Black Team Challenge Week 5:



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Tanya - good luck with the Shred. We have a sleeping problems with our oldest...I feel your pain on that one. :noway:

    Andrew - :laugh: That is a spectacular way to find Chinese food! :laugh:

    Marla - Oh, how I love that picture. Good times, my dear...gooooood times. :laugh:

    Kati - WOOOT!!!! So proud of you rockin' the size TWO!!!! Even more proud of your mad clearance rack skillz. Love the clearance stuff!! *highfive*

    Lori - Five miles! You rock in a serious way! Hope your arms feel better today!! *hugs*

    Once again, I got on the scale...but only once since yesterday morning. Like I said, for me, this is good.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,068 Member
    Well I have done my first session at level one of the 30 day shred, and I am feeling it!! :yawn: :yawn:
    I didn't have any hand weights so did those bits with clenched fists, so probably haven't done day 1 right, but Rob has some weights in the workout room, so will ask if he minds me adjusting the weights ( can't tell you the last time I saw him use them :laugh: ). Did the dvd with little Christopher in the room (2 years old) and he kept joining in when it came to the jumping jacks, so cute but very distracting :huh:

    Hope everyone has a good friday, xx
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Lori stalks a lot. She's probably stalking now. :laugh:

    I am not!...I mean, uh...:blushing:

    I have to stalk so I can keep up to date on everybody so I know what's going on when I join back up. The baby is due the 4th of July and my 10-year high school reunion is 7 weeks later on August 21st. :grumble: so I'll be back here working my butt off to get back in good enough shape to want to show off around people I hated 10 years ago. :huh: :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Hey evryone, just stopping in for a minute...Today was a avery abd day for me..all I did was cry after 4 pm and ate and cried...I think I still need to take a few weeks off, I have competely got rid of the scale for a while...I need to focus on me and get me ready..I am still gonna log in and log my food but not gonna weigh every little thing...Today at 4pm 3 weeks ago is when I got the call that my father passed away. So today at 4 pm I started crying and pretty much cried the rest of the day, in between feeding my face....

    Today is the first day that I really have cried since this all happened..But I usually always talked to him about every 3 weeks and last night I reiceived his ashes and his death cert. Still a lot to take in, so I think I need a few more week emontional and physically...honestly I think i am even gonna go down to part time at work, and focus more on my own children and helping my husband run his business..

    I know ya'll will understand..if I dont get focus 100% on me all the weight will come back on..promise!!!

    I'm so sorry, Tamara. *hugs* We'll miss you, but you must do what is the best for you & your family right now. :heart:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Well I have done my first session at level one of the 30 day shred, and I am feeling it!! :yawn: :yawn:
    I didn't have any hand weights so did those bits with clenched fists, so probably haven't done day 1 right, but Rob has some weights in the workout room, so will ask if he minds me adjusting the weights ( can't tell you the last time I saw him use them :laugh: ). Did the dvd with little Christopher in the room (2 years old) and he kept joining in when it came to the jumping jacks, so cute but very distracting :huh:

    Hope everyone has a good friday, xx

    When I first started working out, I didn't have hand weights so I started with cans of soup. Not exactly 5# dumbbells, but it did give some resistance. I hope hubby lets you use his weights! WTG, on day 1! Woot! I usually have a 3 year old trying to do the whole thing with me so I get how distracting that can be. Little buggers. :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Lori stalks a lot. She's probably stalking now. :laugh:

    I am not!...I mean, uh...:blushing:

    I have to stalk so I can keep up to date on everybody so I know what's going on when I join back up. The baby is due the 4th of July and my 10-year high school reunion is 7 weeks later on August 21st. :grumble: so I'll be back here working my butt off to get back in good enough shape to want to show off around people I hated 10 years ago. :huh: :laugh:

    Don't make me drive to PA! You are NOT working out that hard right after BP2 is born, young lady! *shakes fist* shoot...*counts on fingers* 10 year runion is this year too. Dang it, Lori! Why did you remind me?! :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Hey evryone, just stopping in for a minute...Today was a avery abd day for me..all I did was cry after 4 pm and ate and cried...I think I still need to take a few weeks off, I have competely got rid of the scale for a while...I need to focus on me and get me ready..I am still gonna log in and log my food but not gonna weigh every little thing...Today at 4pm 3 weeks ago is when I got the call that my father passed away. So today at 4 pm I started crying and pretty much cried the rest of the day, in between feeding my face....

