Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 6



  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    wow I feel like I missed alot for not being on here all day today!

    Welcome Nia!

    Check in for today:
    Cals: under
    water: under
    exercise: none
    proud: that I didnt eat the stuff one of my employees brought us today!

    I cant beleive I have been on MFP for 2 weeks already! I really like watching my calories... Im a little surprised that its so easy compared to what I thought it was going to be. Im able to make my lunches for the next day at night and it makes life so much easier!

    I live in Louisiana... we never get snow... and when they say we get snow it is more like a slushy. I would love to have a snow day! I would be able to catch up on house work and such.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    hajohnson - thanks! yeah I knew when I started that i DEFINENTLY wanted before and after pics so that I would stay motivated and make sure to never get this way again.

    Snowflakes and bluenote - actualy I did them on imageready. Its like photoshop. I had two layers, before and after. one frame had before layer showing, the second one had after. So you string them together and Imageready actualy tweens them (That is, fades them together) automaticly with one command. If you guys want me to make you some before and after animations, I can. its pretty easy! though I'm sure you guys dont have imageready. it comes with photoshop and ..well. photoshop's expensive.

    Todays check in:
    Calories: Right on! need to eat exercise ones.
    Water: Perfect
    Exercise: hour, 20 eliptical 40 weight training

    Proud: That I'm doing it! for real this time! I'm so super pround and pumped today, I cant stop looking at myself in the mirror! :smokin: life is good. :bigsmile:

    I also looked up a good representation of fat volume. Did you guys know that around 4 pounds of fat can fit into a 2 liter bottle? (like a large soda bottle.) How many soda bottles have you lost? I've lost three and a half.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    hajohnson - thanks! yeah I knew when I started that i DEFINENTLY wanted before and after pics so that I would stay motivated and make sure to never get this way again.

    Snowflakes and bluenote - actualy I did them on imageready. Its like photoshop. I had two layers, before and after. one frame had before layer showing, the second one had after. So you string them together and Imageready actualy tweens them (That is, fades them together) automaticly with one command. If you guys want me to make you some before and after animations, I can. its pretty easy! though I'm sure you guys dont have imageready. it comes with photoshop and ..well. photoshop's expensive.

    Todays check in:
    Calories: Right on! need to eat exercise ones.
    Water: Perfect
    Exercise: hour, 20 eliptical 40 weight training

    Proud: That I'm doing it! for real this time! I'm so super pround and pumped today, I cant stop looking at myself in the mirror! :smokin: life is good. :bigsmile:

    I also looked up a good representation of fat volume. Did you guys know that around 4 pounds of fat can fit into a 2 liter bottle? (like a large soda bottle.) How many soda bottles have you lost? I've lost three and a half.
    MariSama44- at night, under the covers... I keep feeling myself up :embarassed: I find the whole weight loss impact so fascinating! My boobs are smaller (deflated really) and that feels weird and I have a waist!!!! See- before I lost this weight, I had an hour glass figure - with an extra hour. :laugh:

    I find my thighs fascinating because there is muscle under my skin! and I have abs (covered by fat of course but I can feel them!) When I'm getting dressed I keep looking at my ankles! I've had cankles so long I almost forgot what they looked like! and my calves have shape! My fat has left from my feet and hands, and ankles and wrists, now if it would just leave my second chin!!!:grumble:

    MariSama44 - you really lost more fat than that! Because you can SEE how much is gone! You lost more fat and gained back some heavy muscle! You look fabulous!

    I'm trying to follow Roro's advice - appreciate how much we love our new look in each phase of weight loss and remember that what ever size we might be stuck at and frustrated is a GREAT size when viewed from a few pounds up the ladder!

    LilDebbie - don't lose track of how happy you felt to get those smaller jeans! Don't forget how fun it was to have your pants fall down! You know you're doing this right! Be proud that you're still strong and healthier and in better shape than you've been for ages! Love yourself and be proud of what you've accomplished! WE ARE!:drinker:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930

    MariSama44- at night, under the covers... I keep feeling myself up

    mstahl! ROFLMAO! What is the rating for this soft porn thread? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    OK OK I admit it! :blushing: I have been known ON OCCASION LATELY to....do that thing you do. ROFL :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Sitting here waiting to see if the schools are closed or not...I really need to work today i have lots of stuff i need to get done, so i am hoping that they can go to school or at least day care today.

