Senior Golden Sneakers ~~~March~~~Welcome all young and old



  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Good Evening All!

    I got another rejection from a job that I had gone through 2 steps of hiring process. I had a great phone interview and then they set up a proctored math test. 50 algebra questions in 16 minutes. They told me that no one got past 28. I took the test last week. I got 46 out of the 50 with 100% accuracy. I was a math minor in college. So it was BS on the rejection. I think that my age killed the next interview. I can't prove it but what else could it be? Anyway enough of my vent! Thank you all for reading! I helps me a lot. I am pissed! Now I am over it! I am going to try to get into retail and start completely over. Maybe someone will want a guy that has only missed 7 days of work in 43 years! I don't require insurance, and I don't have child care issues. I am in good shape! I have great references and am very well trained. I speak Mandrin Chinese. I have good table manners and don't talk with my mouth full! ROFLMAO Now I am truly better!


    Jeffrey, I'm so sorry about the job.:frown: I know all about getting your hopes up and then being rejected. :cry: But I truly believe that God draws straight with crooked lines, and if this didn't work out, perhaps you ARE being pushed in a new direction.:flowerforyou: May God help you discern what to do next. I agree with Gayla, it’s their loss!:wink:
    It’s a good thing that you have all these exercise programs in place to help you get rid of some of the steam! :laugh: Hey, maybe you’re supposed to go into being an exercise consultant!! :wink:

    Good luck and God bless :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :flowerforyou: Birdie, it's so good to hear from you again......with all the stress on your job, keeping your weight the same and not gaining is a huge accomplishment.....I hear you about moving.......somebody said "move" is a four letter word :laugh: Jake keeps telling me that when our business is booming we'll buy a bigger house which he thinks is the greatest treat and I think sounds like a nightmare.....but if God draws straight with crooked lines then the plans to move your office must be the right direction for you to go.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I echo what everyone else says about the people who didn't hire you.......I guess God has a different set of plans for you and he just hasn't gotten around to telling you what they are.....when one door closes, another door opens, it's just that time standing in the hall that's frustrating.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I sure miss Marie and all her cheery news about her menus, her walks with Sammy, and the spring weather in Texas

    :flowerforyou: Elli, by now you've probably bought all sorts of cute pink things for you soon to be born granddaughter. A friend of mine who had been knitting and crocheting cute pink things was just present at the birth of her new grandson so today she's at the store buying blue stuff.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: tobysjrzgrl I bought almond butter at Costco and cashew butter right next to the peanut butter at QFC , my local grocery story. Maybe a health food or natural food store....I don't know how big your town is. Another favorite snack for me is Kashi cereal with almond milk or soy milk. I know you have different challenges with your lap band but I know your goal of nourishing your body is the same as mine.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm glad you got to get away from house for awhile and it looks like Neil got along OK ....that pizza you made sounds great.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy have you been to the casino or played any good card games or had some laughs with Daisy?

    :flowerforyou: Yesterday was my birthday and since we went out to dinner on Saturday, cooked a turkey on Tuesday, and had turkey leftovers, Jake and I stayed home together for a celebration.........Jake was a darling and believed me when I said no card, no flowers, no gifts, no food. We'll go out next week and buy the new lawn mower and weed whacker that we've been wanting.......Jake will be the grass cutter so that's a really good gift, too.

    :flowerforyou: It was sunny this morning when I went to line dance and Jake went to the golf course. I had planned to take the dogs to the dog park and I just looked out the window and it's raining.:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: The dogs haven't been to the dog park since Tuesday and they are starting to feel deprived :brokenheart:

    I'll go ride the exercise bike and maybe the rain will stop. :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Happy Saturday friends! I hope wherever you are it isn't as windy as it is here! WHEW! Hercky and i just walked across the yard and i was worried we were both going to blow away!!!!! Another day that the poor dogs don't get a walk - I'm feeling like such a bad dog mom!!!!:frown:

    Jeffrey - one saying i like is that when one door closes a new one opens. I know - when you're the one behind the closed door it's not as easy to hear.......i just have to believe something good is going to come of those DUMMIES not hiring you. I have to agree with the gang that it is SO their loss. And by the way - do you REALLY speak Mandarin Chinese? I took 4 years of french in high school and have recently been toying with the idea of trying to learn it again...........

    I miss Marie too - Gayla, thank you for letting us know what's up with her!

    Gayla and Barbie -
    I ran right out and bought some cute baby girl stuff! Not so good on the making end of things - i'll be the gramma who gets down on the floor and plays and reads and teaching her about critters and the outdoors. NOT so good in the knitting, crocheting arena.............:noway:

    Tobyzgirl - at our king soopers they have the machines where the hopper is full of nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashews) and you just push the button and out comes nut butter. OR - if you have something like a vita mix - you can make your own. I did that when my kids were little.

