Obesity and Welfare



  • SECOLE22
    As an American I am for assistance programs for the needy, do they need a serious overall to improve effectiveness and reduce waste? Yes. Do people abuse the system? Yes, but there will always be abusers, and (maybe naively) like to think that those who really need the assistance outweigh those abusing it....
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    We need a Punch A Poor Person Day.

    Weekly. Those *kitten*!!!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I personally believe the government shouldn't be involved in food stamps, but since we are, sweets and "junk food" should not be allowed for purchase. I would propose only items that represent a substantial nutrient intake in the food chart (lean meats, whole grains {Exception if person has allergies}, milk, yogurt, cheese, fruits, veggies, beans, etc.)

    This is how WIC works for the most part.
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    As an American I am for assistance programs for the needy, do they need a serious overall to improve effectiveness and reduce waste? Yes. Do people abuse the system? Yes, but there will always be abusers, and (maybe naively) like to think that those who really need the assistance outweigh those abusing it....

    I dont agree with the abuse, but I also agree with this. It's a double edged sword
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    We need a Punch A Poor Person Day.

    Weekly. Those *kitten*!!!

    I do this!! I totally do this. I also kick canes out of old people's hands. Much fun!
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    WIC is an effective program. i do like the fact that they have added fruits on it.
  • beernpizza
    beernpizza Posts: 431 Member
    We need a Punch A Poor Person Day.

    Weekly. Those *kitten*!!!

    I do this!! I totally do this. I also kick canes out of old people's hands. Much fun!

    Finally, we have some people talking sense in here!
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    Here's my uncensored response: Cut everything! If I have to pay out of pocket for things, they should have to pay that way too. I don't want my tax dollars going to anyone that is either lazy as all hell or has made a series of horrible decisions to land them in their current state. Plus without money for food, they'll go into the dreaded "starvation mode" and become thin or die within no time! Either way, the tax payers win.

    That being said... Do I know people on food stamps? Yes, and almost all of them abuse it. Do I know people that abuse their government/state issued healthcare? You betchya! If these people had to pay for everything the way I do, they'd spend smarter. They would make a budget. They would cut unnecessary things. You don't need junk food or soda or unlimited data on your phone. You don't need cable and internet. You don't need manicures and pedicures or the latest Coach purse.

    Since none of you will agree with me on starving out the people... Can you at least agree with this? People on government assistance should have to prove that they're making smart choices with the money if they qualify for it, no drugs, new tattoos, fancy new clothes, and have to be applying for jobs or working.

    After I have paid for my food, insurance, gas, etc, I have enough left over each month to TREAT myself to having a phone, cable, internet, and going out to eat once a month. Why can't other people do the same?

    And yes, go ahead and call me names and negate my opinion. I will change my stance for no one.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Regardless, 93% of welfare fraud is committed by the vendors, NOT the recipients.

    It really is a waste of time and money to drug test the recipients. If you are worried about your tax dollars, start looking to investigate the vendors.

    BOOM That is what I am saying

    Exactly! Anyone who is in favor of drug testing welfare recipients is NOT in favor of fiscal responsibility.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Nay for obesity and welfare but YAY for mandatory drug tests.. I have to take em every time I had to get a job or even during a job for my checks and so should they!! :grumble:
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    We need a Punch A Poor Person Day.

    Weekly. Those *kitten*!!!

    I do this!! I totally do this. I also kick canes out of old people's hands. Much fun!

    Finally a gal I can relate to!! If I'm going to be a jerk, I'm going full jerk. Screw Vader, go Palpatine!
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Here's my uncensored response: Cut everything! If I have to pay out of pocket for things, they should have to pay that way too. I don't want my tax dollars going to anyone that is either lazy as all hell or has made a series of horrible decisions to land them in their current state. Plus without money for food, they'll go into the dreaded "starvation mode" and become thin or die within no time! Either way, the tax payers win.

    That being said... Do I know people on food stamps? Yes, and almost all of them abuse it. Do I know people that abuse their government/state issued healthcare? You betchya! If these people had to pay for everything the way I do, they'd spend smarter. They would make a budget. They would cut unnecessary things. You don't need junk food or soda or unlimited data on your phone. You don't need cable and internet. You don't need manicures and pedicures or the latest Coach purse.

