The most polite insult you've recieved? redone



  • Razz_Baby
    Razz_Baby Posts: 89 Member
    Several years ago I was at a gym on a bike. The woman next to me said, "Wow, I'm really impressed that you are working out while pregnant!" Um, my daughter was 3 years old at the time....
  • gmhaggie06
    'You look like Mr.Incredible before he started working out' a kid who came to my door for Halloween (i was dressed as a pirate)
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    You've been working really hard and are looking good!
    Before not so much
    *does elaborate fat shape hand gesture*
    Good job on not being fat anymore!
    Keep working hard!
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    "Yeah, you've lost a lot of weight - you're starting to look like an AIDS patient, dude!"
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Mine actually isn't weight related, but work related ...

    I worked at a law firm that was a "boys' club" (my personality DID NOT fit). I was working with a client defending a $26 million dollar claim, having only worked at this firm for about 7 months and assigned this case about a month into my employment. 6 weeks before trial, the head partner got involved and had a conference call with said client. Apparently, client raved about me because afterwards, I was called into his office so he could tell me "[client] really likes you. I don't know why, but she does."

    I think I got him back - twice. He called me into his office another time to tell me "you just don't get how I like things." A discussion ensued about the lack of "how he likes things" training, and he ended by saying "well, the only person who ever got me is dead." My response "I'm sorry sir. I'm good, but I can't channel the dead."

    A month later I switched sides and went to work for the most feared female attorney in the state - and his arch-enemy :devil: :happy:

  • nathotte
    nathotte Posts: 51 Member
    One of my friends I know she's trying to be supportive but it would sabbotage more than anything if I was to listen to her. Every weekend it's fast food and pizza with her kids. If I don't go since I haven't been doing too well and well 3 days of crap I can't do. Her response is always but look at the work you've done, you look great, who cares if you don't watch it as much anymore. 135? why do you want to go to that small? Why can't you just be happy with where you are now? Why don't you take a break?? I know it's because she thinks I look good and that the work I've done is showing but really???????? And if I dare point out that look I still need to tone the areas where the fat is mostly gone that's a whole other debate.
  • mlrodgers381
    mlrodgers381 Posts: 71 Member
    The cab driver once asked me "How many kids do you have?" Err I'm still single without a child, do I look like I have kids? :grumble:

    I had a similar thing happen (about 20 years ago). I was helping my friend start his new business (it was doing tax returns), but it was a "we'll come to your house" kind of business. So I left several flyers on people's cars and I got one callback for doing the return. I went to the guys house, and just as I'm about to leave he says, "So, when are you due?" I look at him and say, "I'm not pregnant", and instead of saying, sorry or something similar, he blurts out, "Oh...I thought you were". Uhhhh....SHUTUP now...please...geesh!!
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    From my mother-in-law. 1st time I ever met her, she said to my hubby in front of me "when did you go to FL and get the beach whale." I cursed her out!
    A few months ago she said: "Your starting to look like a baby beach whale now, keep it up."

    Old *kitten* germany woman. LOL

    Those are not polite insults.
  • hickorycutie
    hickorycutie Posts: 210 Member
    I always get " You would be alot prettier if u would lose some weight"
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member
    Can't even begin to tell you how many times I've been asked, "When is your baby due?" Ummm, I'm not pregnant I;m just fat. Followed with them saying, "You're not THAT fat." Yea, sure.

    One of my most recent comments was, after losing 60 pounds or so, "Well, now that you're skinny, if you do something with your hair, you'll be able to get a boyfriend". Hmmm, I am 56, don't want a boyfriend and I am not skinny. lol
  • Blessed9jaBeauty
    Blessed9jaBeauty Posts: 504 Member
    "...But you are so pretty, are you SURE you're African?" :noway:
  • sultaria
    "You're only 23? Wow, you look so.....mature."
    "What happened, you used to have such lovely skin?"
    And this one from an ex-friend who was always around 70 or more lbs heavier than me, "Wow, you look so much better now. For a while, I was really worried about you because you really let yourself go and go so big."

    These were all comments from other women too. Sad how some people feel the need to be so vicious sometimes due to their own insecurities.
  • sultaria
    "You'd be so attractive if you were a man."

    I'd like to say it was a stranger but it was family...

    Lol I've gotten that one too from my gay male friend. I think he meant it as a compliment though.
  • emtbabe326
    you SO could be a stripper at a crack bar!
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    As a kid, I was told more than once by my peers that an ugly duckling grows up to be a beautiful swan. Not something you want to hear, especially from someone that constantly brings it up without any reason to.
  • WantingNumber3
    When I was pregnant with both of my children my mother in law would say every time I walked in the room, "Look out, here comes the lumpy lady!" It may not sound that bad, but when mixed with pregnant hormones, I was ready to punch her in the throat!
  • JaniePapageorgio
    JaniePapageorgio Posts: 142 Member
    "...But you are so pretty, are you SURE you're African?" :noway:

    JUST. WOW. Not o.k.!!
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    "You're actually kind of pretty without glasses on."

  • mayaocean
    mayaocean Posts: 355 Member
    "how much"
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    When I started dating this guy, I was 5'6" and maybe 155-160 lbs. He really liked me at that weight and actually told his friends in front of me that I "didn't have an ounce of cellulite" So not true, but okay. I knew I was heavier than I wanted to be and was pretty uncomfortable at that weight. We broke up, I didn't see him for a few months, and I dropped about 20 lbs. The next time I ran into him, he said, "I know you always said you needed to lose weight, but I could never see it. Now you look like a lollipop." (Which interpret as him thinking my head was too big for my body, since at 140, I was still plenty curvy, just smaller and fitter.) So, uh. Still not sure what to think about all that. My head size is just fine, thankyouverymuch.