    They say we are going to get hit hard this afternoon. THey say it will be worse tomorrow, which thinking that means the girls most likely aren't getting to go to their v-day parties (after we made all hteir valentines last night :( ) and most likely abby won't get her speech therapy ...guess just wait and see.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    So frustrated right now !! I just feel like giving up completely because I'm not seeing any results.I exercised for 90 minutes last night and 1 hour everyday this week and I gained 2 pounds this morning.I have been eating my exercise calories so I do know I may gain for awhile my body adjusts but please someone tell me it will come off soon!!!Its so discouraging.All you gals are losing losing losing and I am losing then gaining losing then gaining the same 2-4 pounds.I want this nightmare to be over.PLEASE HELP!!!!:sad: :sad: :sad: I am going to try to get a Wii,Wii fit plus and the Biggest Loser game for the Wii,so I can change my workouts some.Does anyone here know much about the Wii and if they like it or if they have seen results.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    So frustrated right now !! I just feel like giving up completely because I'm not seeing any results.I exercised for 90 minutes last night and 1 hour everyday this week and I gained 2 pounds this morning.I have been eating my exercise calories so I do know I may gain for awhile my body adjusts but please someone tell me it will come off soon!!!Its so discouraging.

    Come on, Awestfall!!

    You know good and well you're not gaining 2 pounds of fat by eating 200 calories more a day.
    It's a normal daily fluctuation.
    I'm up 3 pounds today from last Saturday. Why? Because TOM has finally decided to show up. Am I freaking out? Not at all.

    Give up completely -- pfffffft. Because THAT will get you where you want to be. I know you know that when you make adjustments to your diet and exercise you have to be patient and give them at least a month before you decide it's not working.

    (sounded like you could use a butt kickin')

    Edit: STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE! :tongue:
  • Solandra
    Checking in for 2/10/2010
    Calories - over (not surprised)
    Water - over
    Exercise - alas, sweet Yorik, I knew him well (none)

    Proud of: I gave a calm and honest assessment of what we can give to our church to the canvass committee member I met with last night (we had to reduce our giving this year; my husband was laid off twice last year, hello new mortgage - the good news is his photography business seems to be gaining some altitude). She was startled, but I refuse to be embarassed into making a committment we can't meet just to save face.
  • Solandra
    So frustrated right now !! I just feel like giving up completely because I'm not seeing any results.I exercised for 90 minutes last night and 1 hour everyday this week and I gained 2 pounds this morning.I have been eating my exercise calories so I do know I may gain for awhile my body adjusts but please someone tell me it will come off soon!!!Its so discouraging.

    Come on, Awestfall!!

    You know good and well you're not gaining 2 pounds of fat by eating 200 calories more a day.
    It's a normal daily fluctuation.
    I'm up 3 pounds today from last Saturday. Why? Because TOM has finally decided to show up. Am I freaking out? Not at all.

    Give up completely -- pfffffft. Because THAT will get you where you want to be. I know you know that when you make adjustments to your diet and exercise you have to be patient and give them at least a month before you decide it's not working.

    (sounded like you could use a butt kickin')
    "It will come off soon!!" I'm also tired of the same couple of pounds, but for the past few weeks I've also not been sticking to the program as religiously as you are. Think about what your body did yesterday. If you ate a fair bit of fiber, drank a fair bit of water, maybe that 2 lbs is fiber and water that hasn't completely passed through?
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    awestfall.. you are not the only one that is not loosing. I got a new battery for my scale finally and even though Tom visited early this week I am up 3 lbs from 2 weeks ago. So, basically the past 4 weeks I have lost, gained, lost, gained and am well at a plateau. For me I know it helps to eat better. I have been cheating myself by not weighing and controlling my portions. I also have been having a snack here or there and I have not been logging my food intake lately. So, I am just trying to kick myself in the butt and get back on the horse and stay on! doh.gif
    I ordered a heart rate monitor so, I can get a better reading of what i am ACTUALLY burning during my workouts so, I am not just guessing. From what I keep reading it will be a good investment! I am looking forward to getting it!

