What has giving up fast food done for you?



  • scyian
    scyian Posts: 243 Member
    I think I've been fast food free for the last 5 years. I like real food and I love to cook it from scratch.
  • SDHudgins1976
    I doubt I will ever cut it out. That being said. I don't eat fast food regularly. I am a band director and Friday nights during football season can be hectic, without much time to grab anything else. I have however decided to take the extra time to hit up Subway over Taco Bell. (Mc Donald's is out of the way as is Wendy's) My job demands time away from home, and sometimes that means hitting up fast food places... but most of them are offering healthier choices. (Oh and I just like pizza sometimes so I'm gonna keep getting that too every once in a while!)
    Realistically... Alot of them have salads, or fruit and grilled options on their menus now.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,087 Member
    Well, this thread got really non-elite in a hurry.

    I have about a dozen pages to read if I'm going to get completely caught up. In case I don't make it through all of them, could someone who has been here for the duration post a quick synopsis of this thread? Or at least a snapshot of where we currently are, what open questions remain, etc.?

    As the kids say, kthxbai.

    OP: What has giving up fast food done for you
    Some people: Made me feel better, controlled binges, etc
    Some other people: I didn't give up fast food I eat it as part of a healthy diet
    Poster A: To be elite you have to cut out fast food.
    Some poeple (including me): thats not true plenty of elite athletes eat fast food, including dave tate and michael phelps.
    Poster A: Dave tate is uggo and Michael phelps exercises a lot, so they can eat fast food. Other people have to eat clean to be elite
    Me: Yeah, the exercise bit is why they're elite (exit thread for a while)
    Poster B, C,D,E: Science doesn't support that you have to eat totally clean, a meal here and there as part of a balanced diet is fine
    Poster A: But what if instead of the meal here and there wouldn't they be even healthier if they ate all clean?
    Posters B-E: No
    Poster A: But saturated fat is bad, some misquoted pieces of studies
    Posters B-E: no it isn't
    Poster A: You're gonna die young if you eat too much sodium
    Poster B: No.
    Then I lost track for a while.
    Some names were called.
    Some vegans got pissed.
    Now we're here.

    This is genius.

    The only thing I have gotten out of this thread is that I do not ever want to be "elite."

    I concur with The Luminous One, this is pure genius. There should be a way to insert this directly after the original post so people can know what to expect if they continue.

    Bean, can you do this for season two of Revenge, because I've totally given up on try to figure out wtf is going on there.

    Emily is pissed, really pissed.
    Her mom came back from the dead and was unable to recognize that some random girl was pretending to be her own child, whilst the actual daughter was also there.
    That's about when it jumped the tracks of me being able suspend disbelief for entertainment and had to give up.

    Oh wait, Daniel is supposed to be a believable option as next in line to run a billion dollar company with a board of trustees.
    Someone pushed the pregnant chick off a second floor balcony but everyone came out ok.
    Nathan isn't gay anymore.
    Emily is a ninja, and has a ninja partner.
    Victoria is Hispanic. (not related to the plot but was a shocker when she won an ALMA award)
    And the British chick used to be a hooker.
    That's pretty much all I know. But the mom thing was the straw that overflowed the cup.

    I just couldn't let this go without an atta girl-epic post congrats.

    Also, I'm sad that the thread went back to the testosterone fight.

    so the treating people like **** part was fine - but the let's have a legitimate discussion part isn't. got it.

    I just think it's silly that you always have to have the last word. And by you, I mean all of us.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,087 Member
    Except me, and, Go!!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    good for you! honestly! that's fantastic.

    doesn't mean i have to follow the same rules. :)

    Thanks, I am just making a point weight loss is about calories. Of course I am not at your body fat level. There are guys who look better and worse than you do and don't follow your protocol.

    You have to understand someone coming from severe obesity. Completely cutting out foods from your diet will more than likely lead to failure. You have to make small changes over time. You can't do a 180 with your diet, won't last. This is a big reason why a lot of people fail, they try to do too much too soon.

    i actually completely agree with you on all of those points.

    weight loss IS all about calories, and doing a 180 IS incredibly hard. I'm a huge proponent of a 90/10 diet, where every day you can eat the kinds of foods you love, but in moderation. If your 3 main meals are healthy you can get rough around the edges with your snacks. It's about something people can maintain and feel good doing. the best diet is a diet you can stick to. you can get good results by eating bad food. my only initial point was that for the results to keep getting better and keep improving, and avoid plateau, you have to keep getting more meticulous about your diet. again - not a hard and fast rule if we're talking about athletes at the highest level who expend massive amounts of calories every day.
  • kittycatkay
    kittycatkay Posts: 54 Member
    made my skin nice, made me feel better about myself etc. :)
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I rarely eat fast food any longer, but I hope it will turn into never. I only do it when I am on the run, which is not often.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    good for you! honestly! that's fantastic.

    doesn't mean i have to follow the same rules. :)

    Thanks, I am just making a point weight loss is about calories. Of course I am not at your body fat level. There are guys who look better and worse than you do and don't follow your protocol.

