Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 6



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    :laugh: My kids and I had a BLAST out in the SNOW! It is the first for any of them to actually have real snow!

    Check in for 2/11
    Cals: under
    water: under
    exercise: none unless you want to count me running from my hubby when he was trying to hit me with snow balls!

    I am going to try super hard today not to munch on everything in the house! This is why I dont like lazy days!

    Oh on my weigh in I am down 2 lbs from last Friday! I love this site and this thread! Yall are the greatest! :love:

    lildeb............. - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
    Positive......... -2.5 = 1.17%
    jlb123............. -0.6 = .28%
    hajohnson24...0.0 = 0%
    mstahl...............-3.8 = 1.94%
    Cogirl.................0.0 = 0%
    Cris20056........-3.2= 1.33%
    Mari ..................-0.6 = 0.24%
    Snowflakes......+1.2 = 0%
    Momma2four....(no-lookie) = 0%
    Rororosie..........-0.0 = 0%
    Tiger - ?? What was your weight last Friday? We can figure out your % lost!

    Welcome newbies!

    Hi Mstahl,
    I'm new to this thread today.
    Do you all post your weights every Friday?
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    No weight loss for me this week but even though I didn't lose pounds I lost 2 inches in my waist and 2 inches in my hips and 2 inches in my chest.So I feel pretty good about that.

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi Mstahl,
    I'm new to this thread today.
    Do you all post your weights every Friday?
    Meokk - Welcome!

    Each day we report on the following:
    Calories - (are you over or under/ how many- how ever you want to report)
    Water - did you get in 8 glasses or 64 oz???
    Exercise - did you get in any exercise today?

    Proud - one thing you are proud of!

    On Fridays we weigh in and tell how much we lost in the past week and how much our percentage is (total weight lost divided by the previous week's weight) - who ever has the biggest percentage lost gets to come of with the next week's challenge! We don't list how much we gained (if we did) we just enter "0".

    lildeb............. - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
    Positive......... -2.5 = 1.17%
    jlb123............. -0.6 = .28%
    hajohnson24...0.0 = 0%
    mstahl...............-3.8 = 1.94%
    Cogirl.................0.0 = 0%
    Cris20056........-3.2= 1.33%
    Mari ..................-0.6 = 0.24%
    Snowflakes......+1.2 = 0%
    Momma2four....(no-lookie) = 0%
    Rororosie..........-0.0 = 0%
    Tiger...................-2 = .97%
    Awestfall ...........0 = 0.0%
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    here are my stats for the day

    Calories - approx 30 over projecting and including dinner (I'm 1200 per day before exercise)
    Exercise - 30 mins housework/snow shoveling (I am eating my exercise calories today)
    Water - only about 4 so far but will have 6-7 by tonight

    I'm proud that I have been dieting the right way for the first time ever.... and it works!

    Last Saturday I weighed 207.6
    I'll let you know what I weight tomorrow and then switch to Friday weigh-ins from now on.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    No weight loss for me this week but even though I didn't lose pounds I lost 2 inches in my waist and 2 inches in my hips and 2 inches in my chest.So I feel pretty good about that.
    That is awesome!!!!

    I usally put my measurements in 1x a month on the 1st friday, but since i have been in a funk , i haven't done them...maybe i will do them in the morning.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    sooo tired!!!

    here is my check in:
    Calories - under (what else is new)
    Water - yes
    Exercise - c25k...i keep getting interrupted so i am still in week 1, thanks snow! I also did the bike for 15 mins at fat burnign level

    Proud - that I looked forward to going to the gym

    night night


    ps- welcome newbies!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I have not done my measurements yet. I'm not sure why... maybe I'm afraid? Dunno. :blushing: I gotta get on that.
    mari - out of the 250s!!! Congratulations! I am so proud of you! :bigsmile:
    meokk - welcome! :flowerforyou: You will love it here.
    awestfall - you go on those inches! :noway: As far as I am concerned, the inches are wayyyy more important than a stupid ol' number (so why haven't I taken my measurments? LOL)
    mstahl - if you get BL, please oh please make our challenge to drink one glass of red wine a day! :laugh: (just kidding for you non-drinkers!)

