Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 6



  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi girls ... I know it's winter and for those of us with snow and cold it sucks! but try to stay motivated everyone, spring will come eventually and we are going to want to wear those smaller shorts, etc. (and dresses bluenote! good for you!) ... I need you all! I've been hovering around the same 3-4 pounds since September, and I know why ... I'm exercising well, but going over on calories way too often. But I feel like I'm getting more on track every day - sometimes the time just has to be right. I got into a really bad (and lazy) habit of eating out every day for breakfast and lunch, and it is my goal to get back into the habit of packing food instead. I did today and it was good, unfortunately I'm craving more - I'm too used to bad food and large portions, I know once I get back into the habit of good food and right sized-portions the cravings will stop, I wish I had brought some fruit or veggies ... maybe I'll walk over to the store, but I can't give in to anything unhealthy while I'm there though.

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: good
    exercise: great - did 45 minutes of kick boxing on my own! water: not so great
    proud: I have a really tough time being motivated to exercise alone, so that was very good!

    proud today that I took the time to pack my lunch and breakfast before heading out to exercise at the Y at 6:45. Once again it was only me in class ... so far the low attendance has stayed under the radar though and they haven't cancelled my class just yet. I wish some more people would come! It's a tough time of day though ... too late for anyone who has to work at 8:00 and too early for anyone who has kids at home to get to school, etc. It is just perfect for me though!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED ABOUT SNOW! :laugh: So, where I live, predicting snow is pretty much just a crapshoot. We usually miss northern storms by about 150 miles and Southern storms by about 50 miles. But this one looks like it's headed straight for us. They're prediciting 1"-3" for us right now, 4"-6" possible in areas. This is the equivalent of being completely snowed under. We've had snowfall predicted 5 times in the last 12 months or so and it's actually snowed once. And it wasn't even enough to call a "dusting" and there was a 2 hour delay for me at work. And another time last winter, school and government offices (which for me, means work) were cancelled prematurely for the entire day and it RAINED! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    So, looks like I may very well have a short day at work tomorrow (supposedly will begin snowing around noon). I'm doing my snow dance.
  • VRamos81
    didnt work errr be back later...
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    didnt work errr be back later...

    If you're trying to post pictures, I'll give you a tip.

    When you're using an image hosting site, like photobucket or imageshack, etc and you get the little code to post you pictures to forums, you usually end up with something like blahdyblah blah.jpg(without the spaces).  What you have to do on MFP is replace thewith(but remove that space I put in)
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Its much harder to do personals and chat when I am at home. I hope to be back at work tomorrow even if only for a day! I need a break from mommy duty and from house chores.

    Here is my check in: 2/11/10
    calories- under by 27:drinker:
    water- will get there before bed time
    excercise- didnt make it to the gym but shoveled out lots of snow for 1.5 hours
    sodium- just made it 2468, although its higher than Id like (Im going to keep tracking it, I know that challenge is over-and it seems like I eat more sodium on the days I dont eat frozen meals...)
    proud- that I offered to do the shoveling today to burn calories since I knew I wouldnt be making it to the gym

    Well gotta go take care of my lil man, I thinks hes got a bit of cabin fever :grumble: :sad:

    Good night,

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED ABOUT SNOW! :laugh: So, where I live, predicting snow is pretty much just a crapshoot. We usually miss northern storms by about 150 miles and Southern storms by about 50 miles. But this one looks like it's headed straight for us. They're prediciting 1"-3" for us right now, 4"-6" possible in areas. This is the equivalent of being completely snowed under. We've had snowfall predicted 5 times in the last 12 months or so and it's actually snowed once. And it wasn't even enough to call a "dusting" and there was a 2 hour delay for me at work. And another time last winter, school and government offices (which for me, means work) were cancelled prematurely for the entire day and it RAINED! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    So, looks like I may very well have a short day at work tomorrow (supposedly will begin snowing around noon). I'm doing my snow dance.
    Keep the snow your way Jbl!! I don't want anymore!! We have had a total of 100 inches of snow this winter possibly a bit more and I want to be able to leave my home sometime this weekend.So you do your snow dance for your area and keep it there.If I could UPS you some snow believe me I would.LOL I hope you get it and enjoy it
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi ladies,

    jlb123: Hope the snow dance works. I think that I will dance with you, we NEED more snow in the mountains or we will have a drought. This 3-4 inches at a time isn't cutting it. Tonight on the news a guy blamed this storm pattern on global warming?!?! How does the east being pounded by snow equate to global warming??? The science class I took taught that it has to be 32 degrees to freeze h2o to form snow... I find it a bit amusing.

    awestfall: Your endurance is remarkable to be able to run for 60 mins. straight. WOW! You will burn some serious calories doing that.

    cris: I hope that you little guy feels better soon, so you get out and brake away from the cabin fever.

    mstahl: Thanks for your motivation and encouraging words.

