fast food



  • ajjaxx
    ajjaxx Posts: 21 Member
    What makes a 500 calorie salad unhealthy? That's the point right? you just don't know

    I am not a fast food eater myself, but I feel compelled to point out it's not the calorie count that makes fast food unhealthy. 500 calories of salad isn't bad for you, just like 500 calories' worth of broccoli is not bad for you. In almost any circumstance, when you make your own, you can make it lighter, but that doesn't necessarily mean that their salads are unhealthy.

    And as others have said, to each their own.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    However, come on guys, give her a break. She's a pro.....she has lost 20 lbs here.
    You're kidding right? I've lost a lot more than that. but hey.. I'll give you a break you couldn't have known. I've also done a ton of research on foods for issues unrelated to myself. Not a pro, or anything like it. Just informed. and a bit frustrated with people who do eat like that and then complain about the consequences.

    You know what I just don't get? Why you would put up a topic like this and fail to keep your food diary private. It would make you look a lot less like a hypocrite. Nothing about your food diary screams "super healthy" to me.
    Thanks.. i didn't know I could change it. I didn't set this account up initially. It's private now. :~)

    Are you saying fast food makes people fat? Calories In = Calories Out. Any rookie knows that.
    I said it's very unhealthy. And it is. and if you want to lose weight or be healthy, it's the reason you are not able to.

    I just want to be as great and healthy as OP and throw up every time I eat something unhealthy.
    It does suck. But it's good because it means I've trained my body to expect good healthy foods. So i'm ok with it. I did it to myself no matter how you slice it. No complaints. I either pass on dinner or deal with the consequences.

    I have strong opinions on food. If that means I'm on a high horse then whatever. Eating organic isn't the only way to eat healthy. I get that your comment is mostly said in jest, but you really should think about what in the food you eat. I read labels. it's scary what in some of this stuff. I bought cliff bars because they are natural, I don't really like them but i'm trying to follow doctors orders and have it be something i can stomach. Its amazing how many people took offense to me stating the obvious about fast food. It's less about calories and more about the crap and junk it's made out of or prepared with. I guess that's why so many of them stay in business. It's like sugar.. if you eat sugar you crave sugar. If you eat fast food you crave it?

    Too bad your strong opinions don't apply themselves in your real life. Little too late to go private now. We all know you've eaten Pizza Hut, the fast food of Pizza, recently. You couldn't even splurge on gormet? You suck.
  • Janelle173
    Janelle173 Posts: 396 Member
    thank you..
    That was what I meant by the salad comment. usually salads at those places are just full of crap, they are not healthy.
    I don't really agree that you can healhitfy fast food anything.. i guess if you can i'll just have to take your word for it.
    I have a lot of like-minded friends, so it boggles my mind when they go to those places and then complain about it, i mean come on.. this isn't rocket science. It's no secret what crappy food like this does to you. It's a shame that people need a wake up call to change their habits. lol my doctor would probably be happy if I went and got a whopper every so often, I'd certainly reach the caloric intake goals they want me at. .. but i just can't do it. doesn't even taste good.

    Yea, I was more so saying the "healthify" part for the people who had commented that they make the best choices possible, or change the foods in certain way to make them not so bad calorie wise, or whatever. I tried a grilled chicken sandwhich at Wendy's not too long ago, instead of getting my love of Spicy Chicken sandwhich...and it was so slippery from grease from the grill that it didn't want to even stay in the bun, that grease is all i could taste...and there was a huge piece of gristle that i chomped into like 2 bites took up a huge portion of the chicken sandwhich. I threw it out. I am weird about my chicken though...I have to trim it all down...textures like gristle totally makes me sick. IDK why it isn't that bad in the spicy chicken...

    I think that there should be a mass produced/every corner of every street (like McD's) healthy fast food place. Somewhere where you can go through a drive through and get fresh steamed veggies, trimmed and baked, or grilled chicken that is not loaded with sodium/butter/oil, potatoes that are roasted, roasted veggies, etc...why aren't there any fast food places like that?

    There are so many ways to make really healthy food taste really great...and it would be awesome to have as an alternative.

    So....maybe I need to start up that type of fast food place! lol
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    I like Taco Bell, and I LOVE me some Chick Fil-a
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I have strong opinions on food. If that means I'm on a high horse then whatever. Eating organic isn't the only way to eat healthy. I get that your comment is mostly said in jest, but you really should think about what in the food you eat. I read labels. it's scary what in some of this stuff. I bought cliff bars because they are natural, I don't really like them but i'm trying to follow doctors orders and have it be something i can stomach. Its amazing how many people took offense to me stating the obvious about fast food. It's less about calories and more about the crap and junk it's made out of or prepared with. I guess that's why so many of them stay in business. It's like sugar.. if you eat sugar you crave sugar. If you eat fast food you crave it?

    I know what's in my food. I was forced to eat dairy-free and gluten-free for 4 years of my life. Not only do I know how to read labels, but I know how to access sites that tell me the hidden ingredients as well.

    I gained 20 lbs eating GF, DF and mostly organic. I wasted a lot of money eating organic. In the end it doesn't have any different nutritional value as non-organic foods.

    I know other people IRL who also get sick eating fast food. But none of them tell me that it's because their diet is better than mine. In fact, most of them feel terrible that they can't enjoy the occasional fast food meal along with everyone else they know.

    BTW, I know fast food isn't quality food. But for some people it's all they can afford. It's the best they can do in life. They have genuine addictions. If someone who used to eat fast food 7 days a week is now eating it once a week and it's making them feel bad, who are you to judge? Even if you are a "like-minded person".

    Cliff bars are not the most healthy food on the planet either. I used to eat Lara bars. Sugar-packed little things. Your argument is invalid.

    I think the reason I reacted so strongly to your rant and subsequent half-assed attempts to back track and apologize and change what you "really meant" is because in the end.... ahem...

    It's none of your business what other people eat.

    Oh, and your hypocrisy. That was pretty funny too.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    So, what about the Arbys (and the Papa Johns) you munched on last month? That wasn't fast food?
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Because I used to eat triple or more the amount I eat now. No matter what you are eating, that quantity is not healthy. I had no self control and then stuff happened and I got very ill and i have the opposite problem now. I work out to create hunger and it doesn't really work for me, but I make myself eat. I barely hit 1000 today and I roller skated for an hour. I've never been a fast food eater. I couldn't even eat chocolate as a teen, but have grown out of that. Growing up most of my food was raised, caught or picked by my family. Even with that.. eating triple servings or more of everything will make you heavy and once it's there it's hard to get off. My weight has little to do with the medical thing. I'm not here to lose weight, it's just a bonus.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member

    I blame this dame ^^

    and these girls. also not beef, I'm guessing silicon


    then usually I just loose all those calories

    DEAR OP: I mean this is all sincerity, Have you thought about a career as a forum troll? I see great potential.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Of course I have something. i drink too much and I don't track it.. lol. I'm far from perfect. But I don't drink and then go complain that I had too many carbs and too much sugar or that i can't lose weight or whatever.

    lol.. I didn't have pizza hut. I did have pizza. Pizza hut is gross. i used it because it has a high calories and i wanted to make sure it got counted right. and it was covered in veggies. lol. I also had qudoba a few weeks ago.. for the first and most likely last time. Pretty yucky and tasteless.

    There is healthy fast food out there. I like noodles and co. it's healthy and you can see what's in the food you're eating it's all on their website.

    No msg in the Chinese food. I can't eat it if it did.

    so why are you complaining about people who complain? some people eat fast food. some don't. life goes on. i don't see how what others eats affects you. and if you talk to people who complain about weight but eat ****ty, well that's their problem not yours. i don't eat too much fast food because i get paranoid about who is touching my food or what's in it, but having something take away every now and then isn't too big a deal. and for people with busy lives, young children, working several job, it is an easy alternative
  • MarcPower
    MarcPower Posts: 67 Member
    Wow. Lots of passion here! I'm a MFP newbie and this is my first post. I personally think there is some truth to the OPs post. Fast food isn't usually as good as a homemade meal. However, it is easy, fast, and can sometimes be more inexpensive than making food at home.

    Ultimately, shaming people for what they eat generally doesn't sit well with people and I'm guessing that is why people have gotten their back up in response to the post.

