Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • sheri3762
    sheri3762 Posts: 159
    Hi everyone, well that 5 pound loss last week left me thinking this was probably not gonna be a good week , but I lost 1 pound!! WooHOO! Actually, TOM was an unwelcome guest this week si I'm pretty happy with that 1 pound!!!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I was wrong I am down 2lbs since the last offical wiegh in. I was 197 last week so I haven't changed in the last week. If I keep up with a 2 pound weight loss every two weeks I will be only 1 pound shy of my goal of 27 pounds in September. (I made myself a chart.) so my goal for 4/24/10 is 195 pounds. (sorry if I do this late I work third shift at a hospital.)
    Still not bad a bad weight for a TOM week and also bachlorette party weekend.
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    169 lbs sorry for being a day late.
  • missyannb85
    :happy: :happy: Getting Back on Track!:happy: :happy:

    Alright guys, it has been a VERY long couple of weeks for me. I gave up on dieting for 2 weeks while I got myself and my family packed up and moved comfortably into my in-laws home. In that two weeks I ate fast food almost daily, didn't log anything I put into my mouth, started drinking pop again instead of water, and did not exercise. Now, LET ME TELL YOU... My body feels like HELL. It is amazing what fast food can do to your body in such a short amount of time. I put back on around 7lbs!!!! I felt sluggish and drained everyday, I had no energy to do anything. And the weird thing was, it didn't even taste very good! I used to be a fast food addict!
    I can say that I have successfully made it through my second day of getting back on track and I feel FANTASTIC! I feel like i'm starting all over again with the elliptical, it's kicking my butt but at least i'm doing it again. I feel so good at the end of the night when I complete my food diary and i'm under my calorie goal and still satisfied with all the food that I ate. I truly do LOVE this site. For the first time since living with my in laws (a week) I feel like I can make it past the urges and temptations that are presented here on a daily basis with oreos and cheesecake and anything else unhealthy you can imagine. And let me tell ya, it is a great feeling to be able to say "No thank-you."
    I just wanted everyone to know that I'M BACK!!!! And i'm here to stay!
    There is no guarantee that I will be able to get the chart done yet again this coming week, but my husband and I are getting new cell phones that I can use to link our computer to the internet. I KNOW that I will be able to have it posted by 2 weeks from now. Please everyone, keep up the great work and don't give up. We will still hold each other accountable without the chart!!!

    Thanks everyone for your kind words and support through this very tough transition in my life. You have made it MUCH easier. I have made some very great friends on this site!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Missyann, so good to have you back. Sorry the last couple of weeks has been so tough :sad: Good to see you are back on track! I bet it wasn't really 7 pounds when you get back in the swing, hopefully you are holding on to some extra water weight due to the fast food (and all that lovely sodium) We will be waiting to hear how it goes next week. No worries on the chart, we can all post to the thread! Let's get a good challenge going this weekend! We can all do it! :flowerforyou:
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I just wanted everyone to know that I'M BACK!!!! And i'm here to stay!

    Welcome back, Missy!! :flowerforyou: It's good to hear that you're settled in and getting back on track -- isn't that a great feeling? :smile: You should be very proud of yourself -- getting back on track when life gets crazy is NOT easy. Way to take control!! :drinker:
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    hope everyone is doing well, sorry i haven't been around in a week (as far as posting here goes)

    I had a long busy week at work doing longer days then usual, and not having my regular breaks and what not that I could leave and do my workouts etc.... so last week was def not a diet friendly week

    so getting eating back on track today, would like to go to spin but am home sick (stuffy & coughy) so dunno if I should force self to go & sweat it out? or stay home and rest so that I get better ?

    will see how I feel later I guess, it's not til 7pm.
  • KAG5150
    KAG5150 Posts: 15
    So I had my night out on Saturday night. I worked out Saturday and watched my cals all day to save up for that night. I did drink tons of beer but still was only 400 calories over my daily goal so not too bad. But some how, when I stepped on the scale this morning I was up 3 lbs from last weigh in (and actually closer to 4 lbs b/c I had dropped about a pound since the weigh in). Urgh, I am so upset. I rarely drink beer and it seems really unfair that when I do I gain everything back that I have lost over the last month. It just doesn't seem right. I mean how the heck is that even possible? I am hoping it is just water weight and will fall off and at least I will be weight neutral by weigh in. I am keeping my fingers crossed that is what it is, b/c it would be completely unfair if it was actual weight gain!

    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Happy Monday guys!

    I had an amazingly fun weekend, but no workouts and definitely ate out a bunch. Andddd I am prettyy tired and I want a nap.
    Soooo.... Im hoping I can nap as soon as I get home and at least get to the gym before it closess. Not sure how thats gunna go. Trying to drink lots of water and eat light tho, sooo hopefully i can get this week started right. Always starting fresh Mondays.

