Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 6



  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Good morning:

    Awstfall: I don't know if this will help at all, but when I had MFP calculate my calories, I gained weight. When I did some more research, I found other sites that gave me a higher calorie requirement. As an experiment, I manually set MFP using the calories given to me by dailyburn.com and started losing consistently again. I love MFP, but I don't think the calorie goals are realistic for some people (such as me). MFP wanted me to eat 1200 per day, but I actually eat closer to 2000 per day, based on Dailyburn.com and it's working for me. Overall, I think you may want to do a bit of experimenting to find out what best works for your body.

    Jlb: I love the challenge of 30 min. cardio each day. Lord knows I need it and I actually love cardio!

    Okay, now checking in for the weekend:
    Friday 2/5/2010:
    Calories: 104 left over
    Water: 32 oz.
    Sodium: Over by 4000
    Exercise: None
    Proud: I didn't make the Dairy Queen trip that I wanted to, even though I was having a tough day emotionally.

    Saturday 2/6/2010:
    Calories: 976 over
    Water: 40 oz.
    Sodium: 3600 over
    Exercise: Snowshoeing for an hour with friends.
    Proud: That I logged all of my food even when I knew I wouldn't like the numbers!

    Sunday 2/7/2010:
    Calories: 416 left over
    Water: 32 oz.
    Sodium: Over by 1418
    Exercise: Snowshoeing 3.5 miles with my boyfriend.
    Proud: That I didn't go over my calories even with the food available during the Super Bowl party.

    I'm only up .6 lbs. from the weekend, according to my scale this morning which isn't bad. Again, I think it's mostly from sodium intake and as every Monday, am working on flushing it out with extra water this morning. Why can't I keep the food and sodium in check over the weekends??

    I don't know if I'll be able to do much of a workout tonight since my boots rubbed huge blisters on both of my heels during snowshoeing yesterday, but I'll certainly try!

    Have a great day, ladies!
    Thanks !!! Do you eat 2000 calories even when you exercise or do you eat more when you exercise?I am just trying to get an idea of how to do things the best for me.I checked out that website and it said I should be eating 1886-2136 calories daily but is this without exercise or with ?
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    OK Positively_Me and ColoradoGirl! Here's our goal (because I too am not working the plan).:bigsmile:

    We will get into bed at an early hour (tell our family we've developed migraines if we need to). We will get up at an unreasonably early hour and we will exercise for at least 40 minutes even if that exercise is just walking or ellipticalling (new word thank you very much) in slow mo! Our rule will be to be dressed, shoes on and at our exercise position at the predetermined time and we are not allowed to leave the area for 40 minutes!!! (so we might was well exercise!).

    THEN we will record ALL of our food even if we decided it was going to be a "cheat day" If (when) we eat more than we planned we will update the log to reflect our actual calories. Because we know that we are only cheating ourselves and our bodies - not some "diet program".

    While I am officially doing this for my various health goals - I know that my REAL goal is to look good and amaze my family this summer when I can run around and keep up with the grandkids! I want to be the one saying "Tennis anyone?" not the one wishing for an afternoon nap with the baby! I want to be able to get hot and sweaty and not mind it! Don't you? Lets keep that picture of what we're going to look and feel like in our minds when we think "I'll start tomorrow" and lets be true to ourselves and treat our own dreams as being every bit as important as the desires of others.

    OK? Sound like a plan? Are you with me???:drinker:

    (maybe you wanted a pep talk not a drill Sargent?)

    Thank you :) I really needed that! Count me in :)!

    After i finished writing what i had to say i closed the computer and did 41 minutes on the treadmill (28 minutes was running -4.5 mph - w8d2) and the rest was basic walking ( 3.7 mph)...getting my heartrate back to normal. I burned almost 500 calories. Then I hopped the elliptical for 20 minutes and burned 250 calories...not bad...i need to get back into this if i want to lose 50 pounds by my birthday in October.

    I took my shower and cleaned up the rest of my house and ate my b-fast: 6 oz of homemade yogurt w/ 2 teaspoons of sugar free strawberry jam, and 1/4 cup quaker honey and oat clusters...yum :tongue:

    I will post my check in after i plugged in what i will be eaten the rest of the day.

    Thanks for the encouragement:blushing: i really needed that butt kicking:heart::flowerforyou:
    Me to I want to lose 50 pounds before my birthday in July.So we both better get at it huh!!Keep it up we will get there
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Elliptical - I have never come close to burning what MFP estimates on the elliptical machine. I use my HRM to track calories burned and I work up in the high 70s to low 80s (% of max) I burn about 100 calories every ten minutes!

    I burn a little more than MFP estimates at a moderate walk (3.5mph) and less hiking-

    I think that my HRM ($50 can't remember the brand) is the best investment I've made in fitness equipment!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ok so my new goal is to lose 16pounds by April 4 which is Easter this year ,my first big goal is to lose 50 pounds by my birthday July the 13th this yearI am going to focus hard and meet this goal.I will stop putting myself last and put me needs first when it comes to these goals.This is my year to be fit and healthy and I will be.WISH ME LUCK!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Wow, I went on Dailyburn.com just to check it out and they're recommending I go for 1.1 pounds per week instead of 2. And eat 2193 calories a day. Seems accurate enough to me because I've been losing 2.4 pounds per week and I've been eating about about 750 calories less (than the minimum on their recommended range for me) per day. So, that math works out pretty well. Only problem is I want to lose more than 1.1 pounds a week for a while longer!

    Awestfall -- I'm 99% sure this is WITH exercise -- however much you told it you exercised a week. I said I exercise moderately 3-5 times a week. So, they're telling me, based on my doing that, I hsould eat 2193 calories a day.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Hey girls. I'm super excited to see everyone doing so well.

    Eliptical: I just put what MFP says because I figure it counts all my other activity too. I dont log alot of things, like walking around at school. But that's just me. I feel like the machine at the gym isnt giving me an accurate calorie reading because it doesnt have a pulse moniter.

    Calories: I try to eat like, around half or atleast part of my exercise calories, and its been giving me good results. I even overate the past couple days and the weights still hovering around the same area, not gaining. Tha'ts good.

    Yesterday I was terrible and didnt log the end of the day, but today I'm back on track, so I'll check in tonight. I tried greek yogurt last night for the first time and DANG is it good!
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    mstahl: I am going to try! That sounds like a good plan! I already get up at 5 am so I can pump and have enough time to get me and my babies ready for daycare! If not maybe I can do it at night instead. But Im going to try!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Me to I want to lose 50 pounds before my birthday in July.So we both better get at it huh!!Keep it up we will get there

    I am sure we we BOTH be 50 pounds lighter by our birthdays. This is why i love this group...great feedback and so encouraging. Best success to All of us:heart::flowerforyou:

    I am also trying to figure things out..some days are better than others..but thanks to this group of wonderful friends i would have given up long time ago.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    ok so my new goal is to lose 16pounds by April 4 which is Easter this year ,my first big goal is to lose 50 pounds by my birthday July the 13th this yearI am going to focus hard and meet this goal.I will stop putting myself last and put me needs first when it comes to these goals.This is my year to be fit and healthy and I will be.WISH ME LUCK!!

