

  • LifeAfter50

    I have been trying too get wallpaper glue off of a wall pretty much all day. Stopped to go shopping for just a couple of hours. Also did vacuuming, furniture moving and taking hardware out of walls...so hopefully burned lots and lots of calories today!! Eating has been less, too, due to being so gosh-darned busy.
  • LifeAfter50
    Sorry trying to post with the quote attached..... I thought I would pass along one of my tips for removing wallpaper and the glue... this is really quite easy....

    1 cup of downy fabric softener
    1 gallon of warm water

    Just let it sit on the wall for a few minutes and it scrapes right off... just be sure to score your wallpaper with a round scoring tool you can pick up at home depot or lowes...

    Hope this helps... although you may already be finished... maybe you can try it next time....
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    RebelRenny - Sorry about the cholesterol but good news about the rest and WOW for the Triglycerides! You referred to a "Skinny Saturday" could u tell me more? I need some of these. How is Natalie doing? Still in a lot of pain? Changed my meals from names to times: 5-9am, 9am-1pm, 1pm-5pm 5pm-9pm after 9 pm

    :flowerforyou: bk. I am totally impressed with your lovely post, giving everyone some attention. Here is the link to the Skinny Saturday forum: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/87282-skinny-sat-challenge-5. Natalie is doing great and is in physio. What a great idea to use the times of the meals. I may try that.

    :grumble: I ate too much yesterday. Started well and even went for a walk/run in the morning. Then DH bought ribs for dinner; tasted great but too much fat. It did not even leave a good taste in my mouth. :angry: I have to get a handle on the weekends. A skinny DH does not help. He with the fast metabolism just does not understand! Grrr :grumble:

    :flowerforyou: Speaking of walk/run. It is a breakthrough for me to fit in a bit of running. I have not been able to run in many years and yesterday I ran about 1/3 of the way!! Felt really good too. (Just need to ensure I don't drink any coffee beforehand, not good for the bladder control :bigsmile: :bigsmile: )

    I hope to get out today to play some golf, if the weather holds that is.

    Have a great Sunday :drinker:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Welcome Cynthia. I know you'll enjoy this group.

    Barb #2 - that was so cute about the nail. Thanks for the smile. It's interesting that Jillian Michael's recommended not to do crunches until you've lost the weight. I would think you should do crunches, even tho the muscles will be gettting bigger. At the same time you should also be doing cardio which burns off the fat. This way, when the fat goes, you have ab muscles there.

    It's Wed. Did the deep water class, then did a little food shopping (just what was on sale), made a donation to the local soup kitchen, then made a donation to the Salvation Army. I tell you, I can NOT pass by that place and not at least look. I did find these Corelleware plates. See, I try to buy Corelleware or melamine and use those plates to put something on when I go somewhere. It doesn't cost me much, it's helping someone else out, and it looks better than giving someone a cake on a paper plate. I decided to look to see if there were any St. Patrick's day shirts (there weren't). While looking, I came across a pair of shorts, didn't know if they'd fit me or not. They're a size 5 -- is that a junior size? They fit so I'll wash and keep them. Also saw this gold fancy shirt that is for the Christmas holiday. Didn't know if it would fit (it did). I guess it fit since it was a long sleeved shirt, if it's a sleeveless (especially) I need a petite size.

    I did my yoga today. I never realized how when I do down dog, that makes a great tunnel for a cat. I also learned that when I have my arms in, say, triangle, I can rub the cat's chin with the hand that's on the floor (or in my case, on my leg). Admitted, tho, it IS a bit tough to do a plank and then go down to the floor when the cat is sitting right under you.....lol I guess it could be worse, tho.

    Went to a St. Patrick's day/birthday party at the home of this one gal. I must admit I did pretty well. Had 2 helpings of carrots and cabbage, took a small bite of the two different Irish Soda Breads that I'd brought (no butter), had one of these spinach bacon tartlets (got the recipe from Taste of Home, each tartlet has something like 48 calories in it). Then she had a birthday cake. Fortunately for me, it was whipped cream icing, I'm not a real big fan of whipped cream icing. I only had a very little. Did drink what I'm estimating was 16oz of water.

    Madgoth - so sorry about the job. How disappointing. But something even better will come along, of that I'm sure.

    Mary - have a great time camping!

    WTG Terri!

