Black Team Challenge Week 5:



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    If I haven't weighed since September, can I be an honorary Black Team Member? :glasses:


    I second that motion!!:smokin:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Evening Black team,

    Well the house is pretty darn clean and we are ready for our "Shoot" tommorow. It is odd to think that we have accomplished something "Newsworthy". I just wanted to take a momment to say that I am so amazed at everything we have accomplished as a team and that you are all so wonderful. This family we have here is incredible and we have shared so much. I could thank you all for so many things but most of all I should thank you for being there. Just your presence in the lives of Bethany and I has been a gift. You are all such amazing people and the fact that you are here to support us has been a blessing. I have been the benefactor of your support and experiences, but even more so I have been allowed into your lives. I have learned about your families, I have been given a window into your hearts and minds and what I have seen through that window has been both inspiring and humbling. You are all such a amazing people and I can honestly say that you all hold a place in my heart. While none of us have ever met I can't help but feel that you understand Beth and I more than many of the people with see every day. You all are some of the best friends I have ever had and I am glad that this life changing experience has changed more than just my waistline. It has changed my view on many things and it has certainly given me a new faith in people. Knowing that you are all here with us, fighting the good fight and sharing in each step of this journey has really helped. God Bless you all my wonderful friends. Continue to push yourselves to reach new heights. I look forward to continuing to walk this road at your side.

    Cheers my friend.

    Wish us luck tommorow. lol

    There you go again-- :cry: I return to this beautiful team, every lovely thing you said and then some--

    I :heart: you my friend, and your beautiful wife-- so thrilled for you for tomorrow-- can't wait to hear all about it.

    Have fun!!!!!!!!

    Yeah (sniffle sniffle) what Marla (sniffle sniffle) said!!!! I know everyone in the lovely state of Florida who is on this team :heart: 's you two!!!

    Yes we do....:cry::heart: :smooched: :love:

    All of you bring me back to what is right, true and honest. Thank you Andrew for keeping us going!
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Good luck Andrew and Beth - you are both amazing and so worthy of the attention you are getting today. Thanks so much for being a such a great example for the team. :smooched: :heart:

    Marla - I am so glad you are getting results from the veggie juice, but also glad you got some solid food last night. Enjoy, my friend.

    For my friends in the mid Atlantic - so sorry about the snow. I do have to admit, we are up in CT breathing a sigh of relief that we didn't get it for a change. I feel the same way as (cutie pie) Harley about the snow.. yuck.. Hang in there - soon it will melt.

    All my other friends - sorry I can't keep up with all of you. I do read - and feel like I know you all a bit. Life is just too hectic right now to respond.

    Once again, I had an awesome week of workouts and got sick as a dog on Saturday - I swear I am allergic to exercise. I know about the toxins I am releasing and all the change in my body, but fever and yellow discharge (sorry TMI)? I think that is just above and beyond the usual de-tox.. Unfortunately, I felt bad enough that I had to miss the kids swim meet today (GO RAPTORS!!!), but it did give me a chance to post/whine..

    sorry for all the whine.. hope you all enjoy the game today.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Good luck Andrew and Beth - you are both amazing and so worthy of the attention you are getting today. Thanks so much for being a such a great example for the team. :smooched: :heart:

    Marla - I am so glad you are getting results from the veggie juice, but also glad you got some solid food last night. Enjoy, my friend.

    For my friends in the mid Atlantic - so sorry about the snow. I do have to admit, we are up in CT breathing a sigh of relief that we didn't get it for a change. I feel the same way as (cutie pie) Harley about the snow.. yuck.. Hang in there - soon it will melt.

    All my other friends - sorry I can't keep up with all of you. I do read - and feel like I know you all a bit. Life is just too hectic right now to respond.

    Once again, I had an awesome week of workouts and got sick as a dog on Saturday - I swear I am allergic to exercise. I know about the toxins I am releasing and all the change in my body, but fever and yellow discharge (sorry TMI)? I think that is just above and beyond the usual de-tox.. Unfortunately, I felt bad enough that I had to miss the kids swim meet today (GO RAPTORS!!!), but it did give me a chance to post/whine..

    sorry for all the whine.. hope you all enjoy the game today.


