Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 6



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    And I'm sorry about the snow, awestfall. It looks like it's going to hit me, and you... :ohwell: And positive, I don't think I know where you are, but if you're on the East coast, yeah, The Weather Channel says it's coming for you, too.

    3-5" is predicted for my area now & we're under a Winter Storm Warning as of 2pm today. To quote Bluenote, "Weeee!" :laugh:

    Too bad it's on the weekend & not a weekday.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Here are my stats for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by 47 calories
    Water: 32 oz.
    Sodium: Over by 1340
    Exercise: None
    Current Weight: 196.6
    Proud: I made homemade soup for the first time in my life and it turned out delicious. I also made mini cornbread muffins. All of the food is for the company potluck today at work. My boyfriend says there is now hope that I could become domesticated...good luck with that! I've never been one to cook, so this was a huge accomplishment for me!!

    I'm thinking my heels might be okay to walk the 5K tomorrow. I'm hoping I can talk my mom into doing it with me again this year and maybe even my sister. Fingers crossed.

    lildeb............. - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
    Positive......... -2.5 = 1.17%
    jlb123............. -0.6 = .28%
    hajohnson24...0.0 = 0%
  • VRamos81
    Morning ladies... I gave up trying to post pics last night.. Ill give it a wack again this weekend

    Icey morning here in NY.. all the snow has pretty much froze over and its like the ice capades out there :grumble:

    check in: for 2/11/10
    calories: had 84 left over to eat.. lol :noway: I wasnt even thinkin bout those bad boys
    water: 8 cups
    exercise: level 2 30 day shred
    proud:My son was chosen as student of the month for the second time this school term! & I didnt eat the salt and vinegar chips I sooooooooooooo wanted :bigsmile:

    Hope everyone is well!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Morning ladies... I gave up trying to post pics last night.. Ill give it a wack again this weekend

    Tell me what you're doing that's not working. I can (probably) help.

    More about snow, where I live:
    "The last measurable snowfall in Columbia was 0.3" on January 16, 2008. The last time 1" or more fell in Columbia was on January 23, 2003 when 3.4" fell." 01/23/2003 was the first year I moved here. I was in college & I slept right next to the window with it open (yes, in January) because my (stupid) roommate kept the heat WAY too high & I'm not a fighter so that was my solution. I woke up that morning with a pile of snow on me. :laugh: Then we all ran outside & had a huge snowball fight & then it all melted by 10am & we had to go to class. :frown:

    So, yeah, this is why I'm so excited. My supervisor is just as ridiculous as I am, so at least we're acting like stupid goofy little kids together about the snow.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Tom is here in full swing.. no loss for me as I am just getting back on the wagon.
    lildeb............. - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
    Positive......... -2.5 = 1.17%
    jlb123............. -0.6 = .28%
    hajohnson24...0.0 = 0%
    cogirl.................0.0 = 0%
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm glad the snow is fun for you jlb123! I have to admit that I love the snow! It's a pain and I hate our long driveway and the dirty snow that slushes up the streets a few days after it comes, but over all it's just beautiful!

    I was doing pretty well yesterday... For our weekly dinner I made stuffed red peppers (Valentines theme) with ground venison, minced onion, brown rice and skim mozzarella cheese - pretty healthy! We had baby limas with that (NOT a big hit LOL) and I only had a little of the hot crab dip appetizer! (A cook has to taste her work after all!). But for dessert we had chocolate fondue. I didn't have any dark chocolate chips so I used milk chocolate, cream and then two big bars of Ghirardelli extra dark (86%) to tone it down. We went through all the strawberries. Then someone thought of the marshmallows... then someone else found pretzel rods... my BFF is 11 weeks pregnant (thin, super healthy runner) and she gave up got a spoon and just dug in (we decided the baby is a girl and she likes chocolate!).

    Calories - over by a couple hundred (but I didn't count any exercise calories from the 784 steps I climbed yesterday!)
    Water - short :(
    Exercise - 45 minutes on the elliptical machine and I made 10 trips up the four flights of stairs here at the office!

    Proud - I'm proud of the stairs! I'd missed Wednesday (didn't come into work) so I had a lot to make up for!

    Weight - down 3.8 lbs from my 195 last week! (of course that was up from my 193 - so I'm bouncing around too!)

    lildeb............. - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
    Positive......... -2.5 = 1.17%
    jlb123............. -0.6 = .28%
    hajohnson24...0.0 = 0%
    mstahl...............-3.8 = 1.94%
    Cogirl.................0.0 = 0%
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning!!

