Sister wives



  • charelg
    charelg Posts: 599 Member
    Yeah I don't get it either. It's like they are brainwashed thinking its normal.

    Maybe not. I saw an episode where Meri's daughter said she would NEVER share a husband. She said she'd be too jealous. Apparently, they are not pushing it on the kids. I guess they leave it up to the individual to decide.

    P.S. The wives are fairly likeable. The head dude is kind of a jacka$$ to me, though. He's got quite an ego.

    I agree, they seem like lovely ladies.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    I read an article this week on how one of the daughters didn't want to participate in the religion, but the parents were being supportive. I think they have 17 kids and the article mentioned they don't get teased at school.
  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    This would not be a life for me or my family. I fine with how they live if it makes them happy. I have a harder with men that have kids and don't take care about/ for them.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    They all get along but there's jeolousy and rivilry as well. Human nature.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    As long as they are consenting adults, and not abusing the welfare system, I don't have any problem with letting people live how they want.

    I have heard of several polygamists in Utah, that are marrying 13, and 14 year old girls, and many will abuse the welfare system. Those need to be prosecuted.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    So, I'm watching this show on t l c, where the man has 4 wives and like 30 kids or something. Anyone else watch this show? What are your thoughts on polygamy?

    I don't understand people who fully support gay marriage but are adamant against any sort of marriage with multiple spouses be it multiple husbands or wives.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    So, I'm watching this show on t l c, where the man has 4 wives and like 30 kids or something. Anyone else watch this show? What are your thoughts on polygamy?

    I don't understand people who fully support gay marriage but are adamant against any sort of marriage with multiple spouses be it multiple husbands or wives.

    I agree there! I fully support gay marriage AND the right to live poly-amorously if that is what CONSENTING adults choose. Families like in Big Love or Sister Wives are perfectly fine, and no one has the right to judge them. When it comes to compounds and young girls getting 'given' to old men and such, that is wrong, and those people are not going anywhere near the 'paradise' they claim. I think if they made poly marriage legal, it would be much easier to regulate those abusing it.

    Also, not just polygamy the way it is seen in these show. I also am in support of a woman having more than one partner, or even a group of people living together. As long as they are all adults and are not hurting anyone else, who are we to judge how and who people love. Love is never wrong when everyone involved is an adult and it is reciprocated.
  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    What a train wreck!
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I don't think it is 'wrong' per se. However; I don't understand it at all. I have a hard time believing that they all get along like they claim too, it seems really faked to me. That could be because I just can't wrap my head around it though. I think that is why some people can fully support gay marriage and not this, because we can 'understand' Gay marriage. It makes perfectly good sense to me that a Man can love another Man with all his heart. But one man with 4 women, that just seems off. It doesn't seem healthy either, especially when the 'man' is as egotistical and just plain creepy as the guy in this show.
  • LMick1986
    I love the show!!! AND I personally have always loved the idea of sister wives. I'm not at all religious, so if that part could come out, I'd be all for it. I like the idea of having large families....knowing everyone could provide to the family as a whole. I like the idea that if I ever died, my children wouldn't have to be placed elsewhere....they'd have the other mothers (and a huge support system). I've always been a fan of the whole "it takes a village to raise a family" thing. I know this sounds cheesy, but I feel I have a lot of love in me and I'd be the kind of person that would want fifteen kids. Haha! That's a way of doing it without stretching yourself too thin.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    i personally think it's a number of divorces waiting to happen. A husband-wife relationship is supposed to be a strong one, built on trust and compassion. I find it very difficult to understand how this husband can show full support at any of these homes and any of these wives. Perhaps these adults are all consenting, but honestly.... does it really last?? I don't see how it can. in fact, there are a couple wives on that show who are contemplating divorce. They don't have the support that they need from the husband, he can't spread himself this thin and still be a model husband/father.

