everyne says " eat more to loose weight " bs ??



  • Jewlz280
    Jewlz280 Posts: 547 Member
    HI CVCMAN! From what I can tell, the 2200 is what you should consume if you do nothing but hang out and do your typical activities minus working out. When you work out, you want to 'eat back' those cals because the 2200 it is giving you now is just to maintain the current body systems and muscle that you have. So, if you eat 2200 cals a day and then say, go biking and burn 600, you are now at 1600. Which confuses your body because it isn't suppose to be losing any more so it holds onto everything that comes in. So, what MFP does is say you have 'earned back' 600 cals to eat. So, you eat those and that puts you BACK at the 2200 you need to consume to maintain, give or take a little. I can tell you, I'm a woman and only 5'4" and much less active, and to maintain my weight I need well over 2000. So, it stands to reason that a very active man who is muscular (muscle burns more calories than fat) needs to eat more than I do. I hope this helps. I've read from the beginning and I see what you're trying to figure out but it can be hard on here! And I get that in your original post, you were only venting about the dad-gum little thing at the bottom. LOL But hopefully that helped. If you can, go back to your home page and then go to 'Goals'. Go down and hit 'Change Goals'. Then 'Guided'. Then set it to maintenance. Put in your food and exercise and then follow that for a few weeks and see how it goes. From looking at today's food and exercise, it says you are like, 1400 short. I don't believe in true 'starvation mode' but I think people sling that around too loosely. I think what they really mean is your body stalls out and hoards calories just to get through basic functions which will give you that wishy washy feeling, keep you from building more muscle, and in the beginning of adding food, make it seem like you are gaining. But if you just give it a bit of time, you'll see the loss of that and then maintenance. I also agree with lightening the cardio some and upping weights. You may gain from that, but the transformation in how you look an feel from building lean, toned muscle will be worth it! Good luck and hope I helped! :D
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    If you think you look fat at that weight and height, you're skinny-fat and/or need professional help. Skinny-fat is what happens when you lose a bunch of muscle. Signs of skinny-fat aside from being jiggly at a low weight also include having a hard time lifting heavy things so there's practical reasons to put some muscle back on.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    CVCman - you are getting some conflicting replies, because some are reading your original message, but not your last few.

    You are attempting to do the TDEE Deficit method, not the MFP method with exercise eat back.

    So, did 2200 include an estimate of time exercise each week?

    If so then that includes exercise.

    Was that the TDEE level, 2200, or was that minus a 15-20 deficit already?

    If you included exercise in the time level, then you do not eat back exercise you included. If you do extra not included, you eat that back minus the same deficit %.

    if you miss a planned workout, you eat 100 calories less that day, if you make it up, eat 100 more on that day.

    The idea is to eat more than bare minimum for safety, or worse.

    You must still eat less than what you burn each day, which on average is the TDEE you picked, if honest. And it is a rough estimate of course, you only have 5 levels.
    But at least with a high level, you can adjust down. If starting to low and metabolism is already suppressed, down will just cause more stress and less loss.
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    my legs and arms are toned and muscular...I have strength too :) just maybe extra skin/flab...
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    yea like today it says im 1400 under...I assume thats because of the exercise ?? Im not hungry....now if I saw a big ice cream cone or pc of birthday cake I could become hungry easy
  • t1nk6
    t1nk6 Posts: 215
    ha i just posted this as a new topic :P i may as well just read this through to see if i can find some answers :D
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    yea like today it says im 1400 under...I assume thats because of the exercise ?? Im not hungry....now if I saw a big ice cream cone or pc of birthday cake I could become hungry easy

    Well, and that's the problem using the TDEE deficit method with a system designed to do calorie eat-back, the math doesn't workout.

    Now, you can help improve the math if that matters to you, like when it says "in 5 weeks you'd weigh ...." by changing the MFP Activity level to Very Active, which has no exercise expected. Now, that is a different level and equal to Moderately Active in TDEE charts that include exercise.

    Change weight loss goal to maintain.

    After saving that, you'll have to go manually change your eating goal again.

    Or, or! what's wrong with cake and ice cream together. "dad is great, gives us the chocolate cake ..."
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Or, or! what's wrong with cake and ice cream together. "dad is great, gives us the chocolate cake ..."
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    That's what I'm talkin' about!
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    i chgd my settings to "maintain"
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    so im up in weight by 1.5 pounds since tying to eat more.....still cant wrap my brain around this eat more to weigh less thing...im still doing cardio 7 days and weights about 3 days a week
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    so im up in weight by 1.5 pounds since tying to eat more.....still cant wrap my brain around this eat more to weigh less thing...im still doing cardio 7 days and weights about 3 days a week

    It's really confusing because this thread was started months ago but it looks like you just upped your calories?
    If you did just up them last week, 1.5 isn't a big deal and you should track over 4-5 weeks.

    Maybe post another thread instead of updating a long old one. It's hard to catch up with so many pages.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    1.5lbs is water weight. I fluctuated 3lbs over the weekend. I hit an alltime low weight, and the next day was 2lbs heavier. It's all part of the game.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    1.5lbs is water weight. I fluctuated 3lbs over the weekend. I hit an alltime low weight, and the next day was 2lbs heavier. It's all part of the game.


    I'm 3lbs heavier at night than I am in the morning. Sometimes that's 4-5lbs in a day if I'm eating high sodium content food or changing my workout schedule to include different stuff.

    That's why looking for an average downward trend over time (say, over a few weeks) is ultimately a more helpful indicator. Or use a tape measure and lose the scale.....
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Unless you are down into single-digit body fat percentages, if you eat a calorie deficit you will, and must, lose weight.

    This is not to say that you can't eat to little, you certainly can and it can harm you.

    It is simply to say that for most people trying to lose weight, eating more food is never the answer.
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    better tell tle here that keep saying "you need to eat more" and that say by eating more I will loose weight...im under every day by sometimes 1000 cals and I havent lost anyting else...not that I want to loose anymore but I dont want to gain either
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    of course it works, you silly!
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    waaaa what ?
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    wegh at the same time everyday ( morning )
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    wegh at the same time everyday ( morning )

    Only valid weigh-in time unless you enjoy seeing how things can fluctuate is:
    Morning after a rest day eating normal sodium levels and not sore from prior workout.

    Anything else will have many reasons for false weight gain and loss, combined can look like you are really gaining a lot, or losing a lot, or holding steady, none of which may be true.

    And you do cardio 7 days a week, to which the body will respond by trying to store more glucose for that effort, which stores with water, and you only gain 1.5 lbs when you finally eat more for the body to store it? Be happy.

    Be happy too that water weight with glucose is part of your LBM, as that has increased so has your metabolism. That will help in burning the fat better.

    Get out your tape measure and get that scale with displayed weight off your back.
  • cvcman
    cvcman Posts: 438 Member
    so if this were you would you;

    a) do cardio every other day ?

    b) if so do what on the off days ?

    I feel IF I dont do cardio everyday I will see the weight come back on.....I tried to back track after a weeks vacation to Maine...I didnt eat my salads everyday but rather ate bread on my lobster roll every day for lunch ( I never eat bread ) and ate lobster every night for supper ( I dont use the butter )....Only different thing was a big ice cream every night...I still ran every day and sometimes biked some the same day...
    I came home 3 pounds lighter than when I left....maybe a ice cream diet is the answer