Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 6



  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm checking in for the weekend -

    I logged all the food - the good the bad and the oh so sinful!

    Calories - Over! By a LOT! (inspired to make truffles from left over chocolate fondue, to garnish chocolate mint martinis - NOTHING there was healthy!)
    Exercise - none
    Water - very little
    Proud - that we didn't overspend on a date night we couldn't afford and had a fun time eating dinner by the fire!

    Calories - over (went out for brunch)
    Exercise - I walked the steps at the college library - all 273 of them! (actually I did 1.5 trips!)
    Water - you know... beer is like 90% water!
    Proud - that after a beer and a cup of french onion soup when all I wanted was a nice nap, I still went to the college library and walked the steps!

    I'm doing well today - I made a Tuscan bean soup last night and brought the leftovers for lunch! Tonight I think we'll have a fish dish and some fresh veggies... (and wine). It was too cold for the elliptical in the garage so I pulled the max incline on the treadmill and walked for 40 minutes (not too fast).
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Momma2four: I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. My aunt passed in a similar manner a few years ago and it was a huge shock. We found out she had an unexpected heart attack. We're here for you!

    I just thought I'd check in and see how the day was going for everyone. I'm off to eat fajitas because I'm having a serious craving for them.

    Have a great evening!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    hi girls, im exhausted, so I am going to check in before I go pass out on my couch!

    calories- right now under by 345, but hoping to find something later on to fill that gap
    water- yes
    excercise- c25k, week2 day 1 - OMG I hurt :grumble: :sad: :blushing: How am I ever going to run longer than 90 secs when I can barely do that?!
    sodium- right now im at 1600+ but will prog go up if I try to eat something to make up those 345 calories
    proud- that I started week 2 of c25k ..and even though I wanted to quit through the end I pushed through it

    I hope u ladies have a good night, I cant wait to have the weigh in this week, I want to 'officially' put that I have lost 20lbs!!! :drinker:



    ps- school is closed again tomorrow so my step-son is spending the night. he doenst have many rules (not my choice) when he is here so it drives me crazy. pray that I have some patience tonight:explode:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    This last week has been trying for me. My diet has been terrible. Then yesterday my friend died. Noone knows why. She was getting away for the weekend with her husband got sick and fainted they took her to the hospital and she died. I am feeling quite sad. I am back on track with my diet today and exercise. I am feeling kinda blah today, but I know this is what I have to do. Our weather is very beautiful and spring like this week. I am going to enjoy it while it lasts and get my kids outside playing and myself out in the fresh air. I think it will help me feel better. It is suppose to get real near 70 today. I am thinking some sunshine in my life today will be good for me.

    lildeb, I am so glad that your house got rented. The stress of it all can be harsh. Hope everything goes well today for you and your little girl. I think a nice day out with her is a great idea.

    Cris, congrats on hitting that 20 pound mark.

    hajohnson, snowshoeing sounds fun. I have never done that before. I would like to try something like that. I would like to try to ski. I have never done that either or snowboard. Something, in the snow. I live about 2 hours away from any snow so honestly we don't get there too often. My husband is too lazy to get chains for the car so we hardly ever hit the snow. I want us to get healthy and do more things like that. In the summer he takes us to all these places to hike but never takes us there in the winter when snow is on the ground. Oh well!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!! Kids are all off today and I think we will be taking a walk

    So sorry momm2four about your friend, take care of yourself during this sad time.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    calories - under by about 90
    exercise - 30mins housework, 20 mins walking
    water - 5
    proud of wearing a belt today that has not left the closet for years

    Congrats everyone on all of your progress this week.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks everyone for your kind words. I am doing pretty good today. Her memorial service will be Sat. They still don't know what happened. Her husband is just devastated and my heart goes out to him and her children more than anything.

    Checking in for today.
    cals under
    water under
    exercise yes
    proud..... That I am back on track.

    I am losing my voice. The people around me are probably pleased, but oh is it frustrating....:tongue:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I am so sorry for the loss of your friend, momma. She and her family and you are in my prayers.

