Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 6



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1260
    Exercise: Some sledding & running around with the dogs this morning. And some dancing like a fool with headphones on tonight. :blushing: I didn't log either, but I definitely burned more than I normally would've on a day TOM is trying it's best to completely incapacitate me. I was supposed to "graduate" from C25k today. But, with the way I feel right now, it looks like I'll be graduating Monday instead unless I feel a whole lot better tomorrow.
    Water: I think I'm short. And I'm pretty sure I didn't drink enough water, today either. :wink:
    Proud: I didn't let rather severe TOM symptoms get the best of me or keep me from doing the things I wanted and needed to do today.

    I don't think my bf and I are really celebrating Valentine's Day this year which is fine by me. It has never turned out like I wanted or planned any year in the past so this year I haven't even bothered. :ohwell: Our 1st year I was so insanely sick but I tried so hard to do fun nice things anyway. I baked a cake, and got him a Vday present & planned to cook dinner. I had a respiratory tract infection that was killer combined with my asthma and was really struggling to breathe so I went to the doctor. But I didn't have health insurance at the time because I worked for a temp agency & the doc helped me out with an antibiotic sample that was a one dose kind of deal. It was *really* strong and it made me really sick in another very embarrassing way. :embarassed: Trust me, it's not a good thing when the very first time you poop your pants as an adult is on the first Valentine's Day you've ever had a boyfriend. :noway: :laugh: :embarassed: I guess that's just what happens when you give a patient who is coughing uncontrollably an antibiotic with a side effect like that. :indifferent: That was when I knew it was true love -- I called him & said "Sorry, I'm going to be late. I'm afraid I may crap my pants again if I come over now." We had only been dating 5 or 6 months at the time. Oh, I'm sorry, I know it's TMI, but it's too horrible of a story not to share. :laugh:
    I'm glad I didn't make any plans this year. We're just going for our weekly visit to our friends' house. Apparently they didn't make V-Day plans, either, even though it's their first one since they've been married, so that makes me feel a little less like a slacker. :laugh:

    Happy Valentine's Day! (Don't poo your pants)
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    LOL jlb! What a great story! You know you've got a great guy if he can understand that dilemma! :laugh:

    I LOVE the challenge, mstahl! I am going to go cook beets for the first time in my life. I've been wanting to do it for a long time, but never had the nerve. I remember my mother making beets when I was little. I love them! I also like the whole ambience deal. Dinner with a glass of wine and candles! Can't wait and I DESERVE it!

    check in:

    calories: 3/4 way through the exercise cals (remember: birthday party tonight...ouch.)
    water: 64
    exercise: 40 mins bike
    proud: I ate pretty well at the party tonight. I only had one small piece of red velvet cake. Whew! :love: And I only had ONE martini. When I don't lose weight this week, please just type the response "red velvet cake" to my cries and I'll shut up. :ohwell:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    good morning!!

    I was down another .8lbs this morning so I am now 1lb away from 20lbs lost!!! I am so excited! Going to work extra hard this week to make sure I am 20lbs down at the end of the week!!!

    here is my check in for yesterday 2/13/10 (my son's 15 month bday!)
    calories- under by 150
    water- yes
    excercise- nope
    sodium- 1613
    proud- that I had a craving and satisfied it with a 100 calorie pack snack instead of raiding the entire fridge for 1,000+ calories!

    hope everyone is having a great weekend. BF and I didnt do anything for V-day. Im kind of bummed but it was to be expected, I was at least hoping for a nice card or something...oh well.


  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    So im back!!! I've been busy and my school blocked this website so i had no time.....

    So i am coming back (hopefully) from my depression...i was sad but now im good .... I wasnt sure why or anything.....

    Ive gained 5 pounds :(

    Thursday im going to be going back to trying to lose wieght but right now im just surrounded by candy!!! I cant get rid of it!

    Oh...well my ex boyfriend messaged me and let me know that he thinks im hot ....i was like thanks :)

    Anyway...thursday ill be back.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Since I haven't really lost any weight in 1.5 weeks, I've decided to shock my metabolism tonight. :devil:
    Happy Valentine's Day! :flowerforyou:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Since I haven't really lost any weight in 1.5 weeks, I've decided to shock my metabolism tonight. :devil:
    Happy Valentine's Day! :flowerforyou:
    :laugh: ENJOY!!!:drinker:
    My metabolism is in complete shock right now... I keep remembering things I ate last night :embarassed: Like the dark chocolate truffles I made from Thursday's left over dark chocolate fondue, and served in the chocolate/mint martinies! :huh: whoops!
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Happy Valentines day everyone! We didnt do anything for it really but I did spend time with the kids while daddy was at work. I FINALLY got our DSL set up... I was on the phone with the tech for 30 min... not fun. At least I am able to get on here again!