    I did hot yoga this morning - that makes 4 times this week and i'm going to try and go again tomorrow. I'm feeling really good about that! Still not losing the weight tho. I know i have to be patient.

    Have a good weekend everyone. It's supposed to get nice here tomorrow which will be great! It truly is too windy today to want to even be out there!!!!!!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's windy here but not too bad. We took the poodles for a walk on the Discovery Trail for about 30 minutes and they were very good. They were tired and lay down in the backseat when we drove around to do our errands. We bought a new key start walk behind lawn mower and a weed whacker. I'm glad we went out early because it looks colder and not so welcoming outside right now.

    :flowerforyou: I love knitting things for children but I don't think children wear knitted things as much as they did when I was a child so I've enjoyed knitting things to send to children in Afghanistan....I'm about half finished with a wool sweater right now. I want to finish it before the weather gets warm and working with wool is uncomfortable.

    :flowerforyou: I haven't decided whether to take the dogs to the dog park.......between the wind and the bigger crowds on Saturdays it doesn't have the same draw for me today that it does on weekdays.........or is that just a lazy rationalization? I started reading a good book last night and I'm thinking of spending my afternoon reading.

    :flowerforyou: I hope everyone is having a great weekend.
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everone! It very quiet here. I am overinvolved in playing a game on Recipezaar. It is a time committment for a day or two and then back to normal. I tried to tell Dave about it and his eyes glazed over, sort of like him telling me something about fixing the car I guess. Do you all have plans for Easter? going away or family coming home? I am not sure what we are doing yet. Neil isn't very able to get into anyone elses home so I expect if the kids are around we will gather here which is fine with me. Although I prefer turkey I will likely be cooking a ham. I need to get some menus done for next week so I can plan a grocery run. I am hoping that next week will be a week that we don't have to go to the Dr. He said 3 weeks if the foot is looking better. So far, it isn't but I will give it a few more days. Neil did have a good day yesterday, only cranky for a brief period last evening. He hasn't asked for Tylenol this morning so that must be good news.
    We have sunshine and no wind so it looks like a great day ahead. C'mon Spring -- I am ready for you!!

    Barbie -- I have a feeling that baby knits are coming back into fashion. I have seen more around. I loved putting the knits that my Mom and MIL did for our kids. I am not much of a knitter. I did try to take it up when I was in nurse's training and living in residence. My friend did her best but it just never took with me. Perhaps I should try it now. Maybe if I start knitting little booties my kids will get the idea. :laugh:

    elli -- I can feel your excitement about that baby girl!! I like to buy things too but you know sewing with knits is very forgiving. I better get my sewing maching in for an overhaul in case I need to make baby clothes. Actually, I wouldn't mind doing some sewing. It would be more productive than many things I do. When the boys were little I did make a lot of their clothes and it was a lot of fun. Actually if I decide to sew I think I will have to get a new machine, mine is 35 years old.

    Marie -- Missing you my friend.

    I think I forgot to tell you folks that we just celebrated our 39th !!! anniversary. We went out for dinner at the same place that we have gone every year for over 35 years. Steak and lobster for me and prime rib for Dave.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Checking in as I said I would. Having a weak day. I'm physically exausted and I only have 251 calories left for the day.:noway: I didn't exercise because I'm so, so drop dead tired. :yawn: :yawn: Will, at least try to eat healthy and drink tons of water. Between tax season, packing up to move and looking for a new office....I'm pooped. We are going to see my MIL this afternoon in the nursing home so I'm not getting much housework done.either ...yikes! But I WILL try to make good choices.
    Sending greeting to all!!!!
    Happy anniversary, Gayla!
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Birdie - please be kind to yourself and listen to your body!!!!! Sometimes we NEED to rest and it's OK to give yourself permission to do so!

    Gayla! Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!:heart::drinker: WOW! 39 years - that is SOOOOOOOOO awesome! I've never gotten the whole marriage thing figured out in spite of trying more than once:ohwell: and i'm always SO impressed and in awe of my friends with long marriages!!!!!!! Congratulations! I don't think it's easy in this day and age with all the challenges!!!!!!! My Grandma tried to teach me to knit, crochet and sew - unfortunately, none of it really took too well. I'm SO not gifted in those ways. My dil has a grandma and a great grandma who is going to have to be in charge of handmade stuff. When she came back from Iraq (my dil) her gramma made her an AMAZING quilt. I'm always awed by people who can do those kinds of things.

    Barbie - that is SO cool that you make stuff for the kids in Afghanastan! I don't remember if i told you - if i didn't Happy Birthday! Sounds like it went just how you wanted it to! I always tell my "people" i no longer want "stuff" for my birthdays - i have more than enough stuff! I want experiences! Take me to a show or a play or fix me a meal! Mostly i just want to hang out with them!

    I went and did hot yoga this morning - that makes 5 times this week! woo hooooo!:bigsmile: that makes me happy and feel great! I just got back from taking the dogs on a long walk too - it's REALLY nice out. Now i'm headed back out to do some yard work and start working on Billy and Bonnie's winter coats.........always a process!

    My son is away at training now, at Ft Leonard Wood, for 16 weeks. I'm planning a few things with my pg dil to keep her from getting too lonely on the weekends. It's a little rough - but hey - they've already been through a 15 month Iraq deployment - this will be EASY!:wink:

    OK my friends - have a fabulous rest of the weekend! I'm off to scoop poop! don't be too jealous!!!!!!!!:laugh: elli
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Barbie -- I think that I forgot to wish you a happy birthday as well so a little late and all the way from Saskatchewan I am shouting a belated Happy Birthday!!! :bigsmile:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Didn't have time to post that I was going to Detroit for a dance competition this last weekend, I brought my laptop but never opened it. Bryanna and her team had another clean sweep and as usual she was amazing. Will be back later after I get caught up and organized.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    HI , I am back!!!!! Look like a anniversary is in order for Gayla. 39 years Wow/ You better watch out or you will catch up with me.
    Congrats. Gayla I had a message from Sanasue and she may be joing us . She has already sign up She is under Queen Suzu..

    Barbiecat. Happy Birthday. Seems like I missed everything.

    I still got a lot of reading to do to catch up with you guys. Feel like I have been out of town. Boy did I missed my PC>

    Marie Missed you guys
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hello Friends!

    Marie! Its about time you got back!

    Elli- Yes I do speak Mandarin. I picked it up at Indiana University. Just for fun but I kind of got hooked. It comes in handy every now and then.

    Everyone thank you for the support. I am fine after my rant! LOL I will be fine, life moves forward. I still believe that I have far more blessings than I deserve.

    We had company for the weekend. Days sister and her husband and my other BIL were here. It was nice to see them. Diane is holding her own but slipping a little. Just got off the phone with her a little bit ago. She was having a hard time focusing. Breaks my heart.

    Sam and her boyfriend, Kyle, will be her on Friday night for the Easter weekend. I can not wait! I think I will mess with the boy some. :) Amanda is doing fine and living life! Day and I are great!

    Gayla Congratulations! Day and I will have 36 years in August. 11 happy ones! ROFLMAO! (dont tell her I said that)

    Marie tell me about the trip!

    I have posted another new weight. The training increase is showing. Tonight I ran 4.2 miles then did my plyometric workout. Very tough workout but worth it. I will not be able to swim for a couple of weeks. The pool I use is having some repairs done. I am planning on biking to Day's hospital (where she works) this week a couple of times. It is a 22.5 mile ride in a straight line. My ride will be closer to 28 miles. Thank heavens it passes a Starbucks! I will have her drive the truck to work and then I can ride back with her. I have a plan!

    Take care all my friends!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Welcome back Marie!! So glad the PC is behaving himself. Did you win on your gambling weekend?

    elli -- It doesn't matter if your sew or knit I know you will be giving the little princess a whole lot of love and that is the most important thing of all.

    Sandy -- Wow, that little girl is very talented!! One day we will be watching her on So You Think You Can Dance!!

    Jeffrey -- You are very hilarious. Dave's expression is one year of wedded bliss, 39 years married. He is also very hilarious. You be kind to that young man but ask all the important questions.

    Neil wants some company so I better join him. The cranky phase seems to be over. Thank the Lord!

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning all,

    We had a wonderful trip to Okla. I broke even at the Casino. but it was lots of fun. ready to go again.
    I sure did missed my computor. It is running real good noe. running fast, not slow anymore. Alice is going to have to come out and work on some things and get my Embroidary software back on. And a few other things. But I can get on line and that is great.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla g;lad to hear Neal is doing better.

    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat,

    :flowerforyou: Sandy see you are still busy with your grandaughter.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    For all the rest of you that I missed will catch you next time.


    :flowerforyou: Elli, How long till the grandbaby is due. ?

    :flowerforyou: Beth, When is your next run.

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, You ought to think about starting your own busy. You are so talent in everything you do. But I am sure you have already thought of that. Have fun with your family Easter.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe, Where are you out running around to.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, I sure hated that I missed my counts on being here everyday. Now I will have to start over.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie hang in there
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    (Me) Hope everyone has a happy 4th I am going to try and perform surgery on my refrigerator. It needs to be gone through completely and washed out. There might be someone living in the back section of it and I don't even know it

    (Elli's response) LOL - good luck with the refrigerator project! If someone IS living in there hopefully they're eating any high calorie snacks that may be lurking

    (Me) Gee thanks for giving me another reason for putting off this task. I should just leave the "fridge monster" alone and let him graze til the end of the summer!!!

