Senior Golden Sneakers ~~~March~~~Welcome all young and old



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Here in my day::

    Marisa here at 9:15....taking her to school at noon...picking her up at 2:30.

    Took Daisy to groomer at 9:30, picking her up around noon.

    Picking Bryanna up from her house before noon.....taking her to hotel where she will compete by 3:00.

    5:30 Soup and Salad at Church

    6:30 Relax

    Busy, busy, busy..................................

    Have a good day!!!

  • TexasAngelBeth
    TexasAngelBeth Posts: 315 Member
    Hi all,
    Just checking in I should have time this weekend to catch up on everyone... IF the race isnt too bad... otherwise it might be sleep...I have been working nonstop for the last 3 weeks so not much to tell here. More later
  • tobysjrzgrl
    tobysjrzgrl Posts: 34 Member
    Morning All. The weather man just ruined my plans for the weekend. Pete & I love to take our golfcart and zip up & down the aisles of our local Drive In/ Swap & Shop. They are calling for 6-8 inches of snow. Do they not know my flowers are starting to sprout.

    Went to the Dr. yesterday - he's happy. I lost the lbs I gained last week & some more. 6 lb total.
    I'm not getting in all my calories & exercising 30-40 minutes a day. I don't know.

    Sounds like everyone is doing well. Sorry I don't individualize responses.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all! We got a little more snow last night but I don't think it will stay too long. I had Neil back to his Dr. this morning to check on his infection. He felt it was a little better so decided to continue with the oral antibiotics. He was happy that I was able to keep it so clean. It still looks very angry but is def. less red than a couple of days ago. The one incision line has split a bit from the swelling but he assured me it will close in and be fine. He brought his partner in to look at it so that if I need to call him while Neil's doc is away tending to an ill parent the partner will know what it was like. If it gets any worse he will put him in hospital and switch to IV antibiotics. Neil was stressed at the appt. and got very irritable waiting. I don't think he slept last night and looking at his foot really upset him. He wants the pins out of his toes. We told him that lots of people pay big bucks for piercings but he didn't buy it. He has another month to go before they are removed. Praying for patience here, his and mine.

    Beth -- So nice to hear from you. Wishing you good luck in the race.

    Sandy -- You are such a busy girl, keeps you young for sure. The lunch sounds lovely, all about the food!!

    Marie -- We kept the darn snow and I know you really wanted to share! Your garden shoes sound like a good buy, enjoy.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile: :heart:
  • pisceswonder77
    pisceswonder77 Posts: 5 Member
    HI ! My name is Kelly. I am 33 and single, no children and still living at home. Does anyone have advice on how to make yourself exerisce .. I am tired all the time and work is the only real "excerise " I get. I am a cashier at a local store .. Could sure use some advice ..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    HI ! My name is Kelly. I am 33 and single, no children and still living at home. Does anyone have advice on how to make yourself exerisce .. I am tired all the time and work is the only real "excerise " I get. I am a cashier at a local store .. Could sure use some advice ..

    Kelly, I see from your profile that you like music.......get an mp3 player or something with music and headphones or earbuds and take a will entertain you and walking is the greatest all around exercise there is...start with a short walk and make it longer each time you go out.......the longest journey starts with a single step. You can do it.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Hi Everyone!

    I am back! My SIL that has cancer, her mother died. My SIL is now is hospice. It is a mess. Anyway I have been helping where I can and it has been frequently. We have logged a lot of miles in the last 2 weeks. Anyway it is calm for a few hours. We will be traveling again tomorrow. thank you all for your messages of hope and support. I do appreciate them. That has been the reason for my absence. I am going tomorrow with my BIL to make the "arrangements".

    I have been training as best I can. When I train now it is very intense. Focusing on that has helped get through all this stuff. I have started swimming seriously. I started Monday and I am swimming 3 days a week. I am swimming .8 miles a session. Today I swam 450 yards is 14 minutes flat. Pretty good for a AARP card carrier! LOL Those 900 yards are just a little over a 1/2 mile. I am running on the off swimming days and stacking biking with the running days. Strength training everyday. I have had to up my calories on my running days. If you notice I have posted a new weight! I am really under that but it is close enough. The swimming will be the first portion of the triathlon. I think that I can cut my time to around 11 minutes. I can complete all segments and I am now starting to put them together.

    It looks like everyone is doing well. I am happy about that.

    More later! have a great weekend!

  • pisceswonder77
    pisceswonder77 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks , I'll try that..:flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Everybody, Jake seems to be almost over the terrible coughing cold, He cut the grass today and did all the laundry :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey, congratulations on your weight loss.....all that hard work has really paid off....I'm sorry to hear about all the sadness in your family.......I forgot when you said you'd be competing in the triathlon

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, poor Neil, he must be so frustrated with all these setbacks. It must be hard for you to be the one to cheer him up and keep him focused.......we northern people know better than to expect spring in March....we have nice weather now but know that there has been snow here in April.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I bought a new swimsuit---it looks like shorts with a tank top and I bought it in a larger size because I don't like tight clothes. I don't know when I'll be wearing it but unfortunately you have to buy swimwear in March when the supply is good rather than waiting until the weather is right. It sounds like you're back on track with eating and exercising and you'll soon be rid of those last pounds.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, it makes me happy to think of you and Sammy out walking together. We took Brandy and Sasha for a walk on the trail. I have a pair of garden shoes that look like clogs and I love them.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, it's good to hear from you.....sorry you have to work so much.....glad you'll be in another race.

