Major Blow to My Confidence Today-Rude People



  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    i am pretty sure expectation of privacy and inalienable rights do not go hand in hand with someone having a casual conversation.

    was it out of line? depends on who is being asked, i am sure there are some women who enjoy being asked if they are pregnant because they are and would like to share the wonderful joy with others.

    Oh so they are legal terms...I thought she'd made that up it sounded so ludicrous used in the context of this subject matter...

    expectation of privacy mostly comes into play when the paparazzis use telescopes from 13 miles away to get nude pics of the prince and princess inside their beach house

    inalienable rights are supposed to be what every man, woman and child are born with

    neither of those apply to casual conversations at the super market
  • manusaji
    You r topic says "Major Blow to My Confidence Today-Rude People"! Sorry to say this: but, if your confidence is built up on what people says about you, then you are really going to be demotivated! Because you can't stop people from saying what they feel. Honestly I think, we have to have a confidence in our life which should come out of a true and realistic assessment. And I am sure it cannot come from people. My intention is not offending you, but I have found out that only a true, loving, and all knowing person can make that true assessment about me and I have found that's God. Because He says, 'I am created in His image and I am precious in His sight' ! That makes me beautiful and confident, irrespective of how I look now. And that gives me immense motivation to look better, better than what I am today and encouragement to shed those extra weight that I accumulated by over eating, indiscipline and careless lifestyle in the past. I like to encourage you to take the negative statement that the woman made to you and use it as a positive weapon to discipline your lifestyle.And of course, bitterness and un-forgiveness that's their in your mind against her is only going to generate more stress hormones in you and add a few more lbs to you... so move ahead with forgiveness, and joyful life! Life is worth living, when you know Him who created you in His own image! Blessings!
  • kenyabenya
    i agree. we are all on a mission. lets do it!
  • aloranger7708
    aloranger7708 Posts: 422 Member
    I am so sorry that happened to you!!!! I'm sure that lady feels awful.

    One time my dad asked a woman, "when are you due?" and she simply said, "I'm not." That was almost 15 years ago and my dad STILL feels bad. Some people are just curious and have no idea that they're being rude. My dad asked her because he was excited for her; if she was pregnant he wanted to congratulate her. But yeah, he still feels really bad about it.

    This lady seemed like she was being rude on purpose. She should've stopped while she was ahead. The "you look like you could be 3 months" was pushing it.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Ugh some people just don't know when to shut the eff up. Totally rude and tactless, take comfort that the woman will go through life being a complete oblivious idiot.

    I would personally NEVER ask a complete stranger on the street if they were pregnant, because you never know if they are, if they are only carrying extra weight in their stomach, if they have a food baby, etc. You just never know, so why say anything when it could possibly insult them?

    Nosy people who get all up in business that is not their own need to get shut down more often, in my opinion.
  • sumer_13
    sumer_13 Posts: 81 Member
    Just think of the source... just a rude and not very smart person.. See this is what i don't get.. No one knows that a person is in the process of loosing wt or has alreadylost some.. Just hang your head up high.. You are doing a awesome job.
  • Kanohane
    Kanohane Posts: 112 Member
    I don't understand people sometimes.... how would it be that person's business even if you WERE pregnant?
    Because its when you ask a toddler how old he/she is...