    Always glad to hear your doing well Janie!! and being sick always stinks...especially when you miss fun time. I hope you feel better today!
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Oh. Em. Gee. I am in pain.

    I like to think that I'm in decent shape, but that four hours of shoveling beat my *kitten*. My arms and shoulders feel like someone beat me with bats. In my defense, the snow was a lot heavier and wetter than the last storm we got...and there was about a foot more of it, but this is ridiculous. Now, I'm back in and WARM with a fresh pot of coffee on and about to start my sauce for spaghetti and meatballs tonight.

    Oy vey. This may be a valid reason to skip work tomorrow.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Oh. Em. Gee. I am in pain.

    I like to think that I'm in decent shape, but that four hours of shoveling beat my *kitten*. My arms and shoulders feel like someone beat me with bats. In my defense, the snow was a lot heavier and wetter than the last storm we got...and there was about a foot more of it, but this is ridiculous. Now, I'm back in and WARM with a fresh pot of coffee on and about to start my sauce for spaghetti and meatballs tonight.

    Oy vey. This may be a valid reason to skip work tomorrow.

    Oh dear....soak in epsom salts and warm water...........loosen those babies up!
    Hope you feel better quick
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Just checking in...power went out Saturday 4 am and its not back on yet. They said no later then Tuesday but I'm not holding my breath. Pray for us !
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Just checking in...power went out Saturday 4 am and its not back on yet. They said no later then Tuesday but I'm not holding my breath. Pray for us !

    Oh no! Hoping y'all get power back ASAP. Be safe and stay warm out there...:heart:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Fixin to enjoy some good food and friends....Who is everyone for??? I dont care either way, just gonna enjoy everyones company... Made great monety work today..I am not complaining!!!

    Gonne get back to the gym tomorrow morning!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Just checking in...power went out Saturday 4 am and its not back on yet. They said no later then Tuesday but I'm not holding my breath. Pray for us !

    Bobbi-- prayers for all of you-- stay warm, my friend--

    Just did 40 minute turbo jam to pay for my sandwich later-- I'm with Tamara, I don't care who wins. I'm thinking I'd rather see the Colts since they beat the Jets-- makes the Jets look better to lose to the eventual winner-- ya know?

    Have a great night beloved team!!!!!!
  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465
    Evening black team!,

    Hope everyone is having a great day and enjoys the eating, drinking and being merry this superbowl eve. You all deserve it!

    The "shoot" went well. We had alot of fun. Got out microphones on and sat for an interview. I think we both spoke from the heart and Beth got a little teary. In fact, the reporter cried a bit too. Girls, who understands em? lol Anyway, We talked about keeping a food diary and finding a good support system. I think I even mentioned Marla lol Anyway, after the interview they got some shots of us making our chili for tonight and me using MFP then we headed down to the bike path where they got some footage of us running while pushing the kids, but even more footage of us playing tag with the boys. At one point little Riley shouts "I'm gonna get YOU now!" and starts chasing Kelly(Reporter). It was cute and lots of fun. It was lots of fun and MAN are our boys a couple of ham balls. They had both the reporter and camera woman in stiches. She said she is not sure when it will air. She thinks it will be a week from tommorow. She said she will email us to let us know. That's the short version of the story but I wanted to keep you guys posted. Now Beth is worried about how she looked, what she said ect... I know that during the interview Riley kept doing things to piss me off and I kept making faces. lol Everyone is going to see me containing my rage. lol. Anyway, Enjoy the game everyone!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    If I haven't weighed since September, can I be an honorary Black Team Member? :glasses:


    I second that motion!!:smokin:

    I say we'd love to have you.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Thank you Shuntae and Marla ! We were holed up in Jim's boss' office at the hospital. I kept calling home and knew that if the answering machine came on we were good to go. We got 10 -12 inches of snow. Power went out 4 am on Saturday. We stayed here Saturday night. When we woke up temp in the bedroom was 44. LR was about 34. We packed up and headed for the hospital, they at least have back up generators. 37 hours later power is on and we are home. Got in the house about 5:30 and the furnace hasn't stopped running yet. Its about 60 in here but dang I'm cold.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Thank you Shuntae and Marla ! We were holed up in Jim's boss' office at the hospital. I kept calling home and knew that if the answering machine came on we were good to go. We got 10 -12 inches of snow. Power went out 4 am on Saturday. We stayed here Saturday night. When we woke up temp in the bedroom was 44. LR was about 34. We packed up and headed for the hospital, they at least have back up generators. 37 hours later power is on and we are home. Got in the house about 5:30 and the furnace hasn't stopped running yet. Its about 60 in here but dang I'm cold.