    Today is the first day that I really have cried since this all happened..But I usually always talked to him about every 3 weeks and last night I reiceived his ashes and his death cert. Still a lot to take in, so I think I need a few more week emontional and physically...honestly I think i am even gonna go down to part time at work, and focus more on my own children and helping my husband run his business..

    I know ya'll will understand..if I dont get focus 100% on me all the weight will come back on..promise!!!


    Sending you lots of (((((((((hugs))))))))). Take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Friday morning all...It is pouring rain here. It was sleeting last night so they scheduled a 2 hour delay for school today. It turned into a cold rain but the boys got to sleep late anyway. Gotta start typing now. Today used to be my day off but I am working extra now. I had a good week with eating and exercising. Today is gym day.

    Bry...Tonight is date night, right? Good luck.

    Tamara...I used to call my mom every morning at 9:00 when I took a break from typing. After she died, I would just burst into tears every day around 9:00. I know exactly how you feel. I don't remember how long this went on but just know it will gradually get better. My prayers are with you:flowerforyou:

    Lori...Congrats on the run. I'm still trying to get to 3.2 miles.

    Marla...Hope the juice fast is going well.

    Tanya...I am doing the 30 Day Shred also. I start level 3 tomorrow. When I did the first day, I had a terribly hard time walking but it gets easier. Good luck!

    Everybody else...Have a great day and a happy weekend.
  • loreeb18
    loreeb18 Posts: 1,221 Member
    Lori stalks a lot. She's probably stalking now. :laugh:

    I am not!...I mean, uh...:blushing:

    I have to stalk so I can keep up to date on everybody so I know what's going on when I join back up. The baby is due the 4th of July and my 10-year high school reunion is 7 weeks later on August 21st. :grumble: so I'll be back here working my butt off to get back in good enough shape to want to show off around people I hated 10 years ago. :huh: :laugh:

    Don't make me drive to PA! You are NOT working out that hard right after BP2 is born, young lady! *shakes fist* shoot...*counts on fingers* 10 year runion is this year too. Dang it, Lori! Why did you remind me?! :sad: :sad: :sad:

    That's all it'll take to get you to visit me? Hmm...:bigsmile: I'm hoping spring will come soon so Harley and I can start walking (well, her riding in the stroller, me walking) so I won't need to work my butt off come July to get back in shape.

    P.S. I know. I feel so old. But luckily Dave's reunion was this year so if I'm old, he'll always be old + 1 year. :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey everyone-- Lori, great to see you--

    Veggie fast update-- I don't know, my friends, but this is oddly wonderful-- swelling is down in both fingers and toes. Pain is much less. I'd been rather helpless around here. My kids would start the car for me, turn the doorknobs, put dishes in and out of the cabinet-- tying my shoes was hideous, and don't even ask me about wiping me *kitten*.

    And walking? Oh my-- I'd get up in the morning and hobble around like a penguin because the swelling and pain was so bad in my feet, and running has been excruciating.

    I ran 2 miles yesterday with very little discomfort, and today my hands are so much better I can almost (well much better anyway) make a fist. My toes are beginning to resemble toes, and not sausages-- so, this is really something!!

    So, you know-- again, I wouldn't advocate this as a weight loss aid. I felt tired yesterday during the run, and I figured it was due to nutrition. But, I'm sticking it out for the week because the change in the arthritis symptoms has been nothing short of incredible.

    The weight loss is surely a lovely side bonus.

    Must run grocery shopping today-- so gotta scoot. Not sure how much snow we're expecting, but I'm sure the stores will be nutty today-- fun stuff.

    Later all--
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Lori- you don't have to stalk, you are allowed to communicate with us. LOL. They don't kick those of us off the team that have been the same weight for 9 months, nobody is gonna care that you are gaining for 9 months. At least you have a reason!

    Marla- so happy the diet is making a difference. I have no idea how you type.

    Tammy- have a good day typing

    Ok....that's all I can see on my screen.... the rest went *whoosh* outta my head but the rest of you are wonderful too!

    I hit the gym, ate my snack and now I'm going to dust and sweep and do all that other 'Wife and Mom' crap. I want to get stuck on here instead, but I'm going to be strong and do my work!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Thanks, Lori-- typing has been tough, believe me. But, much better this week. And dare I mention, the psoriasis on my scalp (which is where it thankfully has been concentrated-- one little lesion on my cheek, but nowhere else on the body, really ) seems much better today.