    Very few people can eat clean all of the time and I personally believe that when people are cognizant of their food consumption, they can splurge at McDonalds or Taco Bell occasionally. When I was at my worst, I would bury my head in the sand and didn't want to be cognizant of my meals. I still don't like to track my bad days! However, I also realize that one bad meal (or even two or three) doesn't make me a bad person nor does it mean that my "diet" is shot and I can't get back on the horse the next day.

    Ultimately, it is a matter of choice for people to eat as they feel fit and it is not my place to judge them for it. On the other hand, if people ask me for my opinion or help, I'm more than happy to tell them my thoughts and support them in any way that I can.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    oh and ps, your diary still is open.
    let's see...chinese food (because chinese resturants are known for their nutrtional value. oh, wait...), chinese food again the next day (leftovers maybe?), a french vanilla cappucino from 7-11 (another healthy choice!), some more chinese, some candy (because they don't put any bad ingredients in candy...), arbys, papa johns, another day of chinese, tgi fridays frozen appetizer (i wonder what fun ingredients are in there!), oh wait, i see some tortilla chips from whole foods. i guess you have redeemed yourself. nope never mind, chinese food again. and again lol. and your diary starts in december?... didn't bother to browse into january, i'm not THAT bored

    wow, so you really must be confuzzled then
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I don't understand how people can eat fast food! Taco Bell can't even call their meat beef because it contains so little actual meat and then they stuff it with chemical and flavoring. Mcdonalds and burger king never molds. How is that possible! You tell people this and they still go and order a big mac! So gross. At least KFC uses real chicken, although they fry the health benefits right out of it and Wendy's uses real American raised beef. still tastes gross.. I also tried explaining to one of my friends that if a salad has 500 calories in it, then it's not healthy... they just don't get it.

    I haven't eaten it in years.

    While many find your post offensive, I can see what you are saying about how bad fast foods are for you. I eat them, but trying to cut down. They are high in sodium as I see when I log them in. Many fast food places have salads and I order them instead of french fries. True, the dressing adds to calories, but you can get low cal dressings like Balsamic and Italian though, they are still high in sodium. You can even eat your salad w/o dressing if you like. Jack in the Box and McDonalds have smoothies which are better than burgers and fries.

    It is better not to put others down for eating fast foods because you don't. Everyone is different and each has a different schedule & different circumstances. While eating at home is far better than fast foods, Some of the fast food places do have healthy choices.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    umm... cause it's yummy? i eat it on regular basis and still look good. we're all gonna die anyway.
  • glitteredgrave
    glitteredgrave Posts: 194 Member
    Leave the OP alone, I'm sure everybody has better things to do. She probably didn't mean to piss everyone off.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    oh and ps, your diary still is open.
    let's see...chinese food (because chinese resturants are known for their nutrtional value. oh, wait...), chinese food again the next day (leftovers maybe?), a french vanilla cappucino from 7-11 (another healthy choice!), some more chinese, some candy (because they don't put any bad ingredients in candy...), arbys, papa johns, another day of chinese, tgi fridays frozen appetizer (i wonder what fun ingredients are in there!), oh wait, i see some tortilla chips from whole foods. i guess you have redeemed yourself. nope never mind, chinese food again. and again lol. and your diary starts in december?... didn't bother to browse into january, i'm not THAT bored

    wow, so you really must be confuzzled then
    LOL. Well done. Food diary still isn't private - packaged granola bars, coffee cake, cheesecake, packaged store-bought meatballs...all within the last week. Tsk tsk. Methinks the legs on that high horse are getting a little wobbly.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    How's the weather high upon your pedestal?
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Weird, you had Pizza Hut Sausage and Pepperoni a few days ago. They have a drive through - so isn't that fast food? Get over yourself.

    Epic *****slap....well played.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Serious question.....if KFC makes me wait 45 minutes for my fried chicken, is it then not considered "fast food" and is therefor healthy for me? I'm going to assume it is and log this entire bucket as "Romaine lettuce - 1 leaf"
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    Serious question.....if KFC makes me wait 45 minutes for my fried chicken, is it then not considered "fast food" and is therefor healthy for me? I'm going to assume it is and log this entire bucket as "Romaine lettuce - 1 leaf"

    See, it's comments like this that make me so glad to be your friend. You evil genius you :flowerforyou:

    Definitely gonna go out and get me some KFC now. I'll tell em to take at least 45 minutes to make it muahahaha!!!