Need to lose between 30-40 lbs??



  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    Well post wedding I am up to 196.5 this week. But to be honest I didn't workout or eat right since Friday. So only 3.5 up is not bad, I feel like a slug. Time to get back on track starting today. (The cake is gone and the cookies have been taken to work.)

    Congratulations!!! loove your dress, i'm sure all your hard work paid off and u looked awesome!!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    No weigh in for me..... I am afriad of the scale. I have had sooo many visitors in for spring break. I have just been eating and drinking. I am afraid I have gained all the weight back. :grumble:
    Its my own fault and I cannot let this be another excuse to "quit" like I normally. Our final visitors leave after this weekend soooo, until then, Im just going to try not to COMPLETELY BLOW IT.
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    :sad: I AM FRUSTRATED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i have logged into this site for more then 50 days straight and not lost a single pound this time....
    i amped up my workouts so thought i was retaining water from healing muscles, but after 2-3 weeks still nothing in fact i had gained.

    I am set to 1400 cals a day plus some - all of excercise cals, usually some to half.
    mostly non processed foods, even my "junk" foods are home made oaty fruity chocolate maybe type things like home made granola bars etc...and i count every bite.

    then i down spiraled for 2 weeks, one cuz work hours didn't permit my classes and then last week cuz i was REALLY SICK.

    so eating was mostly good those 2 weeks except the weekends and a couple of eating out moments. but no exercise other then walking my dog.

    this week i am back on track, health wise, eating wise, and work out wise, and still no budge and still up.
    I don't mean 2-3 lbs of daily flux up. I mean the scale was 214 this morning (and the last few weeks) and not 209 where i had been steady since over xmas.....

    what is up???

    I am getting discouraged. i just want to be back at my 209 at the very least not going up!?

    Hon, I'm sorry you're feeling discouraged. Last year I had a 2 1/2 month-long plateau where I didn't loose a thing and even gained a bit. Just keep plugging away and being good to yourself and eventually you will see some numbers. Remember, you ALREADY know what will happen if you throw in the towel. I'm rooting for you!:drinker:
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    When I get sick I eat like crap and retain water, so my weight is always bad after. Just stick with it and never go less than 1200 calories, If you do your body will go into starvation mode. This means it will store everything it can. I know there is a good post on the 1200 and less calories.
    just keep trying
  • KAG5150
    KAG5150 Posts: 15
    Sorry all,
    I was very sick last week and didn't post my weight. I didn't lose anything though so not sure what the deal was b/c I hardly ate anything. I am back on board this week. Worked out yesterday and today. Hopefully I will at least have a small loss this week. Good luck all and everyone is doing such a great JOB!

  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Is it to late to join you all?
    If not, I would love to join this thread!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Is it to late to join you all?
    If not, I would love to join this thread!
    Welcome Pmaria10 You are in!:wink:
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Ok all, looks like Missyann is gone! :sad: Hope she is well maybe she will come back at some point!:ohwell:
    Let's keep to the weekly weigh in and just post on the thread. Anyone have any ideas for a challenge this week? My challenge is to come slightly under (or on) my calories for the rest of the week, NO ALCOHOL (until Easter) and no eating after 7:15 pm.
    What are your challenges/goals? Have a great week all!:flowerforyou:
  • lalalady
    lalalady Posts: 31 Member
    You guys are really inspiring. I would love to join the group for motivation!!!
  • Anansis_Intricacy
    Gosh, Missyann is still gone?:cry: Well, I'm still here and it looks like a lot of the rest of us are. My weight has stayed the same, 148. I have been doing pretty badly lately, since I ran out of food in my dorm (someone stole my food from the freezer!) and only *just* had the chance to get some more today. Hopefully now I can get back on track :smile:

    Welcome to lalalady and pmaria10
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    Happy weigh in day! Things are not so happy here I am up 2.6lbs. No excuses I did it to myself. I had a melt down and food was the comfort it has always been to me. I feel fat and awful today. I have not exercised this week and I do deserve the weight gain. I now weigh 205.5. I did not make my goal to be under 200 this week. I have kicked myself in the pants and I am going for a walk right now! I will get my act back together and I hope to be back at 202.8 next Wednesday! Hope everyone has better results than I did! Here is to another week!
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    pmaria10 - Multnomah falls is beautiful! I <3 Oregon.

    hey guys, here's my info. no change this week, but at least no gain....

    Heaviest Weight 207
    02/24 start weight 194.4
    03/03 194.0 -0.4
    03/10 (mini Goal: 190) 192.4
    03/17 193.4
    03/24 191.4
    03/31 189.6
    04/07 (mini goal: 184)

    Still behind on my goal, though. On another note, has anybody been watching Jamie Oliver's Food revolution? (abc, i think) It is a great show - one whose time has come. It is scary to see what the average American diet consists of. If you've got TiVo, record it!
  • OliveCulona
    Starting Weight: 184.8
    Last week=167.0
    Weight today 162.8
    Mini Goal by 4/7= 160.0
    Goal weight: 145!

