Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 6



  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow, I went on Dailyburn.com just to check it out and they're recommending I go for 1.1 pounds per week instead of 2. And eat 2193 calories a day. Seems accurate enough to me because I've been losing 2.4 pounds per week and I've been eating about about 750 calories less (than the minimum on their recommended range for me) per day. So, that math works out pretty well. Only problem is I want to lose more than 1.1 pounds a week for a while longer!

    Awestfall -- I'm 99% sure this is WITH exercise -- however much you told it you exercised a week. I said I exercise moderately 3-5 times a week. So, they're telling me, based on my doing that, I hsould eat 2193 calories a day.
    Jbl- I was looking over your daily food diary and I noticed it says you earned 286 calories from exercise.Is that the same amount you burn everyday and do you try to eat most of those calories?Reason I am asking is I started fresh this morning with your idea of eating more to see if it works for me and I want to make sure I understood you right.I set my MFP calories (guided) at 1200.I exercised this morning for 1 hour and burnt 820 calories according to my elliptical on level 10 resistance.I calculated to eat 25-30% of those calories back which would be around 205-250.I figured those in and I still have 498 left over.Should I eat more or just leave it at this and see if this works for me.I will eat more only if I am hungry but I would like to teach myself to control it.My BMR for my goal weight is 1345 so I am eating at least that and a bit above so this is good right?Sorry so many questions I am trying to reteach myself the stuff I new before when I was losing last year.Thanks in advance!! Also I am trying to eat every 3-4 hours to control hunger.I also noticed you don't give up any certain types of foods you just make better choices.GREAT JOB!!

    Today is one of my light exercise days. I only got in 25 minutes on my stationary bike this morning so that's the 286 calories. But, because of the challenge, I'll have to put in at least 5 more tonight and since that's rather pointless, I'll probably go for at least another 15. Anyway, on my light exercise days, I don't worry so much about eating so many exercise calories.

    Yesterday, I earned 741 extra calories. I ate 181 of them which is almost exactly 25%. I don't think there's any magic about the 25% really, I just noticed I feel a lot better being closer to 1400 calories than 1200 calories on days I workout hard. I think the eating 25% of my exercise calories is just kind of a coincidence for me. I kind of just noticed the consistency in the percentage after the fact.

    I feel like you maybe overthinking this. :laugh: Start by eating a little more -- whatever percentage or number you decide because I don't think there's specific percentage that will automatically work better than all others -- and then stick with it. If it works, great. If it doesn't, then increase it again. Like everyone always says, our bodies are all different and are going to respond to different things in different ways. What works for me may or may not work for you but if what you were doing before wasn't working for you, all you can do is try different things until something works. I know you'll figure out what works for you.
    Thanks Jbl!! I am figuring out what works for me and I am just using what you do as a basis towards what I may need to switch.I do tend to overthink things and I believe I will work on just eating right and exercising like I have been.The only difference is I am going to try eating a bit more than I have been.But I completely understand what you are saying.Thanks again for the great info !!! I will let you know how it goes.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Here is some info on calorie deficient ... I found it very helpful! Explains in detail how to calculate your caloric intake, and why you should eat your exercise calories. When I am doing this.. I loose.. When I get lazy like the past couple of weeks well.. you get the idea. I think Banks explained it all very well. The original post is here http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/61706-guide-to-calorie-deficits
    Hello Folks,

    So often people personal message me asking me if I think their calories are correct. It seems that people think there is some magical formula that only a very few can figure out. I see so many people on here just popping in numbers and following them heedless of what the numbers mean. I feel it's ULTRA important to know why MFP (and me, and a few others) gives you certain numbers. To that end I will try to empower YOU to be able to understand the basics about calories, calorie deficits, and why we recommend eating exercise calories. With this knowledge you should be able to easily figure out what your calories should be at for reasonable, healthy weight loss. So without further ado, lets get started.

    1st things first, a few givens must be stated:

    -Everyone's body is slightly different. ALWAYS keep in mind your numbers may not be exactly what MFP thinks simply because everyone's bodies all burn energy at a different rate. Tweaking may be needed.

    - MFP's goals wizard is a "dumb" tool. That means it doesn't care whether a specific goal is healthy and/or right for you, it just subtracts the goal deficit from projected maintenance calories. This means that even if you shouldn't be trying for a 2 lb a week loss, MFP won't care, it will still try to help you get there.

    -1200 calories is a generic number. It's not right for everyone. It's a baseline minimum given out as a floor by MFP based on prior research by the medical community. NOT everyone will need a minimum of 1200, very small people can go under, and bigger people need more.

    OK with those facts firmly set in your mind (please go back and re-read the givens until you have them firmly planted in your skull!), we can continue. Figuring out your perfect deficit isn't magic, it's a few simple formula's base on some basic, worldwide standards, and generally with slight modefication, will work for just about anyone who (besides weight) is generally healthy.

