Senior Golden Sneakers ~~~March~~~Welcome all young and old



  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan. It hasn't been terribly sunny inside but I think about 50% better than yesterday. It has put Dave in a foul mood which doesn't help any. I think I need some women to live with!! I was supposed to meet some people who I used to work with a few years ago and have dinner tonight. They meet every 2 months and I promised them I would join them now that I am retired. So far I have missed two, not a good record. I didn't thing leaving Neil and Dave alone would be a happy evening for them.

    I am making soup and bread for dinner. It smells good and is so healthy. I should post the recipe if I haven't already. I will try to remember to do that later. Neil is calling me to watch something on TV and I should join him while he is happy.

    Take care and keep smiling. Thanks so much for your support. Gayla :heart: :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I just got a message from Barb (weaklink). She had been planning to drive north at the beginning of April and planned to stop and see Jake and me along the way. Unfortunately :sad: with all the things going on with her, she doesn't have the vacation time to make the trip and her mother is having some more health problems that require Barb's attention----not so much as a nurse, but just as an all around helper to mom and dad. She asked me to let all of you know so you wouldn't be worried about her.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Jake is up and about again.......I heard him tell someone on the phone a few minutes ago "don't call me Wednesday because I'll be on the golf course".......that is such good news. It has been months since he has been able to play golf either because of the weather or because of his health.

    :flowerforyou: I found a new walking friend. We walked for two hours yesterday on a part of the trail I'd never been on and we have plans to meet next Monday to walk another new section.

    hugs:heart: Barbie
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Here is the url for the soup recipe, I make it often. You will note that the recipe does not call for salt but a do add just a bit. I am trying to decrease my salt so feel good about this.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Happy Wednesday!!

    Card day today following with lunch. Good time, good friends. :drinker: After that, picking up Bryanna for Drivers Ed and dance. :tongue:

    Will watch my calories and hopefully take Daisy for a walk after dropping Bryanna off at drivers Ed. I did exercise yesterday for an hour but Tuesdays are hard. Walking will help and my husband will probably go with me. :love:

    Gayla, it must be hard with Neil being cranky, it affects everyone. :grumble: I am guessing once they remove those pins he will be better, he probably feels weird with them in his feet. I pray God gives you the strength to get through this and I know He will since you managed all these years. :bigsmile Downloaded your soup recipe, sounds really good to me.

    Jeffrey, glad you had some quiet time and are continuing on your training with no interruptions. I am in awe of the swimming, I love the water but I am lucky if I can do one lap at a pool. Remind us again when the big race will be. :tongue:

    Barbie, thanks for the update on Barb, she sure is a good daughter who takes such great care of her parents. It is too bad she will miss her trip but she will be rewarded later. Glad Jake is feeling well enough to golf, that will make him feel better.
    How nice to walk with someone, glad you met a new walking friend. :happy:

    Marie, is the weather holding so you and Sammy can continue your walks? You are doing so well, we are so proud of you.

    Hi, to everyone else, hope your MFP journey is on the right track even if there are a few bumps now and then.

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Yahoo! We have smiles in this house today. I seem to have the pain under control and the infection is clearing up, still a ways to go but so much better. He does want the pins out but that is a good month away. I have just taken some bread out of the oven to take to my friends along with a pot of soup. The bread recipe isn't my favorite but it is good and quick. It really is kind of a cross between bisquits and bread and personally is would prefer one or the other. I decided to go with this one because it is a little healthier with the oatmeal and I didn't have molasses for my oatmeal bread recipe I would use otherwise. I hope they enjoy it. My friend doesn't really enjoy cooking so I am hoping it is a treat. My Mom used to make the most amazing baking powder bisquits. Mine are decent but not as good as I remember hers being.

    Being housebound I really have nothing to share, except, it is snowing!! I better get ready for my outing including a trip to the store. I am planning on making a chicken pot pie for dinner. I know it isn't diet friendly but today I am going with comfort and everyone likes it.

    Take care and keep smiling. gayla :smile: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I can see gayla is ready for spring. Getting her garden pictures out. I don't think we will mess with one this year. Did plant some turnips earlier but the have not came up yet.

    Sammy and I are enjoying our walk. got back this afternoon and made me a no carb lemon aid shake took it out and set in the sun. Sammy by mu side.

    We are going to the casino this Friday. I went to the beauty school today to get a perm, It is just about 3 blocks from my house and they are 1/2 price for Senior on Mon. ,Tues, and Wed. So 20,00 not bad and she did a real job. My hair is a little longer than I like. I just got a body wave. Pretty please with it.

    Elli don't you send any of the snow down to Texas. Gayla sent us enough Sunday. Head if off Jeffrey.

    Have a good week

    :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker: :heart: :drinker:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening All!

    We had a quiet day here again! Say Amen! I had one of the best workout days I have ever had today. I started with a 4 mile run then I rested for 120 seconds then got on the bike and rode 14 miles. After that I did my P90X strength work out (sholders and arms) then the Ab ripper (339 crunches) This old man is tired! But I made it! Swimming, biking and yoga tomorrow and evening church, Lent Service.

    I fixed Day and I supper tonight. Baked sweet potato, peas, and sirloin. About 650 calories. I figure that I am at a negative 3600 today. Whoo Hoo! My body fat percentage is decreasing too! I am very happy about that!

    Diane is holding her own right now and doing as well as can be expected.

    Good luck at the casino Marie!

    Sandy the first triathlon is the end of June and if I have the time I am scheduling one every 2 weeks through September. Pretty ambitious. I may have to re-think that schedule depending on how fast my body will recover from each race. I am still looking at the one in Chicago in August.

    I hope you are all well!


    hey Gayla! When is the next cruise?
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Morning Everyone. We had a beautiful day in Kansas yesterday. Almost 70. YUM. Worked in the yard. I can't wait for a tan.

    Seem to be gaining weight this week. I haven't been getting in my calories. Yesterday I only had 500. (and burned 197 on the wii)
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    ohfercrying outLOUD!

    Jeffrey - minus 3600 calories?!?!?!? Aren't you the one who told me to USE all my exercise calories?!?!?

    Tobyzgirl - 500 calories in a day:noway: OMG - i don't think i'd make it all day!!!!!!!

    Here i was thinking i was doing good 'cause i've done yoga 3 nights in a row now!:laugh:

    Don't worry Marie - i'm not sending any snow your way! As a matter of fact ours is meling pretty quick. I WISH i could send you the mud!!!!!!:laugh:

    Gayla - so glad to hear Neil is HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Barbie - thanks for keeping us updated on Barb. Sorry you won't get to see her.

    Hey Sandy - sounds like you're keeping busy. Always a good thing. Seems like when i stay busy i tend to eat less.

    This afternoon my dil goes for her 20 week ultrasound. THey're hoping they'll find out the sex of the baby! I have a coupon for Babies R Us so i'm headed over there if they find out!!!!!!!!!!!! Teeny little baby clothes!!!!!!!!!!! and shoes!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: oh i'm excited!!!!!!!!!!!

    I managed to lose the 2 pounds i put ON over the weekend. Yikes - i'm on such a see saw right now!:embarassed: I feel much better though so hopefully i'll keep losing now! Crazy, this journey we've all taken on!!!!!!!!

    love you guys. elli
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. It is a good day, I haven't been sworn at all day. :wink: The sun is shining and the snow is melting. What more could a girl ask for. I have to go to a short meeting this afternoon as a support to a parent looking for a school program for her child. It makes me so angry when people have to fight and go through hoops to get appropriate services for their child no matter how disabled he is.
    I am going to call the Dr. this afternoon as Neil will be finished his antibiotics in another day and there are still a couple of worrisome spots. It does look way better but prefer not to go into the weekend and have things fall apart.

    Jeffrey -- Amen! Glad you are having a couple of better days. Your grueling schedule sends me back to bed!! About the cruise, you know I am ready for another, all by myself!! :wink:

    Marie -- You are right, I am very ready for my garden beds to be filled with something other than snow! How nice to enjoy the sun after a great walk. Good luck gambling! I bet you look great with your new do!

    elli -- 20 weeks!! hardly seems possible. I envy you a lot out looking at baby clothes. I wish my kids would get on the baby track but all in good time.

    Toby -- I think you need to eat more but I am sure you have heard that a zillion times. Lucky you out doing yardwork. I bet it is easier this year after losing so much weight!

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :flowerforyou: I roasted a turkey yesterday to serve to friends (the ones that always invite us to dinner). I made stuffing, gravy, and green beans, and they brought a salad. I sent them home with all the stuffing and gravy and half of the leftover turkey. Today I am making soup with the turkey carcass and vegetables and will freeze most of the soup for later. I ate carefully all day and measured my portions and skipped my bedtime snack and stayed under my calories for the day.

    Jake is on the golf course today for the first time in many months and I am so happy for him (and happy for me to have the house to myself for a few hours.
    I hate when he's gone overnight, but love to be alone for a few hours during the day.) :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, I love hearing about your workout schedule and so happy to hear how you're gaining the strength and endurance you need for the race in June. Glad to hear there's some peace in your life.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, I'm glad there's some peace in your life too. Being this far north ( and you're farther north than I am) it's frustrating to hear about stuff growing in everyone's yard when it's still so cold where we are

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I hope we'll see a photo of your new hairstyle.

