When a Guy Says I Want a Woman That Takes Care of Her Body



  • ChangeStartsN0W
    Is it wrong to want a gf who can do pull ups? :D

    or carry you to bed? How about being so awesome in opening peanut butter jars for me?
    hot pic!
  • Flamenquero
    That means, unless they have a lot of money, they most likely will die alone.

    We all die alone. It's not like we can take someone with us :bigsmile:
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Its Code for "in shape". Not necessarily skinny, skinny, but body conscious.
  • buchbrun64
    I think we all have preferences. I am trying to have an active lifestyle and be in shape, I want someone who shares those goals. I love working out, lifting weights, doing cardio, going on hikes. I want to date someone who understands that and doesn't think it is shallow if my fitness and health is a big part of my life. I want someone who wants to go to the gym with me. For me, as the single mom of ten children, six of whom are still at home, I have men tell me all the time they would be more interested in dating me if it wasn't for the fact that I have such young children. Dating can be very challenging.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    To me, that's overweight. And I have never been anywhere near that size, but I'm curvy.
    If THAT is what "curvy" looks like, then that is EXACTLY why most guys associate curvy with fat. That is fat. When I hear a girl say "curvy" now, the first and only thing that comes to my mind is she is significantly overweight and in denial. And this picture/thread demonstrates perfectly the reason those two words have become so confused.
    She's a pretty big girl.

    Wow. Really? According to you all, she's fat, "a pretty big girl" ...??? I'd say she has a few extra pounds but unless my screen resolution is off she's smaller and fitter looking than most people I see on a daily basis.

    well, you know what they say about people on fitness sites... lol...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Wow. Really? According to you all, she's fat, "a pretty big girl" ...??? I'd say she has a few extra pounds but unless my screen resolution is off she's smaller and fitter looking than most people I see on a daily basis.

    well, you know what they say about people on fitness sites... lol...

    She's a beautiful woman. But she has more than "a few extra pounds." She's at least a size 18 and that is NOT small. It's plus-sized. She would not be able to walk into the Gap and find clothes to fit her. She carries her weight very well (and I'm sure that photo has some air-brushing, as well), but she's not small.

    And when I describe myself as curvy, I'm talking about my bone structure, NOT my size. From the angle of this photo, I can't quite tell if she fits my definition of cruvery (smaller waist relative to hips). But I would not call her curvy based on her size. She's overweight.

    Just because you know a lot of people who are MORE overweight than this woman doesn't mean she's a healthy size.
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    Its Code for "in shape". Not necessarily skinny, skinny, but body conscious.

    Love this!! :)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Wow. Really? According to you all, she's fat, "a pretty big girl" ...??? I'd say she has a few extra pounds but unless my screen resolution is off she's smaller and fitter looking than most people I see on a daily basis.

    well, you know what they say about people on fitness sites... lol...
    This is the effect of living in a fat-acceptant society. Remember the obesity figures for America are absolutely insane.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Wow. Really? According to you all, she's fat, "a pretty big girl" ...??? I'd say she has a few extra pounds but unless my screen resolution is off she's smaller and fitter looking than most people I see on a daily basis.

    well, you know what they say about people on fitness sites... lol...

    She's a beautiful woman. But she has more than "a few extra pounds." She's at least a size 18 and that is NOT small. It's plus-sized. She would not be able to walk into the Gap and find clothes to fit her. She carries her weight very well (and I'm sure that photo has some air-brushing, as well), but she's not small.

    And when I describe myself as curvy, I'm talking about my bone structure, NOT my size. From the angle of this photo, I can't quite tell if she fits my definition of cruvery (smaller waist relative to hips). But I would not call her curvy based on her size. She's overweight.

    Just because you know a lot of people who are MORE overweight than this woman doesn't mean she's a healthy size.
    And it's not mean, it's the cold hard truth.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Wow. Really? According to you all, she's fat, "a pretty big girl" ...??? I'd say she has a few extra pounds but unless my screen resolution is off she's smaller and fitter looking than most people I see on a daily basis.

    well, you know what they say about people on fitness sites... lol...
    This is the effect of living in a fat-acceptant society. Remember the obesity figures for America are absolutely insane.
    Yes, but I've lived in America for my entire 36 years on this planet and there are plenty of normal-sized and even way-too-thin people walking around. I see them every day.

    I think the problem is more that people want to justify their own size and behavior. Honestly, if the woman in that photo is happy with her body and herself and has no interest in changing it, it's none of my business. But I don't look at someone bigger than I am who looks good and think, "Well, I'm just fine because she's bigger." I have an idea of what *I* want to look like and what size *I* want to be that is not based on what other people look like.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    Too many wadded panties up in here. FFS.

    Be confident. Go out and approach the men you are attracted to...if they respond, great! If not, move along.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    Didn't read this thread - but if a guy said "I want a woman that takes care of her body" - I probably wouldn't want to date said man. His poor grammar usage would eventually get on my nerves.
  • flabbyjay
    flabbyjay Posts: 95 Member
    or just shave your cha cha.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    No... dissagree 100%. If a man doesn't approach a woman, there is a reason.

    If the man doesn't do the approaching, he's just not interested.

    You can only expect from a man what you can give... in other words, if you're still 'fat' then you're going to have to accept you're probably going to end up with a bigger man. Even better, find one that is working towards a similar goal.

    Women are more based on emotion and the way they 'feel'... men are about looks.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    That means, unless they have a lot of money, they most likely will die alone.

    We all die alone. It's not like we can take someone with us :bigsmile:

    but we can try.......oh yeah...we can TRY
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Didn't read this thread - but if a guy said "I want a woman that takes care of her body" - I probably wouldn't want to date said man. His poor grammar usage would eventually get on my nerves.

    I very nearly posted exactly this yesterday but thought I might come off as mean. I'm glad someone is braver than I!
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member


    A double chin is not a curve.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    No... dissagree 100%. If a man doesn't approach a woman, there is a reason.

    More than one man over the years with whom I've become friends has told me years after meeting that he had a huge crush on me, but felt too intimidated to say anything.

    Yes, there is a reason a man doesn't approach. It isn't always because he isn't interested.

    That said, I'm a bit more old-fashioned and feel like if a guy doesn't have the cajones to approach me, he isn't strong enough to be in my life in that manner.
  • HappyNinjaStar
    HappyNinjaStar Posts: 353 Member
    So much spit and fire flying on this thread! My two cents from personal experience...

    My ex husband is the kind of guy who would say something like that. He was pretty open to a variety of shapes, faces, etc, but he had a firm 'no fatties' code. When we met I was 18 and 113 lbs. When we married I was about 123, and he had already started making comments that I needed to 'take care of my body more' even though I worked out 4-5 days a week and ate pretty healthy. I was stressed out during his deployments and grad school and gained a few lbs. At 130, he said he wasn't attracted to me anymore. I went crazy, stopped eating and worked out incessantly, and lost some weight. It didn't help, he still wasn't attracted to me any more and the fact that I 'could' get 'fat' was a 'big turn off'. Obviously a lot more issues going on that just that, but we definitely ended in a nasty divorce.

    So what I see when I read that, is that it's a guy who wants someone who is already in shape, has never had trouble with their weight, and will never have trouble with their weight. Let's face it, you probably don't want to be with someone who won't support you on your journey.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Wow. Really? According to you all, she's fat, "a pretty big girl" ...??? I'd say she has a few extra pounds but unless my screen resolution is off she's smaller and fitter looking than most people I see on a daily basis.

    well, you know what they say about people on fitness sites... lol...

    She's a beautiful woman. But she has more than "a few extra pounds." She's at least a size 18 and that is NOT small. It's plus-sized. She would not be able to walk into the Gap and find clothes to fit her. She carries her weight very well (and I'm sure that photo has some air-brushing, as well), but she's not small.

    And when I describe myself as curvy, I'm talking about my bone structure, NOT my size. From the angle of this photo, I can't quite tell if she fits my definition of cruvery (smaller waist relative to hips). But I would not call her curvy based on her size. She's overweight.

    Just because you know a lot of people who are MORE overweight than this woman doesn't mean she's a healthy size.
