a great day all. We aren't doing anything special for the Super Bowl, so no parties, no food tempations, I should be fine.

    I am getting my recessed lighting in my kitchen today and I couldnt' be happier. :drinker: The previous owners took down the ceiling light over the bar and hung an over bar type of dangly light there. That is my only light in the kitchen. When I stand at the counters, the light is behind me and it shadows things and the light is not very powerful to begin with. You should see me trying to tell if meat is done. The lighting is just dreadful and I've been complaining about it since we moved here.... 2 years ago.

    I thought it was getting started yesterday but DH's electrician buddy and him took 3 hours just figuring out what powers what, what goes where, etc. Planning stage is done. Now I want some action! Hubs is doing most of it and is capable, his buddy is going to come over to make sure it is correct. Electricity makes me nervous.

    Let there be light!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Superbowl Sunday everybody...Have a great day!!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Super-BOWL! OH YEAH,


    good times will be had.