    :flowerforyou: Elli, I hope there's such great news from the ultrasound that you'll relax and keep on losing the weight you've been fighting with for so long.....I have a friend whose first grandchild is due any day and they don't know the sex, but my friend has been knitting pink girlie sweaters anyway:laugh: You're much smarter to not buy until you know whether to buy girl stuff or boy stuff.

    :flowerforyou: tobysjrzgrl---I'm with Elli, wondering if you're getting enough nutrition....I'm glad to hear about hear about your good weather......I don't want to be guilty of stereotyping, but do you grow sunflowers in your yard? I remember all the sunflowers from when we drove across Kansas two years ago......I had a t-shirt from Kansas with sunflowers on it and it broke my heart to give it away because it was too big after I lost weight.

    :flowerforyou: Between the soup I'm making and the business client scheduled to come over this afternoon, I'm not taking the dogs to the dog park.....they don't understand and keep looking longingly at me.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy there was a sheepdog at the park yesterday who looked a lot like the picture of Daisy. She played with a pug and and a spaniel while Brandy and Sasha watched and barked.

    :flowerforyou: I can't leave the house now, so I'll get on the exercise bike until my client arrives or Jake comes home'
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Believe me, I'm not trying to not eat. I just can't get in all the calories I'm supposed to. Plus with 30-40 minute exercise every am I'm behind the 8 ball. I hear chocolate is high in calories - just teasing. I'm trying to find something I like that is low or no carbs to bulk up my calorie intake. Any suggestions???
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    Believe me, I'm not trying to not eat. I just can't get in all the calories I'm supposed to. Plus with 30-40 minute exercise every am I'm behind the 8 ball. I hear chocolate is high in calories - just teasing. I'm trying to find something I like that is low or no carbs to bulk up my calorie intake. Any suggestions???

    Peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter
    those are my calorie filled protein, low carb treats that I have on days that I burn a lot of calories---I add them to my Isagenix shake or spread them on an apple. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Tobyzgirl - my suggestion is similar to Barbies - raw nuts. You can make a great trail mix with raw nuts, dried fruit, and you can even chop up an oz. of dark chocolate in there if you want!

    Barbie - I SO know what you mean about the dogs giving you sad looks! On my late or no yoga days, weather permitting (mostly meaning i'm not going to be walking in 3 inches of mud) i take them for walks. That's about 4 to 5 walks a week. On the days that i don't..............oh the sad sad eyes!:cry: breaks my heart!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy for Jake and YOU that he's back playing golf!!!

    Gayla - a day when we not cursed at is always a good day!:flowerforyou: I hope there's more happiness today!

    Marie - has your snow all melted?

    Jeffrey - are you still working out like crazy?

    SO! as those of you from fb know - i'm having a little granddaughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Everything looks great and i went right out and got some teeny little girl clothes!!!!!!!! SO FUN!

    I'm feeling SO much better since i'm back on a good yoga/gym schedule! It's amazing what a difference it makes. I've only lost 2 of the pounds that i keep playing around with but i no longer feel "flabby". Isn't that silly? i'm sure it's a mental thing as well.

    Everyone have a great day!
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Noon Time Everyone!

    Quiet again here! Whoo Hoo! had a decent workout yesterday. Swam about 800 yards and did my 2 hours of yoga. I feel real good today. The knee has been some better. I did not hurt after the yoga which is a postive development. I am going to run outside if it quits raining and bike 25 miles on the spinner bike. Tonight I have my legs and back strength workout with crunches after that. So I should be in some pain later! LOL

    Elli - Yep I am still working out like crazy. I am getting closer to ready for the triathlons. And it gives me something to do until I can get outside to garden. I really don't mind the workouts too much. It gives me new challenges and goals. Keeps me motivated. My weight is dropping more and so is my body fat percentage, which is really my key indicator now. I am going this summer to have what is called a VO-2 max workup done at Indiana University. It measures the "acid" in the blood during and after workouts and the Oxygen recovery of the body. It will be a very very accurate indicator of my fitness level. The results will give me the data that I will apply to my training. It will tell me what zone to train in for the optimum results. Heartrate vs recovery rate. I can then adjust my diet to get the proper, exact fueling that I need. I have really gotten into this stuff! LOL And congrats on the grand daughter!

    Tobysjrzgrl - Elli and Barbie gave you some great suggestions. Remember though that carbs give your body fuel. Balance your intake.

    Gayla- hang in there kid!

    Marie how did you do at the Casino?

    Sandy whats new in the Windy City?