    You have to understand someone coming from severe obesity. Completely cutting out foods from your diet will more than likely lead to failure. You have to make small changes over time. You can't do a 180 with your diet, won't last. This is a big reason why a lot of people fail, they try to do too much too soon.

    i actually completely agree with you on all of those points.

    weight loss IS all about calories, and doing a 180 IS incredibly hard. I'm a huge proponent of a 90/10 diet, where every day you can eat the kinds of foods you love, but in moderation. If your 3 main meals are healthy you can get rough around the edges with your snacks. It's about something people can maintain and feel good doing. the best diet is a diet you can stick to. you can get good results by eating bad food. my only initial point was that for the results to keep getting better and keep improving, and avoid plateau, you have to keep getting more meticulous about your diet. again - not a hard and fast rule if we're talking about athletes at the highest level who expend massive amounts of calories every day.

    Yes i agree if you're following a constant deficit the leaner you get the more you have to clean up your diet. There are also fasting methods that can get around that. Like fasting 24hrs 1 or 2x a week to maintain your weight. I know you don't agree with fasting methods, but they are there.

    A good method is fast 24hrs once a week. If you start to gain weight add a fasting day so you fast 2x a week. If you're losing more than you want decrease your fasting days.

    totally - i'm not a fan of fasting as you know, but if it works for some people, and fits their goals, then more power to them.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    I just couldn't let this go without an atta girl-epic post congrats.

    Also, I'm sad that the thread went back to the testosterone fight.

    I'm offended. Why is it a testosterone fight? Coach has his views, I have mine, we're laying them out intelligently and disagreeing. Coach is even references articles written by Harvard professors. Yeah, we are getting some cheap shots in, but that makes it interesting. I wouldn't want to read 19 pages of links to Ivy League studies without a bit of levity thrown in.

    If I called every disagreement between two women a cat fight, would that be cool?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    I just couldn't let this go without an atta girl-epic post congrats.

    Also, I'm sad that the thread went back to the testosterone fight.

    I'm offended. Why is it a testosterone fight? Coach has his views, I have mine, we're laying them out intelligently and disagreeing. Coach is even references articles written by Harvard professors. Yeah, we are getting some cheap shots in, but that makes it interesting. I wouldn't want to read 19 pages of links to Ivy League studies without a bit of levity thrown in.

    If I called every disagreement between two women a cat fight, would that be cool?

    I'd laugh..but that's just me. I'm weird. :tongue: :laugh:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,087 Member

    I just couldn't let this go without an atta girl-epic post congrats.

    Also, I'm sad that the thread went back to the testosterone fight.

    I'm offended. Why is it a testosterone fight? Coach has his views, I have mine, we're laying them out intelligently and disagreeing. Coach is even references articles written by Harvard professors. Yeah, we are getting some cheap shots in, but that makes it interesting. I wouldn't want to read 19 pages of links to Ivy League studies without a bit of levity thrown in.

    If I called every disagreement between two women a cat fight, would that be cool?

    Well, I'm not so easily offended. So, yes, call it a cat fight for all I care.

    I was liking where it was going with MoreBean doing synopses of stuff. This "eat my way" argument will continue in numerous future threads, so I'm not worried about any unturned stones.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    I just couldn't let this go without an atta girl-epic post congrats.

    Also, I'm sad that the thread went back to the testosterone fight.

    I'm offended. Why is it a testosterone fight? Coach has his views, I have mine, we're laying them out intelligently and disagreeing. Coach is even references articles written by Harvard professors. Yeah, we are getting some cheap shots in, but that makes it interesting. I wouldn't want to read 19 pages of links to Ivy League studies without a bit of levity thrown in.

    If I called every disagreement between two women a cat fight, would that be cool?

    Well, I'm not so easily offended. So, yes, call it a cat fight for all I care.

    I was liking where it was going with MoreBean doing synopses of stuff. This "eat my way" argument will continue in numerous future threads, so I'm not worried about any unturned stones.

    Do you agree with her take on the show? If I just delete the last 5 episodes and give up I'm not missing anything, am i?
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    I can't give up Fast Food - I never eat it.

    (Check my diary it you do not believe life is possible without)
  • aross001
    aross001 Posts: 237

    Would you eat something with the following ingredients?

