

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hello All

    After logging in for a week now.. I have found ---- I had no idea what I was really eating before... lots of junk food and empty calories...hardly any fruits or veggies.... Now with the calorie counter... I can really see what I'm eating and it's making a difference.... I feel better... I have started walking on the treadmill at the gym and can actually walk for 20 min without giving out of breath... I really had no idea I was in this bad of shape.... I realize it's going to take some time to start eating healthy and get out and walk more often... but I'm determined to do this.....

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I had no idea what I was eating either, and I have found that logging my food with the calorie counter really makes me think about what I am eating. It's more exercise I need, but I'm trying to eat more fruit and veg and cut down on biscuits and sweets and it seems to be working as I have started to lose a bit of weight.

    Oh dear I have messed up my weight entries. :grumble: First I put it in Kilos and when I lost a Kilo it seemed to say that I had lost 1lb so a few weeks later I changed it to pounds but I must be going senile or something because I thought there were 16 pounds in a stone :blushing: and entered my weight as 176 pounds :huh: Silly me there are 14 pounds in a stone so now I have changed my weight to reflect this and it looks like I have lost loads of weight when in fact I have only lost 2 and half pounds:smile: which I am still very pleased about.

    :smile: I was interested to read that people eat more calories over the weekend because I always seem to eat more myself not sure why, but this weekend I am going to watch what I am eating as usually if I have lost any weight during the week , I put it back on over the weekend.

    :bigsmile: Glad to say that the crisis at work is now over, everyone is happy and friendly again and the misunderstanding has been talked through and sorted.

    :laugh: Had to laugh at my friend Cindy when I told her I had bought some scales that not only weigh you, they also tell you how fat you are and shout oy get off - and she said do they really. I said no I am joking, I think she thought they were joke scales or something.

    :flowerforyou: Hope everyone has a good weekend night night

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: Hello, everyone and Welcome to all the newbies!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I am down a pound this week so i am happy about that!

    I found some fun-looking belly dance workouts on youtube that I'm going to try. :smile: The sisters that made them also made a "learning" series for the basic moves, which I've already started learning. I will start them this weekend and am really looking forward to them!

    This morning my kitty seemed to think that the step moves during my cardio workout was an invitation to try to catch my feet! That made for an interesting workout!:laugh:

    Need to go finish fixing dinner. have a good evening, all!:heart:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Hi EVERYONE, here is MIA Rebel! :bigsmile: I am reading the posts and thinking, wow these women are fantastic! :flowerforyou:

    I went to the doctor today because my blood tests result showed something. Found that my cholesterol is still not budging. So I have to start taking a double dose of medication. It is not a surprise to me because genetics play the biggest part. The bad news is the cholesterol, the GOOD NEWS is everything else! B12, kidneys, liver, glucose, you name it....and thyroid remains under control ....:smile:

    But.....in particular: My triglycerides are in the normal range!!! where it was not beforeI know that is only due to my diet, because I was already exercising for years. :flowerforyou: Take that for a hint, ladies:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: !!

    Rebel :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    It was much too windy to ride my bike today so I spent the afternoon digging grass out of my flowerbeds instead. I didn't eat any of my exercise calories so hopefully I'll see another loss when I weigh on Monday. Happy weekend all! :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    :flowerforyou: Barbie you must be tiny - do I remember reading you are into size 4 Jeans??

    :flowerforyou: Viv, I'm a lot smaller now than I was when I started on MFP 14 months ago (look at my profile and you'll see a picture of me at size 16 and 183 pounds)

    :flowerforyou: DH is feeling better----after two weeks of coughing and suffering and staying in bed, he got up today and cut the grass, did all the laundry, and made a bunch of business phone calls :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: on the subject of dogs in crates......we have crated all our puppies (golden retriever and two poodles) when we were gone and at night. We gradually gave them more freedom as they got older. Even after Sasha was released full time from the crate, she would run to the crate when she got a treat to eat it in private and sometimes slept in the crate with the door open. Now the dogs have the run of the house. Occasionally Brandy gets the cat food off the kitchen counter and eats it.......yesterday she did it while DH was walking Sasha in the back yard .....Sasha's big offenses have been chewing items that were left on the bed (I realized after the fact that we used to leave her on the bed with a toy when we went out, so naturally she thought that things on the bed were toys for her)......the chewed items included a hard back library book (it cost me $25.00 to get clear with the library) and one of DH's favorite slippers.