    I'm a little bummed and disappointed at myself tonight. Today is my brother's birthday, and he invited me to the Cheesecake Factory with some of his good friends at 8:00pm. Well, since it has been snowing and freezing here, my driveway becomes a nightmare. I mean it is frightening. The walk just to get to my car is so dangerous that I have fallen several times, tearing many a ligament. My landlady doesn't seem to care and so I try to go out and put that icemelt stuff for at least a path to my car. When I got home around 6pm, I put the icemelt on but it didn't really work (ice was too thick I guess). I was so afraid to go back out at 7:30pm that I called my brother, explained, and cancelled. I know he was disappointed, but the fear overtook me. I feel really bad about it. I know he really wanted me there. I would be so devastated if he cancelled on my birthday. I wish I wasn't so afraid of my own driveway. :ohwell:

    So, I had planned all of these bazillion cals for the Ch. Factory and ended up not going. Wow, that was TOUGH trying to come up with ways to spend 1700 calories for my dinner! I didn't succeed, unfortunately. I got sickeningly full after about 1K.

    check in:

    cals: under
    water: 64
    exercise: 40 mins bike + 10 mins rigorous bike
    proud: Hmmm. Got nothin'. :indifferent:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Just down tonight !! I screwed up this weekend didn't exercise didn't hardly eat and my weight is up to 240 this mornin.Now tell me how that happened.Someone please help me figure this out.I have to lose this weight or I am going to go insane.I will post a new thread in the morning/.
  • tiger12gal
    tiger12gal Posts: 68 Member
    Just down tonight !! I screwed up this weekend didn't exercise didn't hardly eat and my weight is up to 240 this mornin.Now tell me how that happened.Someone please help me figure this out.I have to lose this weight or I am going to go insane.I will post a new thread in the morning/.

    Dont be down.. I didnt go over my calories at all this weekend and I am up from last week... Im hoping it is just water recension or that I am fixing to start my cycle... We can do it! We are just going to have to realize that not every week is going to be a good week. At least we have each other!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I think it's time to remind ourselves how our bodies work! :smile:

    It is unlikely we can gain a pound or two of FAT from a bad week. Think about it - you have to have an extra 3500 calories for your body to store a pound of fat. What we CAN gain is water! And not just from sodium!

    Our bodies hold water to store sugars when we exercise or our body anticipates we are going to need quick energy. That's why you lose water weight when you first start to diet- your body goes there first! I'm too lazy to google it but it's something like glycerin storage... A pound of this water is FAR LESS calories than a pound of fat or muscle - and it's just a temporary storage! We aren't gaining back fat unless we go over what our body needs to function. Drinking more water helps flush some of this out, just like watching our sodium can help keep extra water from hanging around - but there is NO WAY to prevent our bodies from fluctuating a few pounds here and there after exercise and eating - it knows what it's doing and we have to cut it a little slack :bigsmile:

    Weight loss- yeah it's frustrating but think about how we will feel NEXT year. Tomorrow's weight or Friday's weight is a blip - it's barely relevant. It's not the pound or two that matters as much as how we FEEL after running 90 seconds (one day!) or completing 5K at a jog!

    Today I put in 45 minutes on the elliptical machine. I felt like crap and I felt like I should have been able to go longer but you know what? I was up in my heart range (80-85% of max) for most of it, I was sweating like no tomorrow, and I helped my body get stronger. All of that is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than the number on the scale!

    The weight will come off - it really will - but the watched pot doesn't boil and our obsession with that scale doesn't help. Trust your body, feel your strength, enjoy the healthy foods you're learning to love and know that in a year you'll be so thankful you didn't quit just because this weight loss stuff takes longer than you'd like.

    I need to hear this as much as any of you! My new years resolution was to take more of my own advice:laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1,318
    Exercise: none
    Water: not enough
    Proud: Not much.

    I had a stressful day yesterday in general. My little one got his cast off his leg (finally) from his leg break this past September. I'm terrified of rehabilitation. I'm irritated with myself for not getting more done around the house this weekend. I guess I'm just frustrated because I feel so stuck right now (I'm talking about in life, but the stagnation in my weight loss is a fantastic manifestation of the feeling). I've been a little depressed about my situation & I'm finding it difficult to "look on the bright side" right now. I'll get over it. One step at at a time & all that jazz.
  • Solandra
    mstahl - thank you, thank you, thank you for your good advice; I've been chipping away at the "what happened in Texas obviously didn't stay in texas" score on my scales for the past week, and was beginning to wonder if I'd actually sabotaged my actual loss versus my salt/sugar/water/TOM weight gain.

    Check-in for 2/15/10
    Calories - over, because there was pizza.
    Exercise - walked for about 20 minutes, plus 20 minutes on the digderidoo, which isn't "exercise" but sure does make my poor asthematic lungs feel better.
    Water - over, because there was pizza and I know better than to drink soda with pizza even though pan pizza and Dr Pepper is a gift from the tasty food gods.

    Proud of: I attended a digderidoo workshop on Sunday, I've got the tone just about down pat, and have faith that circular breathing will come eventually.

    There's pain and loss and hardship, plus some frustration and despair in our lives this week - I love you guys, you are amazing people and fierce creatures. There's a candle lit for each of you!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I think it's time to remind ourselves how our bodies work! :smile:

    It is unlikely we can gain a pound or two of FAT from a bad week. Think about it - you have to have an extra 3500 calories for your body to store a pound of fat. What we CAN gain is water! And not just from sodium!

    Our bodies hold water to store sugars when we exercise or our body anticipates we are going to need quick energy. That's why you lose water weight when you first start to diet- your body goes there first! I'm too lazy to google it but it's something like glycerin storage... A pound of this water is FAR LESS calories than a pound of fat or muscle - and it's just a temporary storage! We aren't gaining back fat unless we go over what our body needs to function. Drinking more water helps flush some of this out, just like watching our sodium can help keep extra water from hanging around - but there is NO WAY to prevent our bodies from fluctuating a few pounds here and there after exercise and eating - it knows what it's doing and we have to cut it a little slack :bigsmile:

    Weight loss- yeah it's frustrating but think about how we will feel NEXT year. Tomorrow's weight or Friday's weight is a blip - it's barely relevant. It's not the pound or two that matters as much as how we FEEL after running 90 seconds (one day!) or completing 5K at a jog!

    Today I put in 45 minutes on the elliptical machine. I felt like crap and I felt like I should have been able to go longer but you know what? I was up in my heart range (80-85% of max) for most of it, I was sweating like no tomorrow, and I helped my body get stronger. All of that is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than the number on the scale!

    The weight will come off - it really will - but the watched pot doesn't boil and our obsession with that scale doesn't help. Trust your body, feel your strength, enjoy the healthy foods you're learning to love and know that in a year you'll be so thankful you didn't quit just because this weight loss stuff takes longer than you'd like.

    I need to hear this as much as any of you! My new years resolution was to take more of my own advice:laugh:
    Thanks I needed that!! I am back to logging every last thing that goes in my body from now on.The weekend just really screwed me up but your right I didn't eat that many calories to have gained 7 pounds back since Friday.I would have had to eaten 24500 calories at least to gain 7 pounds.Which I know I didn't do!! Thanks again
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I think it's time to remind ourselves how our bodies work! :smile:

    It is unlikely we can gain a pound or two of FAT from a bad week. Think about it - you have to have an extra 3500 calories for your body to store a pound of fat. What we CAN gain is water! And not just from sodium!

    Our bodies hold water to store sugars when we exercise or our body anticipates we are going to need quick energy. That's why you lose water weight when you first start to diet- your body goes there first! I'm too lazy to google it but it's something like glycerin storage... A pound of this water is FAR LESS calories than a pound of fat or muscle - and it's just a temporary storage! We aren't gaining back fat unless we go over what our body needs to function. Drinking more water helps flush some of this out, just like watching our sodium can help keep extra water from hanging around - but there is NO WAY to prevent our bodies from fluctuating a few pounds here and there after exercise and eating - it knows what it's doing and we have to cut it a little slack :bigsmile:

    Weight loss- yeah it's frustrating but think about how we will feel NEXT year. Tomorrow's weight or Friday's weight is a blip - it's barely relevant. It's not the pound or two that matters as much as how we FEEL after running 90 seconds (one day!) or completing 5K at a jog!

    Today I put in 45 minutes on the elliptical machine. I felt like crap and I felt like I should have been able to go longer but you know what? I was up in my heart range (80-85% of max) for most of it, I was sweating like no tomorrow, and I helped my body get stronger. All of that is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than the number on the scale!

    The weight will come off - it really will - but the watched pot doesn't boil and our obsession with that scale doesn't help. Trust your body, feel your strength, enjoy the healthy foods you're learning to love and know that in a year you'll be so thankful you didn't quit just because this weight loss stuff takes longer than you'd like.

    I need to hear this as much as any of you! My new years resolution was to take more of my own advice:laugh:
    Thanks I needed that!! I am back to logging every last thing that goes in my body from now on.The weekend just really screwed me up but your right I didn't eat that many calories to have gained 7 pounds back since Friday.I would have had to eaten 24500 calories at least to gain 7 pounds.Which I know I didn't do!! Thanks again
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in for yesterday (waited until I got to work to determine the damage).:wink:

    Calories - over by 200 (WORTH IT:bigsmile: !)
    Water- under
    Exercise - 45 minutes on the treadmill (counted those calories!) and 1025 "up" stairs at work!

    Proud - That I made myself walk up the 4 flights of stairs 14+ times!

