what do you hate about being "fat"



  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    - Shopping sucks, if you have any sense of style.
    - Back and knee problems from years of toting too much weight around.
    - Not being able to do activities I once did and having physical limitations too soon.
    - Feeling invisible sometimes, when people seem to look through me.
    - Watching my marriage fall apart when my ex couldn't stand my "fatness".
    - Not being a better role model for my kids.
    - Shame from letting myself get here, when I was fit the first half of my life.
    - Having a potential BF tell me I'd be the perfect woman "if I just lost weight".

    To the OP: I had the same problem 3yrs ago. I ditch the friend and quit going to clubs. Got tired of men pushing me aside to get to her, when she was batsh*t crazy and only looking for a paycheck. ::rolls eyes::

    Agreed shopping sucks - retailers are *kitten*. :P
    My knees and ankles kill me. :(
    Activities are tough but I still try to do them for my daughter - tho i feel ridiculous doing it and slow everyone else down. That will be nice to enjoy them more.
    People don't look thru me - can't hardly miss me. But certainly I would like the kind of looks I used to get when i was younger. But I think with the wrinkles, even if I lose the weight I'll never get those again.
    Marriage fell apart due to fatness? effer ... more likely due to his a*holiness. Thankful I never experienced that.
    Role model yes ... that is very important. I want to show a healthful lifestyle for sure.
    No shame here but disgust at my laziness. I have a lot of excuses but truth is I could have done many things differently.
    And the BF should have been told he'd be perfect if he wasn't such a ****.
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    @ChinniP - I got the last word on the potential BF's exit speech. Told him " you'd be the perfect man if you gain a few inches!"
    Sorry, it was a low blow - but he deserved it. Keep in mind he handed me a "diet book" while giving me this speech.

    Bottom line, I can remove this layer of fat with hard work. No exercise/diet in the world will remove the layer of "*kitten*" some people carry around. I also got the last laugh on my ex. He married a skinny woman and rubbed it in my face for years. Now he's a miserable person with a mean wife that looks good, but treats him like a dog.

    Grandma used to say " beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes down to the bone! "
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    backspaces all the things
  • ClementineGeorg
    ClementineGeorg Posts: 505 Member
    People assuming that I am a no fun person, that I do not want to do fairly light activities with friends (some even thought that I would not enjoy walks and dance nights... and I was not that big!!!), that I am not an interesting person and that I am less of a person than others (not in size :laugh: ). I hated all my life people being nice to others just because they look better and/or skinnier.

    And I hate that I missed a lot of things.
  • innerbetty
    innerbetty Posts: 59 Member
    I'm in the 12-14 sizes, and I hate being too big for the regular stores and too small for the plus size stores. Bras are the worst. I'm going to resort to tension bandages if this keeps up.


    Having lost weight and gained it back, the worst is feeling like I'm in high school again. My confidence is low, I'm uncomfortable in my skin, my skin isn't as healthy as it was 15 pounds ago. My work is slipping because I've fallen into a trap of not caring. My sex life with my husband has taken a nose dive because I'm so self conscious and feel like I can't be sexy. Feeling myself jiggle when I walk, back fat...the list goes on.
    I think of all of it the worst is not being able to really enjoy myself. I cant have fun when I'm out or on vacation because I just keep thinking about what the pictures will look like, and constantly comparing myself to everyone around me.
  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    Looking bad, feeling miserable and dying young.
  • succubusxxyy
    succubusxxyy Posts: 2 Member
    being the fat friend and feeling inferior to others
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    OMG I need to make a list good idea for a blog heres a few:

    1. Folds and having to clean under them
    2. Not fitting into seats
    3. Having to worry about squeezing into an airline seat
    4. Feeling invisible
    5. Feeling even more hideous and ugly
    6. Being treated like a second class citizen
    7. Not being able to wear cute clothing
    8. Having gum on your shirt because you were too fat to fit into a booth at a restaraunt and your stupid giant gut rubbed the gum off from under the table
    9. Not being able to stand on my feet and the pain of standing on my feet
    10. Having a hard time shaving because or doing a pedicure because I cant bend over
    11. Being ridiculed

    Oh so many more I think this would be a good blog to remember why I am doing this and also maybe what was the benefit of getting this big.
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    having to layer up in public during the summer
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hate is such a strong word...
  • ChinniP
    ChinniP Posts: 166 Member
    @ChinniP - I got the last word on the potential BF's exit speech. Told him " you'd be the perfect man if you gain a few inches!"
    Sorry, it was a low blow - but he deserved it. Keep in mind he handed me a "diet book" while giving me this speech.

    Bottom line, I can remove this layer of fat with hard work. No exercise/diet in the world will remove the layer of "*kitten*" some people carry around. I also got the last laugh on my ex. He married a skinny woman and rubbed it in my face for years. Now he's a miserable person with a mean wife that looks good, but treats him like a dog.