    Everyone have a great day!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :happy: Hi everyone!
    I’ve been reading the posts but am just trying to get thru tax season and working 6 days a week without blowing it! :noway: I find myself getting a little sloppy,:embarassed: which is a big red flag to me.:noway: My weight is the same, so I haven’t gained anything back :ohwell: but I’m also not losing.:frown: I really don’t have any desire to overeat or habitually eat foods that are unhealthy and have been trying to keep up on the exercise as much as I can. :flowerforyou: But my motivation is slipping,:devil: I can feel it, and if I don’t “get in gear” I’m going to go in the other direction!:embarassed:

    It’s been hard keeping in the loop with everyone but I need to make more of an effort.:wink:

    I thought, once tax season was over, things would ease up, but now my boss is looking for a new office……. so we will be moving in the spring. :noway: :noway: Yikes!! I totally agree with her, as conditions here are just unacceptable. :angry: We keep getting leaks and flooding, we have a bug problem :noway: that just creeps me out, our bathroom is on a different floor and has no heat or air conditioning as we are in a basement….and the list goes on.

    The only problem is that the office is practically in my back yard! :flowerforyou: It takes me 3 min to get here! :happy: How convenient! But it’s something that’s been long overdue, so we just have to deal with it.:ohwell:

    The reason why I am going on…about it…is that this kind of distraction and busyness can take my eye off the prize!:devil:

    So I am recommitting myself to this journey towards better health etc.:flowerforyou:

    No matter how busy I get, I’ll check in, even if it’s just to say “HI”.:happy:

    You all are like part of a new family of mine :love: and I want to keep doing well, as we motivate each other! :heart:

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sending hugs and blessings to all!!:smooched:

    BirdieM :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions. Barbiecat, where can I get Almond or Cashew butter??? Health food store?? I looked in my regular market. With the LapBand, I have trouble with nuts so I think the butter is better. (sounds like a commercial).

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi folks! The following is from Marie.
    My pc is in the shop for about a week. Just wanted you to know that everything is fine when you do not see me online. Please post so that everyone else will not worry about me. My daughter Alice is sending this from her computer.
    Going gambling tomorrow..wooohoo

    Me now! I spent the day at work today and as awful as it sounds I enjoyed my day away from my home. Neil is a bit cranky but ok. He wasn't thrilled that I went in to work today. When he got home he helped me make a pizza with lots of healthy stuff on it except for the crust of course. He was better humored after that and very proud of himself for helping to make supper. I called the Dr.'s office today and Neil will see him tomorrow.

    elli - Yahoo for a grandaughter. I am sure after raising boys you will be happy to buy/make little girl things. I loved raising boys but I do think little girl things are fun.

    toby -- I buy my almond butter at the health food store, very yummy.

    Birdie -- It sounds like you continue to be focused for the most part. Never beat yourself up, you have done a great job!

    Jeffrey -- You, too, are doing great. I am so glad your knee feels better. I am getting excited for the first race!

    barbie -- Hope your dogs got their walk today!

    Marie -- Hoping you come back richer or at least enough to fix the computer. We will miss you. thanks to Alice for sending the email.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Evening All!

    I got another rejection from a job that I had gone through 2 steps of hiring process. I had a great phone interview and then they set up a proctored math test. 50 algebra questions in 16 minutes. They told me that no one got past 28. I took the test last week. I got 46 out of the 50 with 100% accuracy. I was a math minor in college. So it was BS on the rejection. I think that my age killed the next interview. I can't prove it but what else could it be? Anyway enough of my vent! Thank you all for reading! I helps me a lot. I am pissed! Now I am over it! I am going to try to get into retail and start completely over. Maybe someone will want a guy that has only missed 7 days of work in 43 years! I don't require insurance, and I don't have child care issues. I am in good shape! I have great references and am very well trained. I speak Mandrin Chinese. I have good table manners and don't talk with my mouth full! ROFLMAO Now I am truly better!

    I had a great workout. 23.5 miles on the bike, 15 second rest and ran 4 miles. Then did my 350 crunches and 1 hour of legs and back strength training. I am tried but really on an endorphin high!

    Everything else is great and life is good! Day is off tomorrow so I will have her company. She talks more than the cats! LOL Going to do swim drills and karate tomorrow. Saturday is my off day and I am looking forward to it!

    Take care all my friends! Have great night!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Jeffrey -- It truly is their loss. I would hire you in a heartbeat!! I know it must be a terrible feeling. Our self-value is so interlocked with our work. You, my friend, have more going on for you than most people with jobs and one day soon the perfect job will come along and a hiring committee that will recognize a good thing when they see it. Sending good thoughts your way.
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