    Here's what you need:
    Height, weight, age, activity level, sex

    NOTE: activity level isn't as mysterious as it sounds. If you have a desk job, and do very little walking throughout the day and don't really perform any sports or physical activities, then you are sedentary, if you do some walking every day (or at least 4 days a week) or other light activity for at least 30 minutes cumulative at least 4 times a week, you are lightly active. If you do 60 minutes of light activity 5 days a week or do some kind of sport that requires walking or light jogging (say swimming or mailman or warehouse employee) then you are active, If you do a physically demanding activity (one that makes you sweat) for 4 days a week or more and for more than 1 hour a day, you are very active (like a coach that runs drills or you play volleyball). When in doubt, go down 1 level, you'd rather burn more than you think than less.

    With all these numbers you can generate your BMI. Now I realize BMI is flawed, but for what we're doing it's good enough. After years on here, and doing lots and lots of research, I've been able to associate general BMI ranges with approximate goal levels. This works for about 80 to 85% of people out there (there's always a few that are outside the curve).

    So now we can figure out where your goal should be.
    Go to the tools section and figure out your BMI:

    Generally someone with a BMI over 32 can do a 1000 calorie a day (2 lbs a week) deficit
    With a BMI of 30 to 32 a deficit of 750 calories is generally correct (about 1.5 lbs a week)
    With a BMI of 28 to 30 a deficit of 500 calories is about right (about 1 lb a week)
    With a BMI of 26 to 28 a deficit of about 300 calories is perfect (about 1/2 lb a week)
    and below 26... well this is where we get fuzzy. See now you're no longer talking about being overweight, so while it's still ok to have a small deficit, you really should shift your focus more towards muscle tone, and reducing fat. This means is EXTRA important to eat your exercise calories as your body needs to KNOW it's ok to burn fat stores, and the only way it will know is if you keep giving it the calories it needs to not enter the famine response (starvation mode)

    With this quick guide you can figure out your goal rather easily. I know many people will say "I can't eat my exercise calories, I gain weight when I do". Well I have news for you, that's not correct. I submit this, if you eat your exercise calories and gain weight 1 of 3 things happened:
    1 you were previously in starvation mode, and you upped your calories, and had an immediate weight gain, that's normal, to be expected, and necessary to get your body on track. Give it a month, that will stop, and you, once again, will begin to lose, but this time, in a healthy manner.
    2 you incorrectly calculated something, either your exercise calories, your calorie intake, or you put in to large of a goal. Go back and check all your numbers.
    3 you haven't given it enough time to work. This site promotes HEALTHY weight loss people. Healthy weight loss doesn't happen in days or weeks, it takes months and years. Each change you make in how you eat needs a month or more to work, be patient, give it time. It will happen.

    And to everyone who has a trainer that doesn't agree with eating your exercise calories. I also submit this: In 90% of the cases (and I have talked to a LOT of trainers about this exact topic) they actually DO agree with this method, you just explained it wrong.
    Just saying to a trainer "should I eat my exercise calories?" isn't enough, you have to explain to them that MFP already generates a deficit prior to any exercise, therefore the deficit will remain whether you exercise or not. Once you give them that idea, and you are relatively sure they understand the concept then I'll bet they change their tune.

    I hope this helps, it's pretty straight forward if you've been here a while, and to you new guys, I recommend going to the message boards link, clicking on the "general diet and weight loss" area, and clicking on those first few posts that have the little mouse trap next to them, they are sticky and will always be there, and are a wealth of knowledge about this site, exercise calories, starvation mode...etc.


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Here is some info on calorie deficient ... I found it very helpful!


    That is a really good post - I remember reading it a few months ago but I'm so glad you posted it because it was good to review Banks' recommendations based on BMI (no matter how flawed BMI may be).
    Simply add in the equation that you may not be burning what you think you're burning with daily activity and exercise and you've captured the entire calorie deficit guesswork crapshoot. :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    :noway: I will have to re-read that after my morning coffee. LOL

    SNOW DAY!!! :bigsmile:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I wish I would have gotten a snow day! Lucky!

    Jlb: That's awesome that you're doing a 5K this weekend. I'm most likely doing one as well, but I'll only be walking it if it's anything like last year, where the path was icy and snowy. I don't think it's worth risking an injury! Plus, even with just walking, I finished in the middle of the pack last year...weird. There were people that didn't finish at all, which surprised me. Anyway, I'll be doing one in June that I'm hoping I can finish in a respectable time. I need to get back on track and finish the C25K; I'm on W7D2. No much longer and I can start working on speed as well. Are you still only running every other day or have you increase how many days per week you run? I ask because many of the training programs say to run every other day, but I know SO many people that run daily.