    Grandma used to say " beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes down to the bone! "

    Before people even enter a relationship they should think ... how will I feel about this person if I never get sex and/or they get (or remain) physically unattractive. Ha ha ... yeah right but true. If someone loves you for how you look that would be sad. I guess i could justify "fatness" getting in the way if it inhibited shared interests - and that could happen i guess. I divorced for that reason but we were both chubby and our lack of "shared interests" had nothing to do with physical activity (unless you count sex ha ha).

    Low blows are absolutely fair but only if they are true. ;) He obviously had a giant one in his brain. Tho handing someone a diet book done with sensitivity and caring with a promise to be supportive could be nice if it is in the interest of health. Whoever does that tho?

    My current husband teases on my weight ... and I hate it tho I can say he does it affectionately. But that is about my insecurity, not his non-acceptance.
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    Going to places like the mall and feeling like the Cabbage Patch doll in a room full of Barbie dolls. And then crying because I can't find any clothing that looks good/fits AND is within my price range. Fat clothes are expensive!

    happens everytime for me!
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    OP.....that is a terrible feeling. I'm sorry you experience that when going out. Keep working out and eating right and eventually you will have to chase the guys away! BUT....you should find a guy who likes you for YOU, not just your looks. Best of luck to you.

    lol thanks, i dont mind it i usually just dont pay those guys attention
  • a_drienneeee
    a_drienneeee Posts: 12 Member
    like some of the rest of you said, being used to get with my hotter friends
  • ritoosh
    ritoosh Posts: 190
    I'm in the 12-14 sizes, and I hate being too big for the regular stores and too small for the plus size stores. Bras are the worst. I'm going to resort to tension bandages if this keeps up.

    yup this is me right here. not many people are the inbetweeners too big for certain large but not fat enough for those plus sizes!
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Less sexual flexibility.
  • KlaMorgan
    KlaMorgan Posts: 72 Member
    flabby arms and thigs!! and "compliments" like this : "you have a really pretty face" .
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    Plus size clothing is so ugly. It looks like something you would buy your grandma and then on the other end they have all this tight stuff that really isn't flattering. If you do happen to find something descent, it is way over priced. In a nutshell, smaller sizes=better looking clothing for cheaper prices and a lot more variety.

    I hate having to buy plus size clothing, but I always use newspaper coupons for Macy's and hit their clearance rack. I have gotten shirts as little as $7 at Macys.

    Also hate my arms! They are so fat they fold. I hate it so much.
  • RockandRoseRebel
    RockandRoseRebel Posts: 35 Member
    I hate not feeling desirable. ):

    Even when guys ARE checking me out, I don't recognize it because I think there's nothing worth checking out. And that's irritating.
    ^This. Being "one of the guys instead of the dateable chick" SUCKS. And clothes shopping. I never buy new clothes until my clothes are literally rags because nothing ever fits right and I hate having to stand in front of a mirror to see if the clothes fit right and nothing ever makes me feel sexy because no matter what I wear, I'm still fat. And I haven't bought a new swimsuit or even worn one in four or five years because I hate showing off that much of my body.

    Also my stomach. Avoiding pictures. Jiggling when I run or jump. Stretch marks. Being laughed at. Hearing people say rude things about fat people and wondering if that's what they think of me, too. Being invisible. Not being taken seriously. People being superficially nice to the pathetic fat girl instead of because they actually like me.
    Clothes: I buy what I like and then I get it tailored. (This is NOT expensive)
    Bars/Clubs: I'm not the "fat" friend. I would UNFRIEND any friend who thought I could be their "Fat Wingman". Any dude who uses ME to get to my friend will find out quickly that is not how we do it. Direct or not at all.
    Self Esteem: I have so much of it. I'm smart, educated, employed perfectly, I'm sarcastic, witty, all around normal. I would kick anyone in the man nuts or girl nuts who wants to challenge that (IRL).
    I envy you.
  • vice350z
    vice350z Posts: 1,066 Member
    OMG I need to make a list good idea for a blog heres a few:

    1. Folds and having to clean under them
    2. Not fitting into seats
    3. Having to worry about squeezing into an airline seat
    4. Feeling invisible
    5. Feeling even more hideous and ugly
    6. Being treated like a second class citizen
    7. Not being able to wear cute clothing
    8. Having gum on your shirt because you were too fat to fit into a booth at a restaraunt and your stupid giant gut rubbed the gum off from under the table
    9. Not being able to stand on my feet and the pain of standing on my feet
    10. Having a hard time shaving because or doing a pedicure because I cant bend over
    11. Being ridiculed

    Oh so many more I think this would be a good blog to remember why I am doing this and also maybe what was the benefit of getting this big.

    well you're down 53lbs so far...KEEP IT UP!! :) You'll get to a happy place! I know how you feel! Back at my heaviest I went to a theme park...it was so humiliating not being able to ride the rides cuz the restraints wouldn't close all the way.