    Caliecat, you asked about my fridge. Well the monster still lives back there for all I know. Maybe this weekend I will get to it.. It is ridiculous really, I have a large side by side fridge and it is just me and the doggies, but there are some things in the back that have been around a while. Not leftovers, they get tossed if I don't use them, but I seem to accumulate, salad dressing bottles, condiments. I also keep bread in the fridge because it lasts longer, but sometimes I "bury" things back there that evenually need to go to that "great refrigerator in the sky." I have been doing a little here and there around the edges, but maybe this weekend I will have a big enough block of time to get it done right.....

    ....Usually, as soon as I stop "watching it" the pounds seem to sneak in the bedroom and jump on at night. Maybe the "fridge monster" has eaten all of them and so they can't get me anymore!!

    The above I pulled from the JULY thread. That was about EIGHT months ago, and you know I never did do my complete job on the fridge--until YESTERDAY!! Took me six hours, as I had "help" of the four-footed variety. I didn't realize one person could accumulate so much cheese!!!:noway: A LOT of things went bye bye to that "great refrigerator in the sky." Contrary to what I thought, there was nobody hiding back there, except some veggies that were WAY past gone.:laugh:

    My next project will be my freezer, which also needs an "intervention." Don't know if I will get to that today or not, but otherwise tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is well as they can be. MARIE--Welcome back. Glad your pc is behaving itself.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning from sunny Saskatchewan. The snow is almost gone but our bunny that hangs out in the yard is still very white which will make him a target. Yesterday he was in the front yard and got startled by some bikes and took off. The boys started chasing him, kind of made me mad but I am sure the bunny did just fine. I left him some veg. peels from the veggie soup I made yesterday. We have never seen any damage to any shrubs or perennials so I need to reward him. :wink: Neil is sleeping soundly, it is 10:30 here. I barely had enough coffee grounds to make my coffee but I didn't want to use the coffee grinder as that would wake him up for sure. When I went to bed at 1:30 am he was still awake and complaining of not being able to sleep. Once he wakes up my quiet time is gone and I am very selfish about that!!

    Marie -- Coming out even from the casino is an accomplishment in itself. Glad you had fun. Are you still doing a lot of embroidary on the computer? You are so good at it.

    Jeffrey -- I was telling Dave about your job situation and he said tell him to move to Saskatchewan. So far we haven't been affected by the recession although this years budget looks a bit more difficult. At my work we did get a 1% increase so that is still better than job cuts I guess. All you have to do is buy some very warm clothing!!

    Hmm, I thought I sent this this morning but here it sits on my computer. I spent the afternoon at the airport with my cousin who was passing through. We had a great visit. She has also had a job cutback and is finding living in Vancouver working part-time is very difficult. She is looking for employment here. Sure hope she gets what she wants.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening!

    Gayla! No cold for me! But thanks for thinkng of me.

    Marie glad you are back safe and sound.

    Birdie thanks for the note. :)

    Sandy you enjoying this weather?

    Good workout again. Upper body and then a run. Heart rate was strong at 144 sustained zone 4. Going to ride on the road tomorrow. I am ready for some miles! I think I am going to go have some popcorn and watch office reruns now!

    Be well one and all!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :flowerforyou: I am alive and well and too tired to post......I'll try again tomorrow.
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Good Morning,

    What a beautiful day here today!!! Yes, Jeffrey I am loving this weather, if I didn't have so much paper work and computer work to catch up on I would go sit in the sun to start my tan. :laugh: I bet you are also loving it so you can run outside. :glasses:

    I am upset that I never got on my computer in Detroit because it is hard to catch up on everyone's post. We were busy there and I did work out one on the two days. :tongue: I even watched my calories and came home with no weight gain. :bigsmile:

    Daisy was sick while I was gone with diarrhea and it lasted for four days. :sad: We brought a specimen into the doctors office to see if they can find out what caused it. Luckily she was a good girl and did all her business outside, but with her long fur it was quite messy. (sorry) She seems to be better as of yesterday so I hope it was just a one time thing.

    Gayla, sounds like Neil is on his way to recovery and things have improved as far as moods go. :bigsmile:

    Marie, glad your computer is fixed and I hope you now added good anti virus and spyware software. Two free versions can be found at The AVG free version is great as long as you remember to update it once a week and the free version of webroot spyware is also good with the weekly updates. Schedule them to run daily to keep those nasty spywares and virus' off your computer. Be careful what you download from face book, they have problems with virus'. My son is in the computer field, he is a Computer Troubleshooter, can you tell?

    Barbie, glad you are alive and well and hope you get some rest.

    To everyone else, I think of you and when I don't get on this site I am missing all of you!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Don't forget I will be changing over to April tonight and that's no April Fool.
This discussion has been closed.