    Since none of you will agree with me on starving out the people... Can you at least agree with this? People on government assistance should have to prove that they're making smart choices with the money if they qualify for it, no drugs, new tattoos, fancy new clothes, and have to be applying for jobs or working.

    After I have paid for my food, insurance, gas, etc, I have enough left over each month to TREAT myself to having a phone, cable, internet, and going out to eat once a month. Why can't other people do the same?

    And yes, go ahead and call me names and negate my opinion. I will change my stance for no one.

    What about families like my own who legit need the help temporarily because of something beyond our control happening turning our lives upside down? We shouldn't be able to get food because of something like that either, right?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Nay for obesity and welfare but YAY for mandatory drug tests.. I have to take em every time I had to get a job or even during a job for my check why don't they?

    Why do you want to waste tax money?
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I must admit I do find it frustrating when someone's cart is full of "luxury foods" (sodas, chips, cookies...) and they are paying with EBT.
  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    As long as you can purchase alcohol, cigarettes and guns, it would be really strange to put a ban on like sugar wouldn't it?

    I like this quote..lol

    Also, I may add.. I don't think people should be able to purchase juicy thick steaks, shrimp and/or lobster tails with foodstamps.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Nay for obesity and welfare but YAY for mandatory drug tests.. I have to take em every time I had to get a job or even during a job for my check why don't they?

    Why do you want to waste tax money?

    Gotta stick OT to the moochers, duh!!

    At all costs.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    If welfare and food stamps are going to stay around, here's my thoughts:

    As a taxpayer, I really hate taking the double hit for your lifestyle, no matter what circumstances landed you there. I have to pay to feed you, and then I have to pay AGAIN for your medical care when you're in the hospital because you're obese. Even India specifies what food people can get with ration coupons; it's absurd that America doesn't. That's the first thing that needs to change. Also, I applaud London for trying to implement such a controversial program; I'd be all for a system (like the one my insurance company is slowly changing to) where if you smoke or you're morbidly obese, you have to be actively enrolled in a program to better your health so everyone subsidizing your medical care takes less of a hit. If there's no significant improvement in a given period of time (a year?), you lose your benefits.

    I don't care how you spend your own money. I do care how you spend mine. Take care of yourself.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    As long as you can purchase alcohol, cigarettes and guns, it would be really strange to put a ban on like sugar wouldn't it?

    I like this quote..lol

    Also, I may add.. I don't think people should be able to purchase juicy thick steaks, shrimp and/or lobster tails with foodstamps.

    We should also take away their toilet paper.
  • 3RachaelFaith3
    3RachaelFaith3 Posts: 283 Member
    As long as you can purchase alcohol, cigarettes and guns, it would be really strange to put a ban on like sugar wouldn't it?

    I like this quote..lol

    Also, I may add.. I don't think people should be able to purchase juicy thick steaks, shrimp and/or lobster tails with foodstamps.

    We should also take away their toilet paper.

    AND oxygen, those darn poor people, breathing up all us taxpayer's air...
  • princessd84
    princessd84 Posts: 121 Member

    It's no coincidence that obesity is more common in the lower end of the socioeconomic scale. That's because unhealthy food is the cheap option. If a mother or father, having to feed the family, is faced between a choice of a bag of apples or a bag of economy sausages for £1.50, of course they're going to choose the sausages as they can be used to make a meal. People on welfare benefits are more likely to shop in Iceland than Waitrose - a bag of rocket doesn't feature on the shopping list when you can get 12 potato waffles for £1.

    Furthermore, the cost of going to the gym or exercise classes isn't cheap for somebody who struggles to make ends meet, even in council run facilities.

    Instead, the government should focus on education for families about how they can cook healthy meals on a budget and encourage large corporations (which, yes, they do have power over, believe it or not), to provide healthy ingredients at an affordable price. But that's less likely to happen as they're making a lot of tax on junk and they're also scared to upset the fat cat corporations.
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