    :flowerforyou: Becky, glad to hear from you....sorry to hear about the stress with your daughter.

    :flowerforyou: I've been thinking about the statistic about people eating more on weekends.......I guess that's because weekends are different schedules for people who work on weekdays.......so what does that mean for the idle retired like me for whom every day is the weekend.......the good news is that if all seven days are the same, then I guess I can have the same good eating habits every day.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Kathy it sounds like "dancing with cats" could be as much fun as "yoga with poodles":laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: I just realized that I haven't done yoga today after doing it six days in a row, so I'll have to claim the TV for 20 minutes before bedtime.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Our youngest son flew in today from Chicago to spend a week with us. He is in grad school and working full time so this is a treat. His girlfriend of 2 years could not come because her school break is not the same. (she is a guidance counselor) We adore her but It is also such a treat to just have him to ourselves. Of course I made a really special dinner and had more than I intended. (Why do I revert to old habits so easily?) BUT, no desserts or bread...so not too awful. (more than one glass of red wine though!) We did ski all afternoon and I will spend the rest of the week trying to catch up with him on the slopes, so hopefully it will even out.

    ...Family is the most important thing and I am happy to have our "baby" here for a bit. Will try to ease up on the celebrating with food and just enjoy the time together. Can I do that and not lapse into "feeding" everyone??? We shall see?!?

    Have a good weekend all. Here's to making good choices!:drinker:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I've never crated a dog, but I do lock mine up when I have to by confining them to a small room like either a laundry room or a bathroom when I am out. Some friends lock theirs in a spare bedroom. We had a cat we use to lock in the bathroom to preserve our living room furniture. My dogs are locked in the laundry when the weather is bad and I can't leave them outside. (I have really old unused dog houses that appear to be beneath the dignity of my pets.)

    Having a space that is already dog proof makes for fast get-aways as I don't have to remember what I need to lock up or put up.

    Good luck with it,


    Hi All--

    Appreciate everyone's comments about my little canine terrorist. Have to respond specifically to Jeannie's suggestion. Since I have a doggie door panel in the sliding door that opens onto my patio from my living room, locking up the critters won't work very well. On the days I work, I am gone for about 8-9 hours at a time, so not having access to the outdoors would lead to problems (smelly ones) that I don't want to have. As long as I don't leave food items reachable on the edge of the kitchen counter, and put temptations like the garbage can out of reach, we seem to have a pretty smooth time of it.

    I know Bradley is a lot "needier" than my other two, but part of it is because he lived in a house where someone was ALWAYS home, from the time he was a puppy. I know he gets anxious when I am gone, but I think it would be a lot worse if he didn't have the other two for company.

    Oh, you will LOVE this--would you believe they have done yet ANOTHER schedule change, starting next week?? I will have to carry a list around with me to figure out what time I go to work. The one good thing about it is I am finally going to get off work at 3p on Saturday, instead of 5, which will make church going and food preparation where my parents are concerned a LOT easier.

    Well, I have to start at 6a on Sat, so I need to get off of here and call it a night.

    Have a good weekend.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • richmondhillgal
    Is there a way to subscribe to this thread or bookmark it somehow?
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Is there a way to subscribe to this thread or bookmark it somehow?

    Hi and welcome!:flowerforyou:

    You just did! When you post in any thread it will show up when you click the 'My Topics' tab on the community page!

    This is a great group!
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Thanks for the information on getting back to this thread. It looks like a great thread with lots of good information.
  • kathymurphy
    great idea about drinking water before logging on. how about drinking water before we eat ANYTHING. that always fills me up so much i don't' want much to eat. do you ever just want to say the heck with it all, we are never going to be hard bodies again at this age. then you try on the tight clothes and hate it so get back on the wagon again. hardest thing in the world.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Greetings all. Welcome Richmondhillgal, SallyCC and kathymurphy.

    I have been trying too get wallpaper glue off of a wall pretty much all day. Stopped to go shopping for just a couple of hours. Also did vacuuming, furniture moving and taking hardware out of walls...so hopefully burned lots and lots of calories today!! Eating has been less, too, due to being so gosh-darned busy.

    Regarding the weekend eating...I know when I worked full time I usually overindulged on the weekends...
    :noway: starting on Thursday because the next day was Friday (translation...reason to celebrate!),
    :noway: ususally would go out to dinner or maybe order a pizza on Friday because it was Friday (reason to celebrate),
    :noway: would often times go out to dinner on Saturday night with friends and treat myself to something really yummy (translation high fat/high calorie) because
    a) it was Saturday,
    b) I'd worked hard all week, and
    c) I deserved it!!
    :noway: Sunday I would ususally just do a lot of comfort eating because I had to go to work the next day.

    I still have the incessant compulsion to "treat" myself...but thanks to this site and OA I am finally learning that I am being kinder to myself by watching what I eat than by stuffing myself with a bunch of fattening junk! So :drinker: here's to a new outlook and a healthier lifestyle...and eventually, a normal, healthy weight...which is, after all, the desire of my heart!!

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday night and Sunday!!
    :heart: Terri:heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Welcome Richmondhillgal, SallyCC and kathymur: You have come to the right place.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: I spent a long time today at a meeting. Fortunately I brought my own lunch so I was able to take a 20 minute walk and eat while everybody else was in line for the buffet.......when I got home DH, the poodles, and I went for a walk........later DH and I went to dinner at my favorite restaurant where I ate too much chicken curry then went for another walk then came home for some TV watching and 40 minutes on the exercise bike. I've been drinking a lot of water to deal with all the sodium in my dinner. We rarely eat out so this was a great treat.

    :drinker: Terri, one of the best things I did for myself since joining MFP was to seek other ways to treat myself besides food......it has made a huge difference. I hope you are able to find the same thing.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: never,never,never give up
    there's a pair of smaller jeans out there just waiting for each of us....:heart::heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    Warning this is a looooong post

    Have been MIA awhile trying to wii before reading and never enough time.

    Barb "wii wii wii..." Oui! You crack me up! Thanks! Congrats for conquering the cheesecake/donut/muffin MayAsWells.
    BRAVA for being back to your current ticker reading! You'll blast on down now!
    Did you know that smelling, seeing, thinking about food can make you gain weight? without taking a single bite? This from
    quote A Matter of Nature Working Against Us
    Yale University recently conducted a very interesting study. They checked the insulin levels of hungry people who were exposed to the sight, smell and even just the thought of char-broiled steaks. Without even taking a single bite, these people’s insulin levels skyrocketed and their body’s started converting glucose into fat. What does this mean? Without taking a single bite of food, these people started gaining weight. unquote


    And THANKS for the clue about restoring deleted items. You're right. We really should be able to pick our favorites.
    Comfort pizza and yellowtail shiraz merlot cold remedy? Move over, I feel the sniffles coming on...

