Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • NaturalMom
    I am so bad... I haven't lost any weight. 3x these past 2 weeks I went over 2,000 calories a day (normally I do 1,200). I don't know what is wrong with my motivation. I am so sick of watching my calories. I have been counting calories for almost a year now - faithfully every day. And I am just so tired of being so rigid!
    I am just whining, tho; I know this is the only way that works for me. I lost 80lbs so far and it is solely because I was so organized and meticulous. Without it I would have no self-control (obviously). The worst part is that I realize that my frustration is totally normal for compulsive overeaters. ( I love the Beck Diet Solution; she is so right on.)
    I have revised my end goal because I am never going to make it at this rate.... We are going to see family this weekend and I won't be able to track calories. Worse yet, we will be on the road so I know I am going to go over because of all the eating out. Perhaps if I take a break from tracking for the weekend (but still try to be good - not giving myself license to eat whatever I want) I will be full of motivation next week? Words of wisdom greatly appreciation. Good luck, everyone!

    Goal Weight for today: 182
    Current weight: 185
    Mini Goal 4/21/10: 182
    End Goal 8/1/10: 160 (revised)
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    Hey everyone, soo I'm posting from vacation in Florida. I do not have a weigh in or goals for the week cause well I'm on vacation lol. But, I did weigh myself on the scale in the fitness room when I got here and put myself on maintenence calories, and so far that has been working. We have also been walking everywhere bc we didn't rent a car so that helps alot. One thing I need to do for the next two days is drink more water. I won't lie I have been having those delicious frozen drinks by the pool, n not enough water. I've also been able to work out every day either in the fitness room on the elliptical, jumping rope, or the kickboxing DVD I brought with me. Doing the best I can. Also since it's April 1, I have kept with this for 3 months, which is pretty good for me. Ok I feel that I hAve patted myself on the back enough now, so congrats to everyone, we r doing so well, keeep it up!!!
  • lalalady
    lalalady Posts: 31 Member
    Lost one lb this week! WOOT! Hopefully that will keep me motivated through the Easter onslaught of food!

    Hope everyone is well.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    I am so bad... I haven't lost any weight. 3x these past 2 weeks I went over 2,000 calories a day (normally I do 1,200). I don't know what is wrong with my motivation. I am so sick of watching my calories. I have been counting calories for almost a year now - faithfully every day. And I am just so tired of being so rigid!
    I am just whining, tho; I know this is the only way that works for me. I lost 80lbs so far and it is solely because I was so organized and meticulous. Without it I would have no self-control (obviously). The worst part is that I realize that my frustration is totally normal for compulsive overeaters. ( I love the Beck Diet Solution; she is so right on.)
    I have revised my end goal because I am never going to make it at this rate.... We are going to see family this weekend and I won't be able to track calories. Worse yet, we will be on the road so I know I am going to go over because of all the eating out. Perhaps if I take a break from tracking for the weekend (but still try to be good - not giving myself license to eat whatever I want) I will be full of motivation next week? Words of wisdom greatly appreciation. Good luck, everyone!

    Goal Weight for today: 182
    Current weight: 185
    Mini Goal 4/21/10: 182
    End Goal 8/1/10: 160 (revised)
    Naturalmom, Congratulations on losing 80 POUNDS!!!! That is freaking awesome!! take a little break, I can tell you that just for 3 months having done this, I am thinking I may need a little break (and when I mean break, I mean still journalling, but eating a little extra, treating a little) You can do it! You are really close! Enjoy your weekend on the road:flowerforyou:
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Congrats Lalalady!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Hey yall!

    I have fallen off the wagon pretty bad, but I am going super strict this week and getting it together!!!! Hope everyone is welll. I will be back to weigh in wednesday!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i was gone all last week, so no weigh-in for me. i ate fast food the whole time. :) it was GREAT! all my old favorites in one shot. lol. i have a doctor's appointment wednesday, so hopefully she will confirm the one pound less for march! how was everyone's easter?
  • OliveCulona
    I totally fell off the wagon this weekend. I will be strict with myself this week and i'm going to continue my 5k race training program throughout the week! I weighed this morning (bAD IDEA) and unless most of it is water retention (i'm sure it is thanks to the wine and beer on easter) that I gained 7lbs in 2 days LOL well... hopefully I pee all of this out by wednesday! I'll be drinking my 90oz of water daily to help!
    See ya'll Wednesday!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    OK so i have too fallen off the wagon after being discouraged for several weeks i was pretty much in the whats the point frame of mind....

    so mentally I am "restarting" so to speak. . . well not really but def back on the band wagon and stepping it up a notch....going back down to 1200 plus exercise, rather then 1400 plus. . . which is what was working for me before xmas ... I had tried upping my cals and to only do 1 lb or so a week but it's been resulting in nothing a week....hence the falling off.

    so we shall see ...gonna give it a few weeks back here. ... should be easier to eat healthier with the warm weather and wanting fresh fruits and veggies..

  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    We all fall off the wagon once in awhile, We get up brush ourselves off and try all over again. It is called life and if it was easy it would not be called life. You can do this and I know you will I watch your posts and you have the dedication and will power so come on and show us how it is done agin!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Pollies girl & Olive (and anyone else that fell off the wagon).....

    I am with you guys! I fell of too. Lets set a mini goal for the week to kick start and get back on the wagon. For me it is gunna be 1. more vege's 2. Drink all my water 3. 15 miles on the bike and 5 miles on the treadmill.....

    We should check in everyday and help each other.... anyone welcome to join in and help motivate....

    As for me, I started the week off right. I went to the gym and did 7 miles on the bike (30 mins) and 3 miles on the treadmil (39 mins)
  • lalalady
    lalalady Posts: 31 Member
    UCONNCOED - a mini goal sounds great - after the weekend of jelly beans and chocolate eggs I need it! I'll drink my water, start strength training and eat well.

    Best to all
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Today I'm back on track too! My mini challenges are to: 1) Stay within my calories, 2) Stop baking food I shouldn't be eating, 3) Do my back stretches 3x / day (I injured it on Friday [again], and have been laying around most of the weekend because it hurts so much).
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    Pollies girl & Olive (and anyone else that fell off the wagon).....

    I am with you guys! I fell of too. Lets set a mini goal for the week to kick start and get back on the wagon. For me it is gunna be 1. more vege's 2. Drink all my water 3. 15 miles on the bike and 5 miles on the treadmill.....

    We should check in everyday and help each other.... anyone welcome to join in and help motivate....

    As for me, I started the week off right. I went to the gym and did 7 miles on the bike (30 mins) and 3 miles on the treadmil (39 mins)

    YES! thank you!

    1. one of the hardest for me.. WATER, get it all in! it's not that i drink any "bad" stuff, but i swear I am a camel....and could sip the same bottle of water all day, or not at all!

    2. logging my days food the night before, keeps me accountable....even if i end up changing something at least i have an outline....did this last night for today. . . and now get to eat SOOOO much food cuz I'm making good choices and eating or making things with ONE ingredient = clean...egg = one ingred. broccoli = one ingredient, you get the picture...

    3. 75 min of zumba tonight and thursday night, spin tomorrow night for an hour, and about 3 hours of dancing on friday *wink*

    determined to get back on track, not that I was really off. . . but I have not been seeing results so time to kick it up!

  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    grrr. here's my stats for the week:

    Heaviest Weight 207
    02/24 start weight 194.4
    03/03 194.0 -0.4
    03/10 (mini Goal: 190) 192.4
    03/17 193.4
    03/24 191.4
    03/31 189.6
    04/07 (mini goal: 184) 191.4 (tom)

    I've gained :( I am not exercising enough and I have had some health concerns that I'm having looked at, but the worry doesn't aid in weight loss. Plus I'm bloated this week. Hopefully better numbers next week.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Here we go!

    GW for today: 187
    LW: 191
    CW: 195 (A Very Happy Easter)
    MiniG (Apr21): 190
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Goodmorning everyone!

    Highest weight: 185
    Last week -- ??? (off the wagon and not weighing in)
    Todayy-- 173.6

    As far as my MINI GOAL.....

    I stayed within my calories again yesterday, dranks ALL my water, and went to the gym 10 Miles on the bike and 2 miles on the treadmill!!!

    Lets do thissss!!!!
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    no weighing in today. I want a full week on plan before I even peek at the scale (oh yes I eyed that thing up this morning, thought about it, then WALKED AWAY!) lol. I don't want to be discouraged when I am just getting back on the wagon, I figure seeing a loss either fri or monday to keep myself accountable for the weekend will help! so will weigh in next week....

    congrats to those that lost! :bigsmile:
  • OliveCulona
    Starting Weight: 184.8
    Last week=162.8
    Weight today 164.2
    Mini Goal by 4/14= 162
    Goal weight: 145!

    Thanks for the support UCONNCOED and everyone else involved with the mini-goals! I am up from last week but when I look at the bigger picture i'm still down... hehe Life is how you perceive it right? I have been drinking all my water, 4 miles on the treadmill and 30 mins on the elliptical last night as well as tonight. Let's do this! Great job everyone!!