    Good Luck girl :- ) I KNOW you can do it...
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Check in
    I think I've been having a mild flu because I got ill Saturday night.
    Calories: Saturday and Sunday both starvation under, not good under, but I was sick
    Exercise: None was sick
    Water: my normal water which is under but at least I was able to drink water
    Proud: that when I was sick I didn't break it off with the guy I'm dating... just didn't let myself be grumpty and sick and realize it was not a good time to make decisions...
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Monday check-in 2/8/10

    Calories: way under, i will eat more calories that does not have much carbs and fat
    exercise: yup! 28 minutes running, 13 minutes walking, 20 minutes elliptical...not bad for being off track for a while
    water: 64 oz, up until now, but i will get more in by the end of the day
    proud: I did not talk myself out of working out...I am hopefully and finally back on track
    week 6 challenge: Cardio; done it and some

    Have a wonderful day everyone :-)
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    wow what a busy weekend ... I hate when I miss that many days tracking on MFP, but today is back on track. This week's challenge will be good for me - I usually get no exercise in on the days I don't get to the Y - starting with today ... so I will HAVE to get myself moving today for the challenge, I'll go right now for a short walk to start.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning:

    Awstfall: I don't know if this will help at all, but when I had MFP calculate my calories, I gained weight. When I did some more research, I found other sites that gave me a higher calorie requirement. As an experiment, I manually set MFP using the calories given to me by dailyburn.com and started losing consistently again. I love MFP, but I don't think the calorie goals are realistic for some people (such as me). MFP wanted me to eat 1200 per day, but I actually eat closer to 2000 per day, based on Dailyburn.com and it's working for me. Overall, I think you may want to do a bit of experimenting to find out what best works for your body.

    Jlb: I love the challenge of 30 min. cardio each day. Lord knows I need it and I actually love cardio!

    Okay, now checking in for the weekend:
    Friday 2/5/2010:
    Calories: 104 left over
    Water: 32 oz.
    Sodium: Over by 4000
    Exercise: None
    Proud: I didn't make the Dairy Queen trip that I wanted to, even though I was having a tough day emotionally.

    Saturday 2/6/2010:
    Calories: 976 over
    Water: 40 oz.
    Sodium: 3600 over
    Exercise: Snowshoeing for an hour with friends.
    Proud: That I logged all of my food even when I knew I wouldn't like the numbers!

    Sunday 2/7/2010:
    Calories: 416 left over
    Water: 32 oz.
    Sodium: Over by 1418
    Exercise: Snowshoeing 3.5 miles with my boyfriend.
    Proud: That I didn't go over my calories even with the food available during the Super Bowl party.

    I'm only up .6 lbs. from the weekend, according to my scale this morning which isn't bad. Again, I think it's mostly from sodium intake and as every Monday, am working on flushing it out with extra water this morning. Why can't I keep the food and sodium in check over the weekends??

    I don't know if I'll be able to do much of a workout tonight since my boots rubbed huge blisters on both of my heels during snowshoeing yesterday, but I'll certainly try!

    Have a great day, ladies!
    Thanks !!! Do you eat 2000 calories even when you exercise or do you eat more when you exercise?I am just trying to get an idea of how to do things the best for me.I checked out that website and it said I should be eating 1886-2136 calories daily but is this without exercise or with ?

    That should be your number without exercise and then if you exercise, you would have that many more calories to eat if you want to. I eat mine if I'm hungry only.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Good morning:

    Awstfall: I don't know if this will help at all, but when I had MFP calculate my calories, I gained weight. When I did some more research, I found other sites that gave me a higher calorie requirement. As an experiment, I manually set MFP using the calories given to me by dailyburn.com and started losing consistently again. I love MFP, but I don't think the calorie goals are realistic for some people (such as me). MFP wanted me to eat 1200 per day, but I actually eat closer to 2000 per day, based on Dailyburn.com and it's working for me. Overall, I think you may want to do a bit of experimenting to find out what best works for your body.

    Jlb: I love the challenge of 30 min. cardio each day. Lord knows I need it and I actually love cardio!

    Okay, now checking in for the weekend:
    Friday 2/5/2010:
    Calories: 104 left over
    Water: 32 oz.
    Sodium: Over by 4000
    Exercise: None
    Proud: I didn't make the Dairy Queen trip that I wanted to, even though I was having a tough day emotionally.

    Saturday 2/6/2010:
    Calories: 976 over
    Water: 40 oz.
    Sodium: 3600 over
    Exercise: Snowshoeing for an hour with friends.
    Proud: That I logged all of my food even when I knew I wouldn't like the numbers!

    Sunday 2/7/2010:
    Calories: 416 left over
    Water: 32 oz.
    Sodium: Over by 1418
    Exercise: Snowshoeing 3.5 miles with my boyfriend.
    Proud: That I didn't go over my calories even with the food available during the Super Bowl party.

    I'm only up .6 lbs. from the weekend, according to my scale this morning which isn't bad. Again, I think it's mostly from sodium intake and as every Monday, am working on flushing it out with extra water this morning. Why can't I keep the food and sodium in check over the weekends??

    I don't know if I'll be able to do much of a workout tonight since my boots rubbed huge blisters on both of my heels during snowshoeing yesterday, but I'll certainly try!

    Have a great day, ladies!
    Thanks !!! Do you eat 2000 calories even when you exercise or do you eat more when you exercise?I am just trying to get an idea of how to do things the best for me.I checked out that website and it said I should be eating 1886-2136 calories daily but is this without exercise or with ?

    That should be your number without exercise and then if you exercise, you would have that many more calories to eat if you want to. I eat mine if I'm hungry only.
    To me that seems like an awful lot of calories to begin with and then eating your exercise calories on top of that.I don't know for sure but I am going to say this is with exercise.Thanks for the site it wasa good source of information.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    To me that seems like an awful lot of calories to begin with and then eating your exercise calories on top of that.I don't know for sure but I am going to say this is with exercise.Thanks for the site it wasa good source of information.

    I gotta gree with awestfall here. When I went to dailyburn, it asked me how often I exercised. I'm really sure that was factored into the calories they recommended I eat everyday. Eating 2100 calories + exercise calories sounds like maintenance for me. That's a lot of food.

    For example, if I went through MFP and answered that I was moderately or very active based on how often I exercise now, I WOULD NOT enter my exercise and eat those additional calories because my exercise calories would've already been factored in.

    So, instead, I entered that I was "sedentary" despite all the exercising I do, and then I enter in my exercise when I complete it. Then, MFP gives me those extra calories to eat. :smile:

    You can go at it from either angle, but factoring exercise calories in *before* I do the exercise makes me nervous (I can't be trusted :laugh:).
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I get what your saying JBL!! You put your calories to the lowest setting that MFP gives you and whaever you earm from exercise calories you eat anywhere from 150-200 of those depending on what you burn.YOu don't eat all of them though right?I checked your food diary and it looks alot like mine lol.Thanks for the info I think I figured it out!!
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    I want to make some mini goals for myself... Im just not sure how much weight you should lose at a time. :huh: would anyone like to help me? :tongue:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I get what your saying JBL!! You put your calories to the lowest setting that MFP gives you and whaever you earm from exercise calories you eat anywhere from 150-200 of those depending on what you burn.YOu don't eat all of them though right?I checked your food diary and it looks alot like mine lol.Thanks for the info I think I figured it out!!

    Yeah. I always eat what MFP tells me to eat based on me being "sedentary" (which has gone down to 1200 now that I've lost weight) and then I try to eat some of my exercise calories -- I guess roughly 25% right now. I was almost never eating any of them before.

    I had figured I would have to start eating more & expecting my weight loss to slow down the closer I get to my goal and it looks like I was right. It's funny to me that I have to make a conscious effort to try to get in closer to 1400 calories on days I exercise more (sometimes I don't even make it -- even with peanut butter help!). That's such a small amount!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Jlb: I see what you're saying. I guess I've had both sites calculating based on sedentary, which would be without taking my exercise into account. That still gives me 2000 calories plus exercise calories should I decide to eat them. I realize that seems like a lot of food, but apparently it's right because I'm losing weight; granted, it's not real fast, but that's mostly because I need to find more motivation on the exercise side of things!