    I didn't believe the scale today... I weighed again after my shower (with wet hair!) and I weighed 163.0... I'm shocked! I started running 4 miles at a time and apparently that extra mile on the treadmill has really helped!

    Drinking tons of water has helped too... I feel so energized and healthy and I don't even feel like i'm depriving myself of food! It's great I love you MFP!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Great job you guys!

    LW: 190
    CW: 191

    Didn't reach my goal for this month, but it was too steep anyway. Looking forward to next week! I started doing my workouts again, and I'm hoping I can stick with it until the next weigh in. Have a great week everyone!
  • KAG5150
    KAG5150 Posts: 15
    Ladies (and Gentlemen),
    Good Morning! Well I gained .6 lbs this week. I didn't do great on my eating, but not terrible either but Cardio has been a little lax the last week. I did add in some strength training so I think that might be the result of the gain, not sure. Either way I am back on the wagon! I haven't been drinking my protein shakes at night and I think I can feel a difference. The protein shakes themselves do not help me lose weight but they do curb my appetite and keep me from loading up on carbs. Since I haven't been doing protein shakes I have been dipping into the candy bowl so I need to go back to the shakes to stay away from that really terrible stuff! I am back on today. Last night my sons and I decorated easter cookies. I added up the calories and it was 500 whopping calories. I was so pissed at myself b/c they weren't even that good. I really should have added up the calories BEFORE indulging b/c I would have decided it wasn't worth it and not eaten them. But lesson learned! Anyway, here is to a good week and I am sorry MissyAnn is missing in action. Below are my stats:

    SW 166.8
    LW 163.0
    Weight today 163.6
    Mini Goal by 04/14- 161
    Goal weight by 9/10 135

  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Hey can a guy join you ladies? I’ve had a bit of a set back on my progress and need your help. I was in a biggest loser contest at work and went from 198 to 165. Unfortunately I’m back to 180. I’d love to join your group for some added motivation and accountabilty.

    Heaviest Weight: 209
    Starting Weight: 180
    Mini Goal 15 April: 175
    End Goal by 11 Sep 2010: 148
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello All, well we are nearly in April !!!!! so this will be our last weigh-in post for March!!! ......Hope that you are all doing well .... here are my results :-Starting weight with MFP and my highest weight on 1/12/10......164.5 pounds

    2/10/10......156 ......2 week mini goal 153
    2/24/10......153.......2 week mini goal 150
    3/10/10......150.5....2 week mini goal 147.5
    3/24/10......147........2 week mini goal 144

    Fantastic I've lost 2 pounds YEH !!! Good Luck to you all for April !!!!!
  • lalalady
    lalalady Posts: 31 Member
    Here are my stats for March:
    Starting Weight: 186.5
    Last week= 178
    Weight today 176.5
    Mini Goal by : 4/12 (when I go on a cruise) 174
    Goal weight: 150!

    March was a good month and I am hoping I can stay strong through April. I'm going on a cruise for 5 days mid-April and it I will either be great - exercise everyday and eat well or bad - I eat too much and don't move around enough. I am focusing on exercising and eating well. Until then I need to get through Easter. I haven't eaten a piece of chocolate (yet) even though it is all over my house thanks to my kids. Thank goodness my sugar cravings are low.

    Happy Hump Day
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Weighing in!

    Heaviest Weight (April 2009): 209.9

    02/08 Starting weight: 188.0
    02/10 1st weight in: 186.6 (-1.4 lbs)
    02/17 185.6 (-1.0) (<-- TOM)
    02/24 183.8 (-1.8)
    03/03 182.4 (-1.4)
    03/10 182.0 (-0.4)
    03/17 180.8 (-1.2) (<-- TOM)
    03/24 179.4 (-1.4)
    03/31 178.4 (-1.0)
    04/07 (Mini goal: 177)
    05/05 (Mini goal: 174 – hubby graduates law school 5/7)
    05/19 (Mini goal: 172 -- my 30th birthday!!!)
    07/07 (Mini goal: 165 – hubby’s birthday on 07/06)
    07/28 (Mini goal: 162 -- hubby takes the bar exam!!!)
    09/11 (End Goal: 155)

    (Ultimate goal: 125-135)

    I met my goal this week, even in spite of a 5 day vacation where I ate crap and didn't do any "official" exercise (just a lot of walking around/sightseeing). I have no idea how I still lost, but I am happy to see the numbers moving in the right direction. :smile:
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    MFP starting weight 218
    2/8 210
    2/26 207
    3/3 208
    3/10 206.5
    3/17 205.5
    3/24 204.4
    3/31 203.4 Goal
    3/31 203.9 Well, only down 1/2 a pound, but a loss is a loss! I am gonna take it!
    4/21 199.9 Goal, come on gotta hit that under 200 mark!