    KAG I am sure that some of it is dehydration and ur body holding extra water weight! I know Monday mornings are alwayysss a heavy day but if you drink lots of water and get ur butt moving at the gym you will see that scale go back down.
  • latinapride389
    Okay so as I wrote on a blog just a little bit ago, I'm not sure what happened but I more than fell off the wagon, I kicked it, burned it and ran away! Well I'm back, I hate my weight and as we all know, am WAY too short to have so much weight on me. So push me hard I don't want to give up again. I really need this for my health and because I'm no good to the military if I'm not fit to fight as they like to say. So 30 pounds here I come I know I've got this! :happy:
  • denisebee
    denisebee Posts: 137 Member
    HI! I really started doing this Aug 08 and did really well. I started at 197 ish in Aug and got down to 162 by Jan 09 , now here I am a little over a year later at 184 (I am 5 4 1/2 )! EKKKKK! It's been over the past 6 months. I need to get motivated to do this again. I need some company! Ok SInce I just saw this post I will weigh in next Wednesday with you all!
  • denisebee
    denisebee Posts: 137 Member
    Oh my short term goal is to get in the 170's by the end of the month.
  • melaniemicah
    Hello everyone! Sorry I just found this topic but it is exactly what I was looking for. I actually started at the beginning of February and definitely need the motivation and the accountability. I am looking forward to losing 30 pounds with you guys...YAY TEAM!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I had to work all weekend so I stayed within calories, however my workouts didn't happen. Also the time change is messing with me. My personal goal for the week is to try and stay away from sugar.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    So at the beginning of Feb, I started this 12 week challenge at my bootcamp, and the goal is to lose the most weight/inches, which sounds like a great goal, and I had already started MFP in Dec, so of course I jumped in, well provided were meal plans and nutrition guidelines. So this is the rub in January on my own with mfp I lost 7 lbs, Now since Feb 1st I have lost 6 more pounds (but it is 6 weeks not 4 like January) So it is slowing down (which I knew would happen 1st 7 having more water weight etc) This is the rub, they are stressing the nutrition which is VERY well thought out, with a protein and a carbohydrate at each meal, now we are not supposed to focus on the calories as much but our protein level, I am supposed to get in 150 grams of protein a day (look at your diary, that's a kabutt load!) Now I can not keep doing the 150 grams a day, because I am going over in calories, not a lot, but a little each day. Soooo I think I am going to get back to the calorie count, and if the protein drops to 125 so be it! There, that's my rant for the day! :wink: :wink: I have exercised I think 77 of the last 80 days! Today is my 80th day in a row on MFP!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I have exercised I think 77 of the last 80 days! Today is my 80th day in a row on MFP!
    Ireed, that's awesome!! Keep it up!!

    Here's me again:
    LW: 195
    CW: 192.5
    MiniG (Mar 24): 191

    Looks like I might actually reach my goal this time around!
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    Weigh in day! Who thought I would be excited after I fell off the wagon so bad last week. Well I lost 3.2lbs. That brings me to a total of 12 lbs so far. My weight today is 207.8(yes I was scared so I got a scale with points on it) My mini goal is 203 for next week on March24. Hope everyone has a good day and THANK YOU for keeping me motivated.
  • KAG5150
    KAG5150 Posts: 15
    I am happy to report all that water weight from drinking beer did come off. Thank God b/c I was pretty upset. Here is my weigh in numbers for the week:

    SW 166.8
    LW 163.7
    Weight today 163.0
    Mini Goal by 3/24- 161
    Goal weight by 9/10 135

    I hope the rest of this week goes well!
  • MelsaEstel
    MelsaEstel Posts: 56 Member
    MFP start weight: 207.4
    Last week's WI: 203.4
    Today's weight: 202.4
    Goal set last week: 202.0
    End of summer goal: 175

    I set a final goal of 32.4 lbs, just under a pound a week for this challenge. 5 lbs down! Woo Hoo!

    I have been doing well, would have been perhaps a pound lighter today, but our weekend got a bit out of hand. We had decided that Friday was going to be a cheat day, but Saturday turned into one since we were still out of town. I still logged, and was over calories by about 600 for both days total, so it wasn't too terrible. I am making up for it now.

    Off to get the next load of laundry in, then out to rake the rest of the leaves we didn't get to in the fall.
    Happy St. Patty's Day!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello everyone, here are my results

    Last Week 150.5 pounds
    This Week 148 pounds
    Goal for next week 147 pounds

    So i've lost 2.5 lbs in the last week WOO HOO!!!! i'm thrilled with that. Good Luck to you all.