Anybody single?



  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    How have you stayed motivated to lose weight if you don't have a significant other backing you up?

    dude, some SO or BF/GF doest really support you in these journeys and u need to do it your self, even your family wont, it is all by ur self. live with it :)
  • CherokeeTopaz
    CherokeeTopaz Posts: 299 Member
    I stayed motivated because I am single.
    Being single is motivation enough for me :p

    Love it :p

    I'm not single.. but I am separated from my husband right now. Getting a divorce soon. And I have my eye on someone else... but not til I get the divorce.. for me it's just about being healthier for myself and my kids... and feeling better about the way I look :)
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    Because me being healthier and fit isn't about an's about me.

    ^^^ THIS

    Plus, it's easier to stay fit when you're single. No compromises with the meals, and the schedule is a little more open allowing more time to hit the gym or trails.
  • distortedhero
    distortedhero Posts: 24 Member
    Because I like being sexy =]
  • CherokeeTopaz
    CherokeeTopaz Posts: 299 Member
    I do it for myself... & so that when I meet my Prince Charming he won't be able to resist ;) Bwahaha

    hehehe love this one too :p
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    ^^Love the hair.
  • mikoodles
    mikoodles Posts: 139
    My motivation IS that I'm single... *cue sad violin* haha
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    My motivation IS that I'm single... *cue sad violin* haha

    u CANT be single!!
  • mikoodles
    mikoodles Posts: 139
    My motivation IS that I'm single... *cue sad violin* haha

    u CANT be single!!

    Very sweet, but I don't lie. Im tubby -___-
  • maqsmj
    maqsmj Posts: 697
    My motivation IS that I'm single... *cue sad violin* haha

    u CANT be single!!

    Very sweet, but I don't lie. Im tubby -___-

    i believe you but i have hard time imagining it
  • mikoodles
    mikoodles Posts: 139
    My motivation IS that I'm single... *cue sad violin* haha

    u CANT be single!!

    Very sweet, but I don't lie. Im tubby -___-

    Yeah well hopefully soon I can have a hard time imagining it too!
    i believe you but i have hard time imagining it
  • mikoodles
    mikoodles Posts: 139
    ^ BTW I totally screwed that last one up. Whatever, that's what happens when I stay up too late.
  • Justkritter
    Justkritter Posts: 143 Member
    My motivation IS that I'm single... *cue sad violin* haha

    u CANT be single!!

    I second this one.

    @topic - Well back when I was in a relationship, GF wanted more of a teddy bear BF that she could snuggle around which I was back at 170lbs. Now its kinda easier doing this since you won't be eating out that much to go on a date or something.
  • CherokeeTopaz
    CherokeeTopaz Posts: 299 Member
    ^^Love the hair.

    Thank you!!! :)
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    How have you stayed motivated to lose weight if you don't have a significant other backing you up?

    Cause I do it for myself. I still have friends, family(sometimes,) there for me when I need em. I also got MFP. I mean who needs a girl. Right? RIGHT??!?

  • xomorganjc
    xomorganjc Posts: 106 Member
    I think being single actually motivates me more. It makes me want to lose more weight and finally be seen for the person I really am, and not my body type.
  • ohnuts14
    ohnuts14 Posts: 197
    You don't need a significant other to stay motivated. Your motivation needs to come from within. Being in a relationship doesn't necessarily make it easier, either. I see sooo many posts on here where people who are trying to lose weight, are having a hard time because their SO isn't supportive enough, their SO is bringing them down, their SO is sabotaging them, their SO doesn't understand, etc. etc. Having a significant other doesn't necessarily make weight loss better or worse. It depends on the person, but more importantly, it depends on you. It's all about your choices, and your drive. You need to find the strength within yourself, you don't need anyone else to be strong for you.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I think being single actually motivates me more. It makes me want to lose more weight and finally be seen for the person I really am, and not my body type.

    Agreed. I see it as removing a barrier.
  • distortedhero
    distortedhero Posts: 24 Member
    How have you stayed motivated to lose weight if you don't have a significant other backing you up?

    Cause I do it for myself. I still have friends, family(sometimes,) there for me when I need em. I also got MFP. I mean who needs a girl. Right? RIGHT??!?

    I went back to read through the thread. I'm amazed that it took all these pages for the meme to come up
  • CherokeeTopaz
    CherokeeTopaz Posts: 299 Member
    How have you stayed motivated to lose weight if you don't have a significant other backing you up?

    Cause I do it for myself. I still have friends, family(sometimes,) there for me when I need em. I also got MFP. I mean who needs a girl. Right? RIGHT??!?

    I went back to read through the thread. I'm amazed that it took all these pages for the meme to come up

    meme??? What's that??