    I stopped at the market after work to pick up some tilapia and they were out -but they had these beautiful tuna steaks coated with garlic, ginger and sesame seeds!:love: They were about 9 oz. each (oops) and they were HEAVEN. I seared them on both sides and served them rare (they were sushi grade) with a side of brown rice and those Asian style broccoli spears- OMG so good!!!! If I'd only had one glass of wine I would have been fine.:embarassed:

    I made tuna one other time and it was tough and dry. I must have totally overcooked it!

    Tonight I bring out the Mustard Greens! Wish me luck!:ohwell:

    :frown: I didn't get called back for my interview with another company. I'm bummed because I was very qualified and I wonder what happened. I'm hoping my head hunter will get some helpful feedback. I didn't tell my husband because I didn't want him getting worked up. He thinks he's being supportive but it just makes me feel worse.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Exercise - 45 minutes on the treadmill (counted those calories!) and 1025 "up" stairs at work!

    Those stairs! You've inspired me, mstahl.

    We have horrible stairs at work. I think they're too steep. I can run up and down 3 flights of normal stairs any day, but EVERY morning, I walk up the 60something stairs to my floor and it *buuuuurrrrrrrnnnnnnsssss* so much and I always huff & puff for a second walking down the hall. It's better than it used to be when I started taking them (I haven't stepped foot on the elevator since early October), but they still kill me. I'm honestly less out of breath after running 2.5 miles than I am walking up those monster stairs.
    So, today I'm actually going to take my 2 15 minute breaks. And I'm going to walk up and down those stinkin stairs. Could be a good new exercise to break me out of this plateau.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Good Morning Girls,

    I am really sick this morning. I felt like something was coming on last night but I took a walk anyway. Then I got up this morning and I feel lousy. It is going to be a beautiful day so I am bummed. I wanted to get out in it. It has been so pretty and warm here all week. Sat is is going to start raining and being ugly so I am hoping to get better by tomorrow., No fun having nice weather if you can't enjoy it.:grumble:

    awestfall, I really think you need to stay away from the scale. You are letting the number on that scale determine how you feel. You need to just keep up the good work. I know it is frustrating not to see the scale move, but what would be more frustrating is for you to give up because of the scale. Our bodies weight fluctuates each and every day. Pick a day, and that is the only day you weigh. You have come too far. Give yourself a break........:flowerforyou:

    jlb123, I hope you start feeling better. I think you are so determined and I am proud of you!!!!!!:bigsmile:

    bluenote, I totally understand I would be afraid to go onto a surface that has caused me to fall more than once. Your landlady sounds like she needs to do something about it. If someone falls and gets seriously hurt she will wish she did something about it.

    mstahl, sorry for your dissappointment about the job. I am sure that you will end up where you were meant to be. As for husbands they are precious their idea of support usually causes us stress.:laugh: :love: :laugh:

    Solandra, I am curious what is digderidoo workshop? Also thanks for the encouragement!!!:flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good morning girls! Sorry you are sick momma2four, rest, rest, rest (of course I'm the worst at taking that advice - just ask my husband who goes to bed for 3 days when he has the sniffles). Hang in there awestfall, go jlb123 on those stairs!

    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: over but not by much - 1900 (1640 goal)
    exercise: unfortunately none ... dressed to go to turbokick but missed it, and stayed dressed in my workout clothes all day ... but never quite got around to working out ... I did have fun going to the casino spur of the moment after I dropped my daughter at a group study session that was on the way to the casino, and before I picked my son up from his play date ... won $300 :drinker: , probably looked funny in my workout clothes.
    proud: didn't go over on calories by all that much even though I didn't exercise
    water: short

    Back to work today ... and got to the Y this a.m. for my step class, what a nice way to start the day.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    :explode: :explode: :mad: :explode: :mad: My husbands blood sugar was 325:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: I am sooooooo mad at him. He has to take better care of himself. He is not watching his food intake. He thinks he can eat anything he chooses. I cant force him to stick to a plan and that makes me mad. I love him so much. We have been together most of my adult life, I was just barely turned 22. I want to grow old with this man. I want him to care enough about himself, me and our 4 children to take care of his own health. I made his lunch, and I will make his dinner all of it healthy now he has to make the choice not to eat anything bad before bed.
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    I understand your frustration momma2four ... my husband lost 50 pounds a few years ago when he was having heart palpitations and it scared him when he thought he was having a heart attack ... but he was put on medication to get his high blood pressure under control and now he has slipped back to the same weight plus, he also has pretty bad sleep apnea (loud snoring then periods of no breathing), but I can't get him to go and do a sleep study - even though he knows that can contribute to high blood pressure - and my aunt just passed away suddenly from a stroke brought on by uncontrolled high blood pressure so he knows what the dangers are. It is maddening. :mad: