Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 6



  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Hey guys, sorry I've been in and out the past few days. Its just so much to read sometimes, and I dont want to post unless I'm caught up. =( Anyway, check in for yesterday

    Calories: right on
    Water: Great
    Exercise: Nope, unfortunately.

    Proud: I'm almost at 15 pounds lost, and I made a comparison before and after picture just for some motivation...


    Before: December 8, 2009, after, Feb 8 2010....I cant believe the difference, and I havent really seen much of a difference myself untill I made this picture. I'm so happy. :bigsmile:

    Also i've started taking green tea extract before meals to boost my metabolism since I dont really want to drink 6 cups of tea a day. if anyone here's had any experience with it, give me some advice please! :happy:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Mari, wow! what a difference 14lbs makes!!! So proud of you!!!!



  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey guys, sorry I've been in and out the past few days. Its just so much to read sometimes, and I dont want to post unless I'm caught up. =( Anyway, check in for yesterday

    Calories: right on
    Water: Great
    Exercise: Nope, unfortunately.

    Proud: I'm almost at 15 pounds lost, and I made a comparison before and after picture just for some motivation...


    Before: December 8, 2009, after, Feb 8 2010....I cant believe the difference, and I havent really seen much of a difference myself untill I made this picture. I'm so happy. :bigsmile:

    Also i've started taking green tea extract before meals to boost my metabolism since I dont really want to drink 6 cups of tea a day. if anyone here's had any experience with it, give me some advice please! :happy:
    Wow these are amazing results!! You look fantastic!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Mari, wow! what a difference 14lbs makes!!! So proud of you!!!!



    I am going crazy too with all this snow.I take it you live on the east coast as well Cris!! I have cabin fever bad!
  • madgoth

    I am so amazed at the before and after! Congratulations! You are a true inspiration to me. :-D

    I finally actually did my workout this morning after blowing it off the last few days. I want to get some scales and see how much I am so I can start seeing progress. 15 pounds sure does make a difference!
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member

    I am so amazed at the before and after! Congratulations! You are a true inspiration to me. :-D

    I finally actually did my workout this morning after blowing it off the last few days. I want to get some scales and see how much I am so I can start seeing progress. 15 pounds sure does make a difference!

    yeah, its funny how no one's really said anything about it except for one lady at the gym XD its such a huge difference I'm surprised i barely noticed it.

    Thanks Cris and Awestfall! :flowerforyou:
  • VRamos81
    Hello all
    Im wondeing if I could join in with you guys.. Ive been on MFP for a little while now but I dont know anyone and sometimes I get a bit discouraged.

    So im Nia and Im hoping to get to know a few of you..

    Thanks in advance
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    lildebbie, Solandra and MariSama: Welcome back! You were missed.

    VRamos: Welcome, Nia! I hope you come to enjoy this thread as much as I do, because it's sure an active one. As you'll see from reading other posts, we list a few things to help us stay in check (see mine below.) Feel free to tell us a little bit more about yourself.

    lildebbie: Congrats on the puppy! I love mini dachshunds! I bet they're super adorable now and it must be so hard not to scoop one up and hold him all day.

    MariSama: Wow on the comparison photos! You're doing an awesome job, so keep it up. It's funny how we never notice the changes in ourselves as quickly as others do, isn't it? Now I just wish I had taken "before" photos!

    Checking in for 2/10/2010:
    Calories: Over by 176...I blame the new delicious organize salsa I discovered.
    Water: 32 oz....still need to get on track here.
    Sodium: Over by 543 mg. Grrr.
    Exercise: None, still waiting for my heels to heal.
    Proud: That I didn't eat the whole jar of salsa last night because I sure wanted to!

    Jealous: That so many of you ladies are getting snow days! Here in Minnesota, it can snow three feet and we don't get a snow day (well, the kids in school do). I guess we're just too hardy and have too much of the proper snow removal equipment.

    Have a great day!
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Wow many posts to catch up on. I just wanted to give a couple of suggestions to those with cabin fever and a snow day. Go play in the snow. Build a snow sculpture, go sledding, if you can find an old fashion hand crank ice cream maker, make ice cream using the snow as your ice. Check a rec center for snowshoe or cross country ski rentals. If you don't have good protective winter gear. Put bread sacks on you hands and feet before you put on your boots and gloves and LAYER on the clothes. Get creative. This is coming from someone that LOVES snow. So ya all may think that I'm crazy. The snow will be gone soon enough so I try to do something daily to get out and enjoy it. Then the best part of the day is coming in to thaw out with a wonderful cup of hot chocolate and talk about how much fun you just.