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Well, I said I wasn't going to have problems today with eating, I lied. LOL

    Hubs cut the holes for the recessed lighting. Mess. Big mess. Big, big mess. Took me longer to clean up the kitchen than it did for him to cut the holes and wire it. Drywall, ceiling popcorn crap, insulation. Everywhere. I think I cleaned up dust for 3 hours. I had to wipe down everything, cabinet tops, cabinets, counters, walls. I had only eaten breakfast, it was 1:30 til I got done, I was starved. Ate a normal, ok calorie wise lunch.

    Took the kids to play tennis, ran around with them for about an hour and 15 mintues. Stopped for Dominos. Got home. Inhaled pizza. Way too much pizza. I think after not eating reguarly all day and not eating much, I was so hungry I couldn't stop myself.

    I still have a hankering for something. I want ice cream, cold and sweet. I ate a grepefruit instead. NOT the same. Not even close. Still hankering for goodness from the freezer.... Luckily we have none and I'm not leaving the house.

    The worst thing is when I get like this, a craving for something, I tend to keep eating stuff I shouldn't to satisfy it, I never satisfy it and in the long run I would have been better off just eating what I was craving in the first place!
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Thank you Shuntae and Marla ! We were holed up in Jim's boss' office at the hospital. I kept calling home and knew that if the answering machine came on we were good to go. We got 10 -12 inches of snow. Power went out 4 am on Saturday. We stayed here Saturday night. When we woke up temp in the bedroom was 44. LR was about 34. We packed up and headed for the hospital, they at least have back up generators. 37 hours later power is on and we are home. Got in the house about 5:30 and the furnace hasn't stopped running yet. Its about 60 in here but dang I'm cold.

    Bobbi - so glad you are OK. Cold is not fun - and no power is very scary. Glad you had a place to stay and that you are back in business at your own home now.

    Lori - resist, resist!!! I know how you feel though - I do the same thing. Hang in there.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Andrewwwwwwww-- you mentioned me? 47b20s0.gif I'm nearly famous, peeps-- !!!!!! 4chsmu1.gif

    Can't wait to see it-- it sounds adorable. Beth, I'd have cried, too-- the feeling of empowerment that we've all gotten from tackling this enemy, and defeating it bit by bit, day by day, and doing it with this group of incredible people-- well, you know, it tears me up usually anyway. Having to talk to a reporter? I'd have bawled my head off--

    Heading to work--

    Later, my team!!!!!!!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Ugh...too much "not good for me" food. Stomach is revolting....What have I done?????

    Emerson's catching a cold. Poor baby is becoming miserable.

    Hubs is releasing major toxic gas.....:sick: Told him he could only have toast because he's been eating something that is making him rotten.

    Colts are about to lose. Need to head to bed soon. Probably will be a long night with E.

    Til tomorrow friends!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, as for the "food" tonight-- I stayed, believe it or not, to my diary that I logged yesterday--

    I also turbo jammed--

    BUT-- yes, there's a but coming-- I melted milk chocolate for fondue-- (cue the airplane crashing to earth noise) yes, folks, that's where I crashed and burned.

    Fresh strawberries, mini pretzels, a banana-- all dipped in milk chocolate. Not to excess, but certainly more than was needed-- yummy.

    One day out of the year-- it's all good-- I don't regret a single bite.

    Tomorrow, I shall finish out my veggie juice and attempt to get my foot and hand back to pain free-- for tonight, they're both barking at me-- ouch.

    Later, my friends-- hope you all had a good night.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Glad everyone had a great weekend. :flowerforyou: those of you without heat I can't imagine.........I think I would jump in the car. It is 2 degrees here this morning . How do you manage? My pipes would freeze..........Anyway I am thinking what would I do if this happened to us. So cold........I really hope they fix things soon:heart: