

  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, thanks for the advice about vitamin C. I have also heard that vinegar is good for the joints.

    :flowerforyou: Terri, I have heard from a man in another thread that having wine every day is a good thing. He always has a glass. We just have to know when to stop pouring the bottle.:wink:

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, I so wish that I had the room to plant some vegetables. I grew up on home grown veggies and I really miss them. They do taste so much better than what we get in the store.

    For those who are planning on walking instead of having lunch...remember that a little nourishment is needed also.

    I burned 407 calories in Zumba tonight. I really need to be upping my cardio but it is so hard to find the time with taking care of the family.
  • Suzanita
    Suzanita Posts: 51 Member
    I'm not exactly sure what my knee problem is but I believe it is arthritis...which is why I get occasional flare ups....I wore a light knee brace today while walking and it seemed to help!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Between yesterday's workout and today's, my legs are TOAST!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I have upped the intensity (not the time or distance) on my swimming for the past two days, and I AM TIRED! However, I know that this too shall pass, and I will be able to do that much more. A year ago, although I swam a fair amount, I could not do more than one lap of the crawl stroke, and it had me panting and wondering if I could make it. As of this week, I am swimming 1/3 of a mile several times a week, and 80% of it is the crawl stroke! I am hoping to make it 100% within another month or so. So, Madgoth, hang in there. If you just keep pushing yourself a little bit, I think that your breathing will improve. I was also a very large woman with asthma. Now I am a fairly large woman with a little less asthma! :laugh:
    Hope all are doing well, and here's to smart choices!
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: My healthy eating habits, while they are getting more habitual, are sometimes getting old. It would be easy to go back to my old habits, but I really don't want to. I do want to lose weight. I am losing slowly and steadily and I'm feeling better all the time. I have to remember that these are new habits and a new way of looking at food instead of just a means to an end. I need patience and I need it right now...as the adage goes. Anyway, my two sons and I are in a tournament 0n the Wii, so I'll go for now...:flowerforyou:
    DUMB QUESTION.........does crystal light count as water drank?
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Woo Hoo!! Six pounds to go for my massage!! Happy Wednesday morning everyone. Hang in there and make good choices!!
    :heart: Terri :heart:
  • spaniel
    spaniel Posts: 468
    Hi Ladies,

    Did anyone see the latest article on Yahoo from JAMA (medical publication) about women our age needing to exercise at least an hour a day just to maintain? I included the link - hope it goes through. When you look at what MFP tells us we need to burn a week in calories, they are right on target. MFP is one great site:wink::smile:

    Here's the link: http://health.yahoo.com/featured/91/exercise-can-help-prevent-weight-gain-but-it-won-t-be-easy

    Have a wonderful day. It's time to get back to the spring cleaning :sad:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    DUMB QUESTION.........does crystal light count as water drank?

    Not a dumb question...I would like the answer also. There are 10 calories in each pack.

    :flowerforyou: doobiedoo I understand how you feel. I will begin to feel sorry for myself that I can't eat like I did before.:cry:

    I have been doing well---not cheating in any major ways and when I do slip up it is with something healthy, just extra calories that I don't need. My husband came home this morning with steaks for us. I am beginning to think he is trying to fatten me up.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    All fluid counts. Even soup!

    Some people say caffeinated beverages don't count because caffeine is a diuretic. Except it turns out that it isn't, after all. So I count the caffeinated beverages -- not that I drink that many.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Zusanita: Re knees. I have had problems off and on with knees, especially when I used to play a lot of tennis. I am a huge believer in stretching and yoga-type exercises that stretch and strengthen your muscles that support things like your knees. The one little EASY exercise that I do when my knees act up is: sit on flat surface like the floor, with one leg at a time, tighten your entire leg, flexing your foot towards you and hold it for several seconds, repeating 10 - 15 times for each leg about 3 times a day. This particularly tightens the knee area when done properly, and it always helps me. I also now practice Yoga almost every day at home and once a week more extensively at a Yoga class. A good Yoga teacher can help cure lots of sore spots, I have found! Good luck! And good for you for walking!

    Madgoth: Way to go with your walking. As Barbie said, moving is losing. I cannot ever lose weight for long by food deprivation alone. And I agree that ANY moving is good for you. I think it is a cycle: If I move around I feel better and I want to eat better. Eating better also makes me want to move more as I have more energy...Hope that you are feeling better and better too!!! We all got where we are a bit at the time and it is difficult to be as patient with taking it off, isn't it? Hang in there!!!

    I am aching from a stupid fall I took yesterday afternoon trying to chase(on skis) our youngest son, age 26, down a part of a mountain that I do not know, in fog! I am feeling stupid, stupid. My husband had smartly decided to have a cup of coffee and call it a day, but I really was having fun AND wanted to spend more time with son, SOOOO....I am paying the price now. Have stretched all morning, booked a massage and will take it easy. The sun is shining and husband and son are out skiing. We only have 2 more days here so I am a bit sad. (back to the "real" world):glasses: I was feeling SO good!!! Oh well. Will try to make some good choices today so that I can get that ticker to move again. We have eaten out the past several days and even though I think I have made decent choices, they are not the same as ones made at home, I think.

    Hope everyone has a good day! All best, Kackie
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Suzanita – I’m glad the braces helped. Arthritis is hard to deal with and I have no knowledge of any home helps for it.

    Mary – Good luck with your new swimming goal. It is probably the best form of exercise in the long run for everyone our age.

    Doobiedoo – nice new picture. Who won the Wii tournament?

    Terri – You can do it! The massage will be worth it.

    Spaniel – Yes, I read the article and to be honest – it depressed me. Lol I’m having a hard enough time fitting in 30 minutes a day.

    Kackie – I’m glad to hear there is another skier in the group. I hope you get over your fall and I understand what made you chase your son down the hill.

    I am glad to be home and glad to annouce that I weigh the same I did before the Vail trip. Today I managed to get on the stationary bike for 20 minutes while DD's hip was being iced. It's looking like I will be her primary physical therapist as our health plan denied the authorization for her rehabilitation yesterday. Of course, I am fighting it, but in the mean time it's me doing the hour long routines twice a day.

    We have to start pool therapy tomorrow and the rehab place in Vail expained it to me over the phone. We will go to the city pool and do it ourselves. That is twice a week for 8 weeks and she can't get off of crutches until she can walk in water. So we will do the best we can.

    Happy hump day!

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Oh the new picture is DD and I in Trinidad Colorado in front of the most beautiful Catholic Church. It's pretty old and the stone work and stained glass windows were just beautiful. We saw the steeple from the highway and was drawn to it. It was open so we went in to say a quick prayer for a safe journey and successful surgery. Before we left a lady came over and told us the history of the church. Another lady outside the church offered to take the picture overhearing how taken we were with the church itself.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    DUMB QUESTION.........does crystal light count as water drank?

    Not a dumb question and yes, it counts just like MacMadame says. Over time I have given up things with artificial sweetener and all caffeine, but for starters, just getting the liquid down your throat is a fabulous goal... Someone on this thread taught me to keep a piece of paper and a pencil where I can see them and put a tally mark for every 8 ounce liquid serving so I can be sure I'm getting enough. When I started doing that, some days I had to drink three cups of water before bed so I'd have enough for the day :drinker: :drinker: :laugh: :laugh: Take it one day at a time and take baby steps.......all the pieces come together a little bit at a time.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I love the new picture.......will you be getting any exercise while you help DD with her physical therapy....no matter what you do with her you'll be burning calories and maybe using some unfamiliar muscles. What good news that you didn't gain any weight while you were in Vail.

    I roasted a turkey yesterday to serve to friends (the ones that always invite us to dinner). I made stuffing, gravy, and green beans, and they brought a salad. I sent them home with all the stuffing and gravy and half of the leftover turkey. Today I am making soup with the turkey carcass and vegetables and will freeze most of the soup for later. I ate carefully all day and measured my portions and skipped my bedtime snack and stayed under my calories for the day.

    DH is on the golf course today for the first time in many months and I am so happy for him (and happy for me to have the house to myself for a few hours.
    I hate when he's gone overnight, but love to be alone for a few hours during the day.)
    :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    I didn't know that the Mii on the Wii would blow up! That's hilarious, but what an incentive, watching it get thinner and thinner.

    Becky - how much cardio does your trainer want you to do? Three hours/week is not enough? That surprises me, so I wonder what he/she wants

    I'm seriously considering that when I get a new heartrate monitor, I really want one that tells me how many calories I burned that day.

    Did an hour of spinning today (Mon). See, I'm not a real self-motivator, but they really don't push you down here. I have found that I'm not pushing myself as hard as I used to, so I really need to work on that

    Welcome miswen, know you'll enjoy it. I, too, am hoping that I can get in a walk after dinner.

    Cindy - I do hope that skirt fits you! I totally agree with you about how I wish I wish TOM wouldn't keep showing up, but unfortunately he does. Sometimes it's so light that I barely even know he's there. Then there are those months when I can really feel my lower stomach. The ONLY good part is that I will have no desire whatsoever to eat. Then, of course, I have no desire to get up from the bed, either.....lol

    Sunshine (love that name) - of all the diets there are out there, I think WW is is best, they at least emphasize fruits and veges. The one thing that I have a bit of a problem with, tho, is the fact that they only count calories, fat, and fiber to figure out the points. In Michael Pollen's book "The Onmivores Diet" he points out that when a manufacturer takes out the fat (and therefore flavor), they replace it with added sugars and/or sodium, neither of which WW takes into consideration. But their points/diet to me is still one of the best.

    Cindy - you're so right that you have to weigh and measure your food. I know that I'm guilty of not weighing. I do measure, just don't weigh. That's one of my problems. Like you, the others are stress and boredom eating, primarily boredom. I'm in a way hoping that if I get into the habit of doing at least 15 minutes of yoga/day, when I'm bored I can at least do that. Now with the nicer weather, hopefully, I can go for a walk, too.

    spaniel - I, too, agree. Save your money, spend it on a new wardrobe but log your food here. It's more fun, anyways. Plus, you'll get some real good tips about equipment, DVD's, recipes, etc.

    You know, Barb, I was secretary of a nonprofit for about 3 years and never once did I do fundraising. I did support them by buying tickets, etc. But I didn't (it's just not me, that's not something I'm good at) go out and solicit donations, etc. Now if at the Y branch near me has a bake sale, I would have no problem at all baking something to take there. I even wouldn't have a problem making something that they can raffle off. But beg for money? That just isn't me at all.

    Did an hour of pilates today and then 30 minutes of toning (Tues). Then went to the local Wally World to buy some pure glycerine. That stuff is really good at getting your skin soft. I remember when we lived in the Poconos, one winter it was exceptionally cold. The skin around my thumb was literally bleeding. I tried everyting in the book to get the skin softer, but nothing worked. Then I remembered that my grandmother used to put glycerine on her hands every night and she had real soft hands, so I figured "why not, can't do any worse than it is right now". After the first night, I could tell a difference! Since then, whenever my skin gets dry, I put glycerine on it. Then I stopped at the Y near me and suggested that perhaps they might want to have a basket with coupons in it that others can take. Like I use cat litter coupons, but I don't use dog food coupons. Don't know if they'll do this, but I just thought it might be nice for the members.

    Yes, biking IS easier on your knees. So are the use of the elliptical and swimming since there's no impact on the joints.

    Jeannie - what does the doctor say about recumbant bikes??

    Did an hour of the deep water today (Wed). When I was at the last Board meeting at the Y, their executive director said that he recommended the fitness director there (the one I don't think much of) to go over to the branch that I like. I wasn't sure exactly what was happening with the gal who is the fitness director there now. So today she took my measurements and my body fat. I asked her, She told me that she's going to be working in the senior center (I haven't seen it yet so not sure what exactly she'll be doing) and some personal training. Unfortunately, he won't be under her, he'll be in charge of the fitness center. S***. He screwed up one branch, now I bet any amount of money that he'll screw up this branch. The good news is that he's not involved at the branch near me. Still don't know why they're dragging their heels hiring a p/t fitness director. But at least this guy won't be involved there, that's definitely good news.

    I'm thinking that tomorrow I'm going to do a Burn & Firm DVD at home and then a friend and I are going to check out the Whole Foods. Unfortunately, the closest one is about an hour away from here, and I really can't buy very many perishables since we'll be going away, not sure for how long. But that'll give me a good excuse to go back there!

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Well, this is certainly later than I usually post and I'll still have to make it quick since Granny is again waiting to be fed. Not that I really think she even care's at this point. Who knows.

    I tried on that skirt and yes it does fit but would be more comfortable if I was a little bit teenier in the waist. But I can wear it!

    So far not a good exercise day for me and I really need to get going if I am going to make my 40 miles for the month. I'm pretty sure I'll make it.

    The day is quickly getting away from me. I hope you are all doing well.

  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    I was good but I did eat my exercise calories. Drank tons of water.

    Got to go sing now.

    you guys have a good evening.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Getting back to the Crystal light question. I was in a weight lose group a few years ago and they said that nothing can count as water except water. If we had something like Crystal light or tea it was not to be added in our water count. Does this make sense? Also about wine, beer and whatever...I will not drink any of those until after I have at least 8 glasses of water. A lot of time after drinking all that water I don't want an alcoholic beverage.
  • anotheryrolder
    Thanks for the glycerine tip Michelle! I'll be getting some tomorrow.:happy: I know exactly what you mean about bleeding fingers. I get them in the winter even here in north Florida.:noway: I'm not sure this old body would make it in the frozen north anymore. It's too dry in the winter!

    I didn't get to exercise today as I had to run errands and get rid of my "ring around the head" gray roots. My hair grows so darn fast I have an inch of roots in 5 weeks and today my hairdresser told me hair grows faster in the summer. That's NOT good news to me.

    I really miss it when I can't get in some exercise. I have been averaging 4 miles a session and usually make it to the gym 4 or 5 days a week. I think I have finally gotten rid of another pound but won't record it until the scales at the gym confirm it a couple days in a row. At this rate it will be a long time before I get to where I want to be, but it will happen.

    This way is slow but much better that some of the crazy stuff I've done to lose weight in the past. As we all know and have said many times, this way is doable long term, as in forever!

    (Edited to add my name)

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Decided to get on the "Skinny Wednesday" wagon. DH and I are going away for a couple of days as a treat. This to make up for the time we were supposed to have done that in February for his 60th birthday and I got dreadfully sick. In any event, I'd like to think that I won't be doing too bad in the diet department, but thought I'd be a little ahead of the game. :bigsmile:

    We hope to play some golf and get in a lot of walking, along the beach and in the cute little town.

    Any advice on running shoes for running? :bigsmile: My old shoes are black Reeboks, that wore out way too soon in my opinion and I was not too crazy about them actually. Years ago I had Ryka's and I totally loved them.

    Rebel :heart: :heart: :heart: