Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 6



  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    :explode: :explode: :mad: :explode: :mad: My husbands blood sugar was 325:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: I am sooooooo mad at him. He has to take better care of himself. He is not watching his food intake. He thinks he can eat anything he chooses. I cant force him to stick to a plan and that makes me mad. I love him so much. We have been together most of my adult life, I was just barely turned 22. I want to grow old with this man. I want him to care enough about himself, me and our 4 children to take care of his own health. I made his lunch, and I will make his dinner all of it healthy now he has to make the choice not to eat anything bad before bed.

    Oh how i know EXACTLY what you mean! My husbands blood sugars have been running in the high 200's for some time now and like your husband, he eats crap when I am not around and at bed time. grrrr angry006.gif
    Then to add to that my son 17 and thinks he knows everything is type 1 diabetic totally does not take care of his diabetes either. He tries so hard to avoid having to test and take his insulin just because it is a pain in the butt. He also eats carbs mindlessly and sometimes ends up with a blood sugars in the 500's. smiley-devil25.gif
    For me it is so frustrating, I don't want to loose my DH prematurely and I certainly don't want to watch my son set himself up for a shorter life filled with many other health problems. I wish I had the answer to help them make better decisions.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lstpaul, I have high blood pressure you better believe I am trying to take care of it. My thin healthy looking brother died of a massive stroke due to high blood pressure and he was only 35 yo. MEN they are such idiots, yes I called them what they are. I wished there was a way to convince them.

    cogirl, wooo I think I would fall apart if I had 2 very important men in my life taking risks with their health. It is so frustrating, just quit eating the bad stuff. The other thing is I am not exactly sure how my husband is suppose to eat. He won't go to a nutritionist. I have heard to regulate his carbs, but what are they suppose to be each meal. I made him a mfp account and I keep track for him I set it at 45% of his total when mfp has it set to 55%. Do you have any advice for me on the carb issue?

    Cogirl, I just keep thinking about your son. 500's that is scary. I was floored by 325.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    momma.. carbs.. that really varies on many different things. My son who is type 1 can eat all the carbs he want "IF" he tests his blood, and takes the proper amount of insulin 10 mins "prior" to eating. My husband who is type 2 also had not seen a nutritionist but does have an appointment in a few weeks.. Crossing my fingers he goes and learns something. Most of the education I have had has been directly related to type 1diabetes. I am fairly certain that while both should not go crazy in carbs they also should be watching their fiber, protein and fat intake as well. I found this article helpful on Web MD Diabetes and Weight Loss: The Right Path"

    Sorry if it not the help you are looking for
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    momma.. carbs.. that really varies on many different things. My son who is type 1 can eat all the carbs he want "IF" he tests his blood, and takes the proper amount of insulin 10 mins "prior" to eating. My husband who is type 2 also had not seen a nutritionist but does have an appointment in a few weeks.. Crossing my fingers he goes and learns something. Most of the education I have had has been directly related to type 1diabetes. I am fairly certain that while both should not go crazy in carbs they also should be watching their fiber, protein and fat intake as well. I found this article helpful on Web MD Diabetes and Weight Loss: The Right Path"

    Sorry if it not the help you are looking for

    This helped soooo much. Thank you, thank you!!!!!! I went into his mfp settings and updated his goals according to what the article said. the carb/fat/protein percentages. Hopefully, he will stick to the plan
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    :explode: :explode: :mad: :explode: :mad: My husbands blood sugar was 325:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: I am sooooooo mad at him. He has to take better care of himself. He is not watching his food intake. He thinks he can eat anything he chooses. I cant force him to stick to a plan and that makes me mad. I love him so much. We have been together most of my adult life, I was just barely turned 22. I want to grow old with this man. I want him to care enough about himself, me and our 4 children to take care of his own health. I made his lunch, and I will make his dinner all of it healthy now he has to make the choice not to eat anything bad before bed.
    I'm in the same boat. You know how my husband keeps from worrying about his sugar levels? Yeah- he doesn't check them. EVER.

    I seriously have been tempted to leave him over this stuff. We've been married for 23 years and he is much older than I am - which isn't a big problem except when he seems to deliberately efff with his health! ARRRRGH!!!!

    I just try to cook smart and make lots of healthy choices available to him!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    :explode: :explode: :mad: :explode: :mad: My husbands blood sugar was 325:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: I am sooooooo mad at him. He has to take better care of himself. He is not watching his food intake. He thinks he can eat anything he chooses. I cant force him to stick to a plan and that makes me mad. I love him so much. We have been together most of my adult life, I was just barely turned 22. I want to grow old with this man. I want him to care enough about himself, me and our 4 children to take care of his own health. I made his lunch, and I will make his dinner all of it healthy now he has to make the choice not to eat anything bad before bed.
    I'm in the same boat. You know how my husband keeps from worrying about his sugar levels? Yeah- he doesn't check them. EVER.