    Positively me- Shoveling is HARD work! I apparently burned almost 1000 calories shoveling for 1.5 hours. So kudos to you!
    Momma- Welcome back! I missed you! I live near DC, I'll keep an eye on your daughter for ya! :wink:
    Snowflake- Thank you for your well wishes, my lil man is back in daycare today and seems to be feeling fine. More importantly I am out of the house!! Woohoo!!!:drinker:

    Here is my weigh in:
    LW (2/5/10)- 241LBS
    CW (2/12/10) 237.8LBS

    lildeb............. - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
    Positive......... -2.5 = 1.17%
    jlb123............. -0.6 = .28%
    hajohnson24...0.0 = 0%
    mstahl...............-3.8 = 1.94%
    Cogirl.................0.0 = 0%
    Cris20056........-3.2= 1.33%

    One thing I am upset about is that my scale reads body fat too and it said I am up in bodyfat, WTF?! :grumble: :explode:

    Have a good day girls,

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    One thing I am upset about is that my scale reads body fat too and it said I am up in bodyfat, WTF?! :grumble: :explode:

    Don't be upset. Those scales give out notoriously inaccurate body fat readings because it can be easily thrown off by hydration & other factors. Also, they're generally regarded as highly inaccurate for women because they send the electric current through the feet and most women carry the majority of their extra weight on their lower halves. :wink:

    But, it does make me think, Cris. Because I know you struggle with eating enough. And when you don't eat enough, it is possible for your body to hoard body fat and metabolize muscle mass. Just something to consider.
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    :laugh: My kids and I had a BLAST out in the SNOW! It is the first for any of them to actually have real snow!

    Check in for 2/11
    Cals: under
    water: under
    exercise: none unless you want to count me running from my hubby when he was trying to hit me with snow balls!

    I am going to try super hard today not to munch on everything in the house! This is why I dont like lazy days!

    Oh on my weigh in I am down 2 lbs from last Friday! I love this site and this thread! Yall are the greatest! :love:
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Last friday 246.2
    Today 245.6

    lildeb............. - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
    Positive......... -2.5 = 1.17%
    jlb123............. -0.6 = .28%
    hajohnson24...0.0 = 0%
    mstahl...............-3.8 = 1.94%
    Cogirl.................0.0 = 0%
    Cris20056........-3.2= 1.33%
    Mari ..................-0.6 = 0.24%

    Feeling awesome. GOODBYE 250's! HAHA! :drinker: :drinker:

    Cris - I actualy just got an omeron handheld body fat analyzer and it works a whole lot better than the scales with ones in them. they'reonly 30-40 bucks on amazon, you should check it out if you want better accuracy. about.com ranks them 3rd only to calipers and water displacement testing.

    Everyone else with snow stay warm! it wont stop snowing here either (ALABAMA, WHAT? :noway: ) and my heating bill was out of this world expensive.

    Check in for yesterday
    Calories: Over. >> Snack attack...
    Water: Great!
    Exercise: nope
    Proud: That I'm finaly out of the 250's for good! Hooray, I havent been this light since my first years in college, yayyy!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I'd like to join your group if I may.
    I'm Victoria, 34 years old from NY and I started my diet about 5 weeks ago.
    My start weight was 223.
    I'm down 15 lbs as of last Saturday, hoping for 2 more by tomorrow's weigh in.
    I'm feeling great and want to keep it up.
    Since most of my friends are skinny or men I'd just like to connect once in a while with people who are in the same boat as me.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Check in. Scale is not budging. So what can I do? I guess I will keep keepin on, cuz it feels good anyway.

    Calories: slightly over
    Exercise: 1 hour 10 minutes of hiking/walking, 15 minutes of vocal warmup
    Water: so so
    Proud: of hiking and of carrying my iMac to vocal lesson to get a better understanding of the use of Protools for vocal practice. Sang a bit on the spot and did okay, my instructor actually smiled at me. :-)

    work is still tense, now I have a lunch meeting from 12 noon to 1:30 for a project with my role undefined. I have a 3 p.m. meeting where I asked to check in with my boss, so I have to pray and try to speak from a balanced perspective.

    My friend at work has helped me express myself and get clairty on what I want to say. Now if I can just stay as clear when talking to Speedy. (that's my nick for boss).

    Last night,by accident I said, "Love you" to my dating guy right before I signed off from phone with him. He said immediately right back "I love you, too" and sounded psyched in a good way so I think it was okay but I didn't mean to do it! it's just something I often say when talking with people I love like friends and family and it just came out. But he liked it so ....
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good Morning Gals!

    This is my first gain go I can't PANIC, but I'm a bit confused because I have been so consistent. We shall see what next week brings. Great work ladies! Keep those scales moving downward,

    lildeb............. - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
    Positive......... -2.5 = 1.17%
    jlb123............. -0.6 = .28%
    hajohnson24...0.0 = 0%
    mstahl...............-3.8 = 1.94%
    Cogirl.................0.0 = 0%
    Cris20056........-3.2= 1.33%
    Mari ..................-0.6 = 0.24%
    Snowflakes......+1.2 = 0%

    Welcome to this great group of ladies meokk.
  • VRamos81
    I'd like to join your group if I may.
    I'm Victoria, 34 years old from NY and I started my diet about 5 weeks ago.
    My start weight was 223.
    I'm down 15 lbs as of last Saturday, hoping for 2 more by tomorrow's weigh in.
    I'm feeling great and want to keep it up.
    Since most of my friends are skinny or men I'd just like to connect once in a while with people who are in the same boat as me.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Here there I just started this group as well and let me tell u these ladies are great! :bigsmile:
    Im also from NY! woohooo

    Come in and connect girl! We are here for eachother! Congrats on ur hardwork so far!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    And I'm sorry about the snow, awestfall. It looks like it's going to hit me, and you... :ohwell: And positive, I don't think I know where you are, but if you're on the East coast, yeah, The Weather Channel says it's coming for you, too.

    3-5" is predicted for my area now & we're under a Winter Storm Warning as of 2pm today. To quote Bluenote, "Weeee!" :laugh:

    Too bad it's on the weekend & not a weekday.

    yup :) I live in PA (Pennsylvania), Just outside Philly
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Welcome to all of the new people. You are going to love it here.

    I have chosen not to weigh in this week. I have had the most stressful week and I feel bloated I do not want to compound my stress with weigh in.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    :laugh: My kids and I had a BLAST out in the SNOW! It is the first for any of them to actually have real snow!

    Check in for 2/11
    Cals: under
    water: under
    exercise: none unless you want to count me running from my hubby when he was trying to hit me with snow balls!

    I am going to try super hard today not to munch on everything in the house! This is why I dont like lazy days!

    Oh on my weigh in I am down 2 lbs from last Friday! I love this site and this thread! Yall are the greatest! :love:

    lildeb............. - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
    Positive......... -2.5 = 1.17%
    jlb123............. -0.6 = .28%
    hajohnson24...0.0 = 0%
    mstahl...............-3.8 = 1.94%
    Cogirl.................0.0 = 0%
    Cris20056........-3.2= 1.33%
    Mari ..................-0.6 = 0.24%
    Snowflakes......+1.2 = 0%
    Momma2four....(no-lookie) = 0%
    Rororosie..........-0.0 = 0%
    Tiger - ?? What was your weight last Friday? We can figure out your % lost!

    Welcome newbies!
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    :laugh: My kids and I had a BLAST out in the SNOW! It is the first for any of them to actually have real snow!

    Check in for 2/11
    Cals: under
    water: under
    exercise: none unless you want to count me running from my hubby when he was trying to hit me with snow balls!

    I am going to try super hard today not to munch on everything in the house! This is why I dont like lazy days!

    Oh on my weigh in I am down 2 lbs from last Friday! I love this site and this thread! Yall are the greatest! :love:

    lildeb............. - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
    Positive......... -2.5 = 1.17%
    jlb123............. -0.6 = .28%
    hajohnson24...0.0 = 0%
    mstahl...............-3.8 = 1.94%
    Cogirl.................0.0 = 0%
    Cris20056........-3.2= 1.33%
    Mari ..................-0.6 = 0.24%
    Snowflakes......+1.2 = 0%
    Momma2four....(no-lookie) = 0%
    Rororosie..........-0.0 = 0%
    Tiger - ?? What was your weight last Friday? We can figure out your % lost!

    Welcome newbies!

    last fri i was 206.2 and im 204.2 today is that what you needed to know?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Yep that's it! 2/206.2 = .009699 or .97% !

    lildeb............. - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
    Positive......... -2.5 = 1.17%
    jlb123............. -0.6 = .28%
    hajohnson24...0.0 = 0%
    mstahl...............-3.8 = 1.94%
    Cogirl.................0.0 = 0%
    Cris20056........-3.2= 1.33%
    Mari ..................-0.6 = 0.24%
    Snowflakes......+1.2 = 0%
    Momma2four....(no-lookie) = 0%
    Rororosie..........-0.0 = 0%
    Tiger...................-2 = .97%
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    No weight loss for me this week but even though I didn't lose pounds I lost 2 inches in my waist and 2 inches in my hips and 2 inches in my chest.So I feel pretty good about that.