    Well, it's Friday. So far I've had 64oz of water, done 1 hr of hulahoop on the Wii. Tomorrow I'll probably do some yoga at home, then I have those fitness workshops. The ones that are on the same day as the Y's fundraiser, the one I won't be going to, I'll go where my passion is and it's not fundraising. So...I gotta make myself a lunch to take with me since there are two classes and I'm going to both.

    Viv - whenever I get on the Wii, it says "oohh"

    It's now Sunday. So far I've had 72oz of water and did 1 hr on the Wii. Did the ski jump. You know how they say that some days your balance is just "off". Well, today is one of those days for me!

    It's rainy and colder today. Yuk! I really liked it yesterday when the temp was in the 70's.

    Took the fitness workshops yesterday. I really like this gal. She must have awesome classes! We only did a shortened version of certain exercises (instead of 32, we only did 8), yet I can really feel it today. Gotta try to figure out which exercise it was that is making me feel it so.

    Off to do my yoga. So far, I've been pretty good about doing the extra 15 minutes of yoga/day.

    I'm thinking that I'll do spinning tomorrow. Haven't done that in a while. Then Tues I'll do pilates and then this toning class. The gal was in the workshop with me so I laughingly said to her "I'll be in class Tuesday so I expect to see some of these things incorporated into it". Wed. I'll take the deep water class, I'm also going to get my measurements taken by a gal who works there. Thurs I'll do a resistance training DVD (don't remember which one) and then Fri. I'll do some HIIT.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Mary msh0530 Whoooeee! ! ! What a ticker! Con VERY gratulations! How are you doing on your plan? Looks like success to me! Log every bite, lick or sip, LOVE it! ;) Know what you mean about being excited to be obese. wii told me Thursday that I was Overweight instead of Obese and I cried for joy! Let me know when you're overweight too and we'll celebrate!

    Thank you. How am I doing? Pretty well until the last two days, but everyone has to let up once in a while, right? My eating plans went out the window, and I'm pretty sure that in the morning the scale may something like "You've got to be kidding! How many of you are standing on here at once??" I capped it all off with a Chinese buffet tonight. Oh, well, back at it in the morning! And you will probably hear the sound of rejoicing wherever you may be when I reach overweight, although it will be quite a while. Notice, however, that I do not say "if"!

    My camping trip? Well, it was certainly a once in a lifetime experience, I hope. Twenty relatives attended (not a record but a fair number). Against all forecasts, the weather went from 70+ degrees to thunderstorms to sleet to snow in what seemed like a few hours (actually I think it was 12 hours). After shoveling the snow and scraping the ice off of equipment to break camp, what was left of the weekend was enjoyed at the motel and my niece's house. Good times!

    I've got to get things around for work in the morning and get to bed. We just got home less than an hour ago. Good night!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    When I first got my Wii Fit, I had already been warned that the Mii would blow up like a balloon if you were obese. So when it happened, I laughed and laughed! It was fun to get it to go back down over time as I lost weight, too.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm back tracking calories and exercising today after not doing either for 10 days. From this point forward I will be reading the posts, but I don't think I can go back and read everything since we left for Vail.

    The surgery went well and now comes the rehab. DD is doing OK, but all this has been hard on her.

    To everyone new - Hi
    To everyone not new - I hope this post finds you doing well and successful in your goals. If you are struggling with anything my thoughts go out to you.

  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    Hello all,

    I hope you guys are doing better than I am. I just can't seem to make myself exercise lately. I haven't gained, but I want to lose, not just stay the same. I keep thinking it is the time of day I choose, but I think I am just unmotivated. :sad:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    So far this has been a slow day for me. I've made good choices so far and hope to the rest of the day.

    Jeanie: Glad you are back and that your daughter is doing better.

    Magdoth: I sent you a message, let me know what you think.

    Well off to exercise for 30 minutes. Wish I knew the calories I use bathing Granny.


  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    Thanks mamacindy81, I accept the challenge.

