When a Guy Says I Want a Woman That Takes Care of Her Body



  • willwillywilson
    3. Frankly I didn't want to see that naked - I do NOT have a perfect body and don't claim to but no, that's not something I'd like to look at

    But the guy should have a perfect body though right? Because we're held to a higher standard than you. Stay classy!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    This thread gave me the giggles. Where to even start, really.

    Yes, that's a nice way of saying in-shape only girls, please.

    Yes, you can be in-shape without being a size 00.

    No, no man that you aren't married to that *has* to listen to it wants to hear about your weight loss journey.

    Yes, "curvy" is the most abused and wrongly used word in body talk. It's completely changed its meaning.
  • Masqueraded
    Amen. I hate that curvy has become a code word for fat. Hate to break it to you boys, but girls who have a naturally big chest are (9 times out of 10) going to have some hips. Those little girls you see with really big boobs? They are fake most of the time. That's nature.

    we know what curvy means. when a guy uses the term, he means what you mean (big boobs, big hips, some extra weight). we also know what curvy means when most women use it to describe themselves (lots of extra weight). so the meaning depends on the context.


    That's not at all what I meant. Not even a little bit.

    When I say curvy, I mean a C or greater cup size with a proportional bottom. I do not mean "some extra weight." I mean, T&A. You can be very fit and still not be a 0 or a 2.

    Somehow curvy has been co-opted into a euphemism for fat. That's what drives me nuts.

    i thought i understood what you meant. you're assuming "some extra weight" means fat. that's not what it means to us. it just means "not slender".

    for example, this woman is curvy and has "some extra weight". 98% of guys would still drool over her. do you consider her fat? this is what i think most men think of when they use the word "curvy".


    Yeah, see that is EXACTLY what my body looks like. Good to know a man posted this and liked it!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    I HATE HATE HATE!!!! that "curvy" means "fat." I have always been curvy, I will always be curvy. I have been as small as a size 3 and as large as a size 12 and was curvy all the way. It's called "I have hips and boobs"!!!!!


    Curvy didn't use to mean fat until fat girls on dating sites started describing themselves as "curvy".
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    For me it would mean a girl who:

    does not smoke,
    does not use drugs,
    isn't an alcoholic
    wears her seat belt in the car and helmet on her bike.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    Amen. I hate that curvy has become a code word for fat. Hate to break it to you boys, but girls who have a naturally big chest are (9 times out of 10) going to have some hips. Those little girls you see with really big boobs? They are fake most of the time. That's nature.

    we know what curvy means. when a guy uses the term, he means what you mean (big boobs, big hips, some extra weight). we also know what curvy means when most women use it to describe themselves (lots of extra weight). so the meaning depends on the context.


    That's not at all what I meant. Not even a little bit.

    When I say curvy, I mean a C or greater cup size with a proportional bottom. I do not mean "some extra weight." I mean, T&A. You can be very fit and still not be a 0 or a 2.

    Somehow curvy has been co-opted into a euphemism for fat. That's what drives me nuts.

    i thought i understood what you meant. you're assuming "some extra weight" means fat. that's not what it means to us. it just means "not slender".

    for example, this woman is curvy and has "some extra weight". 98% of guys would still drool over her. do you consider her fat? this is what i think most men think of when they use the word "curvy".


    If THAT is what "curvy" looks like, then that is EXACTLY why most guys associate curvy with fat. That is fat. When I hear a girl say "curvy" now, the first and only thing that comes to my mind is she is significantly overweight and in denial. And this picture/thread demonstrates perfectly the reason those two words have become so confused.

    And don't give me some bs about hips and large breasts.,..she has fat spilling over her waist.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Ugly? Smelly? Unkempt?

    Don't worry you can be anything you want to be on the interznetz.


    Seriouly -- years and years ago, I met a guy online and he was smart and interesting and cute in his picture and we got along great through e-mail and on the phone.

    Then we went out.


    He didn't look like his photo, but I could have gotten past that if he didn't smell. Bad. Not even BO. It was that stale, haven't washed my clothes or hair in years kind of smell. I don't need a guy to be hot, but if you stink, it's over.