    Unfortunately my thighs have felt like rubber for two days, after a full day of skiing. Took today off again. Calories and water great. My the scales speak lower numbers in the morning. Have a nice evening.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    We have been getting snow all day today. Started about 5 am...they are anticipating we will have like 10" before midnight. Right now we have like 7 or so. They said this is as much as we have had in 32 years.

    I am done with this cold, i am sooo ready for spring to be here!!!!

    Schools were closed today but the day care was open, tonight they are expecting lots of ice from all this snow., schools are closed tomorrow hoping the day care is oipen tomorrow or i will probably be forced to take a vacation day, i am already off on monday so alot of stuff to do , hopefully they will be.

    We had a pizza today so i am sure i am over cals, but i didn't eat lunch so probably wasn't that bad. I was very suprised i got on the scale after the pizza and I was like 282.5, i was actually pretty excited about it...I am not going to meet with vday goal but that is okay., with the bad last few weeks i am glad to be where i am...now if that can stick to the morning i will be a happy campler.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    awestfall, COgirl - do not despair! Your time will come! :flowerforyou: We are here for you, so please, vent away.
    awestfall - I know you just said a few days ago you were going to up your calorie intake, right? When I did that, it took me FOUR WEEKS to finally lose! I gained the first two weeks (BIG time, remember?), then lost a little bit of that in the next two. It takes a lot of time before your body believes you and trusts that you're not going to starve it! And I totally agree with mstahl - look at the other things that are going great instead of the number. And like jlb said, stay away from that scale! :heart:

    check in:
    calories: a little under (going to eat some P-B before bed)
    water: 64
    exercise: my old 40 min bike show :bigsmile:
    proud: My boss observed me today and said he LOVED the enthusiasm and the singing from my second grade! Whew! That 2nd grade class is a doozie! LOL :noway: Soooo glad they behaved and did their job well! :laugh: Glad I did mine well, too! :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: will be 1,336 Woohoo! I FINALLY get to eat a tbs of peanut butter to get my calories up. :wink: That makes 4 tbs peanut butter today. 4 tbs peanut butter = a *good* day. :laugh:
    Exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike, C25K w9d2 (5 min warm up walk, 30 min run, 5 min cool down walk, 5 min stretch)
    Water: 12cups -- Trying combo of lots of water & very low sodium (right under 1000mg today) to flush out stupid TOM water retention. We'll see if it works. It certainly doesn't feel like it has worked yet. :sick:
    Proud: 2 people I hardly know at work made a special trip into my office today at work to tell me that I'm looking good. :blushing: Yesterday I was walking back from the bathroom & I walked by the director of my department and after I passed her I heard her say, "Gah... skinnier and skinnier." :bigsmile: Yeah right, but still, it's nice to hear. :laugh:

    Good luck on your weigh ins, ladies, but remember not to put too much emphasis on the scale. Losing weight is just a nice bonus to your new healthy lifestyle. :wink: Keep being healthy, and it *will* happen.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    hey everyone I am back!!! Looking forward to catching up with everyone. My 16 yo is going to DC in a week and a half. My little CA girl has not been out of our state. She is pretty excited. I have been sick but starting to feel better. Really looking forward to this weekend. it is going to be in the mid 60's and sunny. The blossoms are starting to pop out all around us. I am so happy to be able to start kicking the kids out of the house to play. They are bouncing off walls. Hope everyone has a great weekend. I will check back later.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I am pretty happy with my weigh in this morning, given that i haven't counted my cals or exercised it like 2 weeks:frown: :frown:

    My weigh in this morning was 282.7 , that is a lb loss of 1.3..okay that is like 2 weeks okay, so it isn't great but hey it is 1.3 and i will take it. My % .46
    To addd...it is is nice to see my ticker move, if it is only a lb, it moved.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I am pretty happy with my weigh in this morning, given that i haven't counted my cals or exercised it like 2 weeks:frown: :frown:

    My weigh in this morning was 282.7 , that is a lb loss of 1.3..okay that is like 2 weeks okay, so it isn't great but hey it is 1.3 and i will take it. My % .46
    To addd...it is is nice to see my ticker move, if it is only a lb, it moved.
    :heart: :heart: lildebbie:heart::heart: - you might be "pretty happy" with your weigh in and think it's "nice" to see your ticker move but let me tell you, my dear, I AM PUMPED TO SEE YOU LOST WEIGHT AND YOUR TICKER MOVED!!!

    :drinker: FABULOUS!!!!!! :bigsmile: YOU ROCK!!!! :flowerforyou: YOU ARE DOING THIS!!!!

    Now shout this out loud "I am FANTABULOUS!!!:smooched: I am PROUD!!!":heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Thanks!!! That was after eating pizza last night which i am sure there is some water weight...Hopefully i will get in gear soon and I will shed even more.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    awestfall, COgirl - do not despair! Your time will come! :flowerforyou: We are here for you, so please, vent away.
    awestfall - I know you just said a few days ago you were going to up your calorie intake, right? When I did that, it took me FOUR WEEKS to finally lose! I gained the first two weeks (BIG time, remember?), then lost a little bit of that in the next two. It takes a lot of time before your body believes you and trusts that you're not going to starve it! And I totally agree with mstahl - look at the other things that are going great instead of the number. And like jlb said, stay away from that scale! :heart:

    check in:
    calories: a little under (going to eat some P-B before bed)
    water: 64
    exercise: my old 40 min bike show :bigsmile:
    proud: My boss observed me today and said he LOVED the enthusiasm and the singing from my second grade! Whew! That 2nd grade class is a doozie! LOL :noway: Soooo glad they behaved and did their job well! :laugh: Glad I did mine well, too! :laugh:
    Thanks Bluenote !!! I know it will take time!! I am only eating half my exercise cals to see if that works
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    thanks bluenote... yesterday was some work but managed to get back on track and plan on staying there now! I am pretty sore today from all the shampooing of the sectional yesterday but, that is ok.. it is a good sore. Well I am off to get a little exercise in this morning.. Check back in later.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lildeb - that ticker looks GOOD on you! I am so happy you're back! :flowerforyou:
    momma! I've missed you so! Welcome back! :flowerforyou:

    I lost another .5 lbs., which brings my total this week to 3 pounds lost. Weee!!! :drinker:

    cut & paste and add your stats:

    lildeb......... - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Good Morning girls :)

    I have not been on the board for two days due to children being home from school. Wednesday snow *blizzard* we got 22 inches of snow..that is on top of last Saturdays snow which was 28.5 inches of snow. Thursday morning it stopped snowing and that is when the whole family went out to digg out our cars and shovel around the house...i am tired of all this snow...and i am ready for spring. I think we are expecting more snow on Monday...i am hoping not much because there is alread a mountain of snow piled in front of our house...Jib, pray for the snow maybe it will make it your way and not mine...good luck! :)
    today (friday) my children are on a two hour delay because of all the snow...that mess up my whole schedule..that's life..lol

    Checkin 2/11/10
    calories: about the same
    exercise: if you call shoveling of snow exercise than yes i exercised for 2 hours
    water: 16 oz, not much
    proud: that i didn't eat the entire house ( bordome) because being stuck at home with the *whole* family

    Friday weigh check -in:

    Lildebbie.... - 1.3 lbs (0.46%)..current weight 282.7 lbs
    Positive....... -2.5 lbs (1.17%)..current weight 212 lbs...

    I hope i did the check in right...GOOD LUCK GIRLS :)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Awesome, bluenote & lildeb!!

    I'm happy with my weigh in and I'm definitely claiming bloating from imminent/start of TOM (I'm going to spare you the details but my TOM tends to start really really slow).

    Anyway, I'm at 216.8 which is down 0.6 pounds from last Friday (but up 0.4 from last Saturday which is why my ticker moved back).
    This is good, because yesterday I weighed 219. My low sodium/lotsowater fest yesterday paid off a little at least. :wink: Even with the 0.6 loss, my average for the last 3 weeks is 1.8lbs/week and I can't really be unhappy with that. :smile:

    lildeb............. - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
    Positive......... -2.5 = 1.17%
    jlb123............. -0.6 = .28%
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    before i forget i used this website to calculate my weight loss in percentage...


    I already see some great weight loss...way to go everyone...WE can do it!!