    Alright, back to work again...for now.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies - I know I have been MIA for a while...I have been eating poorly, not exercising, feeling sorry for my self and just upset about lots of things...yet i was surprised to get on the scale today and pretty much at where i was 1 1/2 weeks ago..so not loosing but not "really" gaining either.

    I am hoping to get motiviated again soon.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello ladies - I know I have been MIA for a while...I have been eating poorly, not exercising, feeling sorry for my self and just upset about lots of things...yet i was surprised to get on the scale today and pretty much at where i was 1 1/2 weeks ago..so not loosing but not "really" gaining either.

    I am hoping to get motiviated again soon.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :cry: please don't leave us again!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    I fell off the wagon this weekend and then it ran me over...but Im up and back on the wagon this morning!!! :flowerforyou: :laugh: :drinker:

    It all started Sunday- drank way tooooo much and although I didnt eat too much my food choices were poor (grilled cheese, crab dip on bread, crackers and cheese, taco dip):explode: :huh: :grumble:

    Monday I had the worst hangover I've had in forever. My body was screaming for greasy food to settle my stomach and I endulged in a bacon egg cheese meal from MickeyD's with a coke (doh!) and then ate pizza hut pizza the rest of the day. It was UGLY! I tried to come back and log all the crap I ate but I am sure I left a lot out, my memory was really foggy. :blushing:

    This morning I felt ashamed for letting myself go that far and I am actually craving excercise, I cant wait to get to the gym!! BF told me he'd watch the baby while I go workout so that was really sweet of him. I plan on doing C25K and depending on my energy a litte more cardio (bike or elliptical) to try to burn off the damage I did over the weekend.

    It snowed well over 2 feet this weekend and now they are calling for an additional 12-20 inches today. I am so tired of being at home! I need to be out and about doing things, I have cabin fever from the weekend and I cant take being stuck at home anymore. The only thing I can think of to do if we get stranded again is to start tearing down the wallpaper in the house. We just bought it in August and we havent done any of the projects we said we were going to do, so I may as well start now if I am going to be stuck at home

    Thanks for being here for me and being my source of support and motivation

    I'll check in later tonight


  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    :noway: I will have to re-read that after my morning coffee. LOL

    SNOW DAY!!! :bigsmile:
    Snow day for us too and we will probably have one tomorrow too.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello ladies - I know I have been MIA for a while...I have been eating poorly, not exercising, feeling sorry for my self and just upset about lots of things...yet i was surprised to get on the scale today and pretty much at where i was 1 1/2 weeks ago..so not loosing but not "really" gaining either.

    I am hoping to get motiviated again soon.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    :cry: please don't leave us again!

    Thank you thank you...

    I am hoping i can get back to things..i know i need to i really do but just having a real motivation problem. Don't feel great, i screwed all this stuff at work and has made me very upset. OUr stupid rent house is not rented and now i have to shell out 1150 out of my pocket, luckily we are getting our tax refund just in time to cover it but still.

    so much going on...my 6 yr old started her counsling sessions and I am praying it helps, she goes to the phyc next week for the add/adhd eval. We had to take my 3 yr old to a ear specialist since she was failing eveyr hearing test given (our dr said they won't even usally give test to 3 yr olds), but basically she has fluid in her ears but besides that her hearing is fine...so now back to the speech eval on friday.

    On a bright note ;) I am getting a puppy. He was just born last week. My step-sister-in-law has them, selling us one for 100.00 they are mini dachshunds. We won't get him till mid - late march. I can't wait. I think we are going to name him "cooper" ..like as "mini cooper" Just have to know my husband he is a big car buff, not really a mini but since he is a mini dachshunds and won't weight more than 10 lbs, we thought it was fitting. My husband has think i have lost my mind cause I want to get little sweaters for him and a purse to carry him around in :):) okay maybe i have.

    Well got to get back to work ...i promise i will be back on soon.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over, but not as much as I thought
    exercise: only managed that 10 minute walk ... didn't meet this week's challenge - but today I did my hour at the Y
    water: under
    proud: 1) that I didn't buy the chips and dip at the store that I REALLY wanted ... I've been having a chip/dip problem for the last few weeks ... they are definitely a red letter food for me and I was giving in until yesterday
    2) that I made myself drive to the Y in the snow again (even though I hate driving in the snow) because I just didn't want to miss my workout
    3) ... had to add a 3rd proud for today :flowerforyou: ... I just threw away 1/2 of my 'not such a good choice' lunch of french fries and grilled chicken sandwich... because I'm already full
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    No Snow days in the Arizona desert! :-)

    Check in:
    Under calories. still a little queezy from flu. had to eat a little extra to make sure I didn't go under starvation calories.
    exercise - only a few stretches in my cubicle, stretches before vocals and vocal practice
    water - still under
    proud - just keep on going on, able to help others, enjoying being under calories without trying :-), okay that's not a proud, but I do enjoy it, lol
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Checking in
    Calories-1572 (right on target)
    Exercise-Yes one hour of running burnt 820 calories
    Water-yes 128ounces
    Proud I am working this out and finding what works.
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    Hello ladies - I know I have been MIA for a while...I have been eating poorly, not exercising, feeling sorry for my self and just upset about lots of things...yet i was surprised to get on the scale today and pretty much at where i was 1 1/2 weeks ago..so not loosing but not "really" gaining either.

    I am hoping to get motiviated again soon.

    WELCOME BACK!!! Just keep posting and hanging out!!!! eventually reading the posts will get you motivated, I think! And in the meantime, if you don't come back you worry everyone, and we NEED you to be here so we don't worry.... worrying doesn't burn calories.... . :smile:

    Be gentle with yourself and start out easy. And suddenly you will get a rush of energy and be able to go at it again soon!
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over, but not as much as I thought
    exercise: only managed that 10 minute walk ... didn't meet this week's challenge - but today I did my hour at the Y
    water: under
    proud: 1) that I didn't buy the chips and dip at the store that I REALLY wanted ... I've been having a chip/dip problem for the last few weeks ... they are definitely a red letter food for me and I was giving in until yesterday
    2) that I made myself drive to the Y in the snow again (even though I hate driving in the snow) because I just didn't want to miss my workout
    3) ... had to add a 3rd proud for today :flowerforyou: ... I just threw away 1/2 of my 'not such a good choice' lunch of french fries and grilled chicken sandwich... because I'm already full

    Those are great things to be proud of! And I am glad you did at least do a 10 minute walk. To me that is always better than none. And then the Y today in the snow. And throwing away food. If you are like me, THOSE ARE BIG THINGS!!!!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    The board is not the same without you...Glad your back :)

    I might not been on tomorrow...children will be home because of the possible 18- 24 inches of snow expected in the nor'eastern. this is on top of what we got on Saturday (28.5 inches)...i can't wait until until summer..or atleast spring is in the air.

    Check in 2/9/10
    calories: under, but who knows with everything going on i might be on target by nightfall
    exercise: yup, earlier today (8:30 am)...before i did anything...
    water: not quite, but i might be around 64 oz by late evening
    proud: I didn't make an excuse not to do my exercise...before i started to make an excuse i was already on the elliptical
    cardio: yup! 30 minutes on the elliptical - burnt 350 calories, resistance 3...

    Have a great evening everyone :0
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good evening girls,

    First I just really want to thank you all for being here, I really realized over the weekend how much I depend on this thread to keep me in line, so thank you!

    here is my check in for today 2/9/10:
    calories: under, only by 165 which is ok due to my splurge this weekend
    exercise: c25k w1d1- had to restart since I have been kept out of the gym by a sick baby and snow
    water: yes!! more than enough
    sodium- 1855
    cardio- yes see above
    proud: that I ran faster than I did the first time I did the c25k and that I didnt quit after this past weekend. Usually once I cheat or fall off the wagon I just give up...I put the mistakes I made in the past and now I want to move forward.

    Good night!!

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I am noticing we are putting some serious PROUD things to be proud of! Way to go! I am proud of all of you! I just don't think I can put "proud" one more time in a sentence (oh did I mention the name of my K-3 students' show? PROUD. LOL I am not kidding.).

    lildeb - I am SO happy to see you! We love you and want you to succeed, but we're also here when you are feeling low, too! :flowerforyou:

    check in: I always do better when I am off work. I plan ahead, make better choices, have energy for exercise, etc.

    calories: perfect
    water: getting there!
    exercise: 40 mins bike plus 10 mins rigorous bike tonight
    proud: that we're all PROUD! :happy:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Yay! Lildebbie! I'm so relieved you're back!

    Calories: 1,257 (very light exercise day)
    Exercise: Only 25 minutes on stationary bike. :frown: Messed up my own challenge because I had to get up extra early (my bf's truck is broken so I'm chauffering him to and from school) and then I had to work extra late at my 2nd job so I got hom after 10pm. And at that point, I had been at work for 14 hours and I just wasn't going to workout more. Excuses, yes, but good ones.
    Water: 80+oz
    Proud: Eh.
  • Solandra
    OK, the nephew has been born, the delayed vacation has been taken, I'm back from Texas and happy to be home.

    For 2/9/10 (because what happened in Texas, stays in Texas):
    Calories - a little over
    Water - over - hooray!
    Exercise - tromping around the world on a photoshoot with MDH yesterday.

    Proud: Instead of "indulging" in restaurant fare every night of our vacation, I offered to cook dinner on Saturday and Sunday. Thus, the sins of the vacation were probably not as awful as they would have been otherwise.