    Oh, the perils of being a teacher on the Valentine's Day parties. I ate two cupcakes. :grumble:
    THEN I went out to eat tonight with teacher friends. Ate waaaaayyyy too much mexican. BUT I did not get the margaritas - they are so high in calories! :noway: I went with vodka.

    check in:
    calories: gotta do some serious bikin' tonight to lower those burrito & cupcake scores!
    water: almost there
    exercise: oh my I have a LOT to do tonight!
    proud: today I wore a pair of pants that just two months ago were too tight - today they fell off of me! Thank goodness I can sew! :laugh: Plus I made a better decision, alcohol-wise at the restaurant. That is a big milestone for me! And I'm pretty darn proud I stopped at two cupcakes! :tongue:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh, the snowy goodness!! I got to leave work 30 minutes early today. Then I cooked an awesome dinner & then my bf, my dogs and I all went outside and played in the snow for over 2 hours. :bigsmile:
    Lots of calories burned (how many times did I *run* up the hill after sledding down?). An amazing amount of fun was had by all. I'm a happy girl tonight & I can hardly wait to get up in the morning & play some more & get some awesome photos of my dogs in the snow (It's their first real snow with me! Even the dog I've had for 6 years!). My greys raced in West Memphis, AR so they've probably seen snow before, but my collie mix has never been in this much before and she had a freaking blast playing in it. The other dogs didn't care much (though I've found Mo will do ANYTHING for a mommy-molded snowball treat), but Emma's found her 2nd puppyhood (she's an older puppy lady -- about 11 or so).
    We have about 7" and counting. :happy: It's been a looooong time since I've seen this much snow. The meteorologist on TWC just said some areas in the midlands of SC could see upwards of a FOOT of snow before it's all said and done. We've already gotten more than this area has seen since 1973!

    Calories: 1533 (I blame the snow -- I required a hot cocoa & a Kashi bar when I came in)
    Exercise 30 minutes stationary bike; About 20 solid minutes sledding/running uphill; probably about 30 minutes jogging around after my bf and my dogs.
    Water: 80oz+
    Proud: I'm proud about how easily I was able to play so long in the snow. And I'm proud I fit on the tiny roll up sled my bf had! I never would've been able to fit at 50 pounds heavier. And I never would've felt like even going outside to play in the snow. I had so much fun. This is so worth it. :smile:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    jlb123: Way to take advantage of the snow, glad that you had fun. Our chocolate lab is such a spazz playing in the snow, he loves it as much as anyone.

    Calories: a bit under, but since it is about midnight I don't want to eat this late.
    Water: yes ++
    Exercise: yes

    Have a great weekend all! Be safe.
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    No weight loss for me this week but even though I didn't lose pounds I lost 2 inches in my waist and 2 inches in my hips and 2 inches in my chest.So I feel pretty good about that.

    That is great! I would much rather lose inches than weight! Way to go!

    Check in for 2/12
    cals: surprisingly under
    water: under
    exercise: we went shopping at the board walk and just walked around for 45 min... I was carrying our 8 month old and he is HEAVY!!!
    proud: that i ordered a salad when we went to eat! I never do that
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I disappeared. Between sick kiddo, and money stress I needed a little time "away". I haven't weighed myself in a few weeks, but I will next week. I am sick right now (sore throat) but I still did my exercise today (25 mins of running, 10 walking)

    I changed my goals to losing 1.6 pounds a week. I think that will be easier to stick to for me. I think that is part of why I haven't been losing much lately, my body is in shock after losing 68 pounds...maybe it thinks I am starving
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi everyone, sorry I disappeared. Between sick kiddo, and money stress I needed a little time "away". I haven't weighed myself in a few weeks, but I will next week. I am sick right now (sore throat) but I still did my exercise today (25 mins of running, 10 walking)

    I changed my goals to losing 1.6 pounds a week. I think that will be easier to stick to for me. I think that is part of why I haven't been losing much lately, my body is in shock after losing 68 pounds...maybe it thinks I am starving
    Glad you're back Jenn!

    A woman at work who's lost over 100 lbs said that when she got stuck for a few weeks or a month at a certain weight, she'd take a few weeks off and move up to her maintenance calories (still exercising 30 minutes, 5 days a week). She said that the scale would say she'd put on 5-6 pounds but since we wasn't over eating by thousands of calories she knew it wasn't fat - just water/glycerin weight. After a couple weeks to a month she'd drop back down to her goal calories (1200 - 1500 ish) and the weight would start coming off again. She took about 18 months to get the bulk of her weight off and the next year to get the last 30 lbs off.