    :flowerforyou: Irene, I love creating things, too. lately I have been knitting a sweater to send to a child in Afghanistan.

    :flowerforyou: Judy, it looks like spring is teasing you with snow on your is your bowling? I'm glad to hear that the doctor is happy with your progress.

    :flowerforyou: Kelly, welcome to the group......we have lots of good ideas about exercise.

    :flowerforyou: I bought a jar of almond butter to add to my morning's my treat for maintenance
    The dogs are scheduled for grooming tomorrow :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: hugs:heart: Barbie.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Good Morning!! Not!! Snowing again, will it ever end???:explode: One day it is 60 the next snowing, good old Chicago weather. :grumble:

    Welcome Kelly!! Always glad to have new people join our little group for some motivation and helpful hints. No one really likes to exercise, well maybe Jeffrey and Barbie do, but the rest of us struggle just like you do. I think it is just a matter of telling yourself if you want to lose weight and get in shape it is part of life. Barbie's suggestion of starting out walking is great, small steps lead to bigger steps. Record your food, record your exercise, drink lots of water and you are on your way. Good luck!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Speaking of exercise I have been very bad this week. :embarassed: I have been good with my food, but for some reason time got away from me and I missed days of exercise. (do as I say Kelly, not as I do :laugh: ) And I feel yucky from not exercising, no energy and just guilty. Exercise makes me feel so good and even thinner when I am done, so I will be more diligent this week. :bigsmile:

    Barbie, that is the kind of swim suits I buy, shorts with a tank top in different styles. I love halter type tops since they pull things up, if you know what I mean? :laugh: :laugh:

    This weekend Bryanna is competing local so I will be going there later to cheer her on. Next weekend her and I go to Detroit for another competition. Love our time together so I look forward to those trips. :heart:

    Marie, glad you and Sammy are getting your walks in, bet you are feeling good with the warmer weather.:flowerforyou:

    Beth, good luck on your race, keep checking in.

    Jeffrey, I am a little confused with your SIL, is this your wife's sister or your brother's sister? I know you probably have explained this a million times but my old brain let's things slip by and I forget things, sorry. :tongue: You are just amazing with all that you do, I am counting on you to be right there up front at the end of your big triathlon. You are one competitive man!!!!

    Hope everyone else is having good times and taking it one day a time!!

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    good Morning all.

    Welcome Kelly , Barbiecat gave you some good avise. And she is our pro. Love her.

    Gayla, we have got snow in the forcast for today and get colder. And I thought is was spring. Oh well spring is coming that for sure.

    Sandy, You are doing great. Its raining here and changing to snow later on today.

    Thanks Jeffrey for the update. Sorry about your SIL Mother. You take it easy.

    Barbiecat, I am drinking a milk shake for breakfast now
    1 scoop of Jay Robb's pretien shake
    2 T ground flax seeds
    1 c Hoods countdown milk
    1 serving of fruit
    2 cups of raw spinach.
    some ice cubes.

    Pretty good energy shake. I had a half of banana in mine this morning and it was really good. Its green but good. and you can' taste the spinach.

    Everyone have a nice day.
    Again welcome Kelly , hope to hear more from you soon.So we can all get to know you.
  • viliberty
    viliberty Posts: 74
    Just a quick note to say: "JEFFRY, IT IS GOOD TO SEE YOU BACK!" God Bless :bigsmile:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! We have sunshine today. I slept longer than usual and am more tired than usual, not sure what is up with that. Neil is a little grumpy but not too bad. He hasn't been out of bed today as his foot feels so much better when it is elevated. I just found a movie that he likes and he is due for Tylenol so life is good. I will change his dressing after the Tylenol and hope to see some improvement. My friends' husband gets out of hospital today after a quad. bypass. I think I will make a big pot of Tomato Barley soup and take some over to them. It is both healthy and comforting.

    Jeffrey -- Glad to hear from you and here is a cyber hug coming to you and your family. I sure wish I could be at the finishing line of your race. I know you will do great.

    Irene -- Have a good holiday!

    Marie -- I hope I am not responsible for that snow!!! You are right though, spring will be coming soon.

    Sandy -- You have offered some good advice. Enjoy your walks this week.

    Kelly -- Welcome here. These folks will give you all the support you need to get your exercise program going. You can do this!

    Barbie -- so glad that Jake is feeling better. I hope you get to enjoy some sunshine together today.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    My car this morning. What a surorised. and I do have atime getting beween the pecan tree and the light post.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,273 Member
    Wow, Marie you got a lot of snow!!! We had some but it just covered the grass, didn't stick on the sidewalks. :happy:

    Bryanna and her dance team swept the competition again and Bryanna looked beautiful. :heart:

    Today is dinner at the step sons, but before that I think I need a nap. Got up to go to Mass but didn't home until late last night, so I am very tired. :yawn:

    Have a good Sunday!!
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi all! It has been a quiet Sunday at mfp today. Not so quiet here, Neil has been on the warpath. I didn't know that he knew so many colorful words. I just try to ignore it and go about my business. When he calmed a bit I found a movie that he liked and he settled down. It started up again just before dinner but he calmed while eating so perhaps he was hungry. Not that I want to make excuses for his bad behavior. I just took his dressing off and told him it looks a bit better but I am really not sure that it does. Tomorrow I will take the dressing off earlier in the day so that I can call the Dr. office if I need to.

    It was cloudy today but not too cold and no snow. It is hard to believe that Easter is around the corner. When we were young we always got a new outfit for Easter Sunday complete with a straw hat. My Mom usually made our dresses and we, three sisters, thought we were something!! We lived about a half block from our church so had our own Easter Parade. :laugh: I likely told you this before. I am going to have to dig deeper for my stories.

    I could use my Mom today. She was always so calm. I think I better close before I go off the deep end here! Tomorrow will be a better day.

    Take care. Gayla :cry: :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Gayla, sorry Neil had a rotten day. tomorrow will be a better day. Neil may have been having a bunch of little sizures. to make him irritable. I know when I feel bad I am more irritable to Jerry. I too missed my Mom so much. The last thing I told my Brother at the funeral to say Hello to our mom and dad for me.
    You know I am pretty well following your No s diet. Didn't realized it till today. I am eating much better meals and cutting out the snacks between meals. But 7-24 not letting up on s days and Holidays. I I get 4 meals a day and sticking to one plate. No sweets at all . just fruit. And watching my carbs. No more than 100 a day.

    take care:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Marie
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Marie - you are doing so great with your food! And OMG - the SNOW! You have more than we do!!!!!!!! I guess our next storm will start coming in sometime tomorrow. But the weekend and today were close to 60!

    Gayla - sorry you had a blue sunday:cry: hope things are going better today. Hopefully Neil is in a happier place and his foot really IS healing! If not i'm sure you'll be off to the doctor.

    Hey Sandy - i was the opposite of you over the weekend. I worked out like crazy - walked the dogs, went to the gym, did yoga.......but did bad on food. Friday night before Disney on Ice i fixed us homemade mac & cheese and black bean salsa with avocado and mango. Then Saturday night me and all my kids met in Denver for Italian buffet - NEVER a good choice. Of course the pg dil was VERY happy - as were we all - i cannot lie. So the 2 pounds i lost last week, of course came back on over the weekend:sad: No one to blame but myself!

    Hi Jeffrey - hope things are beginning to look up!

    Welcome to the group Kelly.

    Barbie - i see you've now gone below your new new new new goal! You're amazing!

    Work is scary right now - i'm sure that's part of my stress, headaches, stomach stuff.........our main product has a new competitor on the market that's REALLY cutting into our sales. I was supposed to be starting work on my yard and garden and now i think i better just wait in case i need the money i put aside for that to pay the bills. sheesh!:frown:

    OK - gotta run - one day at a time right gang???????

    :heart: elli
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Sounds like everyone is busy and on track! It has been a good day for a change! LOL No new developments. I got my chores done and then went for my swim workout. Swam 1000 yards and 450 for time 12 minutes 2 seconds today. That is about 2.5 minutes less than last Friday. I am getting more comfortable in the water now and my skills are returning. I am actually starting to think that I might complete this triathlon! LOL I still have my plyometric workout tonight, sot the abuse is not over for the day yet! Tomorrow is bike and run then arms and shoulder workout.

    It is a crappy day here! Light rain, cold and windy. Tomorrow is supposed to be better. I did get a new pair of running shoes. This is my first pair of "running" shoes. I had been using cross trainers. They feel like I am running on pillows! What a difference! I think they will help the old knee out by taking out some of the road shock.

    Joe the cat and I finished off the left over potato soup for lunch and now I have to find something for supper. I have the dishes done and the laundry caught up. Vacuumed the carpet and swept the kitchen. I am in good shape when the boss gets home!

    Hope you all have a great day! By the way, Diane (SIL) is my wife's, brother's wife. Her husband and Day are brother and sister. Just to clairfy/

    Talk at you later!

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone from sunny Saskatchewan. It hasn't been terribly sunny inside but I think about 50% better than yesterday. It has put Dave in a foul mood which doesn't help any. I think I need some women to live with!! I was supposed to meet some people who I used to work with a few years ago and have dinner tonight. They meet every 2 months and I promised them I would join them now that I am retired. So far I have missed two, not a good record. I didn't thing leaving Neil and Dave alone would be a happy evening for them.

    I am making soup and bread for dinner. It smells good and is so healthy. I should post the recipe if I haven't already. I will try to remember to do that later. Neil is calling me to watch something on TV and I should join him while he is happy.

    Take care and keep smiling. Thanks so much for your support. Gayla :heart: :smile:
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