    Water, glucose, fructose, galactose, phenolic glycosides, 6-deoxyaldohexoses (fuctose and rhamnose), saccharose, galacturonans, (1-4) linked D-galactopiranuronic acid, pectin, pectinic acids, polygalacturonic acids, pectinestarase, Citric Acid, L-Malic Acid, D-Isocitric Acid, Oxalic Acid, Succinic Acid, Malonic Acid, Quinic Acid, Tartaric Acid, Adipic Acid, 2-ketogluratic Acid, praline, asparagines, aspartic acid, serine, glutamic acid and arginine. oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases and lyases, isomerases and ligases, glucosilglucerides, Carotenoids, tetraterpenes, limonin, aslimonoic acid A-ring lactone, neohesperidosides, flavones (3-hydroxyflavanones, 3-dydroxyflavones, O-glycosyl, aglycones C-glycosylflavones, Anthocyanins, (hesperidin, naringin, poncirin, neoheriocitrin, neohesperidin, rhoifolin, rutin, diosmin, sinensetin, auranetin, tangeritin, hydroxyethylrutinosideres, nobiletin cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidina-3.5-diglucoside, peonidin-5-glucoside, delphinidin-3-glucoside, petunidin-3-glucoside, Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Pholacine, Vitamin B6, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Biotin, Pantotenic acid, Vitamin A.

    Any guess what this is?

    An Orange.

  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    then what's the point of posting your picture?

    what's the title of the thread?

    that's what giving up fast food, along with exercise, did for me.
    I'm aware of the title of the thread.

    You didn't mention that anywhere in your post... the picture there along with the content of your post conveys another message entirely, you should explain the reasoning behind posting that picture to avoid any further confusion.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,087 Member

    I just couldn't let this go without an atta girl-epic post congrats.

    Also, I'm sad that the thread went back to the testosterone fight.

    I'm offended. Why is it a testosterone fight? Coach has his views, I have mine, we're laying them out intelligently and disagreeing. Coach is even references articles written by Harvard professors. Yeah, we are getting some cheap shots in, but that makes it interesting. I wouldn't want to read 19 pages of links to Ivy League studies without a bit of levity thrown in.

    If I called every disagreement between two women a cat fight, would that be cool?

    Well, I'm not so easily offended. So, yes, call it a cat fight for all I care.

    I was liking where it was going with MoreBean doing synopses of stuff. This "eat my way" argument will continue in numerous future threads, so I'm not worried about any unturned stones.

    Do you agree with her take on the show? If I just delete the last 5 episodes and give up I'm not missing anything, am i?

    I don't even watch the show. But the fact that MoreBean mixes metaphors tickles me every which way. I like to do that too.

    And, really, I'm more interested in hastening the thread roll than anything at this point...

    ....and just to add...at one point the boyz were wanting to compare lifting stats and "whip it out"....I could whip out "them" but not "it." Hence the hormone reference. :tongue:
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    then what's the point of posting your picture?

    what's the title of the thread?

    that's what giving up fast food, along with exercise, did for me.
    I'm aware of the title of the thread.

    You didn't mention that anywhere in your post... the picture there along with the content of your post conveys another message entirely, you should explain the reasoning behind posting that picture to avoid any further confusion.

    read the thread, slick. i did. have a good one. :)
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    I just couldn't let this go without an atta girl-epic post congrats.

    Also, I'm sad that the thread went back to the testosterone fight.

    I'm offended. Why is it a testosterone fight? Coach has his views, I have mine, we're laying them out intelligently and disagreeing. Coach is even references articles written by Harvard professors. Yeah, we are getting some cheap shots in, but that makes it interesting. I wouldn't want to read 19 pages of links to Ivy League studies without a bit of levity thrown in.

    If I called every disagreement between two women a cat fight, would that be cool?

    Well, I'm not so easily offended. So, yes, call it a cat fight for all I care.

    I was liking where it was going with MoreBean doing synopses of stuff. This "eat my way" argument will continue in numerous future threads, so I'm not worried about any unturned stones.

    Do you agree with her take on the show? If I just delete the last 5 episodes and give up I'm not missing anything, am i?

    I don't even watch the show. But the fact that MoreBean mixes metaphors tickles me every which way. I like to do that too.

    And, really, I'm more interested in hastening the thread roll than anything at this point...

    ....and just to add...at one point the boyz were wanting to compare lifting stats and "whip it out"....I could whip out "them" but not "it." Hence the hormone reference. :tongue:
    'twas a joke. lol
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    made me lose 15 pounds.......
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    then what's the point of posting your picture?

    what's the title of the thread?

    that's what giving up fast food, along with exercise, did for me.
    I'm aware of the title of the thread.

    You didn't mention that anywhere in your post... the picture there along with the content of your post conveys another message entirely, you should explain the reasoning behind posting that picture to avoid any further confusion.

    read the thread, slick. i did. have a good one. :)
    Did I do something to warrant this passive-aggressive tone of yours or are you just like this to everyone?