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Well, I actually read the threads...back to Friday. A lot of new women: welcome to all.:flowerforyou:

    I have to get back to logging in my foods. I have been slacking and now have gained seven pounds.:sad: The trainer at the YMCA is helping me get back of track. She has told me to do more cardio. Three hours a week is not enough. I sure wish the weather would cooperate so that I can ride my bike.
  • Suzanita
    Suzanita Posts: 51 Member
    I'm glad I read through quite a few posts...sounds like others have a hard time on the weekends. I'd been doing so well until I went to San Francisco on Saturday and spent the day and how can you not eat in that beautiul city? Then I had book club last nite which we should actually call "eating club" because there are always delicious cheeses and desserts and of course wine which gets everyone talking and eating more but not always about the book ha! Its fun to be with good friends though and if too much eating occurs oh well.....I'll do better next time! I found if I just keep coming back to this site though I can get back on track again and that is something I really was'nt able to do before! If I blew it over a weekend or anytime that was it until I could'nt stand not feeling healthy again...not anymore! Have a good week everyone!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Just finished my 30 minute exercise which turned into 46 minutes with 250 calories burned:happy:

    Now I'd better get lunch fixed if Eric wants to eat before he goes to work!

    Check back later

  • smelliott
    smelliott Posts: 120
    Hi everyone,

    Back now from my week in the Lakes, Had a great time but ate and drank far too much. Not been weighed yet. Did do some mountain walks though so hoping it's not too bad, back on track today. Will catch up with posts later.
  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    Auntiebk: Thanks for the birthday greetings! Had a nice dinner out and was careful about what I ate. Sixty doesn't feel a whole different than last week when I was still in my 50's :bigsmile:

    Well, today, I decided to visit (for a free information/consulation) a weight management clinic in DC. Very nice people but the price tag is steep. DH says to go for it if I want to try it, but I find it hard to spend over $2,000 for this four month program. They do have a quick start program that is a month long and only :laugh: $600.00. For now I am going to keep plugging along and up my exercise time. I really think that may help. We shall see.

    All of you keep me inspired and I know I am going to find the key eventually!!!
  • miswen
    miswen Posts: 113 Member
    Hi, I am fairly new to this site and just found this thread. It is nice to talk to and read about people from my age group. i think we have our own problems dropping some of those extra pounds as we get older- at least I do.
    I live with a supportive husband and 2 fairly supportive sons- one is nearly 16 and the other will be 20 tomorrow. They don't always get it because all of then are fairly thin. I have found this to be a very, very motivational site to go to and have turned a couple of my friends onto it.

    My goal for March is to compete the 30 day challenge on wii active, complete the biggest loser on wii each week and now that it is warmer and not as wet outside try to get a have hour walk in each evening. :flowerforyou:
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi again,

    Spaniel: Why don't you set that $600 aside and use it for new clothes? Stay on this site, log your calories, come here and whine if you need to or get encouragement from the group. I promise we will help you.

    Miswen; Glad to have you join us. Looks like you have some good goals.

    smelliot: I must confess that I didn't weigh this morning because I didn't have a good week last week. I'm just going to put it off for a week. Still logging calories and exercise though. My clothes aren't too tight so that's a good sign. In fact there is a skirt that I want to go and try on. One of my favorites that I didn't wear last summer. I'm hoping it will fit.

  • helixdesigner
    Still stuggling to lose my weight. Been going to WW but I feel counting calories is the best . Do you have any recipes to share?
    My goal is to have lost 20 pounds by July.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Still stuggling to lose my weight. Been going to WW but I feel counting calories is the best . Do you have any recipes to share?
    My goal is to have lost 20 pounds by July.
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome, Sunshine. I don't have recipes because of the very simple way that I eat, but lots of women on this thread cook for families and have some great ideas. I love this thread because of the honesty and encouragement. I read the posts every day and learn a lot about how other women stay on the weight loss path even with great challenges in their lives.

    I take it one day at a time and have taken baby steps to learn new habits, attitudes, and behaviors. I try to keep my eye on the goal and not trade what I want the MOST for what I want at the MOMENT. Staying focused for over a year has allowed me to get rid of my old jumbo clothes and buy new slim sexy stuff.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hi Sunshine:

    I made a tomato cucumber salad for lunch today.

    I used 2 small vine ripe tomatoes, 1 small cuke, about 1 oz of feta cheese and fresh basil julienned (about 5 leaves). Toss together with 2 tbs of Ken's Light Ceasar salad dressing. Tastes like summer! This was a side dish that served 3 people.

    You can get a lot of recipes off the WW web site.

    I think the main thing isn't what people eat so much as they are eating too much because they don't take the time to weigh or measure out correct portion sizes. So here as much as on weight watchers weigh and measure your food.

    The other thing that is a problem for me is stress or boredom eating.

    I hope everyone else is having a good day.