    We can do it! Lets not give up and let this get the best of us! I am with you girl!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,375 Darn working in a pizza place. I really wanted to taste some pizza last night so I cut the tiniest sliver ever off of a piece of a large cheese pizza (It was seriously about 1/5th or 1/6th of the slice) But you know what? I satisfied an awful pizza craving for like 60 calories, so I guess it was a win! Would've been more of a win if I had decided to give up my 1/2 of a Luna Bar for dessert after dinner but, nope. Ah well.
    Exercise: 30 minutes stationary bike
    Water: Looks like I only got 9 cups in (I normally drink more)
    Proud: I didn't waste all my dinner calories on a slice of pizza and found a way to not deprive myself at the same time.

    I'm at pretty much the exact weight I was when I completely fell of the wagon 6 years ago. I'm not even close to giving up this time but I have a feeling I have a tough few weeks ahead of me. I'm not sure if I'm just really this bloated or if I've really not lost any weight this week (I know I haven't gained fat. And I certainly feel like I'm really bloated -- and for the first time ever, I can actually SEE the water retention in my abdomen. It's always just blended in with the fat before now. :laugh:). But this is the weight where I got stuck last time and for some reason I have a feeling it's going to happen again. Maybe not, though, because even with the extreme bloated feeling, I'm only up about 2.5 pounds from last Friday (and yesterday). We'll see. I'm so freaking close to my Valentine's Day goal I can almost taste it. I really thought I was going to make it and I guess it's still possible because I do feel like I've made it but it's being masked by TOM related water retention. Over the last week my collar bones have started sticking out more than ever and I swear yesterday I actually saw the faintest hint of muscle definition on my tummy. I know I've lost fat this week. I'm not going to obsess over the scale. :wink:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    So frustrated right now !! I just feel like giving up completely because I'm not seeing any results.I exercised for 90 minutes last night and 1 hour everyday this week and I gained 2 pounds this morning.I have been eating my exercise calories so I do know I may gain for awhile my body adjusts but please someone tell me it will come off soon!!!Its so discouraging.

    Come on, Awestfall!!

    You know good and well you're not gaining 2 pounds of fat by eating 200 calories more a day.
    It's a normal daily fluctuation.
    I'm up 3 pounds today from last Saturday. Why? Because TOM has finally decided to show up. Am I freaking out? Not at all.

    Give up completely -- pfffffft. Because THAT will get you where you want to be. I know you know that when you make adjustments to your diet and exercise you have to be patient and give them at least a month before you decide it's not working.

    (sounded like you could use a butt kickin')

    Edit: STEP AWAY FROM THE SCALE! :tongue:
    Thanks Jbl!! I needed that !! i am getting up off my butt and exercising anyways today even though before I read this I decided I wasn't going to .THANKS AGAIN!!! It will happen!! I just needed a boost
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    awestfall.. you are not the only one that is not loosing. I got a new battery for my scale finally and even though Tom visited early this week I am up 3 lbs from 2 weeks ago. So, basically the past 4 weeks I have lost, gained, lost, gained and am well at a plateau. For me I know it helps to eat better. I have been cheating myself by not weighing and controlling my portions. I also have been having a snack here or there and I have not been logging my food intake lately. So, I am just trying to kick myself in the butt and get back on the horse and stay on! doh.gif
    I ordered a heart rate monitor so, I can get a better reading of what i am ACTUALLY burning during my workouts so, I am not just guessing. From what I keep reading it will be a good investment! I am looking forward to getting it!

    We can do it! Lets not give up and let this get the best of us! I am with you girl!
    Thanks ColoradoGirl !! We will keep each other focused and motivated!! So what that we have had a few bad weeks.These next few weeks will be much better and we will start losing again.I think I am going to invest in a Wii because we got tax return back and I would like to have anyones feed back on them.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Awestfall, ColoradoGirl and all the rest of you that are struggling this week...

    WAKE UP!!!:drinker: IT'S WORKING!!!:bigsmile:

    Take a moment and think about how STRONG you've become! About how much BETTER you feel after you work out! Our bodies are mysteries but they're still ruled by the physical laws of the universe and when you eat smart (healthy food and the right amounts) and exercise (at least 30 minutes where you sweat and huff and puff) you are going to lose the fat. It is just a matter of when!


    Don't go crazy thring to cheat your body and get a pound of fat burned today -you'll only risk hurting yourself and you're only be that much more frustraited if you don't get teh results you want. And you wont when your body is filled with fluid as it desperatly tries to repair the damage you've infliced by killing it on the elliptical machine!

    Give it a few weeks. It's a bink of the eye in our long term goal. Be KIND to yourselves! You deserve love and respect!

    Deep breath - we are in this together - it's the long goal not what the scale says about our water gain that matters. We are winning right now!

    (just sayin:smile: )
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    Checking in for 2/11/2010:
    Calories: 101 over
    Water: 24 oz. (had too many diet sodas)
    Sodium: Over by 2109
    Exercise: None
    Proud: I didn't have the ice cream I was craving and that I didn't go over my calories by much, even with going to dinner with a co-worker. I really wanted buffalo wings, but new the petite steak would be a better option.

    Not much to report here. The scale is staying pretty much the same, with fluctuations being .2 lb., but that's to be expected considering my break from exercising due to my tender feet. I've found a shoe/sock/bandaid combo that seems to be working, so I just might be able to walk the 5K on Saturday morning (fingers crossed).

    Have a great day!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Awestfall, ColoradoGirl and all the rest of you that are struggling this week...

    WAKE UP!!!:drinker: IT'S WORKING!!!:bigsmile:

    Take a moment and think about how STRONG you've become! About how much BETTER you feel after you work out! Our bodies are mysteries but they're still ruled by the physical laws of the universe and when you eat smart (healthy food and the right amounts) and exercise (at least 30 minutes where you sweat and huff and puff) you are going to lose the fat. It is just a matter of when!


    Don't go crazy thring to cheat your body and get a pound of fat burned today -you'll only risk hurting yourself and you're only be that much more frustraited if you don't get teh results you want. And you wont when your body is filled with fluid as it desperatly tries to repair the damage you've infliced by killing it on the elliptical machine!

    Give it a few weeks. It's a bink of the eye in our long term goal. Be KIND to yourselves! You deserve love and respect!

    Deep breath - we are in this together - it's the long goal not what the scale says about our water gain that matters. We are winning right now!

    (just sayin:smile: )
    Thanks Mstahl!! Despite me feeling frustrated earlier I ran on my ellipical for 1 hour straight.I RAN AGAIN!! I used to run 10 years ago and I would run 8-10 miles a day 5 days a week.I hope I can get back to doing that because I felt so good then.Thats my ultimate goal but I couldn't believe I ran for a whole hour without stopping.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks mstahl.. I am forging forward to.. I did get on my elliptical as well but only for 30 minutes.. DAMN I am out of shape. I WILL get there though.. I will. I have been cleaning this morning and whew I have worked up a sweat. Who knew shampooing a huge sectional would be so much work and take so long..

    I think it is great that so many of you are able to run, I am soooo.. jealous though. For as long as I can remember I have NEVER been able to do so. I had a lung collapse when I was a little girl and have chronic asthma so, running is out of the question for me. sad025.gif My lungs just do not have the capacity and I have a desire to breathe.
  • VRamos81
    Hello everyone
    so far the day is going well

    Already got my excercise in this morning.. 530am level 2 30 day shred..

    Im hella sore :ohwell:
    But i know its working.... I took some pics this morning to compair to the pics I took 30 days ago
    and :noway: :noway: :noway: Once I figure out how to load pics on here i will.. Im so excited!
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    hey everyone! I hope you all are having a great day! I got off work at noon today bc it is actually SNOWING here! My kids are so excited! We are going to play in it when they wake up from nap! I know most of you are tired of snow but we never get it here in Louisiana. So we will play in it, drink some hot chocolate and then snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie! I never get to spend quality time with them... Im so excited!
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Hey gang I'm reading all your posts, just no time for a real reply today, but I am paying attention!

    Calories: under, I thought I had fewer than i actually had so didn't eat my ex. calories
    Exercise: 70 minutes in dance class about 60 was belly dance drills and 10 of stretching
    water: pretty close I think, didn't keep good track
    proud: going to dance class even though I felt tired and a little sicky, I thought, it won't make me feel worse and it could make me feel better and it did make me feel better

    Today I already had exercise of a 70 minute hike/walk - but I will report it again tomorrow, ha ha double credit...