Why Does Everyone Hate on Jennifer Hudson?



  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Green eyed monster probably...
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm really sorry. I guess I missed the "hate".
    She looks great, kudos to her.

    If you associate with people who would be willing to "hate" on that kind of personal accomplishment perhaps it's time to re-evaluate your friends.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Yes yes, she lost all that weight through a program that tells you there are 0 calorie foods out there & you can eat as much of them as you want...... all while keeping her boobs the same size as they were when she was fat.

    Don't hate on her at all, I don't know her nor want to..... but I call bull**** when I see it.

    OH & BTW..... Jennifer does not look all that stunning. Photoshop does wonders. She looks old, and more skinny fat than anything.

    Is this one of the haters you were talking about,OP?

    @youngdoc LOL Amen! :)

    Hater? Ha. Sorry I've done my part in losing my weight without the help of any diet programs. Hater? Ha. I've managed to lose HALF my body size & look nowhere near my age of 37. Hater? Ha. Seems as though the haters are the ones who defended a COMMENT I am allowed to make that didn't attack them at all.....

    get some help ppl...... really get some help.

    Good for you for losing all of that weight seriously that is something you should be proud of. I am NOT taking that success away from you.

    Calling someone a "hater" really.
    What do you think MFP? A way to lose weight, hmm a diet program, just something that you don't have to pay for.... am I supposed to call you a "hater" now?

    No one was attacking you, just simply pointing out how rude your comment was.

    Actually MFP is not a diet program at all. I can not log on & still be how I am now. All MFP is, is a calorie logging tool.... nothing more. It gives no diet advice, does not tell you what to eat or not, does not give you exercise ideas nor does it require you to go to meetings, or weigh yourself each week. All this place is, is a means to log a food diary....in which case see ya...I'll do that offline in a book.

    BTW did anyone bother to ready where I said I don't hate her? Nah...just skip to the rest....... love to know where the rude part was though.......I was called a hater....you applauded it & then complain when you yourself were called one???? Pot kettle black.
    No you simply participated in body shaming of someone that may have worked just as hard as you to achieve her goal. Bravo.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    The responses here are so bizarre to me.
    This was posted in chit-chat, fun and games. Clearly this was something the OP wanted to 'chit-chat' about. If you don't know who she is or don't care then what is your point? Great you are on record as not caring about Jennifer Hudson. Noted by the MFP authorities.

    Now many of you know I love a good troll post as much as anyone else but either the trolls are lethargic today from holiday overindulgence or have simply given up.

  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    why does anyone care about jennifer hudson

    There OP, fixed it for ya \m/
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    This is just a theory, but women who are large and want to stay large may naturally want a role model that's the same as them. A celebrity that says "I'm big but I'm still hot." It makes it ok to be a bigger girl and feel accepted and sexy. Then when she starts losing weight, they get angry because their "role model" is getting thin and trying to be healthy, which is a path they don't believe is truly healthy, are too lazy to take, or they feel insecure because they've lost one of the people that made the standard for being big acceptable.

    Or, they're just jelly.
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Jennifer Hudson decided on a lifestyle change with her weight. I commend anyone who has worked hard to lose the weight. It's not easy and she had to struggle with her personal issues.

    Negative people will always try to bring others down, its more motivation for me anyhow. God bless:drinker:
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    BTW did anyone bother to ready where I said I don't hate her? Nah...just skip to the rest....... love to know where the rude part was though.......I was called a hater....you applauded it & then complain when you yourself were called one???? Pot kettle black.

    Damn you are always so freakin dramatic. *BAER*
  • ChristinaR720
    I think she's gorgeous and crazy talented!
  • soufauxgirl
    soufauxgirl Posts: 392 Member
    BTW did anyone bother to ready where I said I don't hate her? Nah...just skip to the rest....... love to know where the rude part was though.......I was called a hater....you applauded it & then complain when you yourself were called one???? Pot kettle black.

    Damn you are always so freakin dramatic. *BAER*

    THIS...I wouldve thought saying she looks photoshopped, skinny fat and calling bulls___ over her weight loss method COULD be interpreted as hating on someone....so glad there is the REMOVE FRIEND button.....
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    First off: why are there so many people pissed that there are people who pay attention to pop culture? If you don't know who Jennifer Hudson is and think it's stupid to have a thread about her, then by all means, don't post on a thread about her. Lordy, is that so hard? So you don't keep up with pop culture. Good for you.

    And to answer the OP: People want to hate on her because people will nag for any and every reason that presents itself-- that's how people are. Trashing someone else's work is an excuse to do nothing.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    First off: why are there so many people pissed that there are people who pay attention to pop culture? If you don't know who Jennifer Hudson is and think it's stupid to have a thread about her, then by all means, don't post on a thread about her. Lordy, is that so hard? So you don't keep up with pop culture. Good for you.

    And to answer the OP: People want to hate on her because people will nag for any and every reason that presents itself-- that's how people are. Trashing someone else's work is an excuse to do nothing.
    Because OP assumed everyone hated on her, and some of us wanted to point we weren't even aware of her existence.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    First off: why are there so many people pissed that there are people who pay attention to pop culture? If you don't know who Jennifer Hudson is and think it's stupid to have a thread about her, then by all means, don't post on a thread about her. Lordy, is that so hard? So you don't keep up with pop culture. Good for you.

    And to answer the OP: People want to hate on her because people will nag for any and every reason that presents itself-- that's how people are. Trashing someone else's work is an excuse to do nothing.
    Because OP assumed everyone hated on her, and some of us wanted to point we weren't even aware of her existence.

    It's called "hyperbole". Isn't it nice to know that people can not recognize literary devices anymore?
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    It's called "hyperbole". Isn't it nice to know that people can not recognize literary devices anymore?

    No, it is called generalization, a little thing that gets one into a lot of trouble usually, as is evidenced very clearly in this thread ; )
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

    It's called "hyperbole". Isn't it nice to know that people can not recognize literary devices anymore?

    No, it is called generalization, a little thing that gets one into a lot of trouble usually, as is evidenced very clearly in this thread ; )

    I am still sticking with calling it "Who gives a rats patootie!"

    Like my brother up top mentioned, nobody is hating on her, we didn't knew who she was and asked why she is relevant to weight loss. The answer was disbelief that theres a soul on this planet who doesn't know of this gods gift to mankind. To which I pointed out that some of us have other interests and then somehow that was taken off as hating on her.

    How the heck, check that, WHY the heck would I hate on something that I don't even know exists?
  • Lalaj100
    Lalaj100 Posts: 27 Member
    It seems like there are alot of people that come on this site to be @ssholes because they don't have the balls to do it in real life or maybe they are just @ssholes 24/7......anyway I think some people might hate on Jennifer Hudson because they feel like she accomplished her weightloss with WW but also had access to so much more than a normal person doing WW does not have access too like a personal chef or cooking service, personal trainer, etc. So maybe her WW weightloss is not typical of what others would experience because of those advantages.
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    I don't hate her. Therefore it can't be everyone. Problem solved.
  • alliegator1982
    I don't hate her. Therefore it can't be everyone. Problem solved.

    me neither >_<
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I really don't think a lot of people hate her or hate on her. I think she looks fantastic and she's done a wonderful thing for herself. She did the hard work...and that's all anyone can do. We all are capable of pushing ourselves and becoming better people.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Honestly, I haven't heard of anyone "hating" on her before.