    I seriously have been tempted to leave him over this stuff. We've been married for 23 years and he is much older than I am - which isn't a big problem except when he seems to deliberately efff with his health! ARRRRGH!!!!

    I just try to cook smart and make lots of healthy choices available to him!

    My hubby just checked his for the first time in 4-5 months. He has the same thought process out of sight out of mind. Frustrating

    By the way congrats on the 23 years of marriage.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hey, everyone!

    I didn't get a chance to check in earlier, but here are my stats for yesterday:
    Calories: Over by about 200 (yummy fajitas!)
    Water: very, very little
    Exercise: None
    Sodium: Way over (I expected this and am up a teeny bit on the scale this morning)
    Proud: That I didn't spend money that I wanted to spend last night.

    Cris: Way to go on the 20 lb. weight loss! Don't get too discouraged on the Couch to 5K; just go your own pace and you will get through it. As a total non-runner, I'm telling you the truth!!

    Meokk: Congrats on being able to wear a belt that hasn't left the closet in a while. That's always a good feeling.

    I hope you all have a wonderful evening. I'm headed home to make some stuffed green pepper soup for dinner...and figure out how to eat the 1000 extra calories I have left AFTER dinner. Hmmm...

  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    hajohnson - stuffed green pepper soup? That sounds amazing and yummy.

    Okay, so ...I didnt check in yesterday so heres that:

    Calories: Over. =( But I didnt go anywhere near maintenance, so that's good.
    Water: Great
    Exercise: 20 on eliptical

    More later
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Heather- thanks for the words of encouragement, I think I over did it with C25K because my knees are killing me. I think I just did it too fast? I was doing the 'jogs' at 4.5 (thats fast for me) and the walks at 2.4-2.7. It feels like I did something really bad to my knees and Im limping around :sad:

    my sister in law had her baby today, so I am now a Aunt!!! Shes a beautiful little girl 6.5lbs. I spent the entire day at the hospital. :heart:
    Here is my check in for today 2/16/10:
    calories- under by 170
    water- not yet but will
    excercise- walked some but not really
    sodium- 1905
    proud- that I didnt eat out of boredom in the waiting room

    good night,

  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Cris, congrats on the new neice.

    hajohnson, please share the recipe for that soup

    mstahl, I have had asparagus before but I am going to try it this week done in a much more healthier way. Where I live Asparagus is a big crop. We even have an Asparagus Festival where I grew up. Aspargus tastes sooooooo good batter dipped and deep fried, so I NEVER eat it. But today I bought a bunch and I am going to make it healthy with garlic and onions and a little fake spray butter (how healthy is fake butter but hey) My 16 yo says please tell me you are going to batter and fry that with a side of ranch, I said Nope going to make it like I do the fresh green beans so I will let you know how it goes. Probably won't eat aspargus until Thurs cause tonight is the green beans and tomorrow is stew.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Heather- thanks for the words of encouragement, I think I over did it with C25K because my knees are killing me. I think I just did it too fast? I was doing the 'jogs' at 4.5 (that's fast for me) and the walks at 2.4-2.7. It feels like I did something really bad to my knees and Im limping around :sad:
    Chris - congrats on the niece!

    My doctor told me to expect knee pain when I start running. She suggested I use ice packs on my knees after I cool down and stretch - for about 20 minutes, and that I take ibuprofen (Advil etc). She also suggested only running every other day. I haven't really started yet *cough NOT AT ALL cough* but it sounds like a good plan!

    I've been using Advil for my knees due to the stair climbing! I managed another 1000 "up" steps today!

    Momma! Way to go on the asparagus! I love LOVE it steamed with a little butter - or tossed with olive oil and sea salt and grilled!
  • rockwife
    Please allow me to be a part of your group
    beginning weight 268 Dec 1, 2009
    start weight for mfp 256
    current weight 253
    goal by 3/19 245
    by 7/2 my 49th birthday 230
    by 9/1 220
  • rockwife
    Please allow me to be a part of your group
    beginning weight 268 Dec 1, 2009
    start weight for mfp 256
    current weight 253
    goal by 3/19 245
    by 7/2 my 49th birthday 230
    by 9/1 220
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome, rockwife and all newcomers! You will love it here. :flowerforyou:
    Congratulations, Aunt Cris! :flowerforyou:
    Asparagus is my absolute favorite! I like to drizzle it with a little EVOO (and sometimes I just skip this altogether), sprinkle on some lemon pepper, and put it in the oven @ 400 for 30 mins. SOOOO tender and juicy!!! I love roasting vegetables!

    check in:

    cals: under by 1/2 exercise cals (I know I know! I'm feeling a bit queasy today so tomorrow I will go for the full monty)
    water: 64
    exercise: 40 bike, 10 fast bike, plus arm work
    proud: that even though I was down yesterday about missing my brother's birthday dinner, I didn't self-medicate with food. Plus today for work I wore a fitted blouse and I didn't feel self-conscious at all or tug at it for hours! :laugh: I even got a few compliments!
  • VRamos81
    Good evenings ladies...

    Never got to come back on last night... Ugh right now I have the ONLY headache! I banged my head after putting my daughter in her bed! OUCH!!! :embarassed: :grumble:

    Checking in
    calories : under by 700 + :noway: :noway: :noway:
    water : 10 cups
    exercise: 50 minutes.. 30cardio and 20 flexabilty training
    proud : I got the flex training in ive so been slacking but my hamstrings are paying for it

    Checking in
    calories under by 400+ ... ok the night is still young but i dnt like to eat after 9pm.. so im under ,, its about the 400 cals i got back due to working out
    exercise : 36 mins cardio dvd
    proud : I dive head first into the box of chocolates my mom offered me today! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Hi guys, I really did plan on checking in more...but I am sick again!! I can't believe I am sick again. This time it is a cruddy cold, I have a sinus headache and maybe some sort of ear infection starting up. I was trying so hard to get back on the couch25k program (did my first 25 min run!) but right now I can't really breath and I have no energy. Hopefully it doesn't last too long.

    On a positive note, I am picking up my new puppy on Thursday. She is a 6 month old Pug. I will have to post some photos when I get her. I will be taking her out for walks on top of my usual exercise, so that's more calories burned for me!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Please allow me to be a part of your group
    beginning weight 268 Dec 1, 2009
    start weight for mfp 256
    current weight 253
    goal by 3/19 245
    by 7/2 my 49th birthday 230
    by 9/1 220

    Welcome rockwife!
    I just joined this group about a week ago and everyone has been so welcoming and supportive.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    calories - 1291 (over by 91) dinner at a restaurant
    water - 9-10
    exercise - very little walking
    My sister is in town for the next week so it's going to be tough. She wants to eat all the yummy NY things like pizza.

    Sorry to hear your hubbies sugar levels are so high mstahl and momma. It must be really frustrating especially when you are working so hard to be healthy.
    Did either of you see the oprah episode with Dr Oz last week or 2 weeks ago? The topic was diabetes and it was kind of scary. It really inspired me to watch my sugar and focus on my weight loss.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- my knees were hurting pretty bad with C25K at first. I was trying too much too fast (I was running too many days a week). I took about 1.5 weeks off until a few days after my knees felt completely better & then I started back ONLY doing C25k 3 days a week and I cut out ALL other walking for exercise and I was 100% fine after that. No more any kind of pain when running.

    mstahl -- I don't know how you walk up that many stairs. My calves are KILLING me after a total of 20 flights today (maybe 500 stairs?). They're just like big balls of cramps. :laugh:

    Calories: 1359
    Exercise: 30 min stationary bike. Stairs, stairs, stairs. I think I'm going to like mastering stairs. :wink:
    Water: Maybe just 64 oz today. I had a diet soda day. :ohwell:
    Proud: I got over this plateau. Not physically, but mentally. And I'm pretending that's like 90% of the battle.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    mstahl -- I don't know how you walk up that many stairs. My calves are KILLING me after a total of 20 flights today (maybe 500 stairs?). They're just like big balls of cramps. :laugh:
    jlb123 - my walking up stairs yesterday and I'm sure today, involves a lot of whimpering. And I'm having difficulty not making the OMG PAIN face which is a bit embarrassing when I pass executives (they only seem to use the stairs going down lol!)

    I was about to check in then I remembered that I didn't log that chocolate covered Oreo I found on my desk, or the "buckeye" (chocolate covered peanut butter) someone left at my house. I think that my body wanted to eat ALL the exercise calories, even the ones I don't count! (stairs).

    OK - for Yesterday
    Calories - over by the above mentioned chocolates
    Water - under (I suck at water - pun intended)
    Exercise - 45 minutes on the elliptical and 1025 stairs

    Proud - I stayed at work an extra 1/2 hour to get that last set of stairs in - omg pain!

    I skipped working out this morning, hoping my calves will forgive me and heal a bit before I start walking up the stairs today! I made a big batch of lentil soup last night with mustard greens and I'm taking it into the office to share, for lunch. I'm not a big "cooked greens" person and I know that all of them are great for you so this is one of my "disliked" health foods I'm eating this week :)

    Welcome Rockwife! I like to hike too, and I look forward to being able to keep up with the old people walking with oxygen tanks. When you're passed on the trail by a person using a walker and an oxygen tank -it kind sends a signal that you may be a LITTLE out of shape! (wtf was that old man doing hiking to the top of vernal falls in Yosemite? and how could he do it faster than my blazing speed of four hours?)