    Get up early someone else's colonscopy? NO WAY! Someday ask me about my first colonscopy, its a looong and dog related story... ;)

    Think an eagle could swoop up Bradley. When the rivers freeze they're H U N G R Y.

    my BF's young daughter loved the Canaterbury ghost, called it "Boogedy!" and watched it often.
    Barbie size 4 jeans WOW!
    I've been saying I want to work til 67, but may have to rethink. Joe wants to retire at 62, and there have been so
    many layoffs, I may be lucky to get that far. What scares me most is health insurance until Medicare.
    Happy Baby with Cat on Chest-LOL!
    Can't wait til the Pooga DVD comes out, sign me up!
    bsfriese Welcome another Barbara! While I prefer the long form Barbara too, I can go by bk, if that helps, so:
    #1-Barbie (barbiecat)
    #2-Barb (weaklink)
    #3-Barbara or bk (auntiebk)
    #4-Barbara (bsfriese)
    BirdieM Practical goals, yeah! Moderate alcohol helping all us middle aged women loose weight and maintain? Yippee!
    My problem is not the calories in the glass of wine or beer, its what I do afterwards. So at least for Lent, no booze Mon-Thurs... and it does seem to be working. When I get down to maintenance, my reward will be to add back the daily wine or
    beer. Thanks!
    constancemwj not really 50+ yet... both you and your kids are right. You can't replace your beloved lab Spice, but you DO need another doggie and God knows there are dogs that need you. Erwin and Owl might not agree... but they'll figure it out.
    Doobiedoo Splenda helps me reduce sugar intake. Not everyone favors artificial sweeteners and the others all give me a headache.
    Jackie- Aha! All those old metal fillings and the refrigerator magnets! NOW I understand. OFF the magnets go!
    No hot tub til May? In Idaho this is prime hot tub weather... Eating for the sake of eating yeah it feels wrong when I do it too. Reading posts instead. Please never stop with the jokes. Even tho' I didn't get the hairy lip squid, I had to chuckle at the dish soap name. Fairy liquid has an entirely different connotation in the US and would not sell well. Great diet tip! Before the restaurant could throw me out, I'd be throwing up! Dog exercises, especially the dislocated shoulder... whichever comes first! HA!
    Jeannie-Sorry the surgery was longer and harder than expected, ghappy to hear it went well.
    JoAnn 25 lbs since Jan 5 W O W!
    kackie, isn't it funny, even though we miss the DH when he's away, there's always an adjustment when he returns and is ALWAYS around. Skiing in MT every day for 3 weeks = you really lead the "DO it NOW!" philosophy by example. Its true on so many levels.
    LifeAfter50 Debbie (RealThin) I don't dream of food, but 3 years after I quit smoking I had such a vivid dream of smoking that when I woke up I jumped out of bed and ran to my purse to make sure there was no pack of cigarettes there.
    Last week had a great dream. Could see myself and didn't look like Jabba the Hut but more like I did 25 years ago. Maybe it is possible to change the inner image!
    MacMadam new meaning to the phrase "running date with DH"... ;)
    MamaCindy About DST, MacMadame said it best. Throws me off for at least 3 weeks twice a year. :{
    Mary msh0530 Whoooeee! ! ! What a ticker! Con VERY gratulations! How are you doing on your plan? Looks like success to me! Log every bite, lick or sip, LOVE it! ;) Know what you mean about being excited to be obese. wii told me Thursday that I was Overweight instead of Obese and I cried for joy! Let me know when you're overweight too and we'll celebrate!
    pmjsmom=Belated (3/8?) Happy Birthday Kathy! Tell me more about the diet soda cake, is there a recipe? Surprise to hear you and Jan can both have cats AND gerbils at the same time, would imagine the cats think of the gerbils as prey...Fruit tree order? getting 165 arranged? So you own a nursery?
    RebelRenny= Rebel Sorry about the cholesterol but good news about the rest and WOW for the Triglycerides! You referred to a "Skinny Saturday" could u tell me more? I need some of thse. How is Natalie doing? Still in a lot of pain? Changed my meals from names to times: 5-9am, 9am-1pm, 1pm-5pm 5pm-9pm after 9 pm
    smwert-welcome back and congrats!
    Spaniel-Happy happy Birthay, 60sister! "...week 10 of a diet with exercise and still no weight loss."How frustrated you must be. This may sound strange but are you eating enough? How about sodium? You'll find the whole range of exercise times here, from 10 mins per session everyother day to folks who seem to workout/run/bike for hours every day. Me I started with a goal of 30 mins/day, mostly aerobic up to 40 mins/day this month. Now I need to add in some strength (weights) and flexibility (yoga). As with exercise, crating is largely individual. When Robby and I picked Dixie up (after a play date) from breed rescue, she jumped into the back of the car, went straight into the crate, lay down on her side and promplty fell asleep. Rescuer said she'd never seen a rescue dog settle in so fast with new owner. Little did she know it would take over a year, 3 fences and a near-divorce for Dixie to "settle in". :} Robby just hates to be crated and left alone, so they both have the run of the house whenever we leave.
    Susanita-Great job passing up the creme brule! I haven't dared to try any of the Jilliam Nichaels DVDs ;}
    SuzyQ stability ball posture change in 2 days. OK I'm sold! Should hve gotten the country dance dvd when you mentioned it, now sold out at Wal~Mart. And size 10! Congratulations! Windy here too, makes me reluctant to work outside.
    Terri We must be on the same schedule, It took me 4 hours to read the posts from pag 8. But it did keep me from eating anything and going over my allotment, a first for a Saturday. Thanks gals!
    Texem Karen your affirmation story is inspiring!
    Viv, have to agree with Debbie, Barbie and Barb. I plan and log all the day's food first thing in the morning, but never log exercise until its really done ;) If you're mornings are too rushed, plan and log tomorrow's food tonight like Barb. Planning and logging is almost as key as "Never never never give up!" Congratulations on your healthy snack plans, sounds like you are on the right track now!
    Thanks all, and good night!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member