    I've known more than one person who put pictures of themselves on dating sites that were at LEAST 20 years out of date. Now the two people I'm thinking about weren't fat, or stinky, but it's still false advertising. :ohwell:
  • puggleperson
    puggleperson Posts: 740 Member
    I take care of my body.. I wash it every day... and I even pluck those pesky nipple hairs! I'm still over weight...
  • dietpepsi100
    dietpepsi100 Posts: 76 Member
    Not being a guy I can not speak for them. But some ideas about your profile on the so called dating sites. I had great luck with them. For the simple reason I put it out there. I stated I was a BBW that was very active and the things I liked to do. I think if your honest up front then you generally dont have issues. There are many men out there that weight is not a factor. As someone said earlier if your skinny and all you want to do is watch tv he would not consider dating you. BEST OF LUCK
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    They are shallow men who just want one thing from a woman. That simple.

    That's a ridiculous generalization.
    f course i like hot women, but the body to me isn't that important.

    My friend on the other hand all he talks about is body, he doesn't care about what the face looks like. I am a face person.

    So being into bodies is shallow but being into faces is not shallow.

    It's more the attitude aspect. If a women takes care of her self, has the self determination to work out each week and takes pride in her appearance that is a sexy attitude IMO. thats the sort of person I would want to spend my time with.

    If you're an active guy and love to work out 4-5 times a week it's unlikely you are going to be compatible with someone who would rather sit in all day and eat junk food on the coach. If that makes me shallow then so be it, IDGAF.

    lol you sound like SUCH gentleman.

  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    I want a man who takes care of his body--because that means he's healthy and cares about himself. I don't care if he's complete ripped, but being healthy is something that should be important to both me and my partner.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member

    If THAT is what "curvy" looks like, then that is EXACTLY why most guys associate curvy with fat. That is fat. When I hear a girl say "curvy" now, the first and only thing that comes to my mind is she is significantly overweight and in denial. And this picture/thread demonstrates perfectly the reason those two words have become so confused.

    And don't give me some bs about hips and large breasts.,..she has fat spilling over her waist.

    she's a bit overweight for sure. to the extent that she differs from Marilyn Monroe, then the previous poster is probably right that "curvy" does now imply something different now than it once did. but i don't think of morbid obesity with the word "curvy", even though a lot of morbidly obese women now use "curvy" to euphemistically describe themselves. so if i heard a man describe a woman as "curvy", i think of a woman like the one i posted previously. if i hear a woman use that word about herself, then i think that the woman quite fat.
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    To me, it's a woman who's naturally 'Type A'. They're ambitious, go-getter's, players not spectators.

    She doesn't need to be jacked and tan. She doesn't need an *kitten* I can bounce a quarter off of, or abs in which to grate the cheese I use in my morning omelets. Just someone who is intrinsically-motivated and receives fulfillment out of a progressive way of life.

    On the flip side...Everything can be taken to extremes and the opposite end of the spectrum is equally unattractive. Someone who stresses about the doughnut they just ate or somehow find a way to interject 'the gym' into every conversation is nauseating.

    I like women who just DO..They don't yap about it looking for validation.
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    I take care of my body.. I wash it every day... and I even pluck those pesky nipple hairs! I'm still over weight...
  • Flamenquero
    When men make demands of what women should like, we are "shallow."

    When women make demands of what men should like, they have "preferences."

    Comprenden amigos?
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    When men make demands of what women should like, we are "shallow."

    When women make demands of what men should like, they have "preferences."

    Comprenden amigos?

    That's pretty bitter when made into a generalization.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    If THAT is what "curvy" looks like, then that is EXACTLY why most guys associate curvy with fat. That is fat. When I hear a girl say "curvy" now, the first and only thing that comes to my mind is she is significantly overweight and in denial. And this picture/thread demonstrates perfectly the reason those two words have become so confused.

    And don't give me some bs about hips and large breasts.,..she has fat spilling over her waist.

    The woman in that photo is both overweight AND curvy. She has hips and breasts, but she also carries more weight than is probably healthy. And I would say she's closer to a size 18 or 20 than 14 or 16. She's a pretty big girl.

    But when *I* say curvy, well, see previous post. And that's why I'm annoyed that it's come to mean overweight.
  • Flamenquero
    When men make demands of what women should like, we are "shallow."

    When women make demands of what men should like, they have "preferences."

    Comprenden amigos?

    That's pretty bitter when made into a generalization.

    Says someone with a username of ANGRYDiet? :laugh:
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    When men make demands of what women should like, we are "shallow."

    When women make demands of what men should like, they have "preferences."

    Comprenden amigos?

    That's pretty bitter when made into a generalization.

    Says someone with a username of ANGRYDiet? :laugh:

    I'm angry, not bitter.

    This is my pleasant alter-ego.
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    That means, unless they have a lot of money, they most likely will die alone.