    I dont think I checked in yesterday so here it goes;
    cals: under
    water: under
    exercise: nothing really

    Cals: under if I stick to what I planned out for dinner
    water: on target
    exercise: none..

    I hope everyone has a wonderful night!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    calories - under (counting exercise additional)
    exercise - 30 mins brisk walking & hills
    water - 6
    proud that this is night 3 of long weekend guests and I have stayed on track despite a multitude of temptations.

    For the challenge......
    I do love Kale so might try the kale chips suggestion which sounds fun and the cooking method would be new for me.
    Bought a bag of gnarly looking seaweed last week so I'll try that too, maybe add chunks to miso soup mix.

    Happy V Day everyone!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello all..

    I have been eating cruddy all weekend...buy have been having a great weekend.

    Saturday morning went to a friends little boy skating party...and I got my 282 lbs butt in skates...yest roller skates...That was fun. I only fell down one time. My and my 3 yr old were skating my older one was scared and wouldln't get on..my hubby got on skates too that was funny...I haven't been skating in probably 17 yrs ago.

    Then girls got shipped to my moms , me and hubby went shopping and got my ears pierced. I had them pierced when i was younger a few times but they closed up when i didn't wear earrings for a while. SO i got them re-pierced. It was funny that hubby kept looking at them and smiling sayd they look nice and now he can buy me earrings :) I have not worn earrings in the 12 yrs we have been together. Then we went to studio movie grill and had a nice night.

    Then today slept till 9 , that was super nice, no little ones getting up. THen grocery shopping and had lunch with our friends from OK and there cute little 10 month old.

    Then on to the best news of the day, well i was looking on our property manager website for our rent house and it wasn't up there, was starting to get upset, then my hubby emailed him and he emailed him back and said he had tenants..>Woohoo...Looks like we are getting someone in there soon now. That is like a 500 lb weight lifted off of me.

    Things looking up ...I am off tomorrow and taking Daughter to the Pysc., going to do some fun stuff just the two of us. She will like that.

    Sorry to ramble....was just very glad to have a nice weekend..
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lildeb - it's good to hear you had some good things happen (finally, right? :smile: ). I am SO happy to hear that you found renters!
    meokk - great job staying focused when you had guests! Not an easy thing to do!
    tiger - glad the DSL worked out! Glad you're with us!
    mstahl - I'm right there with you on the, er...., "extravagant eating frenzy." This weekend was challenging for me, food-wise, but I think all in all I did OK. I just get worried when I am around sweets. I need to let go of that and just allow myself the pleasure of them once in a while. I am trying! For me, it is psychological. I feel that once I eat a sweet, I will overindulge - that everything will go down the tube. Considering most of the time I do overindulge once I eat a sweet, I think I have just cause to be worried! :tongue: I don't like feeling guilty after I eat a piece of cake, so I am working on this slippery slope. I'll get there! I am much better than I used to be!

    check in:

    calories: good - ate 1/3 of exercise, but still plan on a little p-b english muffin snack tonight
    water: 120 oz. !!!
    exercise: 40 bike, 10 rigorous bike, plus arm work
    proud: I wore a pair of black plants to my singing job today and they were a little loose. They were always skin tight - so bad that if I bent over they would rip! Now they fit just fine! I felt like a new person wearing them - I was soooo happy! :heart:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 2125 (pretty much maintenance for me)
    Exercise: not much. a little cleaning, a little dancing. I haven't had a very good day.
    Water: Not enough (yet)
    Proud: I was in a horrible horrible horrible mood today. But I got myself to snap out of it & decided dinner with the bf would be a nice way to shock my metabolism. Long story short, I ate too much bad (good) food and I got sick. It was all I could do not to puke. :sick: I literally sat on the couch for an hour and a half with my eyes closed begging myself not to throw up. It's funny the way my body has learned to reject food that's bad for me. It just wouldn't be Valentine's day without one (or both) of us being sick. :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    double post?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Calories- under by 152:explode:
    water- yes
    excercise- no :grumble:
    sodium- 1544
    proud- that I didnt use V-Day as an excuse to 'cheat'.

    I peeked at the scale this morning and it said 234.4! Which would put me at over 20lbs lost!!! I dont know if it was just a fluke since at weigh in I was 237.8 (Friday)...so I am going to make sure I dont update my status on here until this upcoming Friday's weigh in, hoping by then it will be a solid 234 or less!! Wohoo!!:drinker: :bigsmile:

    Couldnt have done it without you guys :happy: :flowerforyou:

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Too busy to check in over the weekend ... but I did just go back and log everything I ate and exercised ... so here is my brief checkin for my missing days:
    Thursday: calories: good, exercise: great - Y in the am
    Friday: caloreis: good ... even with an expensive meal out - my husband and daughter ate 2/3 of my meal, exercise: great - turbo kick
    Saturday: calories: good, exercise: great - 1.75 hours at the Y
    Sunday: calories: bad ... too many vodka gimlets and buffet at the casino was not good, exercise: only 20 minutes walk ... but at least I did that much during the all day swim meet

    Back on track today, but I'm already mad at myself for missing turbo kick at the Y this morning. I'm off work today and planned to do turbokick at the Y ... I knew I should look up the schedule last night so that I knew what time it was ... I just assumed it was probably the same time as Fridays 11:35 when I sometimes make it there. But no ... it was 9:30-10:30 which I could easily have made if I hadn't been answering emails, etc. instead before I looked up the time. Oh well. I'm going to do an on demand kick boxing class right now ... probably won't burn quite as many calories but I will try.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    So this weekend I did pretty well, except for Friday but at least I can blame the potluck at work for that one. I went over by 615 calories, but was under my calories for Saturday and Sunday so I figure it evens out. Apparently, though, listening to my body worked even without keeping tabs on calories this weekend because I am now at 194.8! Yay! I will soon be out of the 190s.

    I think it's neat that everyone has snow right now. Other than this morning's commute, I've been enjoying the snow and winter in general. This coming weekend there should be a lot of snowshoeing again. I think my boyfriend and I are going to head up the North Shore (MN) and try another state park or two. Woohoo.

    Not much else to report. Keep up the great work, ladies!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    This last week has been trying for me. My diet has been terrible. Then yesterday my friend died. Noone knows why. She was getting away for the weekend with her husband got sick and fainted they took her to the hospital and she died. I am feeling quite sad. I am back on track with my diet today and exercise. I am feeling kinda blah today, but I know this is what I have to do. Our weather is very beautiful and spring like this week. I am going to enjoy it while it lasts and get my kids outside playing and myself out in the fresh air. I think it will help me feel better. It is suppose to get real near 70 today. I am thinking some sunshine in my life today will be good for me.

    lildeb, I am so glad that your house got rented. The stress of it all can be harsh. Hope everything goes well today for you and your little girl. I think a nice day out with her is a great idea.

    Cris, congrats on hitting that 20 pound mark.

    hajohnson, snowshoeing sounds fun. I have never done that before. I would like to try something like that. I would like to try to ski. I have never done that either or snowboard. Something, in the snow. I live about 2 hours away from any snow so honestly we don't get there too often. My husband is too lazy to get chains for the car so we hardly ever hit the snow. I want us to get healthy and do more things like that. In the summer he takes us to all these places to hike but never takes us there in the winter when snow is on the ground. Oh well!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!! Kids are all off today and I think we will be taking a walk
  • Solandra
    Checking in for Friday the Great Blizzard of the South, Saturday, and Valentine's Day:

    Calories - under
    Water - over
    Exercise - only if watching my dogs play in the snow counts.

    Saturday -
    Calories - under
    Water - Under
    Exercise - lots of shopping/walking
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Momma- I am so sorry for your loss. As you know I was recently in your shoes, and I really feel for you. Its such a hard thing to deal with and food always seems to be a comfort. I will be praying that god gives you strength and for your friend's family.



    ps- thanks for the congrats
  • VRamos81
    Hello all
    Happy Vday yes im late :embarassed: whoops :)

    So im down .1 this week.. its a little loss but a loss none the less woohooo :laugh:

    Checking in

    calories: right on (even w/the 3 chocolates I had) woohooo
    water: 10 cups
    exercise: none
    proud: Im proud i didnt want anymore then the 3 chocolates I did have.... Previous yrs id eat the whole lot! OY! :smile:

    Checking in
    calories : its still early but going well
    water : 6 so far
    exercise: 50 minutes.. 30cardio and 20 flexabilty training
    proud : I got the flex training in ive so been slacking but my hamstrings are paying for it :ohwell:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    hey everyone. Sorry some of you are having a hard time, and Momma you're in my prayers, i hope you get to feeling better.

    Cris: congrats on getting close to 20 pounds! I wish I was there, so close!
    Jlb: you and me are in the same boat. i should log to see just how much i put in calorie wise yesterday, but I decided to give my metabolism a boot in the butt too. I dont think i overate (not like I used to!) and I avoided fried things and fatty choices by habit and I found out that I cant eat as much as I used to. which is great!

    No check in untill I will myself to log all those calories...I dont know, it may be kind of a long project to take on :laugh: :blushing:

    Edit: well, I calculated it so I'm going to check in!

    Calories: ~2282
    Water: Yes
    Exercise: You kidding? I did walk a good ways though.
    Proud: I didnt go over maintenance, I made healthier choices BY HABIT, and I actualy made myself log that day instead of skipping it like I wanted to do...

    You know 2282 calories isnt bad for a day that indulgent. Because now that I've changed my habits I would never eat like that on a normal day. I'm pretty happy with myself, and the scale didnt really go up that much so, yay!

    But tonight I'll deffinently make an appearance.