    Regarding the weekend eating...I know when I worked full time I usually overindulged on the weekends...
    :noway: starting on Thursday because the next day was Friday (translation...reason to celebrate!),
    :noway: ususally would go out to dinner or maybe order a pizza on Friday because it was Friday (reason to celebrate),
    :noway: would often times go out to dinner on Saturday night with friends and treat myself to something really yummy (translation high fat/high calorie) because
    a) it was Saturday,
    b) I'd worked hard all week, and
    c) I deserved it!!
    :noway: Sunday I would ususally just do a lot of comfort eating because I had to go to work the next day.

    I still have the incessant compulsion to "treat" myself...but thanks to this site and OA I am finally learning that I am being kinder to myself by watching what I eat than by stuffing myself with a bunch of fattening junk! So :drinker: here's to a new outlook and a healthier lifestyle...and eventually, a normal, healthy weight...which is, after all, the desire of my heart!!

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday night and Sunday!!
    :heart: Terri:heart:

    :laugh: Terri that is exactly like me, usually by Friday I am thinking it's Friday I've had a hard week at work so treat myself.
    Saturday Yey it's the weekend so treat myself (to chocolate or cake or anything with empty calories)
    Sunday back to work on Monday so treat myself.

    I am trying to eat healthier this weekend and will watch what I eat.

    :smile: Barbie Good Idea about treating myself with something other that food, not sure what though, but I will think of something. I have been treating myself with food for so long that it might take time to get into the habit of not reaching for the biscuits at the weekend.

    :smile: I must be doing something right because I have started to lose weight, my starting weight was 11 stone and now I am 10 stone 10 lbs and I owe it all to the people on this site, reading their stories, hints and tips

    :drinker: Thanks everyone!

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Barbara aka Auntiebk, you are my inspiration. :love: I LOVE how you take time to respond to everyone individually. :flowerforyou:

    After a week of deep cleaning the house and then gardening I was so sore yesterday I took the day off from exercise. Still not sure if it was all the up and down on the ladder cleaning that was the culprit or the bending over digging grass out of the flowerbed. I can't beleive it made me sore with all the different kinds of exercise I've been doing.

    My trip to meet girlfriends at the beach is only 16 days away and I'm still not sleek enough to feel comfortable in the two piece my BF is encouraging me to wear. :blushing: Its a great improvement from the size I was last March, but I can still see buldges in places they don't belong. So guess I'll be hitting the stability ball and cardio extra hard between now and then, or buying a one piece with tummy control at the last minute.

    Should have my test results from my annual exam tomorrow or the next day.

    Got to head out the door to Praise Team practice, so hope to catch up with you all later today. At least as long as I'm singing, I don't think about eating. Its all about choices and focus. How about if today we choose to live life ON PURPOSE! :drinker:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    Just finished updating my exercise ticker.

    Suzzy: When I went to the exercise factory ticker site http://www.tickerfactory.com/ezticker/ticker_designer.php?type=8) It showed that they have a new design. It's for biking! Thought you might be interested.

    I haven't had a really good week but today is a new day. Beautiful spring day. We had temps in the 70s yesterday and that's what I am hoping for today.

    BBL to read all the posts but right now Granny is awaiting.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    pmjsmom=Belated (3/8?) Happy Birthday Kathy! Tell me more about the diet soda cake, is there a recipe? Surprise to hear you and Jan can both have cats AND gerbils at the same time, would imagine the cats think of the gerbils as prey...Fruit tree order? getting 165 arranged? So you own a nursery?

    barbarabk--there are a number of threads here about the diet soda cake. Basically it's a cake mix mixed with 10-12 oz. diet soda and then baked. I also added 1 egg white to help it be a bit fluffier. Then bake according to package directions. I used a white cake mix with diet orange soda and frosted it it with lite cool whip--everyone loved it! You can mix and match the flavors of mix and soda. There's no oil and very few eggs so it is lower in calories and fat.

    We do keep Daisy (our gerbil) in a covered fish tank because Krispy (cat) can get ANY plastic cage open! He's never actually hurt one, though--he'd take one out and watch it run around! I(n fact, Lily, an older gerbil who recently died, was brought home by Krispy a couple of years ago!) (A neighbor had let her small animals go because she was tired of them!) Krispy does spend some time each day trying to catch the gerbil, who I think taunts him because she knows he can't get her!

    I work in the Garden Center at our local Lowes store. I am a vendor (Live Goods Merchandiser) and my job is to unload and arrange the plants and trees, deadhead, etc. and help clean up. I love it! It's very physical work and I am getting quite a workout from it!

    I want to welcome our new people! You'll love it here. Everyone is SO supportive and that helps so much!
  • richmondhillgal
    oh cool ! thx!
  • richmondhillgal
    Greetings all. Welcome Richmondhillgal, SallyCC and kathymurphy.

    I have been trying too get wallpaper glue off of a wall pretty much all day. Stopped to go shopping for just a couple of hours. Also did vacuuming, furniture moving and taking hardware out of walls...so hopefully burned lots and lots of calories today!! Eating has been less, too, due to being so gosh-darned busy.

    Regarding the weekend eating...I know when I worked full time I usually overindulged on the weekends...
    :noway: starting on Thursday because the next day was Friday (translation...reason to celebrate!),
    :noway: ususally would go out to dinner or maybe order a pizza on Friday because it was Friday (reason to celebrate),
    :noway: would often times go out to dinner on Saturday night with friends and treat myself to something really yummy (translation high fat/high calorie) because
    a) it was Saturday,
    b) I'd worked hard all week, and
    c) I deserved it!!
    :noway: Sunday I would ususally just do a lot of comfort eating because I had to go to work the next day.

    I still have the incessant compulsion to "treat" myself...but thanks to this site and OA I am finally learning that I am being kinder to myself by watching what I eat than by stuffing myself with a bunch of fattening junk! So :drinker: here's to a new outlook and a healthier lifestyle...and eventually, a normal, healthy weight...which is, after all, the desire of my heart!!

    Hope everyone has a great Saturday night and Sunday!!
    :heart: Terri:heart:

    hey there! thanks for the welcome! You seem to be on the right trsack and if we totally deny oursleves a treat now and then I think we are doomed to overindulge. It is a gloomy day here, rainy and chilly. I am watching trashy reality tv. haha Have a great Sunday, ya'll!!!