Black Team Challenge Week 5:



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Beth-- love your new picture!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Lori stalks a lot. She's probably stalking now. :laugh:

    I am not!...I mean, uh...:blushing:

    I have to stalk so I can keep up to date on everybody so I know what's going on when I join back up. The baby is due the 4th of July and my 10-year high school reunion is 7 weeks later on August 21st. :grumble: so I'll be back here working my butt off to get back in good enough shape to want to show off around people I hated 10 years ago. :huh: :laugh:

    A fourth of July baby! How wonderful for you and your family. A newbie Black team member so I haven't had the pleasure. Best of luck to you stalker:flowerforyou:

    My youngest daughter was born on the 4th of July !:heart:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    So as most of you know (because we are friends on FB) I have decided to open a cake and cookies business. It is very nerve racking. I know that I do a good job but what if they don't like it. kwim? I friend of mine is getting Married in October and she wants me to make her cake. She told me that one of the grocery stores here wanted to charge her $600 for a buttercream frosted cake and $750 for a fondant one. I almost fainted when she said that cause I am only going to charge her $300 that is a $200 profit for me. I hope this works out cause it's my passion.

    Just thought I would tell you all. If your interested in looking at it and you have facebook it's sweetie pie cakes and cookies.

    Lori~ great job on the run.

    Tamara~ I know how your feeling. Everytime I saw some stupid commercial that my sister would have liked I started crying. It does get easier but it also has been 14 years for me. my :heart: goes out to you!!

    Marla~ I will have to tell my dad to try this. are you supposed to do it for one week and then whenever it starts to act up? He has psoriosis really bad. anywhere he cuts himself he gets it. He was taking this injection meds but it messes up your liver so he stopped that and he rubs some ointment on it now but I would love to get it cleared up naturally.

    OH that was YOU!!!! WOOT!!! I will check out your sight and may even order a cake from you in May!! I will tell DH we are driving to the west coast to get a special cake for my NOT YET 50 birthday!!! WOOT

    Woot Out !!! WTG Sam !! Good Luck with your new business.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    They have predicted 8-12 inches of that white annoying as heck stuff for us. So far we have about 2 and its the heavy, wet stuff. Its gonna have to get a little colder for us to get any accumulation. Our county is on a Level 3, which is emergency vehicles only on the roads.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    So tonight I had one of the scariest moments of my life. It's 7pm and dark outside my porch light wasn't on and someone knocks at the door. I (being the smart girl that I am) ask through the door "who is it?" they don't answer I ask again no answer 3rd time I ask they answer and say they are missionaries. I tell them "no thank you!" they tell me that they are servants of god and I tell them "NO THANK YOU!" then they say "we'll come back." I walk away from the door scared out of my mind just want to make sure all of the doors and windows are closed and the blinds are closed. but I'm thinking to myself "great when are you coming back? tonight? later? tomorrow when my hubs is home? when? So I call hubs and he calms me down and about an hour later I'm worried again so I call the non emergency police number and have them come monitor the neighborhood. They tell me LOTS of break ins in the neighborhood but mostly when the homeowner is gone not to many home invasions! that makes me feel alittle better but could I be the one? So now I sit her at the computer waiting for hubs to get home with older daughters door open and younger daughters baby monitor in front of me.

    I might have to take something to sleep tonight!!!

    Hope everyones night was better then mine.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,069 Member
    Sam, so sorry that you had to go through that. I hope that hubs got home quickly.

    Marla, my boys try to do things like that all the time, so now every socket in the house has a cover - which is very annoying when I want to hover and have to spend 10minutes getting the cover off!!

    I have just completed D2L1, and my calfs are letting me know they are there. I can do the strength and the abs with no issues but the jumping jacks and butt kicks are really 'kicking my butt' :ohwell: . Dh has had to take my car so am going shopping this morning with a friend and 3 of my 4 (the eldest is going to the cinema with his friends and is whinging as he has to be at his friends house for 9.30am), need a few food bits but am going to look for a nice red top to wear to my friends birthday party tonight.

    Hope everyone has a good day, I am going to go and ride my bike for 20 minutes and then have a group shower with my 2 little men.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning!!

    I finally read and got caught up on the posts, but didnt keep my notes so Im trying to wing in here:ohwell:

    Marla-- Im so glad the juice seems to be working for you and giving you some relief, and the weight loss is a nice bonus:smile:

    Bry-- Hope your date went fantastic last night! You will have to give us a re-cap:wink:

    Lori B-- Hello!!! And congrats on the new little bundle of complete and total joy:heart:

    Jeannie-- You sound better, how are you feeling?

    Shuntae (and others expecting snow)-- Oh I so hope you dont get hit to hard, we certainly have our share of it here in the Midwest:grumble:

    Sam-- So scary!!! I believe calling the police is exactly what I would have done too. Be cautious and safe!!! And good luck to you with your new business!!:flowerforyou:

    Beth-- The new AV looks fantastic!!

    Everyone else...sorry if I forgot what to hello!!:happy:

    Im off to the gym extra, extra early this morning because I have so many errands and appointments today and dont want to miss my workout. I hate doing exercise in the evenings so I just dont do it:laugh:

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    This is what I woke up to this morning around 8am...started accumulating around 4pm yesterday. This is more than the 23.5 inches we got Dec. 19 and 20...and it isn't supposed to stop until sometime late tonight.


    I think this is a pretty valid reason to skip the gym and not run. Guess I better get working in the condo.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Beautiful, Shuntae!!!!!!

    Looks like we've only had 4-6 or so-- not so much, it's still snowing, but looks like it's tapering off. Still pretty out my window as I type--

    Need to scoot--
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Beautiful, Shuntae!!!!!!

    Looks like we've only had 4-6 or so-- not so much, it's still snowing, but looks like it's tapering off. Still pretty out my window as I type--

    Need to scoot--

    Yeah, that was before the plows came through to do our parking lot. I think my Jeep is now buried. :angry: At least I will get some kind of exercise from all this.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Ypu folks with the snow are going to burn major calories shoveling the white stuff:flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Okay-- so the veggie juice is getting old.

    That is all--

    Still plugging away-- (seemingly) too many benefits already to stop. I'm doing this for the full 7 days or bust.

    (but if I never see veggie juice again, it'll be too soon. :wink: )
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member

    I agree with Harley completely. :noway: :grumble:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Lori-- she is soooooo cute. I could eat her up.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Beautiful, Shuntae!!!!!!

    Looks like we've only had 4-6 or so-- not so much, it's still snowing, but looks like it's tapering off. Still pretty out my window as I type--

    Need to scoot--

    Yeah, that was before the plows came through to do our parking lot. I think my Jeep is now buried. :angry: At least I will get some kind of exercise from all this.


    Have fun, everyone!!!!!!

    Off to make breakfast for my little snow shovelers-- nice having many kids. :wink:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    I agree with Harley completely. :noway: :grumble:

    I liked this so much I wanted to see it on this page too! So cute!:love:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Wow-- not sure how I lucked out like this, but-- Sarah took Faith, Josh, Abby and Rebekah sledding. Hope went to a friend's house, Caleb is napping, Aaron is who-knows-where...probably napping, too-- and hubs is shopping.

    My house right now is mine, all mine-- 47b20s0.gif
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Saturday afternoon...I had a busy morning and just now had time to post. Youngest had bowling and then to the scout shop to buy supplies for the Pinewood Derby. I got home and took a little nap and now we are off to the gym so I can have some pizza tonight with the family. No snow here, just rain.

    Marla...My youngest son got hurt a lot when he was little but I guess the one that stands out the most is when I was vacuuming one day. I had an upright and I was leaning over to reach the corner with the attachment when he stuck his hand inside the part of the vacuum where the belt turns. It peeled the skin off of the top of his hand, so off we went to the ER. I still have my mother of the year award:smile:

    Everybody enjoy the snow and have a great weekend.
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Good Saturday Afternoon everyone! I think I burned a great deal of calories with 18+ inches on the ground right now. Lord, will it ever end? Tammy - having flashbacks on Pinewood Derby contest or should I say nightmares.

    Kati- Your shop sounds delicious. I wish there was some way we could all get a taste of it. Best or luck to you.

    Jeannie - Glad to see you are feeling better.

    1/2 marathon in Disney? That sounds like a great goal to shoot for..I'm in!

    Marla - We all have our mother of year moments! Lucky you with some alone time in the house. Right now the movie "Dude, where's my car" is on in the house with hot chocolates for all.

    No traffic out there today. Went to the food was empty! That is the one thing I love about a 4 wheel drive truck...even though I still won't get behind the wheel....dh was driving.

    Have a great weekend everyone. May attempt the stairmaster downstairs today. No outside running today!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good evening everyone...

    Had a fabulous day today, ate right stayed in my 1200 calories made exellcent money at work today, hit the gym did 8 miles, I am well on my way to my 1000 miles compleated by 12-31-10...

    I feel a lot less stress on myself without watching the number on the scale...thanks andrew, I let it take over my life completely...I am feeling amazing, probably only gonna get on it twice a month and as long as I am fitting in my size 8 pants who am I to complain..I started in a size 28. I think Ya'll are thinking what did you do with the real tamara???

    It was starting to take over my life...I come to the relization when I quit drinking water at 2 pm, my 64 oz because I was afraid of what the scale said, it may have been a problem..Yes I am admitting I had a problem, slowly but surley fixin it. And as much as I sweat at the gym my body needed more then 64 oz of water...Today I drank 96 oz ( stayed in bathroom the whole day but hey) flushing out everything..

    I hope I continue this my husband even says I seem like a happier person the last few days!!

    Well off to go grocery shopping, gonna enjoy super bowl dinner just a lot less of it...Smaller portion thats whats its all about for me at the moment...

    Welp, hope everyone has an amazing day!!!