    I just brushed my hair, and had infinitely less, uh, snowfall, if you know what I'm sayin'--

    My gosh-- this could really turn out to be exciting.

    Heading to grocery shop-- have a great day, everyone.
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member

    That's all it'll take to get you to visit me? Hmm...:bigsmile: I'm hoping spring will come soon so Harley and I can start walking (well, her riding in the stroller, me walking) so I won't need to work my butt off come July to get back in shape.

    P.S. I know. I feel so old. But luckily Dave's reunion was this year so if I'm old, he'll always be old + 1 year. :laugh:

    That reminds me...Zeke's spring break is in April...and I'm itching for a road trip. :bigsmile: I like that "old +1 year". I always tell Doug that he's old x 2 b/c he's 2 years older than me. *evillaugh* Why do I enjoy torturing my husband so much? :laugh:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    Thanks, Lori-- typing has been tough, believe me. But, much better this week. And dare I mention, the psoriasis on my scalp (which is where it thankfully has been concentrated-- one little lesion on my cheek, but nowhere else on the body, really ) seems much better today.

    I just brushed my hair, and had infinitely less, uh, snowfall, if you know what I'm sayin'--

    My gosh-- this could really turn out to be exciting.

    Heading to grocery shop-- have a great day, everyone.

    That is thrilling, Marla! I'm so glad it is helping the arthritis & psorisis. It sounds like you've been miserable. :frown: *hugs*
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Thanks guys!!!!

    Any other married folk feel like they're living vicariously through Bry? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Thanks guys!!!!

    Any other married folk feel like they're living vicariously through Bry? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Thank God. I was starting to believe it was only me envying her....:happy:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hey evryone, just stopping in for a minute...Today was a avery abd day for me..all I did was cry after 4 pm and ate and cried...I think I still need to take a few weeks off, I have competely got rid of the scale for a while...I need to focus on me and get me ready..I am still gonna log in and log my food but not gonna weigh every little thing...Today at 4pm 3 weeks ago is when I got the call that my father passed away. So today at 4 pm I started crying and pretty much cried the rest of the day, in between feeding my face....

    Today is the first day that I really have cried since this all happened..But I usually always talked to him about every 3 weeks and last night I reiceived his ashes and his death cert. Still a lot to take in, so I think I need a few more week emontional and physically...honestly I think i am even gonna go down to part time at work, and focus more on my own children and helping my husband run his business..

    I know ya'll will understand..if I dont get focus 100% on me all the weight will come back on..promise!!!

    Tamara- You are going to have a few stages like this one. Take all the time you need. You realize how short life is and you have to make the best of each and every moment. Take care of YOU first!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Lori stalks a lot. She's probably stalking now. :laugh:

    I am not!...I mean, uh...:blushing:

    I have to stalk so I can keep up to date on everybody so I know what's going on when I join back up. The baby is due the 4th of July and my 10-year high school reunion is 7 weeks later on August 21st. :grumble: so I'll be back here working my butt off to get back in good enough shape to want to show off around people I hated 10 years ago. :huh: :laugh:

    A fourth of July baby! How wonderful for you and your family. A newbie Black team member so I haven't had the pleasure. Best of luck to you stalker:flowerforyou:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Thanks guys!!!!

    Any other married folk feel like they're living vicariously through Bry? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Thank God. I was starting to believe it was only me envying her....:happy:

    ME!!! Bry - We will need details! Have fun girl!!

    Went to HS with my DH but we were just friends. His best friend was actually my HS Sweetheart.. go figure. We kept in touch while we were in college and wrote to each other (wasn't email back I'm old) After college, I traveled out to CA with some friends and he was stationed in Sacramento in NAV school. He came to visit us. Though we didn't "hook up" at the time (he claims he could've had me then:tongue: ) that was all she wrote. I had to fly 3000 miles to the west coast to meet up with the boy I went to high school with....don't you just love it.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Thanks guys!!!!

    Any other married folk feel like they're living vicariously through Bry? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


    Thank God. I was starting to believe it was only me envying her....:happy:

    The excitement of a first date and all the squishy tummy 'new' feelings. Fun times. LOL

    I was married for 7 years the first time, almost 6 years this time, although he's been gone most of it. I sometimes wonder how you 20 year people do it. I love him, but dang does living with somebody and all the things about them that get under your skin get to you! :wink:

    Granted, the flip side is when I wake up with dragon breath and my hair looking like Medusa I don't care and neither does he! :laugh: