Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 6



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Jlb: I see what you're saying. I guess I've had both sites calculating based on sedentary, which would be without taking my exercise into account. That still gives me 2000 calories plus exercise calories should I decide to eat them. I realize that seems like a lot of food, but apparently it's right because I'm losing weight; granted, it's not real fast, but that's mostly because I need to find more motivation on the exercise side of things!

    Right! I'd probably be losing at 2000 calories, too since I supposedly about 2200 a day just with my lifestyle + any I burned with exercise. You're doing a great job! I was just saying if I ate 2100 calories + my exercise calories (another 400-800 calories most days), for a total of 2500-2900 calories a day, I wouldn't be losing weight anymore. :smile: Those would be my maintenance calories, so I'd stay at my current weight.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Jlb: I see what you're saying. I guess I've had both sites calculating based on sedentary, which would be without taking my exercise into account. That still gives me 2000 calories plus exercise calories should I decide to eat them. I realize that seems like a lot of food, but apparently it's right because I'm losing weight; granted, it's not real fast, but that's mostly because I need to find more motivation on the exercise side of things!

    Right! I'd probably be losing at 2000 calories, too since I supposedly about 2200 a day just with my lifestyle + any I burned with exercise. You're doing a great job! I was just saying if I ate 2100 calories + my exercise calories (another 400-800 calories most days), for a total of 2500-2900 calories a day, I wouldn't be losing weight anymore. :smile: Those would be my maintenance calories, so I'd stay at my current weight.
    I completely understand it now and I am going to aim to eat at least 25% of my exercise calories daily and see if this helps my weight loss any.MFP set my food at 1200 daily and I usually burn around 600 calories in 45 minutes on my elliptical depending on the resistance I use but I am using that as a basis for most days.I am only going to eat about 200-300 of those calories back and we shall see what happens with it.Thanks so much Jbl for your wisdom my friend..... I knew this before when I was losing but I forgot it and needed someone to refresh my memory.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Checking in
    Calories-I went over by 200 but I already planned out my day for tomorrow so I know I won't go over again.
    Exercise 45 minutes of running on my elliptical
    Proud that I have wonderful people like you gals to support me and help me figure things out.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I hope it works for you, awestfall, as well as it has for me so far! I don't feel nearly as puny when I eat more. :flowerforyou: Thanks, Heather, for the information & that link. It's hard to remember that I'm eating at such a huge deficit right now. When I think about eating 2000 healthy calories, my eyes kind of bug out of my head. :laugh:

    Calories: 1381 -- right on
    Exercise: 25 minutes stationary bike, c25k week 9 day 1 (30 minute run, 10 minutes walking -- warmup/cooldown) = 65 minutes cardio
    Water: 96oz
    Proud: I'm so glad I've stuck with running. It's so hard, but no other exercise gets me so sweaty. :laugh:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi! Checking in!

    Tiger- I think 1.5 lbs/week is a good guide - remember you're lose more at first. I need to lose around 70 lbs- I'd like to lose 50 by July/August and then the last 20 I am planning to take much longer - probably another six months.

    I found out today that I job i really wanted, but thought wasn't going to open for a year or so, was opened and filled with a co-worker. i honestly thought it was mine for the asking and now i feel a mix of grief, shame, and embarrassment. It turns out the pay level didn't get approved to have it at my pay level and the VP knew I was already down a pay level from my market price. I know I shouldn't have taken it, but it's with another hospital system that's only ten minutes from my home (rather than the hour i commute now) and the VP is the guy that convinced me to take my current job... I probably would have. On the upside i got a call back for an interview that is a pay level up, and slightly above where i was when I took my current job. The new job would be for a manufacturer and have some international travel! The lord giveth and the Lord taketh away... just not always in that order!

    Calories- under but still have an hour of evening ahead!
    Water - under but only by a little
    Exercise - 40 minutes on the treadmill in my target heart range (and yes- very sweaty!)

    Proud - i was able to congratulate my co-worker and joke about the situation and keep my horror masked. Then when people stopped by with the "wasn't that going to be your job?" questions I didn't cry! And when the VP called to tell me why he went with my co-worker i was able to joke about it. I'm sure he heard my crushed heart in my voice but I'm OK with that. He's the kind of boss you love to work for...but he's right- I'll be better off!

    OK - those of us in the Eastern time zone only have about 30 minutes before it's LIGHTS OUT!


    (yeah it's time to go....)
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Hi girls,

    awestfall: You will find the right combination that works for you. Way to stick with this and be determined.

    mstahl: What ever happens will be for your best. As good as this job seemed, something better will come along. I have seen this happen many times, but I never recognize it until later and the hind sight is much clearer to me. What a charming nighttime ritual of sitting by a lovely fire and reading aloud.

    Calories: 2 over - I ate every last exercise calorie today.
    Water: yes
    Exercise: yes
    30 min cardio: yes
    Proud: I looked back from New Years and I weigh .6 more than it said I would in five weeks. I have been very consistant. (Patting myself on the back)
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    It's been snowing here and I could not drive up my steep driveway after my rehearsal tonight. It was very frightening - I kept sliding backwards with no control, foot on the brake but still going backwards! I finally made it up after about 20 tries. I was so frazzled that when I came in I went straight for the fridge - but I closed the door! Whew! Close call, but I did it! I did, however, choose to eat two handfuls of lightly salted nuts an hour after I calmed down (I needed more calories). I was so scared when I kept rolling backwards onto the street, honking my horn furiously so that the occasional driver would see I had no control. Boy am I glad that is over! I am praying for a snow day! :noway:

    check in:
    calories: much higher than usual (I chose not to exercise today - sorry, challenge! My knee is killing me.)
    water: 64
    exercise: rest day for my arthritic knee
    proud: that I didn't workout even though I wanted to BADLY. My knee will thank me in the morning! Gotta take care of myself, right?
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    check in for yesterday:
    Cals: like 75 under
    water: not as good as I would like
    exercise: none bc I had amigraine and went to bed as soon as I put my oldest child to bed
    Proud: that I didnt drink a dr pepper last night even though I really wanted one

    I made some goals out... Im not sure if they are reasonable so if you dont mind looking at them and letting me know I would appreciate it!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    ok so my new goal is to lose 16pounds by April 4 which is Easter this year ,my first big goal is to lose 50 pounds by my birthday July the 13th this yearI am going to focus hard and meet this goal.I will stop putting myself last and put me needs first when it comes to these goals.This is my year to be fit and healthy and I will be.WISH ME LUCK!!

    Good Luck girl :- ) I KNOW you can do it...
    Thanks I know you can do it too!!We will help each other get to that 50 pound mark by our birthdays.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I hope it works for you, awestfall, as well as it has for me so far! I don't feel nearly as puny when I eat more. :flowerforyou: Thanks, Heather, for the information & that link. It's hard to remember that I'm eating at such a huge deficit right now. When I think about eating 2000 healthy calories, my eyes kind of bug out of my head. :laugh:

    Calories: 1381 -- right on
    Exercise: 25 minutes stationary bike, c25k week 9 day 1 (30 minute run, 10 minutes walking -- warmup/cooldown) = 65 minutes cardio
    Water: 96oz
    Proud: I'm so glad I've stuck with running. It's so hard, but no other exercise gets me so sweaty. :laugh:
    Reluctantly so far it is working.I don't know exactly if me eating more is the reason but yesterday morning I was at 235 and this morning after eating all my calories yesterday.I weighed in at 233.Its hard to tell if me eating more was the reason behind this loss but I am going to keep it up to find out.Thanks for your support and advice everyone.We will see what happens in the next few weeks
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    check in for yesterday:
    Cals: like 75 under
    water: not as good as I would like
    exercise: none bc I had amigraine and went to bed as soon as I put my oldest child to bed
    Proud: that I didnt drink a dr pepper last night even though I really wanted one

    I made some goals out... Im not sure if they are reasonable so if you dont mind looking at them and letting me know I would appreciate it!
    Those are great goals to have Tiger.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Tiger - great goals!

    I didn't get to bed until 11!!! (toasting marshmallows was involved *hangs head in shame*) So I checked out today's work calendar and decided to go in a little late. I set my alarm for 6am instead of 5 am and still got in my 45 minutes on the elliptical machine, stretching and crunches - and now I'm showered, finishing breakfast, and about to head out the door.

    In my office people come in between 7-9 I've always been an early person but I usually end up staying until 6 or so. My boss comes in between 9 - 9:30 and stays until 5:30. Anyone who leaves before he does is a slacker... I figure I might as well prioritize my exercise above my mental time clock~ I like getting into work early but it's more important to take care of myself.

    BTW- I'm currently in love with FiberOne Caramel something - delights? Little squares of wholegrain goodness! I usually avoid cereal because it's not worth the calories to me, but I've been mixing half a cup with a half cup vanilla lowfat yogurt and OH MY is it tasty! I'm currently out of pumpkin :)
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow, I went on Dailyburn.com just to check it out and they're recommending I go for 1.1 pounds per week instead of 2. And eat 2193 calories a day. Seems accurate enough to me because I've been losing 2.4 pounds per week and I've been eating about about 750 calories less (than the minimum on their recommended range for me) per day. So, that math works out pretty well. Only problem is I want to lose more than 1.1 pounds a week for a while longer!

    Awestfall -- I'm 99% sure this is WITH exercise -- however much you told it you exercised a week. I said I exercise moderately 3-5 times a week. So, they're telling me, based on my doing that, I hsould eat 2193 calories a day.
    Jbl- I was looking over your daily food diary and I noticed it says you earned 286 calories from exercise.Is that the same amount you burn everyday and do you try to eat most of those calories?Reason I am asking is I started fresh this morning with your idea of eating more to see if it works for me and I want to make sure I understood you right.I set my MFP calories (guided) at 1200.I exercised this morning for 1 hour and burnt 820 calories according to my elliptical on level 10 resistance.I calculated to eat 25-30% of those calories back which would be around 205-250.I figured those in and I still have 498 left over.Should I eat more or just leave it at this and see if this works for me.I will eat more only if I am hungry but I would like to teach myself to control it.My BMR for my goal weight is 1345 so I am eating at least that and a bit above so this is good right?Sorry so many questions I am trying to reteach myself the stuff I new before when I was losing last year.Thanks in advance!! Also I am trying to eat every 3-4 hours to control hunger.I also noticed you don't give up any certain types of foods you just make better choices.GREAT JOB!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Checking in for yesterday 2/8/2010:
    Calories: 572 left over
    Water: 32 oz.
    Sodium: 901 over (boo!)
    Exercise: None, as my blistered heels are still sore.
    Proud: That I didn't stop for Chinese like I really wanted to. I reminded myself about the horrendous amount of sodium and was able to resist. I also resisted the Lunchable I wanted because the small one has 1100 mg of sodium! Yikes.

    Last night's officially weigh in wasn't great, but I was up less than a pound so I didn't have to pay. (If you gain from the previous week, you have to pay $1 to the kitty for each pound). I was bummed, but when the leader mentioned that in our five weeks of the challenge, I have lost 5.8 lbs., I realized I should be happy that I'm averaging a pound a week. Sure, I'd like more, but I'm happy with the balance I've found in eating and exercising; because of that, I'm more likely to keep the weight off this time. Yay!

    I've already logged the food I plan on eating tonight, so I should be good. I'll probably have to add food because I plan on getting some type of workout done tonight since it's Biggest Loser night.

    Have a great day,
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    I hope it works for you, awestfall, as well as it has for me so far! I don't feel nearly as puny when I eat more. :flowerforyou: Thanks, Heather, for the information & that link. It's hard to remember that I'm eating at such a huge deficit right now. When I think about eating 2000 healthy calories, my eyes kind of bug out of my head. :laugh:

    Calories: 1381 -- right on
    Exercise: 25 minutes stationary bike, c25k week 9 day 1 (30 minute run, 10 minutes walking -- warmup/cooldown) = 65 minutes cardio
    Water: 96oz
    Proud: I'm so glad I've stuck with running. It's so hard, but no other exercise gets me so sweaty. :laugh:

    Congratulations JIB:flowerforyou: ! Your about to graduate C25K..this will be you last week...so what are your next plans? Are you going to start another plan? Did you sign up for a 5k in the near future?

    I am still on week8, but that is ok i will finish the program some time...:laugh:
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    I made some goals out... Im not sure if they are reasonable so if you dont mind looking at them and letting me know I would appreciate it!

    Tiger, the goals you made sound realistic and can be accomplished. Best success to you on your journey:wink:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I hope it works for you, awestfall, as well as it has for me so far! I don't feel nearly as puny when I eat more. :flowerforyou: Thanks, Heather, for the information & that link. It's hard to remember that I'm eating at such a huge deficit right now. When I think about eating 2000 healthy calories, my eyes kind of bug out of my head. :laugh:

    Calories: 1381 -- right on
    Exercise: 25 minutes stationary bike, c25k week 9 day 1 (30 minute run, 10 minutes walking -- warmup/cooldown) = 65 minutes cardio
    Water: 96oz
    Proud: I'm so glad I've stuck with running. It's so hard, but no other exercise gets me so sweaty. :laugh:

    Congratulations JIB:flowerforyou: ! Your about to graduate C25K..this will be you last week...so what are your next plans? Are you going to start another plan? Did you sign up for a 5k in the near future?

    I am still on week8, but that is ok i will finish the program some time...:laugh:
    I was doing couch 25k but I have started running on my own.It still is sort of the couch25k program but altered a bit.I love it.So glad to see you continuing the program.I know you will complete it.You are strong!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Wow, I went on Dailyburn.com just to check it out and they're recommending I go for 1.1 pounds per week instead of 2. And eat 2193 calories a day. Seems accurate enough to me because I've been losing 2.4 pounds per week and I've been eating about about 750 calories less (than the minimum on their recommended range for me) per day. So, that math works out pretty well. Only problem is I want to lose more than 1.1 pounds a week for a while longer!

    Awestfall -- I'm 99% sure this is WITH exercise -- however much you told it you exercised a week. I said I exercise moderately 3-5 times a week. So, they're telling me, based on my doing that, I hsould eat 2193 calories a day.
    Jbl- I was looking over your daily food diary and I noticed it says you earned 286 calories from exercise.Is that the same amount you burn everyday and do you try to eat most of those calories?Reason I am asking is I started fresh this morning with your idea of eating more to see if it works for me and I want to make sure I understood you right.I set my MFP calories (guided) at 1200.I exercised this morning for 1 hour and burnt 820 calories according to my elliptical on level 10 resistance.I calculated to eat 25-30% of those calories back which would be around 205-250.I figured those in and I still have 498 left over.Should I eat more or just leave it at this and see if this works for me.I will eat more only if I am hungry but I would like to teach myself to control it.My BMR for my goal weight is 1345 so I am eating at least that and a bit above so this is good right?Sorry so many questions I am trying to reteach myself the stuff I new before when I was losing last year.Thanks in advance!! Also I am trying to eat every 3-4 hours to control hunger.I also noticed you don't give up any certain types of foods you just make better choices.GREAT JOB!!

    Today is one of my light exercise days. I only got in 25 minutes on my stationary bike this morning so that's the 286 calories. But, because of the challenge, I'll have to put in at least 5 more tonight and since that's rather pointless, I'll probably go for at least another 15. Anyway, on my light exercise days, I don't worry so much about eating so many exercise calories.

    Yesterday, I earned 741 extra calories. I ate 181 of them which is almost exactly 25%. I don't think there's any magic about the 25% really, I just noticed I feel a lot better being closer to 1400 calories than 1200 calories on days I workout hard. I think the eating 25% of my exercise calories is just kind of a coincidence for me. I kind of just noticed the consistency in the percentage after the fact.

    I feel like you maybe overthinking this. :laugh: Start by eating a little more -- whatever percentage or number you decide because I don't think there's specific percentage that will automatically work better than all others -- and then stick with it. If it works, great. If it doesn't, then increase it again. Like everyone always says, our bodies are all different and are going to respond to different things in different ways. What works for me may or may not work for you but if what you were doing before wasn't working for you, all you can do is try different things until something works. I know you'll figure out what works for you.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member

    I was doing couch 25k but I have started running on my own.It still is sort of the couch25k program but altered a bit.I love it.So glad to see you continuing the program.I know you will complete it.You are strong!!!


    Awestfall: When I started the C25k with in the first few weeks i wanted to give up because it became hard for me. The reason was i was doing more than what i was suppose to, you are suppose to do the program every other day...as anxious as i was...i did week 1 (all three days) and week2 ( all three days) all in one week...my knees were so sore because my body was not use to so much at one time... I stopped and let my body heal then i redid week one..alternating days...and from then on i was on the right track...there were times i hit a wall because the running was too dificult for me but i took it nice and slow...it wasn't about speed, this time around, it was about accuracy.

    Yes WE are strong and if we put our minds to it WE CAN DO IT!! More power to all of us:laugh:

    Good luck on your journey and you will find what works for you...it might take time, but look on the bright side, you are still in this to win the battle:flowerforyou: :wink:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Congratulations JIB:flowerforyou: ! Your about to graduate C25K..this will be you last week...so what are your next plans? Are you going to start another plan? Did you sign up for a 5k in the near future?

    I am still on week8, but that is ok i will finish the program some time...:laugh:
    Thanks. I really can't believe I actually made it through the whole program. And I really still can't believe I can run so long. :laugh: I haven't signed up for a 5K yet because I want to work on my speed. So, that's my next step -- sprint intervals. Yay! My plan right now is pretty much go back through C25K running 5mph and jogging 4mph until I can complete and entire 5K at 5mph. I hope to do this by May & enter Race for the Cure. I know I'll come in at the back of the milddle of the pack with a 36 minute 5K and I'm 100% okay with that. :smile: If I ran a 5K right now my time would probably be close to 45 minutes. I plan to make this Saturday's run a full 5K no matter how long it takes me. I'm running just over 2 miles in 30 minutes right now. :ohwell: Whenever I get irritated at myself for being so slow, I just remember where I came from -- being so out of shape (AFTER 2.5 months of regular exercise) that I couldn't even come close to completing w1d1!

    I know you'll finish. Week 8 isn't really any different than week 9! I didn't struggle at all adding the additional 2 minutes. My struggle comes with speed.