    Father. That's another point. how jipped can the kids feel, knowing they have to share their 'dad time' with all these other brothers/sisters/cousins?! Maybe the adults consented, but these kids didn't sign up for it. I find it irresponsible on the dad's part. As for the moms/wives, i can see how people think they're strong, going into a scenario such as this. But i don't find it good parenting on their part too, to deprive them of a family where both parents are there to support them, 100% of the time.
  • 2hmom
    2hmom Posts: 241 Member
    I just can't figure out how they can afford everything,house,clothes and food. I probably spend too much on entertainment on the weekends.
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I would imagine having 1 wife would be hard enough, but having 4? That would be terrible lol.

    I love watching Sister Wives. it's just very interesting. It would never be the thing for me but hey, who am I to judge. I feel like their children are more well-rounded than The Duggers (19 Kids & Counting)
  • LMick1986
    And you know all those kids get teased at school.

    Even "normal" kids get teased at school. Parents should teach their children to not be so judgmental....that's awful if you think these kids are getting teased just because they have four moms.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    I am not a fan of polygamy, more than one girl is too much for me to handle.

    <3 love a guy who knows his limits...:flowerforyou:
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    I've seen the show and find it interesting. Consenting adults should be able to do whatever they want. I have no problem with polyamorous relationships. I would (and have) fight for the rights of grown people to be free to live how they see fit.

    I do however have a huge problem with how some of these religious groups try to enact legislation that would force the rest of us to live a certain way based entirely on (what I see as) their own made-up mythology. So I 100% support them in whatever they choose to do but I just think they should also 100% support everyone else in how we want to live our lives. For instance the Mormons had a huge part in meddling in prop 8 in CA. But I'm not talking about just Mormons I think almost every religious person/group needs a little lesson in live and let live.

  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    I think it might be quite a workout.
  • pfgaytriot
    pfgaytriot Posts: 238 Member
    I've watched the show and kind of enjoy it, but I could NEVER share my girlfriend with someone else. But, as long as consenting adults are making the choice to be in nontraditional relationships, who cares what they do? Some people do well in plural relationships, some people don't; to each their own.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I don't see anything wrong with it. People should live their lives they way they want to. As long as they are not harming other people of course. I'm not sure if I could do it. Maybe?
    And honestly, I was teased in school for my bike (the handle bars were too old fashioned), being black, being too light to be black, not having boobs, then having boobs....
    I can say this. All of his marriages have lasted longer than mine to one man did so obviously it works for them.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    i personally think it's a number of divorces waiting to happen. A husband-wife relationship is supposed to be a strong one, built on trust and compassion. I find it very difficult to understand how this husband can show full support at any of these homes and any of these wives. Perhaps these adults are all consenting, but honestly.... does it really last?? I don't see how it can. in fact, there are a couple wives on that show who are contemplating divorce. They don't have the support that they need from the husband, he can't spread himself this thin and still be a model husband/father.

    Father. That's another point. how jipped can the kids feel, knowing they have to share their 'dad time' with all these other brothers/sisters/cousins?! Maybe the adults consented, but these kids didn't sign up for it. I find it irresponsible on the dad's part. As for the moms/wives, i can see how people think they're strong, going into a scenario such as this. But i don't find it good parenting on their part too, to deprive them of a family where both parents are there to support them, 100% of the time.

    I would assume they feel no more jipped than a family that has divorced and both parents have re-married and had more kids/brought more kids into the family. Or if the parents have divorced and one parent is in another state/province/country. Honestly the kids have a great support system - and HE is there with them... its not like he just forgets he has a bunch of kids...

    I like the idea of sisterwives - seriously it takes a village to raise a child, and they have just created their own little village and they support their kids fully so whats the big deal? Could I share my husband? well if I had one its hard to say but if I went into the relationship knowing it was most likely going to end in a sisterwive kind of senario than yeah it wouldn't be a problem. Besides when your husband isn't aroung you have other kids to look after. This type of family makes more sense to me than the Duggars do.

    Edited to complete my friggen train of thought