    MariSama: Great progress. I like how you made it a slide back and forth. I'm not smart enough for that.

    lildebbie: It sounds like things are looking up with being able to get the appointments you need for both of your girls. What a blessing.

    mstahl: have I mentioned that if I were your neighbor I think you might find me showing up to visit to be read to and roast marshmallows. (I will bring the marshmallows!) hee hee

    Everyone else keep on being good to yourself. The healthier you eat the healthier you feel.

    Been doing great with; calories, water, and exercise
  • VRamos81
    Hajohnson... Thanks for the welcome...:flowerforyou:

    Im 28 a mother of a 3 yr old girl and a 5 yr old boy....

    Ive been trying to lose weight for a very long time... Ive been heavy for most of my life... so here I am trying once and for all to get the weight off....

    My highest weight was 295 at the end of my pregnancy with my daughter...
    at my last weigh in (saturdays) I weighed in at 234
    So its coming down I just gotta keep going and im looking forwad to participating and getting to know u gals.

    Checkin in for 2/10/10
    Calories on point but its only 1:21pm here in NY (we have a wholeeee lot of snow)
    Water 7 cups so far
    Sodium looks good so far
    Exercise : at 5am did Level 2 of the 30 day shred
    Proud: That I spoke up and joined a thread! :happy:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Welcome VRamos81! This is a great thread ... today they motivated me to do 45 minutes of on-demand kick boxing ... I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for this week's challenge! Yeah! :happy:

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good
    exercise: good - an hour at the Y
    water: not so good, but did make an attempt to make up for what I was lacking
    proud: getting to the Y in the snow, throwing away lunch after I was full ... and happy today to wear off 750 calories with 45 minutes of kick boxing! any time I exercise on my own it's a HUGE accomplishment for me!
    Thanks everyone for keeping me motivated!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello all!

    Welcome Nia!

    It's another snowy day here in Northeast Ohio! We have the equipment to deal with it but none the less roads were bad last night. We had a party at our house and 20 people had RSVP'd but only 8 made it here through the storm. OK it wasn't a party, it was a little concert. Four bands, traveling together from living room to living room across the country for a few weeks. We just barely had a more audience than bands LOL! They sold t-shirts and CDs and I made a giant pot of chicken noodle soup and put out tostitos and salsa and cheese dip (oops) and a giant veggie tray! I also made a hot dip that I read about on MFP* A couple guys in the group had mentioned they were trying to lose weight while touring so I thought I'd make it a little easier on them :) Due to the weather we had three of our guests stay over, and all of the musicians so there were bodies every where! Of course Mrs. Fig snores so loudly I'm not sure they got much sleep... For a dog she sure sounds like a 300 lb old man snoring his head off!

    Calories - A little under even with an entire bottle of red wine (not exactly proud) I ate most of my exercise calories!
    Water - a little under
    Exercise - 45 minutes on the elliptical machine
    Sodium - over (chicken stock - not sure how much there actually was in mine since I made it and add some here and some there)
    Sleep - 7 hours! I left my house guests roasting marshmallows, telling stories, and singing by the fire place and went to bed at 1AM - up at 8~ (called off work)

    Proud - I had a giant party and didn't over eat - we went out for lunch today at my favorite bar & grill and I had half my turkey reuben and only a little bit of sweet potato fries! (and one chicken wing) ((and one pint of ale)).

    *Spinach/ Cottage cheese hot dip - mix low-fat cottage cheese (2 cups?) with a package of (thawed) frozen spinach (squeeze out the water), add a little pepper and microwave it for two minutes. Drain the off any extra water and mix in 1/3 cup parmesan cheese - put under the broiler for a bit and serve with chips!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey again,

    Snowflakes- thanks for the tips, I guess my problem is that I have a 1yrs old recovering from a ear infection so I havent been outside except to shovel, no play time. Everyone else had snowball fights and went sledding but I stayed in throughout the storms taking care of the baby. :embarassed:

    Nia- welcome! you'll love it here!!

    Here is my check in for today:
    calories- under by only 86..wish it was more, still trying to recover from the weekend
    water- will get it all in by bed time
    excercise- none, might do biggest loser work out (i miss the gym..never thought id say this, EVER!)
    sodium- 2020 :blushing:
    proud- that i wanted to eat out of sheer boredom today but decided to vaccumm instead to divert my attention :drinker:

    hope everyone is keeping warm (those on the east coast!) and have a great ngiht,


    ps- I forgot who asked about me being on the east coast, but yes Im in Maryland :happy:
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Check in
    Calories: slightly over... just fooled myself as to how many I had left and accidentally ate over it
    Exercise: 30 minutes of walking briskly
    Water: pretty close
    Proud: making small baby steps towards my goals
  • VRamos81
    Thanks for all the welcomes! I think ill like it here. :happy: .. So much snow here but tis mother nature eh lol:grumble:

    hope everyone is well!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I love that we're all cheery! :happy: But if you're not, that's OK, too. Goodness knows I've had my share of frustration and you ladies have always pulled me up and out of it! :drinker:
    Welcome, Nia! You will love it here. We do like to post! :laugh: But we keep each other going that way! And Nia is a beautiful name! My name is Nancy, so I always appreciate a good name that begins with "N". :bigsmile:
    Solandra - kudos to you for cooking on your vacation! Wow! Maybe I'll try that sometime if I ever go on a vacation! LOL
    Mari - your pics are FANTASTIC! We are so darn proud of you! Plus I'm pretty amazed at how they switch back and forth, but then again I am computer challenged. LOL Can you explain how you did that? But don't say "magic" because mstahl may start quoting Harry Potter! :laugh:
    heather - I am a teacher, so when I say snow days I mean the school is called off. But I wish I could just say the words snow day and just not go to work - that would ROCK! ("snow day, snow day snow day" - nope. Nothing happened.)
    roro - I'm with you on the "fooled myself" into thinking you had calories left. Ugh. Reality bites sometimes. But it sounds like you did OK, despite the little, er, fantasy calorie trip? :laugh:

    I did something very BOLD last night. My favorite big girl online store had a HUGE sale, and I ordered two dresses - in a 3x!!! That's two sizes smaller than where I am right now! I am hoping to wear them in the summer! It felt weird not to order the biggest size offered. I haven't done that in ages! :blushing:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:

    calories: perfect
    water: perfect
    exercise: perfect
    proud: I ordered the two sizes too small dresses and am looking forward to wearing them! Now, THAT is perfect! :drinker:

    And yes, my pic is the infamous kitten himself, Colonel Mustard Mojo, mayhem master extraordinaire!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals...

    I am here but not fully back ..

    Eating okay, just not putting anything in. To much suprise i am down a few lbs, i will be happy if they will stick till friday.

    This week is just awful i want it to be over...everytime i turn around some thing is breaking , i am sure my bosss is about done with me.

    Then we get a email from our property manager saying we need to send payments for the maintenance and utilities on our empy rent house freaking 900.00..i just want to cry. Then he says we need to lower our rent to try to get it rented. even though our house is nicer , people are going for the lower priced (older and not as nice houses). So we said we would lower the rent, that would put us in a hole 160 a month, but better than 1000 a month in the whole i guess that if we can get someone in there.

    It just makes me soo upset i wish i could get rid of this stupid house.

    so no check in today, think cals are okay , no exercise, no water, and not proud of much of anything these days (except that i am glad i have screwed up royally i still have a job).
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    okay, just not putting anything in. To much suprise i am down a few lbs, i will be happy if they will stick till friday.

    This week is just awful i want it to be over...everytime i turn around some thing is breaking , i am sure my bosss is about done with me.

    Then we get a email from our property manager saying we need to send payments for the maintenance and utilities on our empy rent house freaking 900.00..i just want to cry. Then he says we need to lower our rent to try to get it rented. even though our house is nicer , people are going for the lower priced (older and not as nice houses). So we said we would lower the rent, that would put us in a hole 160 a month, but better than 1000 a month in the whole i guess that if we can get someone in there.

    It just makes me soo upset i wish i could get rid of this stupid house.

    so no check in today, think cals are okay , no exercise, no water, and not proud of much of anything these days (except that i am glad i have screwed up royally i still have a job).
    lildebbie- I'm so sorry you're having a really rough week! I'm in a similar spot at work but now I'm at the slap-happy stage (not sure if that's good or bad :laugh: )

    If there's any way you can muster it - try to get in about 20 minutes of Wii Fit or some kind of aerobic activity to get your blood pumping and your heart racing! It will dump some endorphins into your system that are FABULOUS mood boosters! It really makes a difference!!!:bigsmile:

    Keep checking in here and know that we care and know that one way or the other you'll get through this. Just focus on one day at a time!:flowerforyou:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    THis week just is all messed up...soo busy at work and like everyday it seems i am doing using my lunch for something else..monday taking my 3 yr old to the dr, today, i had to go to the bank and target, tomorrow maybe i will get on at lunch, friday I am not coming in till late due to taking my 3 yr old to speech therapy...i know it is just exuses but after the bad day's at work just hard for me...then like tonight ate dinner, did valentine's with daughter..I am feel bad because i hadn't been helping her with her spelling words and she did bad last week, not sure if we didn't practice enough or she was just in a "mood".., then got them to bed, and fixing have to go work some more tonight...I can't wait till this weekend...my mom is taking the girls...looking forward to some down time.

    Now they are saying possible snow tomorrow..i hope not the girls need to go to school!!!!