    There's a lot of great information out there on what to do and not to do but what she said didn't sound crazy or dangerous. It wasn't like she had "cheat days" for a month - just ate as if where at her goal weight... I think the BIG challenge there is patience! She has a lot of strength to tell herself "I'll delay my weight loss goal for a month" - not sure I could do that!:tongue:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hi Mstahl,
    Weighed in this morning and down to 205.8 which feels amazing.

  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    jlb - what a cute and fun pic of your dog! She (I think you said "she") is so cute!!! I was smiling all the way through reading your post because you sound so happy about the snow! I am happy for you! I do admit I love the white stuff, too, but I hate to drive in it.

    jenn - I agree. I think switching things around is the way to go. Just remember it takes time for your body to adjust. You'll get there! I hope you feel better soon.

    tiger - so proud that you made a healthy choice with that salad! You go, girl!

    One of my undergrad profs with whom I still keep in contact is having a surprise birthday party tonight - she is 80! Wow, has time flown by. I am aware of the menu for dinner and I am going to plan some healthy choices. But before I go, I am going to eat the biggest bowl of salad that you've ever seen! LOL (step away from the open bar, step away from the open bar, step away from the open bar, step away from...)
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi Meokk - I'll add your info in for this week and then you'll be all set for next week's weigh-in! By the way, while we're all one big (hee hee) family, this list is managed by awestfall - I'm just a big mouth that can't stop posting :bigsmile:

    Here are the weeks numbers - anyone else going to weigh in?

    lildeb............. - 1.3 = .46%
    bluenote......... - 3 = .67%
    Positive......... -2.5 = 1.17%
    jlb123............. -0.6 = .28%
    hajohnson24...0.0 = 0%
    mstahl...............-3.8 = 1.94%
    Cogirl.................0.0 = 0%
    Cris20056........-3.2= 1.33%
    Mari ..................-0.6 = 0.24%
    Snowflakes......+1.2 = 0%
    Momma2four....(no-lookie) = 0%
    Rororosie..........-0.0 = 0%
    Tiger...................-2 = .97%
    Awestfall ...........0 = 0.0%
    JennBarrette (no-lookie) = 0%
    Meokk ................-2.2 = 1.05%

    I think I'm the biggest loser?
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Are you ready for our challenge???:noway:

    :heart: :heart: In the Spirit of St. Valentine's Day... :heart: :heart:
    Three nights this next week, light a candle, pour yourself a glass of red wine for your health (non drinkers could have a nice wine flute with non-alcoholic bubbly cider and cranberry juice or some such treat!) and try a new healthy food you've either never had, or not eaten for years, or generally dislike.


    Above is a link for some healthy recipe ideas! But it can be anything! I will be trying roasted beets with goat cheese! (I hate beets). I'll also try eating good greens (collard or mustard) and a cabbage dish!

    It doesn't have to be expensive (cabbage anyone?) just healthy and outside of your comfort zone! I do this over lent sometimes - adding something good for me :flowerforyou: rather than giving up something bad :devil:

    Making it a nice experience (candles and a pretty glass of something nice to drink) can help - it also helps to be HUNGRY when trying something unusual (this is how I got my grandkids to learn to love salmon -lots of exercise and very hungry and they WOOFED it down LOL!)

    What do you think???
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Sounds great!!!!!!!! I do not drink though, so I will replace that with something else. I do not think I can stomach beets, but I will think of some other healthy dish. Thanks for the link.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    I have been looking around some of the recipe sites and I think I am going to try Kale.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Momma2four - my bff mists her kale with olive oil sprinkles on some salt then bakes it till it's crispy! I have made a dish with chopped kale and a can of chopped tomatoes, with some garlic - it wasn't bad! I found some fun cabbage and beet recipes (beets - are SOOOO good for you but I can't stand them LOL!)

    I hope this will be fun :bigsmile:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    calories - over by 15
    water - loads
    exercise - 30 mins walking
    proud of - only eating 1/4 of a crumbs cupcake that was brought over by guests when the old me might have devoured the whole thing. BTW - I looked it up - 800 calories in each of their large cupcakes - shocking.